erated, sent, broadcast, received, lost, etc. for each
node. Also, other general information shown is the
number of packets generated or lost in the whole net-
work, the number of formed clusters, which nodes are
the leaders of the clusters, which nodes generate pack-
ets and which nodes forward them, etc. In addition to
all this information, another interesting aspect is that
it provides a detailed simulation of what happens in
each moment in the VANET thanks to the use of the
NS-2 display. It also shows the traffic model through
the SUMO tool while the information is represented
using TraceGraph. Table 3 shown some result of sim-
ulations. We have chosen the same set of common
parameters previously mentioned.
Figure 3: Generated and lost packets.
We can observe in Figure 3 the comparison be-
tween the average generated and lost packets: it is
clear that, without the use of clusters in VANETs,
the number of generated packets grow up much faster
than with the use of clusters. But also the lost pack-
ets grow up much faster. The main reason is likely to
be the heaviest traffic load that VANETs generates in
traffic jams conditions: indeed, the original protocol
makes a massive use of broadcast operations. Clus-
ters will help to decrease the percentage of lost pack-
ets and to perform the VANETs operation.
In this paper the use of clusters has been proposed
as a solution to decrease the number of communica-
tions in VANETs under dense traffic conditions when
the overhead of transmitted data causes a consider-
able drop in communication quality. In particular, a
complete description of the proposed scheme for au-
tonomic cluster management in VANETs is provided,
which includes differentiation among possible vehicle
states: from the initial state when it does not belong
to any cluster, to the choice of an existent cluster to
join it, the creation of a new cluster, and the end of
a cluster. This paper also shows how to proceed with
cluster communications.
A complete analysis has been done through simu-
lations using the open source traffic simulator SUMO
and network simulator NS-2. Such simulations al-
low the analysis of the operations at each stage, and a
comparison between communication overhead when
using clusters and without using them in VANETs.
Research supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e
on and the European FEDER Fund under
Project TIN2008-02236/TSI, and by the Agencia Ca-
naria de Investigaci
on, Innovaci
on y Sociedad de la
on under PI2007/005 Project.
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