300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
IIR vs. SFA: Simulated short-term disturbances
Simulated disturbance
SLx_fr/SRx_fr mix
IIR filter mix
IIR filter mix with disturbance
with disturbance
Figure 5: Comparing the response to a short disturbance of the IIR filtered signal and the slowest component extracted by
of undesirable configurations of the robot.
Future work will focus on how the achieved in-
crease in reactivity can be efficiently used for the im-
provement of the safety of the gait pattern. Several ap-
proaches are conceivable, e.g., the reduction of motor
activity as soon as the SFA signal leaves its allowed
range. Also one could imagine to use predictors that
are trained on the SFA component; a high prediction
error would then indicate upcoming problems.
Another promising investigation is the online
adaption of the calculated SFA component by an
adaptive LMS algorithm as mentioned in 4.2. This
would prove helpful in cases when the robot’s sensors
are exchanged and therefore slight decalibration may
In addition, further investigation will be carried
out on the applicability of SFA to other use cases for
humanoid robotics. The newly available successor of
the A-series platform, the Myon robot, is equipped
with a higher amount and additional modalities of
sensors, like pressure sensors located in the feet, etc.
Considering the results hitherto, SFA can prove useful
for the extraction of robust high level abstract features
that meaningfully describe the robot’s states on one
hand, and stabilise robot control on the other hand.
This work has been supported by the European re-
search project ALEAR (FP7, ICT-214856).
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