Term Classification with Context Evaluation
Hendrik Sch¨oneberg
Institute of Computer Science, University of W¨urzburg, W¨urzburg, Germany
Text mining, Classification, Deep tagging, Information retrieval.
Automated Deep Tagging heavily relies on a term’s proper recognition. If its syntax is obfuscated by spelling
mistakes, OCR errors or typing variants, regular string matching or pattern matching algorithms may not
be able to succeed with the classification. Context Vector Tagging is an approach which analyzes term co-
occurrence data and represents it in a vector space model, paying specific respect to the source’s language.
Utilizing the cosine angle between two context vectors as similarity measure, we propose, that terms with
similar context vectors share a similar word class, thus allowing even unknown terms to be classified. This
approach is especially suitable to tackle the above mentioned syntactical problems and can support classic
string- or pattern-based classificator-algorithms in syntactically challenging environments.
Motivation. Let us assume being researching an arbi-
trary topic via the internet. Unless we explicitly know
a source that provides the sought-after information,
at some point we’ll most likely find ourselves having
to use a search engine. The search engine’s success
depends heavily on the query we submit. Unfortu-
nately, due to e.g. different educational backgrounds,
language habits or personal preference people can ex-
press their ideas very differently. According to (Fur-
nas et al., 1987) and (Deerwester et al., 1990) stud-
ies show, that only in less than 20% of the time two
people choose the same keyword to describe a single,
well-known object.
In an attempt to make an arbitrary source more
accessible to a broad variety of search queries, it is of
high interest to provide additional knowledge going
beyond the source’s intrinsic information. To name a
few examples, this ranges from keywords describing
the source’s category of content, editorial information
or cross-references to related articles, up to informa-
tion with pin-point granularity like synonyms for a
specific term. The process of annotating a source with
this additional information is called Deep Tagging.
Deep Tagging a source manually is a time-consuming
and error-prone process if performed by a human.
This leads to a high demand for computer-aided or
completely automated tagging approaches.
String and Pattern Matching Approach. You might
for example be interested in finding and tagging all
kinds of places in an unknown text file. Obviously,
before being able to annotate a term referring to a
place with additional information it is crucial to iden-
tify it correctly in the first place. This is a task most
commonly performed by string matching or, more
general, pattern matching algorithms.
Unfortunately, generic matching algorithms can en-
counter a large variety of problems: Spelling mis-
takes, OCR errors, typing variants and polysemy can
inhibit the recognition process. To address these prob-
lems algorithms usually utilize external knowledge
provided in lists of synonyms, flexion rules, gram-
mars, spelling variants or common spelling mistakes
for a given term. This knowledge helps to improve
the overall classification performance.
The University of W¨urzburg hosts projects deal-
ing with the preparation and presentation of ancient
sources (W¨urzburg-University-Library, 2010). An-
cient sources only have light spelling conventions and
tend to follow a loose punction policy. For many
terms, especially places or people, a broad variety of
spelling variants exists. Furthermore, after digitaliza-
tion the sources can contain many OCR-errors due
to the sophisticated nature of the hand-writing at that
Performing a Deep Tagging on an ancient source
is especially challenging due to its heterogeneous
Schöneberg H..
CONTEXT VECTOR CLASSIFICATION - Term Classification with Context Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0003067403870391
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 387-391
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
appearance. Classification algorithms depending on
string matching or pattern matching will therefore see
their use limited in this scenario.
Contextual Approach. Not only the term itself,
but its context, too, has proven to be a highly valu-
able source of information. According to (Miller
and Charles, 1991), the exchangeability of two terms
within a given context correlates to their semantic
similarity. This means, the easier two terms are ex-
changeable within the contexts they occur, the more
likely they share a similar meaning. A statistical anal-
ysis of two term’s context composition can therefore
indicate their degree of semantic similarity.
Many approaches utilize the information con-
tained within a term’s context: (Gauch et al., 1999)
propose an automatic query expansion approach
based on information from term co-occurrence data.
(Billhardt et al., 2002) analyze term co-occurrence
data to estimate relationships and dependencies be-
tween terms. (Sch¨utze, 1992) uses this information
to create Context Vectors in a high-dimensional vec-
tor space to resolve polysemy. Apparently it is possi-
ble to gain information about a term by analyzing its
context. The following example illustrates the idea of
information extraction from a term’s context:
Example. Imagine yourself passing by a group of
people and overhearing a piece of conversation: ”To-
morrow I am going to fly to ...
Even though this sentence is not complete, it con-
tains enough information for us to expect the miss-
ing word to be a place. In a conversation we would
intuitively request the missing information by asking
”Sorry, where are you going to?” and thereby express
our expectation of a place. We classified the miss-
ing piece of information as place just by its context.
We expect the missing word to be a place, but our ex-
pectation ist not restricted to a specific place at all.
This sentence would make perfect sense with a lot of
terms, as long as they are instances of the class place:
Tomorrow I am going to fly to Berlin. Tomorrow I am
going to fly to London.
Conclusion. Consider two terms s and t as instances
of class x. If s and t are exchangeable within a con-
text c, then this context requires its related term to
be of class x, regardless of its particular instantiation.
(Miller and Charles, 1991) stated that semantic simi-
larity correlates to contextual similarity.
Using the information contained in a given term’s
context allows two actions:
Deduction of Knowledge. Given the above example
we expect the missing piece of information to be a
place. If the speaker now replies with a word we have
never heard so far, we would assume it to be a to us
unknown place. That means, we classified a so far
unknown term utilizing only the information within
its context and acquired new knowledge.
Verification of Knowledge. If on the other hand the
speaker replies with a term which, as far as we know,
is not a place, we encounter a clash of knowledge:
Maybe our data is correct and the speaker provided
false information, maybe it’s just contrary. In either
case an erroneous piece of information would have
been detected just by its context.
Resolving Polysemy. This is a special case of the
before mentioned clash of knowledge. We might for
example know for a fact, that a crane is a bird, but we
could discover, that depending on its context this term
could refer to a type of construction equipment, too.
We can suspect a term to be an instance of a
certain class after evaluating its context, because as
speakers of that particular language we understand the
underlying rules of forming a sentence. With those
rules in mind we can conclude, that only a few classes
of terms would make actual sense in a given context.
Obviously, it is challenging to teach a computer to
perform the same conclusions. Even with a sophis-
ticated understanding of how to form a sentence in a
given language, terms still have to be recognized in
the first place, which brings us back to the recogni-
tion problems string and pattern matching algorithms
can encounter (see page 1).
Classification by Context. The contextual informa-
tion allows a transfer of knowledge to so far unknown
words: If you can identify a context c, which demands
its related term to be of class x, you could propose that
whenever you happen to find another occurrence of c
within a source, its related term is an instance of class
x, too. This leads to the following working assump-
Working assumption. A classification algorithm can
decide whether a given term is an instance of a class x
(e.g. x = place) by evaluating the context similarity.
Statistical Context Analysis. Given an arbitrary
source s, let n be the amount of terms within s.
(Sch¨utze, 1992) introduces a high-dimensional vec-
tor space with n dimensions, one for each term in
s. For any term t, its context can then be repre-
sented as a vector within this vector space, each di-
mension d (which is a term, too) displaying the num-
ber t and d co-occurred throughout the source. The
cosine angle (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999)
between two Context Vectors within this vector space
measures the similarity of its terms co-occurrence-
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
patterns. Sch¨utze suggests the usage of a fixed win-
dow size or sentence boundaries for the definition of
Part of Speech Analysis. However, another source
of information has not been taken into account so far:
In most languages there are rules for forming a sen-
tence. Not only does a valid sentence have to contain
some integral parts (like subject, predicate, etc.), the
language’s grammar even implies a certain order of
a sentences components. By analyzing a sentence’s
sequence of terms we can gain additional informa-
tion: Consider for example the expression ’the car’
- the occurrence of ’the’ immediately before ’car im-
plies, that ’car’ is a noun. On the other hand this
implies, that -due to the language’s grammar- many
other parts of speech can not follow immediately af-
ter the occurrence of ’the’, which of course will afflict
term co-occurrence patterns. This information would
be lost, if we discarded the term’s position within a
sentence. (Gauch et al., 1999) for example take into
account a term’s position within its context during
co-occurrence-data analysis. Our approach utilizes
a scoring mechanism which applies weighting fac-
tors to a terms co-occurrences based on their position
within the context.
1.1 Performance Evaluation
Independence. The context evaluation approach is
independent from the source’s particular language, as
it is an analysis of term co-occurrence patterns.
Stability. Imagine a source written in medieval Ger-
man. This language follows only light spelling con-
ventions, resulting in a large number of spelling vari-
ants for single terms. Regular string or pattern match-
ing approaches will therefore have to depend on ex-
ternal knowledge to perform. However, even though
a single term’s spelling could vary in medieval Ger-
man, the rules for forming a sentence were as strict as
in any Germanic language today. That means, a place
name had a specific context, regardless of its actual
spelling variant. Of course even the terms forming
the actual context surely had different spelling vari-
ants. Imagine a term referring to a place. Its context
could contain prepositions like ”to”, ”from”, ”in” etc.
As these words occur a lot more frequent than the
place they refer to, their spelling will be a lot more
consistent throughout the source. The context evalu-
ation approach is able to deal with weak orthography
and spelling variants, taking advantage of a statistical
evaluation of frequently used terms.
Let T
be the set of terms containing relevant infor-
1. We define a class as a set of terms T
= {t|t is an instance of class X, t T
2. Pick an arbitrary query element q T
3. Evaluate the context profile P
, which is the set
of all context items c
for the n occurrences of
q, 1 i n, with
= {c
is context item for q}
= {t|t T
forming local context of hit i}
4. Each context item’s componentis assigned a score
by the scoring function with
score : Σ
× Σ
A term’s overallScore for a given context profile
is the normalized sum of all scores:
overallScore(t, P
) =
score(t, c
We assume a vector space in R
, with n being the
amount of terms in T
. Each term t T
a dimension within the vector space. Given a
query’s q context profile P
with x terms and their
respective overallScore, P
can be interpreted as
a vector in this vector space. We use the stan-
dard vector model as discussed in (Baeza-Yates
and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999). By interpreting a con-
text as a vector in vector space we are now able to
estimate two context profile’s similarity by mea-
suring the cosine angle between them.
5. Given a similarity threshold ε with 0 ε 1. For
each context profile P
with a similarity exceeding
the threshold ε we propose:
q T
, P
) ε = r T
Obviously, the classification quality is heavily im-
pacted by the proper choice of the query term q and its
resulting context P
. Consider the following example:
Poor Representative. Assume again, we are inter-
ested in finding all kinds of places throughout a given
CONTEXT VECTOR CLASSIFICATION - Term Classification with Context Evaluation
source. According to our algorithm (see page 3) we
choose a query term q from the class of terms refer-
ring to places T
. We choose a certain place b,
which happens to host a famous regular sport event,
but - aside from that - is fairly unknown otherwise.
The query’s context profile will most likely contain
terms referring to the sport event. But obviously these
attributes are not commonly shared for instances of
the class T
. Attributes, which on the other hand
might be essential for identifying a place, could under
circumstances not even occur within the context pro-
file. The resulting context P
can therefore not reflect
a typical context composition for an arbitrary place,
even though it is a place. Each instance of the class
could appear in slightly different context, re-
sulting in a context with many terms relevant to only
single instances, but not to the class. Clearly we need
to find a way to identify the set of significant terms
for a given class.
In order to extract the set of significant terms for a
given class we cannot simply conjunct or intersect
each instance’s context: A conjunction would result
in very large term sets, paying attributes, which are
relevant to only few instances, too much attention in
relation to the attributes relevant for the entire class.
Intersection could on the other hand result in an empty
term set, due to the overlapping nature of the context
Majority Decision. A majority decision is able to de-
cide, which terms are relevant to a class rather than to
particular instances. After choosing several instances
of a class we calculate the most frequently used terms
within their context profiles. After sorting the terms
by frequency of occurrence we then define the top i
terms to be the significant terms for their class.
Formal Description. Let T
be the set of all relevant
terms in our source.
1. Choose a class, e.g. T
2. Pick n terms from T
and calculate their con-
text profiles.
3. Calculate frequency(t) for each term t T
frequency(t) =
occurs(t, P
occurs(t, c) =
1 if t occurs in context item c
0 otherwise
4. Sort terms by their frequency and extract the most
frequent i items. We define the set of i terms as
, the i-significant set of terms for the class
Result. We can use the majority decision defined
above to determine the set F
, the set of i most sig-
nificant terms for class X. Instead of comparing un-
known context vectors with a single instance of our
class X, we create a cluster of n instances and extract
the set of significant terms. With this we avoid us-
ing terms for comparison which might be relevant to
only few instances of a given class. Each term’s score
is averaged from the overall scores. Each unknown
context vector will then be compared with this new
cluster context profile.
Deep Tagging. The Context Vector Classification
approach is designated to act as a support module
for classic pattern matching algorithms for automated
tagging. The W¨urzburg University Library is in-
terested in processing (ancient) sources and anno-
tating them according to the TEI-P5 standard (TEI-
Consortium, 2007). Especially the detection of
events, composed of actors, places and dates, is as im-
portant as difficult due to the syntactical challenges
mentioned above. A workbench, which combines
pattern matching algorithms with the Context Vector
Classification approach, is under development with
the goal of providing the user suggestions for the clas-
sification of terms.
Reinforced Learning. A learning module for the
classification framework is currently under develop-
ment. After a given term’s classification has been pro-
posed the user can approve or decline the decision.
Based on the user’s input a weight factor will be ap-
plied to each context vectors component. After sev-
eral iterations the framework gains a specific weight
matrix for a class of terms. This specialization allows
an adaption to different contextual environments and
improves the classification quality.
Up to this point only small, yet very promising tests of
the classification quality have been conducted. Large-
scale tests on corpora of different modern languages
are currently under development.
5.1 Ancient Source
The Context Vector Classification approach was
tested with an ancient German source, Merians To-
pographia Germaniae (Merian, 1642) and (Merian,
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Most similar terms by cosine angle. Ancient German source (Merian, 1642).
places m¨ayntz sachsen mayntz oesterreich vianden bamberg marpurg m¨umpelgart angefangen
names friderich adolph johann georg otto albrecht wilhelm friederich ludwig heinrich
roles bischoff k¨onig abbt rath general hertzog thurn graff zeit k¨ayser
2010). Table 1 shows the most similar terms found
for a given reference cluster, each cluster composed
of five terms.
5.2 Modern Corpus
Setup. The following examples demonstrate the clas-
sification quality. The context vectors were created
from a 3 million sentence corpus in German language
(Leipzig-University, 1998).
Places. The test subject is a snippet of text containing
1658 terms, 26 of which relevant for classification as
place. The contexter module examined a term’s left,
right and combined context with a window size of up
to 6 terms. See (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999)
for the definitions of precision, recall and f-value. Ta-
ble 2 shows the results.
Table 2: Cluster: Places. Context window size 6.
left 0.9 0.73 0.85 0.79
left 0.95 0.95 0.77 0.85
right 0.9 0.07 0.81 0.13
right 0.95 0.26 0.62 0.36
combined 0.9 0.4 0.88 0.55
combined 0.95 0.95 0.81 0.88
Names. In this case the test subject is a snippet of
text containing 1635 terms, 19 of which relevant for
classification as name. The contexter module exam-
ined a term’s left, right and combined context with a
window size of up to 6 terms. See table 3 for results.
Table 3: Cluster: Names. Context window size 6.
left 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.6
left 0.95 0.82 0.45 0.58
right 0.9 0.19 0.6 0.29
right 0.95 0.8 0.4 0.53
combined 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.58
combined 0.95 0.77 0.5 0.61
Baeza-Yates, R. and Ribeiro-Neto, B. (1999). Modern In-
formation Retrieval. ACM Press, New York, 1st edi-
Billhardt, H., (corresponding), H. B., Borrajo, D., and
Maojo, V. (2002). A context vector model for infor-
mation retrieval. Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology, 53:236–249.
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T. K., and Harshman, R. (1990). Indexing by latent
semantic analysis. Journal of the American Society
for Information Science, 41:391–407.
Furnas, G. W., Landauer, T. K., Gomez, L. M., and Du-
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system communication. Commun. ACM, 30(11):964–
Gauch, S., Wang, J., and Rachakonda, S. M. (1999). A cor-
pus analysis approach for automatic query expansion
and its extension to multiple databases. ACM Trans.
Inf. Syst., 17(3):250–269.
Leipzig-University (1998). German 3M corpus.
Merian, M. d. A. (1642). Topographia Germaniae.
Merian, M. d. A. (2010). Topographiae Germaniae. Germaniae/.
Miller, G. A. and Charles, W. G. (1991). Contextual corre-
lates of semantic similarity. Language and Cognitive
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TEI-Consortium (2007). Guidelines for electronic text en-
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W¨urzburg-University-Library (2010). Franconica on-
CONTEXT VECTOR CLASSIFICATION - Term Classification with Context Evaluation