Scalable, Efficient, Accurate, Robust kNN-based Regression
Aditya Desai, Himanshu Singh
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India
Vikram Pudi
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India
Regression, Prediction, k-nearest neighbours, Generic, Accurate.
Regression algorithms are used for prediction (including forecasting of time-series data), inference, hypothesis
testing, and modeling of causal relationships. Statistical approaches although popular, are not generic in that
they require the user to make an intelligent guess about the form of the regression equation. In this paper
we present a new regression algorithm SEAR Scalable, Efficient, Accurate kNN-based Regression. In
addition to this, SEAR is simple and outlier-resilient. These desirable features make SEAR a very attractive
alternative to existing approaches. Our experimental study compares SEAR with fourteen other algorithms on
five standard real datasets, and shows that SEAR is more accurate than all its competitors.
Regression analysis has been studied extensively in
statistics (Humberto Barreto; Y. Wang and I. H.
Witten, 2002), there have been only a few stud-
ies from the data mining perspective. The algo-
rithms studied from a data mining perspective mainly
fall under the following broad categories - Deci-
sion Trees (L. Breiman, J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and
C. Stone, 1984), Support Vector Machines (W. Chu
and S.S. Keerthi, 2005), Neural Networks, Near-
est Neighbour Algorithms (E. Fix and J. L. H. Jr.,
1951)(P. J. Rousseeuw and A. M. Leroy, 1987), En-
semble Algorithms(L. Breiman, 1996)(R.E. Schapire,
1999) among others. It may be noted that most of
these studies were originally for classification, but
have later been modified for regression (I. H. Witten
and E. Frank).
In this paper we present a new regression algo-
rithm SEAR (Scalable, Efficient, Accurate and Ro-
bust kNN-based Regression). SEAR is generic, effi-
cient, accurate, robust, parameterless, simple and out-
lier resilient. The remainder of the paper is organized
as follows: In Section 2 we discuss related work and
in Section 3 we describe the SEAR algorithm. In Sec-
tion 4 we we experimentally evaluate our algorithm
and show the results. Finally, in Section 5, we con-
clude our study and identify future work.
In this section, we describe work related to the new
regression algorithm proposed in this paper.
Traditional Statistical Approaches. Most existing
approaches (Y. Wang and I. H. Witten, 2002) (Hum-
berto Barreto) follow a “curve fitting” methodology
that requires the form of the curve to be specified in
advance. This requires that regression problems in
each special application domain are separately stud-
ied and solved optimally for that domain. Another
problem with these approaches is outlier (extreme
cases) sensitivity.
Global Fitting Methods. Approaches like General-
ized Projection Pursuit regression (Lingjaerde, Ole C.
and Liestøl, Knut, 1999) is a new statistical method
which constructs a regression surface by estimating
the form of the function. Lagrange by Dzeroski et.
al. (Dzeroski S., Todorovski L., 1995) generates the
best fit equation over the observational data but is
computationally expensive due to huge search space.
Lagramge (Todorovski L., 1998) is a modification
of Lagrange in which grammars of equations are
generated from domain knowledge. However, the
algorithm requires prior domain knowledge. Support
vector machine (W. Chu and S.S. Keerthi, 2005)
Desai A., Singh H. and Pudi V..
SEAR - Scalable, Efficient, Accurate, Robust kNN-based Regression.
DOI: 10.5220/0003068703920395
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 392-395
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(SVM) is a new data mining paradigm applied for re-
gression. However these techniques involve complex
abstract mathematics thus resulting in techniques that
are more difficult to implement, maintain, embed and
modify as the situation demands. Neural networks
are another class of data mining approaches that
have been used for regression and dimensionality
reduction as in Self Organizing Maps (Haykin,
Simon). However, neural networks are complex and
hence an in depth analysis of the results obtained is
not possible. Ensemble based learning (L. Breiman,
1996) (R.E. Schapire, 1999) is a new approach
to regression. A major problem associated with
ensemble based learning is to determine the relative
importance of each individual learner.
Decision Trees. One of the first data min-
ing approaches to regression were regression
trees (L. Breiman, J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and
C. Stone, 1984), a variation of decision trees where
the predicted output values are stored at the leaf node.
These nodes are finite and hence the predicted output
is limited to a finite set of values which is in contrast
with the problem of predicting a continuous variable
as required in regression.
k-Nearest Neighbour. Another class of data
mining approaches that have been used for regression
are nearest neighbour techniques (E. Fix and J. L. H.
Jr., 1951)(P. J. Rousseeuw and A. M. Leroy, 1987).
These methods estimate the response value as a
weighted sum of the responses of all neighbours,
where the weight is inversely proportional to the
distance from the input tuple. These algorithms are
known to be simple and reasonably outlier resistant
butt they have relatively low accuracy because of
the problem of determining the correct number of
neighbours and the fact that they assume that all
dimensions contribute equally.
From the data mining perspective, we have re-
cently developed a nearest neighbour based algo-
rithm, PAGER (Desai A., Singh H. 2010) which en-
hances the power of nearest neighbour predictors. In
addtition to this PAGER also eliminates the prob-
lems associated with nearest neighbour methods like
choice of number of neighbours and difference in im-
portance of dimensions. However, PAGER suffers
from the problem of high time complexity O(nlogn),
bias due to the use of only the two closest neighbours
and decrease in performance due to noisy neighbours.
In addition PAGER assigns equal weight to all neigh-
bours which is not typical of the true setting as closer
neighbours tend to be more important than far away
ones. In this paper we use the framework of PAGER
and present a new algorithm SEAR which not only
retains the desirable properties of PAGER, but also
eliminates its major drawbacks mentioned above.
In this section we present the SEAR (Scalable,
Efficient, Accurate and Robust) regression algorithm.
SEAR is uses the nearest neighbour paradigm which
makes it simple and outlier-resilient. In addition to
these, SEAR is also scalable and efficient. These
desirable features make SEAR a very attractive
alternative to existing approaaches.
In the remainder of this section, we use the nota-
tion shown in Table 1. First in Section 3.1 we present
an algorithm that has a low space and time complex-
ity for computing k nearest neighbours followed by
Section 3.2 which removes over-dependence on the
two closest neighbours for constructing a line. Finally
in Section 3.3, we describe our technique for noisy
neighbour elimination.
Table 1: Notation.
k The number of closest neighbours used for
D The Training Data
d Number of dimensions in D
n Number of training tuples in D
Denotes a feature
X The feature vectors space. X =
T A tuple in X-space. T = (t
Tuple in D with record id RID
Value of attribute A
of T
Value of attribute A
for the L
neighbour of of T
y The response variable.
3.1 Approximate kNN
SEAR rectifies the problem of high-dimensionality
and high response time by providing a variation that
reduces the space complexity by a factor of d and the
time complexity by a factor of n. This is achieved by
a heuristic which approximately computes k nearest
neighbours in about log(n) time for k << n. For this
we generate a list L
for all attributes A
where each
row is a two tuple consisting of tuple id and attribute
value. The list is sorted on the basis of attribute val-
ues. For any tuple T and corresponding to attribute A
we search the list for T
using binary search (Knuth
SEAR - Scalable, Efficient, Accurate, Robust kNN-based Regression
D., 1997). Let ind be the index of the closest value.
We then load tuples at indexes from (ind k, ind+k).
This is done for all attributes and the union of all is
maintained in a list. We then compute the nearest
k-neighbours from among these points. Upon sim-
ple analysis, it is clear from the mentioned algorithm
that the space complexity is O(n + kd) and the time
complexity is O(log(n)+(kd)log(kd)), where n is the
number of tuples in D and d is the number of fea-
ture variables. This is because the union can contain a
maximum of of 2 kd points (k-neighbours are found
for d dimensions) and as k n, kd can be ignored
with respect to n. Thus, O(n + kd) O(n). Even
though this algorithm does not compute the closest
set of neighbors, experimental results show that the
algorithm is still good enough to return a relatively
good set of closest neighbors.
3.2 Line Construction using k
An approach using the first two neighbours for line
construction(used in PAGER) suffers from the prob-
lem of overdependence on the closest two neigh-
bors which may result in biased or incorrect results,
if one of the two neighbors has noisy dependant vari-
able values. The argument used in PAGER i.e. lower
the error in prediction of the neighbourhood, the bet-
ter the line fits the neighbourhood helps us formalize
the concept of the best fitting line which is done as
follows - The best fitting line in this plane is the line
which minimizes the weighted mean square error in
prediction of the neighbors and hence will be a good
representative of the neighborhood. The weights as-
signed to neighbours are inversely proportional to the
distance between the neighbour and T, thus ensuring
that there is lower mean error for closer points.
It can be proved that, this line is equivalent to the best
fitting line for k weighted points. However, due to
lack of space, the proof is not included in this paper.
3.3 Noisy Neighbour Elimination
It can be clearly seen from (Desai A., Singh H. 2010)
that the stability of prediction is inversely propor-
tional to the error in prediction in each dimension.
Due to this relation, noisy neighbours may have an
adverse effect on the relations between feature vari-
ables. Hence it becomes absolutely necessary to elim-
inate these neighbors (noisy). The algorithm to do the
same proceeds as follows :
1: µ Mean(y1,...,yk)
2: std
3: med Median(y1, . . .,yk)
4: std
5: if std1 < std2 then
6: dev std1, center µ
7: else
8: dev std2, center med
9: end if
10: if N
/ [center η dev,center+ η dev] then
11: Eliminate N
12: end if
The reason for using both mean (µ) and median (med)
is that the noisy neighbours may seriously affect the
value of the mean and thus may give a large std
which may not be of any use to eliminate the noisy
point. It was observed that the algorithm performed
significantly well for values of η 3.
In this section we compare our regression algorithm
against fourteen other algorithms on 5 datasets includ-
ing a mix of synthetic and real life datasets. The algo-
rithms used are available in the Weka toolkit (I. H.
Witten and E. Frank). We experimented with dif-
ferent parameter values in these algorithms and se-
lected those values that worked best for most datasets.
We used five datasets in our experimental study. All
the results and comparison have been done using the
leave one out comparison technique which is a spe-
cific case of n-folds cross validation, where the n is
set to the number of instances of the dataset. The met-
rics used for comparison are Root Mean Square Error
(RM) and Absolute Mean Error (AB). Only a maxi-
mum of top three performing algorithms are indicated
(in boldface) where the ordering is in accordance with
the principle of “Pareto Dominance”.
In this paper we have presented and evaluated SEAR,
an algorithm for regression based on nearest neigh-
bor methods. Evaluation was done against 14 com-
peting algorithms on 5 standard synthetic and real-life
datasets. Although simple, it outperformed all com-
peting algorithms on most datasets.
Future work in this field includes application of
SPACER to industrial and real world applications like
stock market prediction among others. In addition
SEAR can be applied on data-streams and can be used
for active learning. It is also of great interest to exper-
iment with different curve fitting measures instead of
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Experimental Results on Multi, Friedman-1, Friedman-2, Slump and Concrete Dataset.
Multi Friedman-1 Friedman-2 Slump Concrete
SEAR 0.53 0.67 1.69 2.19 29.09 42.43 5.43 7.65 5.17 7.34
Gaussian 0.48 0.61 1.74 2.21 35.02 53.21 5.81 7.26 6.58 8.38
Isotonic 0.90 1.13 3.59 4.32 219.69 285.11 5.89 7.52 10.84 13.52
LMS 0.56 0.71 2.28 2.90 114.37 161.02 6.71 10.58 9.28 16.55
LinearReg 0.56 0.71 2.28 2.88 107.94 144.30 6.55 7.79 8.29 10.46
Pace 0.56 0.71 2.28 2.89 107.75 144.47 6.73 7.9 8.32 10.52
RBF 1.01 1.26 3.77 4.71 244.93 315.83 6.84 8.56 13.43 16.67
SL 0.90 1.10 3.56 4.27 220.86 284.07 6.53 7.85 11.87 14.52
MLP 0.63 0.77 2.09 2.61 30.08 38.62 6.03 8.85 6.58 8.61
SMOReg 0.56 0.72 2.27 2.89 107.27 144.31 5.79 7.95 8.23 10.97
SVMReg 0.56 0.72 2.27 2.89 107.41 144.45 5.79 7.95 8.23 10.97
KStar 0.62 0.78 1.96 2.55 56.06 79.14 6.45 9.75 6.08 8.36
LWL 0.83 1.05 3.47 4.16 168.19 228.41 5.83 7.74 10.55 13.25
Additive 0.68 0.85 2.30 2.83 142.93 173.57 6.05 8.36 6.67 8.45
IBK 0.57 0.71 1.74 2.21 50.57 68.70 5.83 8.03 6.10 8.55
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Desai A., Singh H., Vikram Pudi, October 2009.
Technical Report PAGER: Parameterless, Ac-
curate, Generic, Efficient kNN-based Regres-
view publication/ techreport/59
SEAR - Scalable, Efficient, Accurate, Robust kNN-based Regression