In the next stage the decision maker is asked to
identify the information he needs from the data
warehouse. This is expressed using a goal
information template using business terms.
In our system, the rules process the information
in the template and identify whether the information
is directly present or not. When the data is not
directly available in the warehouse, two situations
are handled by the system. If the data exists and is
not directly derivable then this information is
provided. Secondly, if the required information is
altogether missing, then changes to the
multidimensional schema are suggested.
We have defined a hierarchy for the time
dimension by which it is possible to suggest addition
of levels in the Time dimension. We propose to
extend this to other Dimensions by defining
„belongs to‟ relationship in the Ontology. We
propose to add aggregate functions to the Ontology
so that when these are specified by the decision
maker, a better analysis of his requirements can be
It may be argued that there is no real need to
build ontology but business metadata that explains
the business context or existing ontology like
WordNet can be used. However, ontology not only
contains business terms and their taxonomy but also
includes relationships between attributes, synonyms,
word variants etc. (Guotong Xie, 2008; Matthias
Kehlenbeck, 2009). In this sense, an ontology
consists of rich domain information. Even though
industry standard ontology exists for common data
domains, for the not so common, the ontology has to
be built anyway.
We are currently building a graphical tool using
which the ontology can be defined.
The Change Identification System is
implemented using Java, Jena and OWL-API.
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development