A Neuro Fuzzy Approach to Alert Marketing Managers
Carolin Kaiser, Sabine Schlick and Freimut Bodendorf
Department of Information Systems, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Lange Gasse 20, Nuremberg, Germany
Keywords: Opinion mining, Social network analysis, Neuro fuzzy model, Internet.
Abstract: More and more people are exchanging their opinions in online social networks and influencing each other. It
is crucial for companies to observe opinion formation concerning their products. Thus, risks can be recog-
nized early on and counteractive measures can be initiated by marketing managers. A neuro fuzzy approach
is presented which allows the detection of critical situations in the process of opinion formation and the
alerting of marketing managers. Rules for identifying critical situations are learned on the basis of the opi-
nions of the network members, the influence of the opinion leaders and the structure of the network. The
opinions and characteristics of the network are identified by text mining and social network analysis. The
approach is illustrated by an exemplary application.
The number of people who are engaged in online
social networks is increasing steadily. Within these
networks, people are passing on information and
evaluations of products. By discussing with each
other they influence one another’s opinions and
purchasing behavior. It is important for companies
to monitor the development of online opinions
continously in order to detect risks at an early stage
and to take preventive actions. Thus, the spread of
negative opinions can be stopped and the compay’s
image can be saved from damage.
According to diffusion theory (Rogers 2003) not
only the characteristics of a product but also the
social network have a great impact on the spread of
opinions. Opinion leaders are in a position to
influence many members of the network. The
structure of the network, i.e. the relationships among
the network members, determines how fast opinions
Critical situations within social networks arise
when negative opinions are on the verge of being
spread and causing damage to the company’s image
or sales volume. The detection of critical situations
is very difficult since many factors must be consi-
dered. The opinions of the network members and the
power of the opinion leaders as well as the structure
of the network influence the future opinion devel-
opment. All of these factors must be taken into ac-
count in order to judge whether a situation is critical
or non-critical. Considerable experience in the fields
of online social networks and marketing is vital for
evaluating situations correctly. The automation of
this complex and also time-consuming task poses an
immense challenge to research. A warning system
should not only be able to assess situations correctly
but should also be easy for marketing managers to
understand so that they can apply it intuitively.
An neuro fuzzy approach is introduced which
detects critical situations in the process of opinion
formation by taking the overall social network into
account. The opinions of the networks members are
first recognized by methods coming from text
mining. The opinion leaders and the network
structure are then characterized by key figures
coming from social network analysis. Based on this
information, a fuzzy perceptron learns rules which
enable the discovery of critical situations and the
warning of marketing managers. These rules can be
easily interpreted by marketing managers.
Opinion mining on the Internet has recently become
a popular field of research. There are many papers
Kaiser C., Schlick S. and Bodendorf F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003070900560064
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 56-64
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
which apply text mining to online discussions in
order to reveal consumer opinions about products or
product features (Kaiser 2009, Dave, Lawrence and
Pennoc 2003, Pang, Lee and Vaithyanathan 2002,
Popescu and Etzioni 2005). Glance et. al (2005)
integrate several mining methods to enable online
opinion tracking. Kim und Hovy (2007) propose a
similar approach for predicting election results by
analyzing predictive opinions. All of these ap-
proaches only take a static view of online opinions.
Several papers focus on the dynamic evolution of
online activities. Viermetz, Skubacz, Ziegler and
Seipel (2008) monitor the evolution of short term
topics and long term trends. The system of Tong and
Yager (2004) automatically summarizes the devel-
opment of opinions in online discussions in form of
linguistic statements. Huang, Liu and Wang (2007)
introduce a method for detecting and tracking the
evolution of online communities. Choudhury, Sun-
daram, John, and Seligmann (2009) extract and
monitor key groups in blogs in order to study the
dynamics of the whole community. These approach-
es deal with the dynamic evolution in the past.
Other approaches take online chatter as a basis
for prediction. Gruhl, Guha, Kumar, Novak and
Tomkins (2005) use online postings to predict
changes and peaks in Amazon’s sales. Dahr and
Chang (2007) detect that user-generated content
correlates with future music sales. Onishi and Man-
chada (2009) arrive at the conclusion that blogging
activity correlates with the sales of green tea, movie
tickets and cell phone contracts. All three approach-
es do not predict the future behavior of Internet users
but only the consequences of users’ online activities.
There are also studies dealing with the prediction
of online behavior. Choudhury, Sundaram, John and
Seligmann (2007) describe a method for predicting
the communication flow in social networks. The
work of Choudhury (2009) allows the modeling and
forecasting of activities in online groups. However,
they do not identify opinion leaders and predict
opinion formation.
Welser, Gleave, Fisher and Smith (2007), Chang,
Chen and Chuang (2002) as well as Gomez, Kalten-
brunner and Lopez (2008) study social networks
with regard to the different roles of their members
(e.g. opinion leaders). However, the content of the
conversation is not taken into consideration. Boden-
dorf and Kaiser (2009) extract opinions by text min-
ing and identify opinion leaders with the aid of so-
cial network analysis in order to analyze opinion
None of the mentioned approaches focus on the
evaluation of the situation as a whole and none of
them consider all the influencing variables. Hence,
former work did not enable the recognition of criti-
cal situations and the alerting of marketing manag-
The objective of the approach is to detect critical
situations during opinion formation in online social
networks. Situations are considered as critical if
negative opinions are on the verge of spreading and
harming the company’s image or sales volume. In
these cases, marketing managers must be warned
immediately in order to take counteracting measures.
The approach comprises three succeeding mining
steps. In the first step, the opinions of all network
members towards a product are identified by me-
thods coming from text mining. Opinions are distin-
guished as positive, negative and neutral. In the
second step, the opinion leaders and the network
structure which have a great impact on the spread of
opinions are determined by using key figures from
social network analysis. In the third step, rules for
discovering critical situations during opinion forma-
tion are revealed on the basis of the overall opinion
of the network, the opinion and power of the opinion
leaders as well as the network structure. With the aid
of a fuzzy perceptron, linguistic rules are learned
which can be easily understood by marketing man-
agers. Rules learned from past situations can be
employed to recognize future critical situations and
to warn marketing managers at an early stage, i.e.
before the spread of negative opinions.
The presented approach is applied to the German
Gaming community for purposes of
illustration and validation. The online platform Ga- is provided by Europe’s most popular
magazine for computer games. Fans of computer
games meet frequently on to exchange
opinions on many games within the discussion fo-
rum. 6596 postings submitted from Oct. 8
to Nov.
2008 were extracted from threads discussing the
games “Fallout 3”, “Far Cry 2” and “Dead Space”.
For each of these three games, a sequence of time-
dependent networks was generated by connecting
those people with each other who have submitted
postings directly before or after one another on one
Marketing Managers
The identification of opinions aims at detecting the
attitude of each user towards a product on the basis
of his/her postings. Attitudes are assigned according
to their polarity to the classes “positive”, “negative”
or “neutral”.
The process of opinion formation consists of two
phases (Kaiser and Bodendorf 2009). First, the post-
ings of the forum users are characterized by
attributes. Second, the postings are classified accord-
ing to their polarity on the basis of these attributes.
Statistical and linguistic attributes are used to de-
scribe the postings. For this reason, postings are
decomposed into words. Unimportant stop words are
removed. All remaining words are reduced to their
word stem. The relative frequency of each word
stem for each of the three classes is then calculated.
Word stems which appear frequently in one class but
rarely in the other two classes are chosen as
Several methods such as Hidden Marcov Models
or Maximum Entropy enable the solving of classifi-
cation tasks (Weiss 2005). Support Vector Machines
(Cortes and Vapnik 1995) are specially suited for
text classification since they are able to process
numerous attributes. A lot of papers (e.g. Pang et al.
2002) have empirically demonstrated the appro-
priateness of Support Vector Machines for text clas-
sification. Therefore, Support Vector Machines are
employed for classifying the polarity of postings
based on their attributes.
In order to learn classification, training data con-
sisting of the postings’ attributes and manually as-
signed polarities are required. With the aid of this
training data, Support Vector Machines learn the
parameters of binary classification rules. In the case
of three classes, three classification rules are
learned: “positive” versus “not positive”, “negative”
versus “not negative” and “neutral” versus “not
neutral”. The final decision to which class a posting
is assigned is based on a majority vote. In the simple
case of just two attributes, the classification rule can
be depicted as a straight line separating the postings
into two classes. Figure 1 shows a line which classi-
fies a posting as positive due to the word stems it
After classification, the average opinion of each
user is determined based on all the postings he/she
has submitted to the discussion forum per day
In order to validate this procedure, it was applied
to the German Online Forum of 4010
postings from threads discussing the games “Dead
contains „love“
contains „best“
I love this game! It is the
best game Ive ever played.
Figure 1: Classification of opinions.
Space”, “Fallout 3” and “Far Cry 2” were manually
classified as positive, negative and neutral. The
validation is executed in form of a stratified 10-fold
cross-validation. The data set is divided into 10
portions so that each portion contains the same
amount of postings per class. Each of the portions is
used once to test the rules learned on the basis of the
other nine portions. After all ten test runs, the aver-
age performance in form of precision, recall and F-
measure is calculated (Weiss, Indurkhya, Zhang and
Damerau 2005). While precision measures the accu-
racy of the classification learned, recall determines
its completeness. The F-measure is calculated as the
harmonic mean of precision and recall.
Table 1 shows the results of the cross-validation.
While the detection of negative and neutral opinions
is very good, the detection of positive opinions is
less successful. The examination of misclassification
reveals that those postings with a positive introduc-
tion or positive conclusion but a neutral or negative
statement in-between are often not recognized as
positive. This problem can be solved by attaching
more weight to the sentences at the beginning and
the end of a posting.
Table 1: Results of opinion classification.
Class Precision Recall F-Measure
positive 62,96% 62,52% 62,74%
negative 86,35% 86,05% 86,20%
neutral 81,65% 81,07% 81,36%
6.1 Opinion Leaders
Opinion leaders are persons who have great influ-
ence on other people’s opinion, attitude and beha-
vior (Katz and Lazarsfeld 1955; Rogers 2003).
While prior research in social psychology characte-
rized opinion leaders on the basis of their personal
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
attributes such as age and education, recent research
defines opinion leaders on the basis of their social
activities. Due to their central position and commu-
nicative behavior they play a leading role in opinion
formation (Valente 1999). A small number of opi-
nion leaders is sufficient to influence the opinions of
many others in a network (Keller and Berry 2003).
Persons are not split up in the classes “opinion lead-
er” or “no opinion leader” but are characterized by
the degree to which they affect others’ opinions
(Rogers 2003).
Social Network Analysis provides three key fig-
ures for measuring the degree of opinion leadership:
degree centrality, closeness centrality and between-
ness centrality (Wassermann and Faust 1999, Scott
2000). The normalized values of these centrality key
figures range from zero to one. While a value of one
indicates maximum opinion leadership, a value of
zero indicates minimum opinion leadership.
Degree centrality measures how many direct re-
lationships a person has to other network members.
It is calculated as the ratio of the number of a user’s
relationships to the number of all relationships in the
network. Degree centrality specifies how often a
person communicates directly with other persons in
the network. Persons with high degree centrality are
in a position to influence their local surroundings
and can be considered as local opinion leaders.
In contrast to degree centrality, closeness cen-
trality does not only take direct but also indirect
communication relationships into account. Closeness
centrality characterizes how close a person is to all
other persons in the network. It is calculated as the
inverse sum of the distances from each user to all
other users within the network. Persons with high
closeness centrality are able to influence the overall
network due to their short distance to all other users
in the network. Therefore, they can be considered as
global opinion leaders.
Betweenness centrality describes how frequently
a user can be found on the shortest connecting paths
between all pairs of users. This key figure is deter-
mined as the fraction of the shortest paths which
pass a user to all shortest paths within the network.
Since a lot of communication flows via persons with
high betweenness centrality they act as intermedia-
ries and have the power of influencing the flow of
6.2 Network Structure
Besides opinion leaders, the structure of the network
has an impact on opinion formation. The network
structure can be characterized by the key figures
centralization and density coming from the social
network analysis (Wassermann and Faust 1999,
Scott 2000).
Centralization measures how the centralities of
the network members differ from the centrality of
the most central person. A strongly centralized net-
work consists of only a few central opinion leaders
and many peripheral users. In this case, the leaders’
opinion can spread easily from the center to the
periphery of the network (Bodendorf and Kaiser
Density specifies the connectivity of a network.
It is calculated as the fraction of the number of rela-
tionships which exist in a network and the maximum
number of relationships which are possible in a
network. Density indicates the frequency of commu-
nication within the network. The higher the density
of a network, the more opinions can be exchanged
between the network members (Bodendorf and
Kaiser 2009). In a very dense network the opinion
can disseminate quickly among the network mem-
7.1 Objective
The objective is to discover critical situations auto-
matically and to alert marketing managers as soon as
such a situation arises in the process of opinion
formation. The classification of situations depends
on many different variables such as the overall opi-
nion, the opinions of the opinion leaders or the struc-
ture of the network.
The approach attempts to fulfill two countervail-
ing requirements. On the one hand, marketing man-
agers should be in a position to easily comprehend
why a situation is classified as critical. Consequent-
ly, the system must be able to process linguistic
rules that can be formulated by the managers due to
their expertise. On the other hand, interdependencies
among influencing factors are very complex and
make it difficult for marketing managers to define
rules for detecting critical situations. For this reason,
the system must enable supervised learning of such
linguistic rules from data.
7.2 Method
With regard to the two requirements mentioned
above, two methods coming from the discipline of
Marketing Managers
soft computing come into consideration, i.e. artificial
neural networks and fuzzy systems.
Neural networks are capable of learning classifi-
cation from data. However, they are a black box.
There is no way of understanding the rules behind
the classifications (Nauck, Klawonn and Kruse
1997). In contrast, fuzzy systems cannot learn classi-
fication from data but they can process linguistic
rules that are based on fuzzy sets (Zadeh 1965).
Experts formulate such linguistic rules which are
then employed for classification. This enables the
understanding of classification results.
In order to combine the advantages and minimize
the disadvantages of neuronal networks and fuzzy
systems (Nauck et al. 1997), a neuro fuzzy approach
is applied in this work.
Neuro fuzzy systems have the ability of learning
linguistic rules from data. There are many different
neuro fuzzy approaches. Here the NEFCLASS mod-
el (NEuro Fuzzy CLASSification) is chosen. This
system is capable of learning fuzzy sets and fuzzy
rules. Moreover, it can also deal with manually de-
fined rules and optimize them (Nauck et al. 1997).
The NEFCLASS model is a 3-layer fuzzy per-
ceptron (Nauck and Kruse 1994). The input layer
represents the input variables, the hidden layer the
fuzzy rules and the output layer the two classes (crit-
ical situation and non-critical situation). The linguis-
tic terms are represented by the weights between the
input layer and the hidden layer (Nauck and Kruse
1995). Figure 2 illustrates the structure of a fuzzy
rule 1 rule 3 rule 4
opinion of
the opinion
rule 2
alert nonalert
Figure 2: Structure of a fuzzy perceptron.
The fuzzy perceptron depicted in figure 2 con-
sists of four fuzzy rules. For example, rule 1 classi-
fies a situation as critical if the input variables over-
all opinion and opinion of opinion leader take the
value of the linguistic term negative (see figure 3).
Figure 3: Fuzzy rule.
Fuzzy sets specify whether and to what degree the
values of the input variables belong to linguistic
terms. While in classical set theory objects either
belong or do not belong to a set, in fuzzy set theory
objects belong to a set with a certain degree of
membership. A fuzzy set is a function which assigns
a degree of membership for a linguistic term to each
value of the input variable (see figure 4).
Degreeof Membership
Figure 4: Fuzzy sets.
The fuzzy rules are learned from data by employing
an algorithm derived from the algorithm of Wang
and Mendel (Wang and Mendel 1991 & 1992, Bor-
gelt, Klawonn, Kruse and Nauck 2003). The feature
space is structured by overlapping hyperboxes which
represent fuzzy rules (Nauck et al. 1997). Each
hyperbox is an n-dimensional Cartesian product of n
fuzzy sets (Nauck and Kruse 1997). Figure 5 shows
a feature space that is structured by overlapping
hyperboxes. In this case, there are two variables:
opinion leadership (with the fuzzy sets low, medium,
high) and opinion (with the fuzzy sets negative,
neutral, positive).
The algorithm learns the fuzzy rules by running
through the training data set twice. In the first run,
all antecedents (if parts) of the rules are generated.
For each pattern of the training data set, the combi-
nation of fuzzy sets which achieves the highest de-
gree of membership is selected. In the second run,
the rules are completed by determining the best
consequent (then part) for each antecedent (if part).
The resulting rules enable the classification of input
patterns. However, there may still be some classifi-
cation errors. Figure 5 (left side) exemplifies the
classification of the input pattern (circles and trian-
gles) after rule learning. One pattern is not classified
(triangle) and one is misclassified (circle).
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
low medium high
low medium high
Figure 5: Classification after rule learning (left side) and after fuzzy set modification (right side).
On the basis of the detected errors the shape and
the position of the fuzzy sets are modified in order to
improve classification (Nauck and Kruse 1995).
Figure 5 (right side) shows the classification results
after the process of modification. All patterns are
classified. There are no misclassifications.
After modification of the fuzzy sets, the rule base
is pruned by deleting variables or whole rules. Thus,
the rule base is easier to interpret and can be applied
to a broader range of cases (Nauck 1996).
7.3 Application
Training Sets
Since the NEFCLASS model is based on supervised
learning, the training datasets must be classified
manually before learning. Each day’s snapshot of
the discussion network is evaluated as a critical or
non-critical situation.
Figure 6 shows a situation which is not critical.
The local opinion leader and the intermediary is
User 25 (degree centrality 0.57, betweenness cen-
trality 0.48). The global opinion leader is User 26
(closeness centrality 0.65). The opinion of both of
them is positive. The overall opinion is neutral. The
centralization, i.e. the likelihood that the opinion of
the opinion leader will diffuse, is medium (0.4). The
density, i.e. the speed of diffusion, is small (0.18).
Consequently, this situation is classified as non-
+ positive opinion
Figure 6: Non-critical situation in a network.
In contrast, the situation in figure 7 is classified
as critical. Local opinion leader and intermediary is
User 8. Global opinion leader is User 9. The opinion
of all opinion leaders is neutral. The overall opinion
is slightly negative (-0.1). The likelihood that the
opinion of the opinion leader will diffuse is high
(centralization 0.47). The speed of diffusion is me-
dium (density 0.36). The situation is critical since a
neutral opinion can be interpreted as disinterest.
Marketing Managers
+ positive opinion
Figure 7: Critical situation in a network.
Rule Bases
Based on the training datasets, the classification
rules for all three games are learned. The resulting
rule bases for all three games are clear and easily
interpretable. They consists of eight rules for the
game “Dead Space”, nine rules for the game “Fal-
lout 3” and three rules for the game “Far Cry 2”.
Figure 8 shows an extraction of the rule base for the
game “Dead Space”.
Rule 1
If the local opinion leadership is high
and the opinion of the local opinion leader is negative
and the opinion of the global opinion leader is negative
and the likelihood that the opinion of an opinion leader
will diffuse is high
and the overall opinion is negative
then the situation is critical.
Rule 2
If the opinion of the global opinion leader is positive
and the likelihood that the opinion of an opinion leader
will diffuse is low
and the overall opinion is positive
then the situation is not critical.
Figure 8: Extraction of the rule base.
The first rule classifies critical situations. It states
that if the overall opinion is negative and the opinion
of the local and the global opinion leader is negative
as well, then the marketing manager must be alerted.
It is also important that local opinion leadership and
centralization, i.e. likelihood of opinion diffusion,
are high. In these situations the opinion will remain
negative in the future or even become more nega-
tive. As a consequence thereof marketing manager
must take actions to influence opinion formation.
The second rule classifies situations that are not
critical. The opinion of the global opinion leader is
positive. The probability that the opinion of the opi-
nion leader will diffuse is low. However, this is of
no disadvantage since the overall opinion is already
positive. There is no indication that the overall opi-
nion will become negative in the future. For this
reason the marketing manager there is no need for
altering the marketing manager.
Classification Results
Table 2 depicts the classification results of the three
games. It shows the average rate of misclassification
during validation. The best results have been
achieved for the game “Fallout 3”. The validated
classifier has an estimated misclassification rate of
The classifier learned for the game “Dead
Space” is also excellent. The average rate of mis-
classification is 9.7%. Due to the small training
dataset, learning is less successful for the game “Far
Cry2”. There is a misclassification rate of 29.4% for
the game “Far Cry 2”.
Table 2: Classification results.
Number of time-
dependent networks
cation rate
Dead Space 56 9.7%
Fallout 3 45 6.5%
Far Cry 2 33 29.4 %
The presented approach enables the detection of
critical situations during opinion formation in online
social networks by executing three mining steps.
First, the opinions of all network members towards a
product are recognized by methods coming from text
mining. Second, the opinion leaders and the struc-
ture of the network are determined by key figures
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
coming from social network analysis. Third, critical
situations during opinion formation are spotted by a
fuzzy perceptron on the basis of the opinions of the
network members, the influence of the opinion lead-
ers as well as the structure of the network. Choosing
a neuro fuzzy approach allows the learning of lin-
guistic rules which can be easily interpreted by mar-
keting managers. These rules are learned from past
situations and can be employed to judge future situa-
There are a lot of advantages in discovering crit-
ical situations. Being alerted at an early stage, mar-
keting managers can influence the process of opi-
nion formation. For instance, they can address opi-
nion leaders who have a negative opinion and ask
their advice about product improvements. This ac-
tion might not only reveal valuable information for
product development but might also lead to a change
in the leaders’ opinions as they have the impression
that their complaint is being taken seriously. All in
all, this approach attempts to improve a company’s
image and to increase its sales volume.
Scheduled work is to implement a decision sup-
port system that not only identifies critical situations
but also generates recommendations on appropriate
actions for marketing mangers. For example, the
system should advise marketing managers how to
communicate with network members in critical
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