K. Parthasarathy
Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangalore, India
P. Sreenivasa Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Eng., Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
Dominic Damien
Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangalore, India
Keyword search, Answer graph, RDF.
Keyword search is an easy way to allow inexperienced users to query an information system. It does not need
knowledge of specific query language or underlying schema. Recently answering keyword queries on graph
structured data has emerged as an important research topic. Many efforts focus on queries on RDF(Resource
Description Framework) graphs as RDF has emerged as a viable data model for representing/integrating semi-
structured, distributed and interconnected data. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for constructing
answer graphs using pruned exploration strategy. We form component structures comprising closely related
class and relationship nodes for the keywords and join the identified component structures using appropriate
hook nodes. The Class/SubClass relationships available in RDF schema are also utilized for the answer graph
construction. The paper illustrates the working of the algorithm using AIFB institute data.
Query processing over graph based data has attracted
considerable attention recently as increasing amount
of data which is available in web, XML and DBMS
can be modeled in the form of a graph. RDF being
a framework for web resource description appears to
have a greater momentum on the web and an increas-
ing collection of repositories of data are modeled us-
ing RDF framework. Notable examples are biological
and chemical databases, Web-scattered data, health-
care, Personal Information Systems(where emails.
documents and photos are merged into a graph us-
ing connection elements) and enterprise information
management (EIM) systems like launch vehicle de-
sign data where details about vehicle stages, param-
eters and stage sequence events are modeled. In this
class of applications raw data may not be graph struc-
tured at the first level but implicit connections will
External Research Scholar, CSE Dept, IIT Madras.
provide a graph structure. The largeness and complex-
ity of datasets in these domains make their querying a
challenging task.
As keyword queries do not require the users to
know complex query language or know details re-
garding the underlying schema much work has been
carried out on keyword search on databases(Bhalotia
et al., 2002; He et al., 2007; Kacholia et al., 2005),
tree structured data(Guo et al., 2003) and recently on
graph structured data(Tran et al., 2007; Zhou et al.,
2007; Revuri et al., 2006). A generic approach first
identifies parts of graph containing the keywords of
interest, explores for discovering possible intercon-
nections between identified parts. Candidate solu-
tions built out of the connections found are scored and
Following are some of the specific issues related
to the approaches adopted both by existing database
and graph based keyword search methods:
The methods explore all possible paths. Unimpor-
tant results are logically pruned by means of scor-
Parthasarathy K., Sreenivasa Kumar P. and Damien D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003067001620167
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 162-167
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ing and ranking mechanism. They do not attempt
to prune the search space in the earlier exploration
phase of the graph search.
Class/Sub-Class and other relations available in
RDFS framework are not being exploited suitably
for keyword queries. For example in the RDF
repository of AIFB institute, if the query {person,
aifb, publication} is submitted and if the interpre-
tation is to retrieve all publications from persons
related to the institute aifb, exploration scheme
described in (Tran et al., 2007) will not function
properly if some of the RDF instance data related
to a publication belongs to a class TechnicalRe-
port which is a subclass of Publication.
As input RDF graph becomes bigger, traversing
through all the nodes in the exploration phase for
all possible paths as adopted in (Tran et al., 2007)
will lead to performance issues.
In this paper we propose a novel approach to key-
word search in the graph structured data represented
as RDF. The approach attempts to provide possible set
of answers in an efficient way. For each mapped node
or edge for the keyword the closest concept or set of
concepts and relationship nodes are identified to form
a keyword cluster. Using a pruning strategy nodes
from the clusters which cannot contribute to the over-
all structure of the query are removed. The modified
set of clusters are explored to find suitable hook ele-
ments for joining and constructing the answer graph
for the keyword query.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the preliminaries of the problem, Section
3 describes the overall approach and algorithm de-
scription, Section 4 presents the illustration, Section
5 presents the evaluation, Section 6 presents related
works and Section 7 presents conclusion and future
Given a data graph G of an RDF data model, we are
concerned with querying the graph using keywords.
Definition 1. A data graph G is a tuple of the form
(N,R,E) where
N is a finite set of nodes which can represent
classes, entities and data values. Nodes repre-
senting entities are referred by specific IDs as
shown in Figure 1. These IDs will not be used
for queries as they are internal to the RDF graph.
Pascal Hitzler
Semantic Web
Figure 1: RDF graph fragment from AIFB Institute
R is the set of edge labels for edges which can
represent inter-entity edges, entity-attribute edges
or class/sub-class edges.
E is the finite set of labeled edges of the form
) with n
, n
ε N and e ε R.
Class and Subclass are two predefined type of special
edges which capture class membership and class hier-
archy. Figure 1 shows a fragment of RDF graph con-
taining data taken from AIFB institute(University of
Karlsruhe) which is also the data set used for illustra-
tion of the algorithm in this paper. The fragment mod-
els the information that Pascal Hitzler is a member
of a Project called SmartWeb carried out by Knowl-
edge Management ResearchGroup on ResearchTopic
Semantic Web.
Queries. A keyword search query Q consists of a list
of keywords {k
,. . . k
}. Given this list of key-
words the answer graph to the query is the set of
minimal possible subgraph A s.t
Every keyword is contained in at least one node
or edge in A.
The graph consists only of keyword nodes,
class nodes connected by inter-entity and entity-
attribute edges. The edge labels also form part of
the answer graph.
Answer A is minimal in the sense that no sub-
graph of A can be an answer to Q. If keyword
node is removed then that keyword is not present
anywhere else in A. If a non keyword node is re-
moved the graph becomes disconnected.
It may be noted that the answer graph is not a result set
to the keyword query, but only provides a view of the
bonding structure of the keywords with respect to the
RDF repository. The answer graph could be used to
provide more insight into the schema or can be used to
generate structured queries using query frameworks
like SQL and SPARQL.
Problem. We are concerned with the construction of
set of possible answer graphs to the query using
RDF data repository represented as a graph.
Assumption. We assume that the mapped elements
for the keywords are available for the algorithmic
step to proceed with the construction of the an-
swer graph. Mapping refers to a process where a
keyword is lexically analyzed and a list of graph
elements having labels that are syntactically sim-
iliar to the keyword is returned.
Answer Graph Generation. The terms from the
term mapping stage are mapped to a set of
nodes/edges of the graph corresponding to the
data model. By taking one nodal element for each
term a nodelist NL is formed which is an input
for answer graph construction. In order to gener-
ate an answer graph using the mapped elements
of the nodelist in the graph, each mapped ele-
ment is used to construct a closely related clus-
ter consisting of the element class category and
list of relationship nodes along with the edges and
edge labels(component structure creation step).
In the next step the algorithm attempts to prune
the loosely hanging nodes which cannot possi-
bly be hooked to any other nodes in the clus-
ter(pruning step). In the next step which does
the hooking operation the algorithm incrementally
constructs answer graph by finding suitable hook-
ing elements between the clusters(hooking step).
The steps mentioned maintains the following class
of nodes
C-Node (Class Node) - Node which corresponds
to a Class Category
D-Node (Data Value Node) - Nodes which repre-
sents data values
CR- Node (Relationship Nodes) - Class Nodes
which are connected by inter-entity edges
Component Structure Creation. In this step each
node from NL is taken and the characterstic of the
node is found. If the node is a C-Node, then the
inter-entity edges along with the edge labels are
added to the component structure which will be
initially empty. If the node is a D-node, then the
C-Node for which this D-node is associated and
CR-Nodes for the C-Node along with the edge la-
bels are added. If the node is mapped to an inter-
entity edge, then the corresponding C-Nodes are
added and if it is mapped to an entity-attribute
edge, then a dummy node for the attribute side,
C-Node for the class to which entity is associated
and CR-Nodes for the C-Node are added. The
component structures obtained for all nodes in NL
will act as input to the pruning step.
Pruning. In this step the algorithm prunes the
loosely hanging nodes which possibly cannot be
utilised for hooking. For each pairwise compo-
nent structure, common nodes which are similiar
are found. This is found by the intersection of
the nodelist pair. Two nodes are considered si-
miliar if they are the same node in the graph or
they are connected by means of Class/SubClass
relationship. This concept of similiarity can be
extended for other scenarios e.g when the nodes
are connected by means of a chain of intermediate
nodes.The union of all the common nodes found
by considering all pairs of component structure
represents the participating nodelist. The nodes to
be pruned is the complement node list of the par-
ticipating node list with respect to the full node
list. The pruned node along with the edge label
to which is connected is removed from the cor-
responding component structure. The new list of
component structures obtained will act as input to
hooking step.
Hooking. In this step we start to explore whether CR-
node of a component structure can be hooked on
to a similiar CR-Node or C-Node of another com-
ponent structure. Initially a component structure
with lowest cardinality is chosen for starting the
hooking operations. If there are multiple choices,
the component structure in which there is a CR-
Node which can be hooked to C-Node of another
component structure is chosen for start of hook
operations. The hooking step uses the node simil-
iarity feature as defined in pruining step for hook
operations. Once nodes to be hooked are identi-
fied, the corresponding component structures are
glued together. Nodes which are duplicates are
removed and a new glued component structure is
used for further hooking operations. This process
continues until no more nodes could be hooked.
The final component structure arrived at is anal-
ysed for loosely hanging nodes and they are cut
off. The closely connected structure thus formed
will be the answer graph for the keywords pre-
sented by the user.
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Keyword Query. abstract schmeck 2005
This query has been chosen for illustration to
show that our approach exploits the class/subclass
relationship during the graph exploration phase for
choosing the relevant nodes. The term mapping step
provides one of the following mapping.
Keyword abstract will be mapped on to the term
keyword Schmeck will be mapped on to the term
Schmeck Blohm.
keyword 2005 will be mapped on the term 2005.
The structural component creation step will form the
three components as shown in Figures 2a,2b and 3.
In the pruning step the node Project with re-
lationship worksAtProject and node ResearchGroup
with relationship affiliation associated with cluster
for Schmeck gets removed. Even though it appears
that Publication is also an isolated node category, the
class/subclass relationship of Publication with InPro-
ceedings, InCollection and Misc is used to retain the
The hooking step starts with a node in a compo-
nent structure having smallest cardinality. If there
are multiple options any one can be chosen. Starting
with the Person node in Figure 3 we explore whether
it can be hooked with any node in Figure 2a, 2b.
Even though FullProfessor and Person are syntacti-
cally different they are related by class/subclass rela-
tionship. We use this feature to hook them. In a si-
miliar manner, after this hooking step, the node Pub-
lication in the merged component structure is hooked
with nodes InProceedings, InCollection and Misc in
component structure of Figure 3. Since Person node
has already been considered and no more compo-
nent structures need to be considered we get the final
joined subgraph as shown in Figure 4.
(Tran et al., 2007) does not capture the
Class/SubClass relationship as part of the RDF graph.
As such it cannot handle the keyword scenario where
the keywords either refer to the superclass or a sub-
class. We exploit this knowledge to arrive at the cor-
rect answer graph reflecting the data repository. Our
approach uses schema knowledge rather than relying
purely on the graph paths alone.
InCollection MiscInProceedings
(a) abstract.
ResearchGroup PublicationProject
WorksAtProject Affliation
(b) Schmeck.
Figure 2: Structural component for the Illustration.
InCollection MiscInProceedings
Figure 3: Structural component for term 2005.
abstractstring 2005
Author Author
Figure 4: Answer graph for Example.
In order to carry out an evaluation of our approach,
the knowledge repository of AIFB institute, Uni-
versity of Karlsruhe
2, 3
was used. The knowledge
represents projects financed by the institute, details
about researchers working on those projects and de-
tails about the publications of those projects. This
knowledge is represented in RDF framework using
OWL. For evaluation this framework was first rep-
resented as a graph and around 25 different queries
were generated. One such query is already illus-
trated. Some of the other queries were: “”projects
X(Retrieve all projects that X is working), “author
publications data mining”(publication details related
to data mining), “journal 2006 publications”(journal
publications in 2006) and “topic webservice publi-
cations”(publications dealing with topic webservice).
The approach seems to be promising as the answer
graphs constructed for these queries provided the
closest assembly of nodes and relationships to the
keywords submitted. On the negative side, the algo-
rithm proposed fails for the following keyword query
“AIFB journal”. In this example which corresponds
to an extreme case, Organisation and Project nodes
get added to component structure of AIFB and Article
and Publication gets added to component structure of
journal. The pruning step does not identify any si-
miliar nodes. The reason for the failure is that the
keywords are far apart and hence pruning step fails to
identify similiar nodes for hooking to happen. Prun-
ing step will be suitably extended to handle these class
of examples.
In our illustrations we have shown one answer
graph that gets constructed out of the exploration
phase. But given keywords multiple interpretations
are possible and this leads to multiple answer graphs.
For e.g given the keyword list {X-Media, Philip, Pub-
lications} the possible interpretations are
publications by Philip in Project X-Media;
publications by Philip with X-Media in title;
publications by Philip with X-Media in abstract.
During the term mapping phase X-Media will be
mapped on to name node , title node and abstract
node. This leads to three answer graphs for the same
set of keywords. There is a need to rank these graphs.
We are working on a ranking metric which will be a
function of the strength of the individual cluster and
also on the strength of the hook between clusters.
In this paper we have addressed the issue of an-
swer graph construction for keyword queries on graph
structured data through a concrete algorithm for graph
exploration. We have tried to improve the graph ex-
ploration through an alternative approach by adopt-
ing pruning and hooking as compared to (Zhou et al.,
2007; Tran et al., 2007).
Keyword search on structured data has been ex-
tensively investigated in recent years under different
contexts. Earlier approaches (Bhalotia et al., 2002;
He et al., 2007; Kacholia et al., 2005) tried to address
keyword search in the context of relational databases.
Exact matches between keywords and labels of data
elements were done. Also substructures in the form
of trees were constructed and the root element is as-
sumed to be the answer. (Bhalotia et al., 2002) uses
backward search algorithm. In order to improve the
search by limiting the nodes to be visited, (Kacho-
lia et al., 2005) proposed bi-directional search algo-
rithm where the exploration is through both backward
and forward edge. The idea is to reach the root ele-
ment faster through this approach. (He et al., 2007)
also adopts distinct root semantics but improves the
efficiency of the search using partitioning, balanced
cost strategy and indexing to support forward jumps.
These methods however do not exploit the schema
knowledge for processing queries.
(Revuri et al., 2006) presents a system for key-
word search that fits the query terms in an appropriate
way from the ontology graph and derives an enhanced
query. This query is given to the basic keyword search
engine and results obtained are ranked. The system
adopts a template based approach where it fixes the
structure and then enhances the terms. Also the key-
words are restricted to two terms. (Tran et al., 2007)
presents a generic graph based approach to explore
the connections between terms mapped to keywords
of the query using knowledge available in ontolo-
gies. A three step process consisting of term mapping,
connection exploration and DL query construction is
used. The exploration is restricted to connections
where an instance is related to a concept by an is-a
relation and two instances are related by object and
data properties.The exploration builds a graph con-
necting a term element with all its neighbours within
a specified range d. The process of exploration re-
lies mainly on assertional knowledge resulting in a
large number of paths that need to be processed. The
graph does not model class/sub-class forms of rela-
tionship. (Zhou et al., 2007) also adopts three step
process: term mapping, query graph construction and
query ranking. For each grouping of terms different
query sets are constructed by enumerating all possi-
ble combinations from different sense of terms. From
each query set a query graph is derived. A probabilis-
tic ranking model is adopted for ranking the query
graphs. In this system also the knowledge features
and pruning mechanisms are not exploited during the
exploration phase.
In our approach we have adopted a different strat-
egy for the exploration phase. Unlike above we are
not considering all the nodes for exploration.We cre-
ate a fragment of closely related concept and re-
lationship cluster and then prune unwanted nodes
and edges. We also adopt a guided exploration
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
strategy which exploits other knowledge character-
stics(class/subclass relationship) instead of purely re-
lying on assertional knowledge. This approach can be
logically extended if the keywords provided are not
within a distance neighbourhood.
We have presented a concrete algorithm for answer
graph construction, given a set of key- words and a
knowledge repository represented as an RDF graph.
We have also illustrated the approach for differ-
ent keyword sets and AIFB in- stitute knowledge
base.The results obtained on sample queries seem to
be promising. This approach needs to be validated
using implementation on standard benchmarks.
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