Xing Zhang, Yan Song
Dialogue Systems Group, Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong
TatChee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
Alex Chengyu Fang
Dialogue Systems Group, Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong
TatChee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
Keywords: Term extraction, Conditional Random Fields, Syntactic function, Term ratio.
Abstract: In this paper, we describe how to construct a machine learning framework that utilizes syntactic information
in extraction of biomedical terms. Conditional random fields (CRF), is used as the basis of this framework.
We make an effort to find the appropriate use for syntactic information, including parent nodes, syntactic
paths and term ratios under the machine learning framework. The experiment results show that syntactic
paths and term ratios can improve precision of term extraction, including old terms and novel terms.
However, the recall rate of novel terms still needs to be increased. This research serves as an example for
constructing machine learning based term extraction systems that utilizes linguistic information.
This paper investigates the use of Conditional
Random Fields (CRF) in novel medical term
extraction. A variety of methods have been used in
term extraction, some are linguistics focused, some
are base on statistically motivated, and recent
approaches try to combine these two together.
Recently, with the development of machine learning
models, a lot of work has attempted to extract terms
using machine learning methods.The widely used
standard features for machine learning include
orthographic features, POS tags, prefix, and suffix
information. However, few studies have tried to
make use of dynamic linguistic features in respect of
term usage in real text. As Zhang and Fang (2010)
found out, syntactic functions can be used
effectively in selecting and ranking term candidates,
which means termhood can be captured by
computing term ratios in syntactic paths.
Furthermore, as studies concerning novel terms
are not so common, this paper considers how
syntactic information integrated under a machine
learning framework can be helpful in discovering
novel terms. As early as in 1995, Justeson and Katz
defined novel terminology as terms that are newly
introduced and not yet widely established, or terms
that are current only in more advanced or specialized
literature than that with which the intended audience
can be presumed to be familiar. In MeSH, there will
be annual changes to its descriptors (terms). As
quoted from their website, ‘In biomedicine and
related areas, new concepts are constantly emerging,
old concepts are in a state of flux and terminology
and usage are modified accordingly.’ Therefore,
novel terms may not only refer to those new words
that are newly and specifically created for some
meaning in a certain domain, but also could be some
known word whose meaning is changed from
common to special. In this study, systematic
experiments are performed to explore how syntactic
information can be used as effective features to
extract terms under CRF model.
Different machine learning methods have been used
in term identification and term recognition. Zheng et
al. (2009) uses six kinds of features in their CRF
template, including POS, semantic information, left
information entropy, right information entropy,
Zhang X., Song Y. and Fang A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003077304140417
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 414-417
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mutual information and TF/IDF. They test their
method on military materials, the precision achieved
was 79.63 %, recall was 73.54%, and F-measure was
76.46%. Takeuchi and Collier (2004) use Support
Vector Machines to study the effects of training set
size, feature sets, boundary identification and
window size on biomedical entity extraction. The
features they choose include surface word forms,
POS tags, orthographic features and head-noun
features.Tsai et al. (2005) also adopt some linguistic
features, orthographical features, context features,
POS features, word shape features, prefix and suffix
features, and dictionary features to CRF framework.
On GENIA 3.02 corpus, their system achieves an F-
score of 78.4% for protein names.
Conditional Random Field is an effective undirected
graph learning framework first introduced in
(Lafferty, et al., 2001), which has been successfully
applied in many natural language processing tasks
(Song et al, 2009; Zhao et al, 2006). The learning
task for CRF is to maximize the formula
where x denotes the input samples of the training or
testing data, y refers to the corresponding outputs,
and λ is the parameter vector for weighting attached
to the feature function Φ. Z(x) is the normalization
factor over all output values. We use the linear chain
form of CRF, in which x and y are the sequence
texts and output labels respectively. Feature
templates used are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Feature templates in CRF based term tagging.
Description Template
Word Unigrams W-3, W-2, W-1, W0,
W+1, W+2, W+3
Word Bigrams W-2W-1, W-1W0,
W0W+1, W+1W+2
Word Jump Bigram W-1W+1
POS tag O
Syntactic Functions S
Parent node F
Singe or Compound C
Scale of Term Ratio L
Syntactic Paths P
Our implementation of sequence tagging process for
term extraction uses the CRF++ package by Taku
Kudo (˜taku/software/CRF++/).
4.1 Resources Construction
For the purpose of studying behavior of novel terms
in a special period, i.e. the year of 2009, the corpora
used in this study are built up from MEDLINE
abstracts (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval
System Online by U.S. National Library of
Medicine) limited to the year of 2009 only. Among
these abstracts, 20,020 abstracts are sampled and
parsed by Survey Parser (Fang, 1996) first. The
Survey parser can produce detail syntactic
information of each constituent. We partitioned this
corpus into 10 subsets, each consisting of 2002
Two lists of medical terms were created from
Medical Subject Headings beforehand as gold
standard. The first term list used in this study is
novel term list in 2009. This novel term list collects
this special group of terms which are included into
MeSH in the year of 2009 and are considered as
novel terms of 2009 in current study. This novel
term list contains 422 terms. The second term list
collects terms from 1954 to 2008 and contains
594,854 terms. This MeSH list was released in 2009,
therefore referred as MeSH 2009.
4.2 Feature Selection
Feature selection is very important in machine
learning systems. In this study, 7 kinds of features
are used, including POS tags, syntactic functions,
parent nodes, single or compound, scale of term
ratio, syntactic paths and term ratios. For the feature
‘Scale of Term Ratio’, it means a scale from 1 to 3
to indicate three categories of term ratio. And term
ratios of syntactic paths are obtained from training
corpus under a separate system (Zhang and Fang,
2010). At first, training corpora will be matched
against the MeSH term list and term occurrence
frequencies in each syntactic path will be calculated,
and proportion of term occurrence frequencies in
this syntactic path over all term occurrence
frequencies is computed as term ratios.
In order to convert term ratios into an index that
can be recognized by CRF, a scale from 1 to 3 is
adopted instead. This index is based on the span
between minimum term ratio and maximum term
ratio calculated from all the sentences among
training corpora. This span is divided into 3 scales,
numbered as 1 (the weakest level), 2 (the middle
level) and 3 (the strongest level).
4.3 10-folds Cross Validation
The experiment uses 10-folds cross validation to test
system performance. And the evaluation of CRF
framework is based on how well it automatically
determines the term status of a word. CRF
framework will tag 1 to a word in a matrix if it
determines the word to be a MeSH term, and 0
otherwise. Therefore, the precision of it is the ratio
of the number of correctly determined terms to the
number of terms it tags as MeSH terms, and Recall
is the ratio of the number of correctly determined
terms to the number of true MeSH terms in this
testing corpora.
The evaluation will use the standard formula F-
score, which is defined as F = (2PR)/ (P + R), where
P denotes the precision and R denotes the recall.
Results of 10-folds cross validation, with respect to
old terms and novel terms, are shown separately in
following tables.
Table 2: Performance on general terms.
Old terms Precision Recall F-score
1 0.992 0.936 0.963
2 0.993 0.943 0.967
3 0.992 0.939 0.965
4 0.993 0.945 0.968
5 0.993 0.945 0.968
6 0.992 0.936 0.963
7 0.993 0.943 0.967
8 0.992 0.941 0.966
9 0.992 0.941 0.966
10 0.993 0.943 0.967
Average 0.992 0.941 0.966
From Table 2, we can see average precision on
general terms of the ten subsets is 0.992, which is
Table 3: Performance on novel terms.
Novel terms Precision Recall F-score
1 0.902 0.538 0.674
2 0.902 0.500 0.643
3 0.902 0.459 0.609
4 0.900 0.472 0.620
5 0.900 0.724 0.803
6 0.902 0.538 0.674
7 0.900 0.765 0.827
8 0.901 0.767 0.828
9 0.901 0.615 0.731
10 0.900 0.591 0.713
Average 0.901 0.598 0.712
quite good. On average recall is 0.941, which is also
very good. The F-score for them is as good as
0.966. On the whole, this table shows performance
on old terms across these ten subsets is consistently
good as standard deviation of precision is 0.000, and
of recall is 0.003 and of F-score is 0.002.
For 422 novel terms in 2009 (see Table 2), the
performances are not as good as on old terms, but
the highest recall among these 10 subsets still
reaches 0.767 and the highest F-score is 0.828,
which are fairly competitive compared to other
reported results mentioned earlier.
However, we can see precisions across the 10
subsets are around 0.901 on average (Table 3),
which is a satisfying result of applying CRF model
into recognizing novel terms, especially considering
that only syntactic knowledge is used in this
In following figure (Figure 1), as far as general
terms are concerned, we can see the line for
precision is rather smooth, and there are some
changes among recalls and F-scores. Still, these
changes are within a small range.
Figure 1: Performance on old terms.
However, in Figure 2 we can find greater
fluctuations in lines of either recall or F-score for
novel terms. This may indicate novel term
recognition is greatly affected by sampling. The
possible reason may be that novel terms are much
sparser than general terms. They are scattered more
broadly across testing corpora.
Figure 2: Performance on novel terms.
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Through above experiments, we find performance
on old term recognition is quite consistent across ten
subsets of testing corpora. While for novel terms, the
performance is influenced by sampling more greatly.
Different sampling will have quite different recalls.
The reason may be novel terms are scattered
sparsely in corpora; and if some novel terms never
appeared in training corpora, there is no chance that
CRF model could learn its features and label it
correspondingly. In such case, it would not be
tagged as true term in testing corpora; therefore, this
term would not be retrieved.
All in all, this research studies the performance
of CRF framework on term extraction with the use
of two kinds of unique syntactic information:
syntactic paths and term ratios. The conclusion can
be drawn that syntactic functions and syntactic paths
can be used as effective features under the CRF
framework. And the system performs quite well with
respect to old term extraction. For novel term
extraction, the precisions are also promising, though
the recalls are quite low compared to old term
extraction. This limitation indicates that more
distinguishing features are needed to improve the
performance, like semantic features of potential
novel terms to help novel term extraction. And also,
this work will be helpful for other machine learning
based term extraction system in respect of exploiting
effective syntactic features.
Research described in this article was supported in
part by research grants from City University of
Hong Kong (Project No. 7002387, 7008002, and
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