As it should be noted from Table 2, the
population size for both algorithms are not reported.
This because the proposed GEO works only on 1
individual and performs a number of evaluations as
the solution length. Therefore, for example, in the
problem #1 the proposed GEO performs 36
evaluations at each iteration, while, for the problem
#3 it performs 100 evaluations at each iteration.
Therefore, in order to compare the proposed GEO
and SGA, the population size of the last algorithm
has been set to: 36 for the problem #1, 64 for the
problem #2, 100 for the problem #3 and, finally, was
150 for the problem #4.
For each problem, it was performed 50 runs for
both algorithms.
In Table 3 and Table 4 are reported the
preliminary experimental results.
In particular, Table 3 shows a comparison
between the costs of the best solutions (mean value
and standard deviation) achieved for GEO and SGA.
As one can see, both algorithms have the same
performance on the first two cases (#1 and #2), but
GEO outperforms SGA better and better while
increasing the size of the sequence.
However, in Table 4, the difference between the
algorithm presented in this work and SGA is
Table 2: Parameter settings for the GEO application and
the standard GA.
Proposed GEO GA
τ = 0,75
Mutation mechanism
Crossover mechanism
Single point
Crossover fraction
Selection mechanism
In particular, the proposed approach obtains the best
solution in lesser number of iteration on the average,
highlighting appreciable results.
Table 3: Best solution achieved (mean and standard
deviation) by means of the GEO algorithm and the
standard GA, for the 4 scheduling cases of Table 1.
Comparison test: best solution cost
Mean Standard deviation
1 70 70 0 0
2 104 104 10
3 164,04 170,1 3,97 4,06
4 219,54 400,01 4,95 4,12
Table 4: Number of iteration on average and standard
deviation to achieve the best solution by means of the
GEO application and a standard GA, for the 4 scheduling
cases of Table 1.
Comparison test: number of iteration
Mean Standard deviation
1 65,12 3876 60,06 2177,16
2 1804,12 3636,6 1589,75 1961,98
3 3081,18 5306,5 1979,98 2062,98
4 8513,54 16667,3 5761,65 9164,24
In the present paper, a Generalized Extremal
Optimization (GEO) based algorithm for a
predictive maintenance scheduling problem has been
Preliminary tests on a set of high dimension
scheduling problems for the GEO algorithm
compared with a standard GA shown encouraging
performance of the proposed approach.
In particular, the proposed GEO reaches the best
solution in lesser number of iteration on average,
compared with the standard GA.
Finally, as previously mentioned, the proposed
GEO has a peculiar feature: a single candidate is
processed at each iteration.
For this reason, a comparison between an
evolutionary algorithm having the same feature (as,
for example, Simulated Annealing) and the proposed
one, should be carried out in the future research.
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