was used to determine the cluster dimensions and lo-
cations and a 2100 point testing set (disjoint from the
training set) was used for classification. In this exper-
iment, 74.8% of the points were classified correctly.
This demonstrates that the algorithm is able to deter-
mine the cluster properties from a small set of exam-
ples and apply them to previously unknown points.
The performance is lower than the unsupervised ex-
periments owing to the smaller set of points used to
determine the clusters.
We have presented a new algorithm called SEPC
for locating projective clusters using a Monte Carlo
method. The algorithm is straightforward to imple-
ment and has low complexity (linear in the number of
data points and low-order polynomial in the number
of dimensions). In addition, the algorithm does not re-
quire the number of clusters or the number of cluster
dimensions as input and does not make assumptions
about the distribution of cluster points (other than that
the clusters have bounded diameter). The algorithm is
widely applicable to projective clustering problems,
including the ability to find both disjoint and non-
disjoint clusters. The performance of the SEPC al-
gorithm surpasses previously reported results on both
synthetic and real data.
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