homogeneous, and at the same time clearly
delimited from surrounding regions. It is important
to note that what appears to be an individual is a
subjective judgment (cf. Wisniewski et al., 2003, p.
587). When seen from afar, a flock of sheep is
considered an individual; it may move about on the
hillside, and it may disintegrate into separate sheep,
which are also individuals, but as long as there is a
flock, it is considered an individual, homogeneous
flock of sheep. However, if a shepherd is looking for
one particular sheep, he will focus on the individual
animals. The flock has become heterogeneous,
because different animals are treated as having
different coordinates in the spatial dimension.
Individuation is a highly subjective phenomenon
depending on the granularity of the portrayal as well
as the size of the domain of relevance. A vet caring
for an injured sheep would focus on that particular
animal and would distinguish individual muscles
and bones, while the sheep as a whole would be
highly heterogeneous for his or her purposes. In the
classificatory dimension, the vet would hardly find it
useful if all parts of the animal were referred to as
instances of sheep, since everything within his or her
domain of relevance would be sheep. In the same
way, the shepherd would hardly refer to separate
animals as instances of flock, even though they
would be, just as drops of water are instances of that
The fact that individuals are homogeneous
regions in space, time and classification means that
they dissolve if we zoom too much in on the details,
because this makes them heterogeneous. Certainly,
individuals have an extremely privileged cognitive
status to all humans (Bloom & Kelemen, 1995, p. 7),
but this status is not restricted to those entities that
appear as individuals in an everyday human context.
Rather, whenever we encounter individuals, whether
they be flocks, sheep, or muscles, they receive the
same privileged status in our consciousness. General
and specific terms are used under very different
circumstances and for distinct purposes. We can
only interpret a query by reference to the context,
including the perspective from which the situation is
seen in spatial, temporal and classificatory terms. If
a very general term is used in a restricted domain of
relevance, its meaning is highly dependent on
context, because the apparent homogeneity is a
product of the restricted domain of relevance rather
than an absence of contrast across domains.
Compared to this, specific terms are much more
straightforward. Consequently, I am currently
researching the contexts that allow general terms to
be used, and the meanings and intentions behind
such expressions. If we can establish the size of the
domain of relevance as well as the generality of a
term, then this will hint at whether subordinate
categories are likely to be relevant to the user
providing it.
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