To encode Africa Lions are Strong, the
properties of entities need to be updated along with
creation of new data and thus linking it. For this we
need to create semantic web page for lion and
define a class for it. Then need to define properties
like to which category they belong and where they
belong and linking the same to the page of the sub-
category of lion, carnivore of Africa. The
knowledge about African Lion being strong is part
of the value of abstract property of this page.
6.3 Encoding into ILS
To begin with, the knowledge “African Lions are
Strong” is given as input to KE, which screens it
and recognizes the sub-knowledge units as: Africa,
Lion and Strong, represented as KNN1, KNN 2 and
KNN3 as shown in Figure 5. The three KNNs
belong to three different domains, but the structure
used to represent the three is the same. From KNNs
the links are there to n-number of other knowledge
nodes, forming a cloud of knowledge.
Figure 5: Encoding into ILS depicting knowledge Clouds.
The link between KNN1 and KNN2 depicts that
the two sub knowledge entities are connected,
which means knowledge about lions in Africa and
Africa having lions both are there. Moving further,
if KNN2 and KNN3 are not linked i.e. the
knowledge African lion being strong is not there.
Then the Link manager at KNN2 would create a
link and would update the link database at the
respective KNN’s i.e. KNN1, KNN2 and KNN3.
These links implies that Africa, Lion and Strong are
now linked. Thus when both the links are taken
together, the following knowledge could be
retrieved: “African Lions are strong”, “Lions of
Africa are strong” and “Strong Lions are in Africa”.
Semantic web will not be able to link back to
same thing i.e. Strong to African Lion, unless
another entity for strong is made. And in other
knowledge bases the reverse assertion need to be
inserted. However, using the link properties in ILS,
we extract the knowledge thread starting from KNN
‘strong’ and linking it to ‘Lion’ belonging to
‘Africa’. So far knowledge is fed manually into ILS
but to simulate real human knowledge, we could
use Natural language processing and domain
experts. It shows a scalable model with high degree
of rationality.
Informledge System deals with linked knowledge as
a whole, rather than just connected words, which
could be later extracted for a purpose. ILS combines
the essential units of a KB i.e. words and logic, into
KNN and its multi-lateral links reaching wider
scopes that are not available today. ILS works fairly
well with limited number of KNNs however it is
required to simulate the system with real world
model and need to couple it with mammoth amount
of KNNs linked across domains to handle the
knowledge explosion. In addition to this, advanced
studies of Tensor in vector space of multiple nodes
and links is under investigation to achieve further
progress in managing multi-lateral links. The future
work includes analysis of link properties along with
its comparison to the biological properties of
neurons, which would provide more insight to the
knowledge handling capability of the brain.
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development