defines the variant WSML-Core that can be identified
as the intersection between a particular Description
Logic (a subset of S H I Q ) and Horn Logic (without
function symbols and equality) (Grosof et al., 2003).
WSML DL is, in general, incompatible with both
WSML-Flight and WSML-Rule. Therefore, com-
plete reasoning about services descriptions specified
using WSML DL, Rule and Flight is unfeasible be-
cause WSML Full, the common super-language, is
The Web Ontology Language for Services (OWL-
S) is an OWL
ontology describing the three essen-
tial aspects of a service (i.e. its adervetisment, pro-
cess model, and protocol details) using three differ-
ent modules: Service Profile, Service Model, and
Service Grounding. OWL-S itself is an OWL on-
tology. OWL, whose formal foundation is the De-
scription Logics (Baader et al., 2003), provides three
increasingly expressive sub-languages, in detail:
• OWL-Lite can be used to model classification
hierarchies and simple constraints. OWL-Lite
has the lowest computational complexity amongst
OWL sub-languages.
• OWL-DL is used when the maximum decid-
able expressivity is required. It corresponds to
S H O I N (D ) DL (Horrocks et al., 2003).
• OWL-Full, although allowing for as much ex-
pressivity as RDF, is undecidable therefore it
could be hardly be used for reasoning.
However, as pointed out in the following, SWRL (in
its decidable fragment) represents a reasonable ad-
vancement in reconciling Logic Programming and
Description Logics. For this reason, OWL-S is in a
more better position than WSMO as SWRL can be
seamlessly integrated with OWL.
The state of the art, both for WSMO and OWL-S, can
be brefly analyzed w.r.t. the use cases reported in the
usage activities dimension of Table 1, i.e. Discov-
ery, Selection, Composition, and Invocation. Please,
notice that, whilst for WSMO exist different imple-
mented infrastructures that unify, amongst the oth-
ers, all the aspects described above, to the best of
our knowledge there is not any counterpart developed
for OWL-S, yet. For WSMO, in general, the com-
mon starting point for the implementation of such
functionalities is either WSMX
or IRS-3
. (Kifer
OWL-S is based on OWL 1.0 recently extended
with the new recommendation OWL 2, as reported in
Web Service Execution Environment (WSMX) -
Internet Reasoning Service (IRS) 3 -
et al., 2004) presents a logical framework that exploits
WSMO formal descriptions to dynamically discover
Web Services matching the requester goals. The SWS
discovery in OWL-S, in most cases, aims to enhance
the UDDI registry and to exploit semantic matchmak-
ing techniques applied to the service profile model.
Lynch et al. (Lynch et al., 2006) explore a potential al-
ternativefor UDDI registries
, and investigatethe fea-
sibility of a general publish/subscribe model for Web
Service Discovery. The research on services selection
in WSMO is often related to the service discovery be-
cause both use cases require a semantic matchmaker
component. The selection mechanism of OWL-S is
related to the application of semantic matchmaking
techniques both to the service profile and to the pro-
cess model. The invocation use case is strictly related
to the semantics of the protocol used to invoke the ser-
vice. In (Walton, 2005) a particular protocol (Which
can be used with OWL-S and WSMO) to represent
the computational aspects of a Web service, such as
invocation order, and inter-argument dependencies, is
proposed. The research on composition of services
encompassesmore elements within service ontologies
than other usage activities because it must consider
the SWS conditions during the composition task. To
the best of our knowledge, works on fully automatic
composition of WSMO services have not been pro-
posed yet. However, a semi-automatic composition
approach is proposed in (Hakimpour et al., 2005) .
Most OWL-S research activities focused on compo-
sition methods drawing inspiration mainly from AI
planning, like reported in (McIlraith and Son, 2002),
one of the first works about this topic. In (Redavid
et al., 2008) a method for encoding OWL-S atomic
processes by means of SWRL rules and composing
them using a backward search planning algorithm is
presented. The proposed solution has been realized
using exclusively Semantic Web technologies.
The meaning of orchestration once we take semantics
into account becomes different from the pre-arranged
Web service composition, which is constrained only
at syntactic level. To summarize, to orchestrate means
to realize the automatic discovery, selection, compo-
sition, and invocation of services so as to achieve a
goal. Solving this problem requires to respond to use
cases organized along three dimensions in the SWS
infrastructure (please see Sec. 2). Here we focus on
the usage activities and service ontology to compare
Universal Description Discovery and Integration
(UDDI) - http://uddi.xml.org/uddi-org