Semantic Search System based on Case-based-Reasoning
and Ontology Enrichment
Manel Elloumi-Chaabene, Nesrine Ben Mustapha, Hajer Baazaoui-Zghal
Riadi Lab., ENSI Campus Universitaire de la Manouba, 2010 Tunis, Tunisie
Antonio Moreno, David Sánchez
ITAKA Research Group, Departament d’Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Av. Països Catalans, 26. 43007, Tarragona, Spain
Keywords: Information Retrieval, Semantic search, Ontology, Case-based-Reasoning.
Abstract: The exponential growth of the data available on the Web requires more efficient search tools to find relevant
information. In the context of the Semantic Web, ontologies improve the exploitation of Web resources by
adding a consensual knowledge. However, the automation of ontology building is a hard problem. The
exploitation of the users’ search feedback can aid to address that problem. In order to apply this solution, we
present a semantic search system based on case-based-reasoning (CBR) and ontologies that automatically
enriches the ontologies by using previous queries. In this paper we expose the contribution of CBR and
ontologies in Semantic Web search. Some experiments on the system are presented, and the obtained results
show an improvement on the precision of the Web search and ontology enrichment.
Because of the enormous size of the textual
information available in the Web, the use of
traditional search engines does not always provide
the most appropriate and relevant results. In fact, the
problem of Information Retrieval (IR) consists on
finding the right information corresponding to the
user query. Indeed, the information available on a
Web page is not always well-structured, which
makes it difficult to extract knowledge. Thus, we are
confronted with problems of interpretation of human
language and treatment of ambiguities (polysemy,
anaphora, metaphor), which are difficult to be
automated. The inclusion of the semantics provided
by ontologies in the IR process can help to improve
the quality of the search results.
In order to avoid the necessity of manually
constructing ontologies, in this work we address the
automatic construction of multi-domain ontologies
for Semantic Web search. The basic idea is to use
the Web search feedback provided by users to
construct ontologies from the consulted Web
documents (Ben Mustapha et al., 2009a). The
challenge behind this work is to find the relevant
documents from which the ontology should be
constructed. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is used to
find appropriate documents related to a new query
according to a case base. In this way, ontologies can
be automatically enriched as new search feedback is
obtained, whereas the Web search can be improved
by the semantics provided by the ontologies.
This work presents an implementation of a
generic approach (Ben Mustapha, 2010) which
allows any search engine to develop its semantic
layer by building ontologies and indexing the
document base. Our contribution consists in
integrating CBR with ontologies to ameliorate the
semantic search system and automatic ontology
In this paper, we present an overview of related
works in the area of semantic search and ontology
learning. The third section describes the architecture
of the proposed content-based search engine. The
next section illustrates the proposed approach by a
use case and describes some evaluation tests.
Finally, we conclude and discuss directions for
future research.
Elloumi-Chaabene M., Ben Mustapha N., Baazaoui-Zghal H., Moreno A. and Sánchez D..
EVOLUTIVE CONTENT-BASED SEARCH SYSTEM - Semantic Search System based on Case-based-Reasoning and Ontology Enrichment .
DOI: 10.5220/0003067600240034
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 24-34
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Semantic search has been one of the motivations of
the Semantic Web (Berners-Lee, 2001) since it was
envisioned as an extension of the current one, in
which information is given well defined meaning,
better enabling computers and people to work in
cooperation. It is emerging as the next generation
Web, which aims to give a semantic representation
which is accessible and understandable by machines.
It is based on the deployment of ontologies, the
semantic annotations and the formal representation
of the knowledge underlying these ontologies and
annotations. The role of semantic search is to use
underlying ontologies and available metadata in
semantic Web portals provide better performance
than keyword-based search.
2.1 Ontologies
Ontologies (Guarino, 1998) are used to represent a
shared conceptualization of a knowledge domain,
adding a semantic layer to computer systems. In
other words, an ontology is a formal representation
of the main concepts in a domain and their
interrelationships. An ontology can take the simple
form of a taxonomy (i.e., knowledge encoded in a
minimal hierarchical structure) or a vocabulary with
standardized machine interpretable terminology
supplemented with natural language definitions.
Ontologies are often specified in a declarative form
by using semantic markup languages such as XML
(Bradley, 2001), RDF (Lassila, 1999), OIL (Decker,
2000), XOL (Karp 1999) and OWL (McGuinness,
Several types of ontologies exist:
Generic or Common Ontologies: they model
the common sense knowledge reusable
between domains. These ontologies include
vocabulary related to things, events, time,
space, causality, behaviour, function, etc.
Application Ontologies: they model the
knowledge required for specific applications.
Ontology applications often specialize the
vocabulary of domain ontologies and task
Knowledge Representation Ontologies: they
model the primitive representations used to
formalize knowledge.
Domain Ontologies: ontologies focused in a
specific area.
Modular Ontologies: an ontology module can
be considered as a reusable component of a
large or more complex ontology, which is
self-contained but bears definite relationships
to other ontology modules (Doran, 2006).
Ontology building tools provide automatic or
semi-automatic support for the construction of
ontologies. Ontology Learning methods extract
ontological elements (conceptual knowledge) from a
corpus of documents and build ontologies from
them. Ontology learning integrates many
complementary techniques, including machine
learning, natural language processing, and data
mining. The methods that apply ontology learning
methods to texts extracting ontologies by applying
natural language processing techniques. The most
well-known approaches are pattern-based extraction,
association rules, conceptual clustering, ontology
pruning and concept learning.
2.2 Classification of Semantic Search
The use of ontologies and metadata is the most
important aspect of the Semantic Web. Ontologies
have contributed to the emergence of semantic
search engines. Among these, we include the
contextual search engines based on domain
ontologies, which restrict the search to a well-
delimited area. We can distinguish two main
categories of search engines: ontology search
engines and semantic search engines (Mangold,
2007). We are especially interested in semantic
search engines, which can be divided in three
Context-based Search Engines: the final
purpose of these engines is to enhance the
performance of traditional search engines
(especially precision and recall), by
understanding the context of documents and
queries. One of their most important parts is
the annotator, which is responsible for
generating metadata from the crawled pages.
These systems are the most practical ones; in
fact, they are the next generation of current
search engines.
Evolutionary Search Engines: These search
engines are an answer to the famous and well
known problem of how to automatically
gather information about a specific topic. The
main distinguished behaviour of these engines
consists in using external metadata. They
normally use an ordinary search engine and
display augmented information near the
original results.
EVOLUTIVE CONTENT-BASED SEARCH SYSTEM - Semantic Search System based on Case-based-Reasoning and
Ontology Enrichment
Semantic Association Discovery Engines: The
goal of these systems is to find various
semantic relations between input terms and
then rank the results based on semantic
distance metrics. An upper ontology like
WordNet or OpenCyc can be used to evaluate
this kind of search engines.
The main problems of ontology-based IR are the
reformulation of the users’ queries and the
difficulties to build and manage ontologies. Many
ontologies are available on the Web, but it is still
difficult to find an ontology for every domain
associated to a user’s query. However, it is obvious
that building ontologies for all domains, so that they
can be exploited by semantic search engines, is
difficult. So, using previous experiences of users can
help to accomplish this mission.
2.3 Semantic Search based on CBR
Case-based Reasoning (CBR) is a methodology for
problem solving by reusing previous experience
(Watson, 1999) and collecting new experiences,
since every new problem case, once solved, becomes
a new case that may be stored and reused. The tf-idf
(term frequency–inverse document frequency)
weighting scheme is used in the vector space model
together with cosine similarity to determine the
similarity between two textual cases (Rosina, 2005).
Information retrieval based on CBR allows the
management of user experiences and also some
scalability to adapt and customize the system to
search. It provides a strong collaboration that could
simulate the learning during the search. Moreover,
the incremental acquisition of knowledge on search
instances can make the system scalable, thanks to
the long-term learning. CBR presents the advantage
of its easy exploitation, in comparison with other
learning methods. However, it presents the
difficulties of case modelling and representation.
Many information retrieval approaches attempt to
improve the recovery process (indexing texts,
formulation) by using ontologies.
The combination of ontologies (as semantic
background) and CBR mechanism (to enrich the
ontology from search feedback) can improve the
performance of Semantic Web search. However, it
faces the difficulties of knowledge modelling from
textual data and the representation of search cases.
To overcome the problem of information retrieval on
the Web, we have developed a system based on
ontologies and case-based reasoning. In this section,
we present an implementation of a generic approach
(Ben Mustapha, 2010) which allows any search
engine to develop its semantic layer by building
ontologies and indexing a document base.
Our contribution integrates case based reasoning
with ontologies to ameliorate the semantic search
system and add an automatic ontology learning
3.1 Repository of Modular Ontologies
We have proposed in previous works the extensive
use of domain ontologies (Ben Mustapha et al.,
2009a). Our choice is motivated by the fact that
domain ontologies are restricted to the concepts
related to a specific knowledge field. This has the
advantage of limiting the ambiguity of terms defined
in the ontology, facilitating their detection in
documents. We can represent a relationship between
domain ontologies and modular ontologies as shown
in Figure 1. For example, we can define two
domains such as “Tourism” and “Computer
Science”, which can contain shared ontology
modules like “Conference”.
Figure 1: Relationship between domain ontologies and
modular ontologies.
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
3.2 Architecture
In this section, we describe the architecture of the
proposed system, which offers some functionalities
to search Web documents for the users. It has four
modules (see Figure 2). The first module is
responsible for the treatment and reformulation of
the users’ queries, and the second one manages the
case base, using ontologies. After these two
processes, the system filters and classifies the
documents selected by the users. Finally, the system
performs an ontology enrichment process based on
the analysis of the text of the selected Web
The first step consists on processing the user’s
search query in order to match it with a topic
covered in the ontology (module). The choice of the
module from the ontology can help to retrieve the
exact meaning of the search using WordNet.
Then, the user query is processed by the query
treatment module. In the case that the search topic is
new, the system provides an initial list of Web
documents. If a similar case (search) is found in the
case base, the system displays a list of already
retrieved documents containing relevant results and
adds the list from the search engine. Then, these
documents are classified by means of the filtering
process. Finally, the documents that are more similar
to the query are displayed to the user. After this, the
reformulation query module uses the case base
(more precisely, the semantic signature) to provide a
new query. The reformulated query allows launching
a new search instance to refine the results. The final
task of the system is the enrichment of the ontology
from the Web documents assessed as relevant, using
text-based Ontology Learning techniques.
Figure 2: Global architecture of the system.
3.3 User Query Reformulation
The Query Reformulation step has the aim of
extending the original query with additional
information to obtain more accurate results. This
process can help to solve the difficulties faced by the
users to express their queries. Our approach is based
on the enrichment of the query using the information
available from past cases. The submitted query is
also extended on the basis of the concepts and
relations of the domain ontology. More precisely,
two tasks are performed to reformulate the query:
Morphological Analysis: It allows the
recognition of different forms of words from a
lexicon (dictionary or thesaurus). Stemming
allows the transformation of conjugate or
flexed forms to their canonical form or
lemma. In our approach the stemming of the
query is performed by treetagger.
Adding Terms from Semantic Signature: Each
query is referenced by the semantic signature
of a case, whose terms can be used to enrich
the query. They represent the concepts used
more often for the search topic and the given
query. Each term is described by a weight
calculated from the relevant documents of the
3.4 Ontology-based CBR
The case based reasoning (CBR) is the act of solving
a problem by using past experiences, stored in the
case base.
Case Modelling: Typically, a case contains at least
two parts: a description of a situation representing a
"problem", and a "solution" used to remedy this
situation. We have modelled a case with the
structure shown in Figure 3.
Problem Modelling: A problem is composed of five
parts (Ben Mustapha et al., 2009b). The first one
represents the search goal. We can distinguish two
types of search goals (Rose and Levinson, 2004).
The navigational goal is a desire by the user to be
taken to the home page of an institution or
organization. To be considered navigational, the
query must have a single authoritative Web site that
the user already has in mind. For this reason, most
queries consisting of names of companies,
universities, or well-known organizations are
considered navigational. Also for this reason, most
queries for people – including celebrities – are not.
The informational goal includes the desire to locate
something in the real world, or simply to get a list of
EVOLUTIVE CONTENT-BASED SEARCH SYSTEM - Semantic Search System based on Case-based-Reasoning and
Ontology Enrichment
suggestions for further research. Informational
queries are focused on the user goal of obtaining
information about the query topic. This category
includes goals for answering questions that the user
has in mind.
The second part includes the domain search. It is
referred by a topic concept from the domain
ontology which aims to define the topic of the
search. We have also modelled a pivotal concept for
the chosen ontological module and a set of queries
classified by a record. The last part is the semantic
signature of the pivotal concept, which is a list of
terms that appear frequently with the chosen
Solution Modelling: The case solution contains a
module vector, used for filtering documents of the
current search and the similar cases. This vector is
represented as a n-tuple (W
, W
, W
), where each tuple (W
) represents a
concept of the ontology module and its associated
weight. The case solution also holds a domain
vector, similar to the module vector, which contains
the domain concepts and their weights. Finally, we
have modelled a results part to collect the search
results which are selected by the users. These results
could be Web documents, ontological classes or text
fragments, depending on the search goal.
Figure 3: Case structure.
Procedures Applied to a Case. We present in the
following paragraphs the different procedures that
allow the enrichment of the cases (see Figure 4).
Search for Similar Cases: The submission of a
query by a user is treated as a case search. The
system starts by searching in the case base. Two
requests are called similar if they belong to the same
search area for the same search goal, they are both
connected to the same ontological concept, and they
include a similar set of terms (i.e., the terms are
identical to the keywords of the original query, or
synonyms of them). If a similar case exists in the
database, the system executes two processes. The
first is to collect all relevant documents in the case
base related to similar queries. The second is to
collect all documents from the Web related to the
user query after treating and enriching the query
with the semantic signature. After this document
collecting phase, a classification process is triggered
to classify all the selected documents and display
them to the user. Then, these documents are
evaluated by the user and an ontology learning tool
analyzes them in order to improve the ontological
module with new concepts and new relationships
with other modules. Finally, the system updates the
case to enrich it.
Figure 4: Procedures applied to a case.
Cases Update: Once an existing case in the base
case is selected, it is updated in two steps. The first
one is the addition of new relevant documents to the
case. After processing the user’s query, a new class
of terms is added to the semantic signature. The next
step is to update the module vector and the domain
vector, by recalculating the weights of the terms of
the semantic signature related to the case. Finally,
the system saves the new adapted case into the case
Insertion of New Cases: This step involves the
insertion of the case problem, which includes the
addition of the search goal, the user-selected search
field, the pivotal concept and the semantic signature
(i.e., a list of terms obtained through the extraction
of keywords from the user query).
After inserting the case problem, the system
returns a set of URLs from the search engine. The
user mission is to mark those that he/she considers
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
relevant. The addition of the module vector and the
domain vector is made as soon as the user selection
is finished.
Similarity Measures: The next step is crucial for
the integration and update of the module and domain
Weighting Concepts by CF-ICF Method: The CF-
ICF measure is a good approximation to determine
the importance of a concept in a document,
particularly in a uniform size corpus. Here are some
formulas to calculate CF-ICF.
CF: (Concept Frequency) is a value proportional
to the occurrence and the frequency of a concept in
the ontological module and so in the semantic
ICF: (Inverse Concept Frequency)
N: total number of concepts in the ontology
: number of documents that contain the concept c
The formula below (to obtain W
) is the combination
of CF-ICF:
ICFLogCFW += 1
Where f
is a normalized function: to reduce the
differences between the values associated with the
concepts of the document. It is defined by the
following formula:
0,5 0,5
max ( )
cD ij
With cf
is the number of occurrences of the
concept c
in document D
Calculation of Module Vector: This involves the
calculation of the weight of each term using the
vector model, from the base of relevant documents
related to a specific domain stored in the case base.
Calculation of Domain Vector: This metric
calculates the weights of all concepts of the domain
ontology using the vector model, also from the basic
documents stored in the case base.
It can be noticed that CBR is used for many
tasks: reformulation of new queries on the basis of
previous ones, proposal of recommendations that are
represented by similar queries and their results,
document classification and enrichment of
ontological modules.
3.5 Filtering and Classification of Web
The vector model of Salton (Salton, G. and al.,
1983) is used to retrieve the most relevant
documents. We replace the terms by concepts to
make it more suitable for our application. More
precisely, we filter the domain vector to eliminate
documents outside the area, which do not belong to
the same module; therefore, this vector can reduce
the search noise.
In this vector model each document is
represented by a vector which has the following
form: D
= (d
). We can define d
as the
weight of the concept c
in the document D
, being N
the number of concepts that are in the semantic
signature. The query is represented by the vector Q=
), where q
is the weight of the concept c
in the semantic signature. The measure of similarity
between a document and a query is calculated with
the cosine formula:
ij i
ji i
Sim D Q
3.6 Ontology Enrichment from Web
The final task of this system is the enrichment of the
ontology fragments (associated to an old or new
case) from the Web documents making up the
solution of this case. Each document will be the
input of the ontology learning phase of the process
proposed in a previous work (Baazaoui Zghal and
al., 2007) (Baazaoui-Zghal and al., 2008). Text
mining techniques (syntactic patterns (Hearst, 1992)
and verb based patterns) are used to discover new
concepts and new relations between the concepts of
the ontology fragment and the topic signature
(Aguirre and al., 2004).
It is possible to extract new terms which have not
a stable relation with the ontology fragment. In this
case, these terms are added to the topic signature of
the case (instead of being added to the ontology) in
order to be used in a next iteration.
EVOLUTIVE CONTENT-BASED SEARCH SYSTEM - Semantic Search System based on Case-based-Reasoning and
Ontology Enrichment
4.1 Illustration
This section illustrates a simple scenario using the
search system. We present an example in which the
user wants to search for “a notebook HP”. As it is
shown in the last section, our system is composed of
four modules. So, the first step consists in the
treatment of the query. In figure 5 we present the
first iteration, including the primitive query built by
the system.
The system begins by reformulating the user’s
query to refine the search. On the one hand, the
system searches for similar cases to send their
documents (if they exist) to the user, and inserts the
module and domain vectors in the case base. Then,
the search engine obtains a list of Web documents.
This search tries to construct a primitive ontology.
On the other hand, after selecting the relevant
documents, the system uses text mining techniques
to enrich the primitive ontology, by extracting
concepts that are relevant to the ontological module
from the selected Web documents; in this case the
ontological module is the “notebook”.
Figure 5: An example: HP Notebook search.
After the completion of this scenario, new
concepts and instances are added to the module and
the query of the user is reformulated and enriched
with related terms and concepts as represented in
Figure 6.
4.2 Use Cases Demonstration
In this section, we show two use cases representing
the semantic relation between two queries Q1 and
Q2 that appear as two independent requests
submitted by two users but, according to the domain
knowledge, the result of one is the answer to the
other. The query Q1 is “What is an EMS in
Computer Science? and Q2 is “How to make an
online meeting or workshop? “.
Figure 6: Module enrichment.
We suppose that the first user submits the query
Q1. This first iteration can be done with any search
engine, given that there is no learning at this stage.
Concerning this query, we cannot find any related
ontology module nor similar cases as the query
keywords are not clear. A graph corresponding to
the query is extracted using lexico-syntactic patterns.
Then, the corresponding keywords are sent to a
search engine. The user selects the relevant
documents to be saved and a new case C1 is inserted
in the case base (Table 1). Both the insertion of a
new case and the calculation of the two vectors are
done automatically. After the case insertion, the
construction of the ontology module related to the
concept “electronic meeting system” is done by
fulfilling the following tasks:
Extraction of sentences containing the term
“EMS” from selected Web documents
associated to case C1 (figure 7).
Application of lexico-syntactic patterns and
syntactic frames to discover new related
concepts and relations.
Validation of the ontology elements
discovered for the set of Web documents.
The resulting ontology module is illustrated by
Figure 8.
A second user submits the next query Q2. This
second iteration is fulfilled by learning from similar
queries. The difference between the two queries is
that the first user knows exactly the concept he is
searching for (“EMS”) while the second user only
knows the role of this concept (without knowing the
fact that an EMS is a tool to make online meetings
or workshops). The use of a traditional search engine
to answer the query Q2 will lead to the difficulty of
finding that EMSs are used to make online
meetings or workshops, as “EMS” does not
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table1: Case representation of C1.
nce /ontology#EMS.owl
Problem GS= navigational
TopicSign= meeting, conference, online,
Set_Q= (EMS, (EMS +electronic meeting
Solution Module Vector
Domain Vector
appear as a term in the second query. But, according
to the proposed approach, the ontological index of
cases can provide the second user with a similar case
existing in the case base.
Figure 7: Extracted sentences containing the term “EMS”
from selected Web documents associated to case C1.
By applying this approach, the system has
noticed that there is a common result between the
two queries. However, by using the search engine,
we wouldn’t be able to find the same result. In fact,
the retrieval of cases similar to query Q2 provides
the most ranked recommended cases (C1 and many
other cases, as C2 shown in Table 2).
For this second user, we can provide a summary
of what is an online meeting, using the ontology
module (concepts in the neighborhood of online
meeting), and give a set of recommended
documents. In this context, we supposed that a
previous user submitted queries related to meetings.
The explication of this common result is that the
ontology module indexing C1 is strongly related to
the ontology module indexing C2 (figure 8).
The relation between the two ontology modules
was discovered in the step of ontology enrichment of
the case C1. The two ontology modules were
automatically created in the first iteration by
applying text mining techniques on the documents of
the C1 case.
Table 2: Case representation of C2.
ence /ontology#online_meeting.owl
Problem GS= navigational
TopicSign= meeting, online, tools,...
Set_Q= (make online meeting, workshop
making tools, interactive meeting tools,....)
Solution Module Vector
Domain Vector
Set_response= http://www.online-tech-
tips.com /cool-websites/free-online-
So, EMS is one of the available online meeting
tools. There are other answers such as “Web
Conferencing Roundup” (C2). The selection of one
of the proposed cases narrows the process of search.
This implies the use of the vector module. In this
example, we suppose that the second user selects the
case C1 among the recommended cases. Then, a set
of queries are submitted to import other Web
documents whose similarity with the Module Vector
is important. Then, we apply the document filtering
step by using the domain vector. We remark that the
majority of removed Web documents include the
term EMS, but they have not the same meaning of
“electronic meeting system“. In fact, there are many
other senses of the expression “EMS”, such as
“Express Mail Service” and ”European
Mathematical Society”.
We have just shown how CBR and ontologies are
used in the search. To evaluate our system we
computed the precision in the first part and the
EVOLUTIVE CONTENT-BASED SEARCH SYSTEM - Semantic Search System based on Case-based-Reasoning and
Ontology Enrichment
influence of CBR on ontology enrichment in the
second part.
Figure 8: Relation between two ontology modules
indexing two similar cases.
5.1 Search Results Evaluation
We measured the precision of our tool for finding
information online. Several scenarios have been
tested. The first scenario represents the initial
search, which is a keyword search on Google. The
second scenario represents the situation where there
are similar cases in the database. The search is based
on the vector model to filter the results. The third
scenario represents the search for information based
on the learning of cases, the query reformulation and
the use of the vector model for classification.
The precision measures the rate of relevant
documents that are manually assessed by a human
domain expert. Its values are calculated for several
queries. In Figure 9 we observe that the results
show a significant improvement of the relevance of
the returned information gradually as the concepts
are used in experiments. This demonstrates that the
implemented ideas contribute significantly to
improve the relevance of search results.
5.2 Ontology Enrichment Evaluation
In Figure 10 we can observe that the relevance of the
obtained results shows a marked improvement in the
considered scenarios. For the first scenario, the
Figure 9: An average precision for a system search.
added concepts are from WordNet so this is the
contribution of the disambiguation. The added
concepts in the second scenario are based on similar
cases in the case base, and so that is the contribution
of the CBR system. Finally, for the last scenario, the
added concepts are from the text, and that is the
contribution of enrichment from text.
Figure 10: Average number of added concepts for each
In the first scenario, we use only WordNet. There
are many relevant concepts in relation to the total of
concepts, but the number of concepts is very low to
describe the user’s search (see Figure 11).
In the second scenario we can extract concepts
from similar cases. We can observe the increase of
the number of relevant concepts in comparison with
the first scenario, despite the decrease of the
pertinent concepts average in relation to the total of
concepts. This can highlight the contribution of
case-based -reasoning in our work (see Figure 12).
1 2 4 5 102030406080100
Scenario1 Scenario2 Scenario3
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Scenario1 Scenario2 Scenario3
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 11: Concepts relevance for the first scenario.
Figure 12: Concepts relevance for the second scenario.
The third scenario represents the concepts
extracted from text (from relevant Web documents).
We can notice the great number of concepts
retrieved by the proposed system. This number of
concepts, especially the relevant ones, demonstrates
the contribution of ontology enrichment in our work
(see Figure 13).
Our system highlights the contribution of case-
based-reasoning and the ontology enrichment.
However, it presents some limitations. In fact,
returned documents for the user’s query and
ontology enrichment are not synchronised, these two
processes can not unfold at the same time. The
ontology enrichment process takes time because of
the volume of Web documents. That is why we
thought to use other ontology techniques based on
Web metrics and data returned by search engine to
paralellize the search and the enrichment processes
in our future work.
Figure 13: Concepts relevance for the third scenario.
The challenge addressed by this paper is to find a
solution to improve the contextualization of requests
based on past users’ queries and the enrichment of
ontologies from the query context (documents
selected by the user). In this paper, we have
presented related work that uses CBR technology in
IR systems and Ontology Learning for IR. In fact,
since intelligent retrieval is one of the main
applications of Case-based reasoning paradigm
(CBR), the semantic formalization in CBR systems
is becoming an increasing research area. In CBR
systems, semantics are the main source of reasoning,
similarity calculation and case adaptation. Our
underlying hypothesis is that case-based reasoning
supported by ontologies is a promising approach for
achieving semantics aware search and ontology
enrichment. In this work, we discussed an evolutive
semantic search based on case-based reasoning, by
which the traditional information retrieval, ontology
and CBR can be integrated. Our recommender
approach uses Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), with
semantic Web language markup (ontology) for case
We present in this paper a system that supports
the proposed approach (Ben Mustapha et al., 2010)
of semantic search based on ontologies and CBR.
The main contribution of this work is the ontology
fragment building and enrichment within a semantic
search engine and linking user queries with ontology
fragments using the case base reasoning.
The ontology enrichment is based on our
previous work that proposes to analyse the whole
Web page to learn new concepts and relations. So, it
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EVOLUTIVE CONTENT-BASED SEARCH SYSTEM - Semantic Search System based on Case-based-Reasoning and
Ontology Enrichment
is obvious that this approach is time consuming to
set it as an online task. So, we intend in the future
work to study especially ontology learning
techniques based on Web metrics (Sánchez and
Moreno, 2008a, 2008b).
Besides, since modularization is a very important
aspect in order to facilitate the enrichment,
maintenance and the reuse of the ontologies, the
main motivation of our future work is to adopt
ontology learning techniques based on the Web to
build modular ontologies by the composition of
extracted ontology modules.
This work has been supported by the Spanish-
Tunisian AECID project A/023175/09, “A
framework for the integration of Ontology Learning
and Semantic Search”.
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KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval