Graded Form
Martina Daˇnkov´a
Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling, University of Ostrava, 30. dubna 22, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Fuzzy function, Extensionality, Functionality, Fuzzy rules, Approximate reasoning.
In this contribution, we will extend results relating to representability of a fuzzy function using a crisp function.
And additionally, we show for which functions there exist fuzzy function of a specific form. Our notion of
fuzzy function has a graded character. More precisely, any fuzzy relation has a property of being a fuzzy
function that is expressed by a truth degree. And it consists of two natural properties: extensionality and
functionality. We will also provide a separate study of these two properties.
Historically, fuzzy functions took many forms by
their definition and they live contemporaneously with
their applications. As an example, we put here two
mostly knowninterpretations of this notion: 1’st – it is
any mapping that assign a fuzzy set to a fuzzy set, see
e.g., (Nov´ak et al., 1999); 2’nd – it is a fuzzy relation
specified by various properties (see e.g., (Demirci,
1999a; Demirci, 2001; Demirci and Recasens, 2004)),
which gave rise to notions such as partial, perfect,
strong fuzzy function etc.
In this work, we will turn our attention to the
second class of the interpretation, i.e., we will ex-
plore fuzzy relations that meet some special require-
ments. Wide overview together with applications can
be found in the following exemplary sources (Kla-
wonn, 2000; Demirci, 2001; Bˇelohl´avek, 2002). As
noted in (Demirci, 2000), not all notions of the fuzzy
function do coincide with the classical notions for
crisp functions. In this paper, we will try to avoid
this problem and all the subsequent definitions will
be consistent with the classical notions whenever ap-
plied on crisp input. As a basis for our work we will
take Demirci’s definition of fuzzy function (Demirci,
2001) adjusted to our framework.
Our framework and methodology stems from
(Bˇehounek and Cintula, 2006) and it can be charac-
terized by the following items:
1. We will work inside a specific fuzzy logic.
2. Fuzzy sets (relations) will be handled as objects
in formal language defined by a formula without
direct interpretation using truth values (over some
chosen structure).
3. Statements about the objects of the interest will be
in the form of graded theorems, which means that
instead of the usual statement of the problem
If ⊢ ϕ then ⊢ ψ – Classical theorem (1)
we search for more informative and general form
(not equivalent) of this statement
⊢ ϕ
→ ψ – Graded theorem. (2)
Practically, we analyze how many times we need
to incorporate an antecedent ϕ to prove the con-
sequent ψ and we code the result into the degree
Graded theorems may become very difficult for
non-experienced reader therefore, each section will
be equipped by paragraphs that translate the most
important formulae. Translation will be given first
into the language of models for some special theories
and second into the special language that mathemati-
cians can use whenever they work over some “fuzzy
. Those who prefer formal notation may skip
these parts of the text and concentrate only on the
technical aspects of the addressed problems.
The subsequently proposed reading of the graded
theorem will be completely analogous to the classi-
cal case (using classical mathematical logic (CML))
The notion Fuzzy logic does not represent here a wide
range of applications as it is usual in engineers papers, but
it denotes formal logics (of specified order and type) having
syntax and semantics.
nková M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003080900560064
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation and 2nd International Conference on Neural Computation (ICFC-2010), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-32-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)