A Weightless Artificial Neural Network Tagger for the Portuguese Language
Hugo C. C. Carneiro, Felipe M. G. França
Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program/COPPE, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Caixa Postal 68511, 21941-972, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Priscila M. V. Lima
Department of Mathematics, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR-465, Km 47
Campus Universitário, 23890-000, Seropédica, RJ, Brazil
Keywords: WiSARD, DRASiW, POS-Tagger, Weightless artificial neural networks.
Abstract: Weightless Artificial Neural Networks have proved to be a promising paradigm for classification tasks. This
work introduces the WANN-Tagger, which makes use of weightless artificial neural networks for labelling
Portuguese sentences, tagging each of its terms with its respective part-of-speech. A first experimental
evaluation using the CETENFolha corpus indicates the usefulness of this paradigm and shows that it
outperforms traditional feedforward neural networks in both accuracy and training time, and also that it is
competitive in accuracy with the Hidden Markov Model in some cases. Additionally, WANN-Tagger shows
itself capable of incrementally learning new tagged sentences during runtime.
In many fields in which there are text mining and
information extraction tasks, many steps must be
taken in order to acquire the main information from
some text. The first of these steps is part-of-speech
tagging, which consists of obtaining the grammatical
tags of words in a sentence.
This paper presents the WANN-Tagger, a
Weightless Artificial Neural Network (WANN)
model that makes use of the WiSARD (Wilkie,
Stonham and Aleksander’s Recognition Device)
architecture and its advantages (Alexander et al.,
1984) in order to create a tagger that is both faster
and more accurate than traditional connectionist
models and is also capable of learning almost
instantly new tagged sentences during runtime.
In the next section some basic concepts are
introduced and background knowledge for the
subsequent sections provided. So, in Section 2, the
concepts of weightless artificial neural networks, the
WiSARD model and the DRASiW (an important
WiSARD generalization) are discussed. Some
related works are also described in this section. In
Section 3 the specification of the WANN-Tagger is
presented and its application to POS tagging
explained together with the discussion of the main
changes to the original WiSARD model for it to
perform POS tagging. An experimental framework
is presented in Section 4, which explains how to use
CETENFolha corpus (Linguateca, 2009) to train the
WANN-Tagger, compares it with a feedforward
neural network and with a Hidden Markov Model,
and discusses the experimental results. Section 5
offers some conclusions on the effectiveness of
2.1 Weightless Artificial Neural
Networks and the WiSARD Model
Weightless Artificial Neural Networks (WANNs)
are a set of artificial neural network models in which
there is no synaptic weight balancing during its
training phase. The main idea behind a WANN is
that the knowledge is not strictly in the synapses.
There is a large variety of WANNs, for instance:
WiSARD (Alexander et al., 1984); Sparse
Carneiro H., França F. and Lima P..
WANN-TAGGER - A Weightless Artificial Neural Network Tagger for the Portuguese Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0003082303300335
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation and 2nd International Conference on Neural Computation (ICNC-2010), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-32-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Distributed Memory (Kanerva, 1988); Probabilistic
Logic Nodes (Alexander and Kan, 1987); Goal
Seeking Neuron (Carvalho Filho et al., 1991);
Generalizing Random Access Memory (Alexander,
1990); General Neural Unit (Alexander and Morton,
In this paper, the pioneering WiSARD (Wilkie,
Stonham and Aleksander’s Recognition Device)
model (Alexander et al., 1984) is used. It employs a
set of N RAM-discriminators (see Figure 1), where
N is the number of existent classes, to determine
which class a pattern belongs to. Each RAM-
discriminator consists of a set of X Boolean RAMs,
or Boolean neurons, with n input bits each, and a
summation device
(see Figure 2). Each RAM-
discriminator (or simply discriminator) receives nX
inputs that are pseudo-randomly obtained from the
input retina, the binary vector (see Figure 2) used in
both training and recognition phases of the WiSARD
model. The summation device integrates all X
Boolean RAM outputs and is activated during the
recognition phase.
2.1.1 Training Phase
In order to train a target discriminator, one must set
all of its memory locations to “0” and then, for each
dataset entry, a “1” should be written in the memory
locations addressed by the given input pattern.
Unlike other artificial neural network models based
on synaptic weights, the training phase of a given
discriminator ends after all the input entries
belonging to the corresponding training set are
presented just once, not requiring recursive iterations
to achieve convergence.
2.1.2 Recognition Phase
Once all discriminators are trained, one can present
an unseen input pattern to all discriminators. Each
discriminator will produce a response r to that given
input, so that the discriminator presenting the
highest response indicates that such target input
pattern belongs to the corresponding class with
confidence d (see Figure 1), which is usually defined
as the difference between the two best discriminator
responses produced. The performance of WiSARD
strongly depends on n. WiSARD generalisation
capability grows inversely with n.
2.2 DRASiW
When one trains a large dataset, usually there are
ties, i.e., different discriminators producing the same
(highest) responses during the recognition phase. In
order to avoid this saturation effect (also named
overfitting), DRASiW (Soares et al., 1998), an
extension to the WiSARD model, is provided with
the ability of producing pattern examples, or
prototypes, derived from learned categories, what
was proved helpful in such disambiguation process
(Grieco et al., 2010).
Figure 1: A 10 RAM-discriminator architecture (from
(Grieco et al., 2010)).
Figure 2: The retina and a RAM-discriminator (from
(Grieco et al., 2010)).
Figure 3: Training samples and the respective mental
A very simple modification to the WiSARD
training process is needed in order to have DRASiW
disambiguating discriminator responses. When an
input pattern is presented, RAM locations addressed
by the input pattern are incremented by 1, instead of
simply storing a “1” at those memory locations. This
makes RAM locations that are more accessed during
the training step have higher values than the ones
that are less accessed.
WANN-TAGGER - A Weightless Artificial Neural Network Tagger for the Portuguese Language
The change above allows WiSARD model to
build “mental images” that are no longer black (“1”)
and white (“0”), but “greyscale” (see Figure 3). To
retrieve a “black and white mental image” one must,
at the end of the training step, assume value “1” in
the memory locations that have values higher or
equal to a luminance threshold l and assume value
“0” in the other memory locations. Having l = 0 as
an initial condition, one can iteratively increase l
upon detecting ties between discriminator responses,
until l reaches a value meaning that just a single
winner discriminator exists (Grieco et al., 2010).
2.3 Related Works
Most part-of-speech (POS) taggers are implemented
using probabilistic and statistical frameworks, e.g.
Hidden Markov Models (Rabiner, 1989)
(Villavicencio et al., 1995), Maximum Entropy
Markov Models (McCallum et al., 2000) and
Conditional Random Fields (Lafferty et al., 2001).
These approaches, although discovering parts-of-
speech with high accuracy, lack cognitive
background and do not represent how human beings
deduce the parts-of-speech of a sentence.
Other approaches include rule based taggers,
such as the Constraint Grammar approach (Karlsson
et al., 1995), in which the tags are obtained based on
which word is being tagged and other constraints.
And there are yet other ones, like transformation
based learning (TBL) taggers (Brill, 1995) and
neural taggers (Schmid, 1994) (Marques and Lopes,
1996). The former works as the rule based taggers,
but the rules are automatically induced from the
data, like some HMM taggers. The latter makes use
of artificial neural networks, mainly feedforward
3.1 General Architecture
The WANN-Tagger is a part-of-speech tagger that
makes use of the WiSARD model in order to tag
sentences in Portuguese. Words are represented as a
probability vector with values p(tag
|word) when the
word is relevant to the corpus, i.e., appears in at least
0.5% of the corpus, and are represented as p(tag
suffix) otherwise.
Besides the probability of a word having a
particular tag, the WANN-Tagger also takes into
account the context in which the word is presented. In
order to consider it, the WANN-Tagger employs a
context window possessing b words before and a
words after the current one plus the current word
itself. Thus, the WANN-Tagger input is composed of
a+b+1 words, i.e. a+b+1 vectors with N probabilities
each. When there are less than b words before the
current word or less than a words after it, then the
probability vectors corresponding to the spaces of the
context window lacking words have ‘0’ in such
The WANN-Tagger, as a Boolean neural
network, does not support the use of floating points as
inputs. In order to use the probability vectors one
must discretize them. In this discretization process,
probabilities are encoded as Boolean vectors
according to the following condition: given two
distinct probabilities, the one with higher value will
be encoded as a Boolean vector with more 1's than the
WANN-Tagger has a large variety of classes,
which are listed in its tagset. As mentioned in the
previous section, ties can often happen during the
classification step when a WiSARD model that has a
large training set is used. In order to avoid ties, the
WANN-Tagger extensively uses the DRASiW
mechanism to find the best value of the luminance
threshold l that prevents such ties.
In (Grieco et al., 2010) it is stated that these ties
can be avoided by gradually increasing the luminance
threshold. However, when one uses a large variety of
classes, this can take too much time until no tie can be
found. To avoid this time spending, a “binary search”
luminance threshold adjustment is used, which
consists of an iterative process containing the
following statements:
if it is the first iteration of the “binary search”
luminance threshold adjustment one must set a
minimum threshold to the number of times the
most accessed RAM-discriminator was
accessed; test the WANN-Tagger using l = 1,
i.e., if an entry in the memory location is
greater or equal to “1”, then assume value “1”
in this memory location, otherwise assume
value “0”; check which discriminator produced
the highest response and call this value V;
if there were ties in the previous iteration and
the greatest value was V, then set the maximum
threshold to the arithmetic mean of the
minimum threshold and the former maximum
threshold and test the WANN-Tagger with the
recently adjusted maximum threshold as l;
if the greatest result in the previous iteration was
less than V, then set the minimum threshold to
the arithmetic mean of the former minimum
ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation
threshold and the maximum threshold and test
the WANN-Tagger with the recently adjusted
minimum threshold as l.
Repeat this process until having a result in which
the greatest value is V and there is no tie.
3.2 Architecture for Portuguese
WANN-Tagger has been implemented to be tested
in Portuguese, so that its capability of tagging
accurately a highly inflected and somewhat free
word order language would be guaranteed.
Several experiments have been done to discover
which WANN-Tagger parameter values that
maximize its accuracy. They employ a dataset
containing 2000 sentences randomly extracted from
CETENFolha corpus (Linguateca, 2009) and several
distinct context windows, probability discretization
degrees and number of inputs in each of the RAMs
of the RAM-discriminators.
The results show that the context window
W = (1,1) is the one which the WANN-Tagger
obtains the best accuracy with, and that the best
probability discretization degree is d = 8 and the best
number of inputs in each of the RAMs of the RAM-
discriminators is n = 16. Any context window larger
than W = (1,1) or values for d and n greater than the
ones obtained in the experiments imply in the
WANN-Tagger becoming overfitted.
4.1 Dataset
In order to test the WANN-Tagger, different
samples from the CETENFolha corpus (Linguateca,
2009) have been used. These samples were created
by extracting random sentences from the corpus.
This extraction has consisted in dividing the corpus
in N parts with the same amount of sentences, and
extracting one random sentence from each part. The
amounts of sentences in these samples are
logarithmically gradual.
The tagset used in this paper is a simplified
version of CETENFolha corpus one, as shown in
Table 1. This simplified version was created because
CETENFolha corpus tagset, PALAVRAS (Bick,
2000), contains very meticulous tags, in which even
gender and number (or finiteness, person, tense and
mood in the case of a verb) are shown.
Table 1: The tagset used in the experiments.
Tag Description Tag Description
PROP Proper Noun ADV Adverb
N Noun PRP Preposition
Pronoun KC
Pronoun KS
DET Determiner NUM Numeral
ADJ Adjective IN Interjection
V Verb PT Punctuation
SPEC Specifier
4.2 Experiments
To prove the effectiveness of the WANN-Tagger, it
has been compared with (i) a feedforward neural
network trained via Backpropagation, and (ii) with a
Hidden Markov Model (HMM).
The feedforward neural network uses the
architecture presented in (Schmid, 1994). Like in
WANN-Tagger the probabilities of a word (or a
suffix) possess a particular tag are obtained by using
their relative frequencies in the corpus. The epoch
size is equal to the amount of sentences of each
sample used in the experiments. Its learning rate is
constant and equal to 0.001. The halting criteria
consist in either the convergence of the training, or
reaching 1000 epochs.
Several experiments have been done and their
results showed that the context window that best fits
with the feedforward neural network model is W =
(1, 1), i.e., one word before the current one and one
after it and that the amount of nodes in the hidden
layer that produces the best accuracy is n = 14. The
two experiments mentioned above imply that the
feedforward model which presented the best
accuracy rates was 45-14-15.
The Hidden Markov Model used is the one
presented in LingPipe (Alias-i, 2009), a Java library
suite for natural language processing. It was set to
use Laplace smoothing and thus causing it to
estimate the part-of-speech of words that it does not
possess in its vocabulary, based only on their
contexts. To test the accuracy of all the models 10-
fold cross-validation was used.
4.3 Results and Discussion
By testing these three models it is notable that the
WANN-Tagger is considerably better than
feedforward neural network in both accuracy and
training time and that it is not as good as the Hidden
Markov Model in accuracy rate but, unlike it, its
accuracy rate standard deviation is very small and
WANN-TAGGER - A Weightless Artificial Neural Network Tagger for the Portuguese Language
thus more reliable. HMM can achieve accuracy rates
of 94%, but varying from 65% to 100%, showing
that it can be outperformed by the WANN-Tagger in
some cases, as can be seen in Figure 4. The training
time of the HMM, however, always outperforms the
one of the WANN-Tagger as it is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 4: Accuracy rate. The horizontal axis represents the
number of sentences in the sample, the vertical represents
the accuracy achieved by the model. Each curve indicates
the mean accuracy and its 95% confidence interval.
One can note, however, that HMM performed
better than the other two models because it employs
heuristics that are used by neither the WANN-
Tagger nor the feedforward neural network. HMM,
through the forward-backward algorithm (also
known as Baum-Welch algorithm) (Baum, 1972), a
special case of the Expectation-Maximization or EM
algorithm (Dempster et al., 1977), is able to obtain
the best Markov model that maximizes the
probability of a POS sequence given a sequence of
words. This algorithm allows HMM to know the
whole clause, whereas both WANN-Tagger and the
feedforward neural network model only know the
part of the clause within the context window.
One may also note that for each word in a
sentence the HMM must read two entries only, the
word and the tag (already stored in memory), which
was the tag of the previous word. On the other hand,
the WANN-Tagger has a context window which
contains three words. It is clear that for each word in
a sentence the tagger must discretize a number of
elements equal to three times the number of classes,
in this case 15. The feedforward neural network,
however, does not have a discretization process. The
main reason why it is outperformed in training time
by both HMM and WANN-Tagger is due to the
training convergence nature.
It is important to perceive that as WANN-Tagger
makes use of WiSARD it does not require recursive
iterations to achieve convergence and therefore,
unlike feedforward neural networks, when it
receives a new tagged sentence to be trained it does
not need to retrain itself, it only needs to increment
the values in the memory locations addressed by this
input pattern. As it is only training one sentence its
training time is almost zero, as can be seen in Figure
5, making it capable of learning new tagged
sentences during runtime.
Figure 5: Time spent during experiments. The horizontal
axis represents the number of sentences in the sample, the
vertical represents the time spent in seconds in each fold.
Each curve indicates the mean time spent and its 95%
confidence interval.
In addition, it is worth noticing that Portuguese,
as a highly inflected language, has a flexible word
order in its sentences. This word order flexibility is
responsible for the accuracy rates presented in
Figure 4, being a little lower than the ones obtained
in papers that use less inflected languages, such as
English (Schmid 1994).
Tests with a corpus written in English, the
Brown Corpus (Francis and Kučera, 1982), have
also been done and the results show that WANN-
Tagger performs almost as well as when it is trained
with CETENFolha. WANN-Tagger performance
achieves 79.56% when using the same configuration
used for Portuguese. It is worth noting that Brown
Corpus uses far more tags than it was used for
Portuguese. If WANN-Tagger had the same amount
of tags its accuracy would possibly be greater.
A weightless artificial neural network model for
ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation
tagging Portuguese language sentences was
introduced in this paper. The model showed itself as
an alternative to feedforward neural network part-of-
speech taggers as the former is faster and had better
accuracy rate than the latter. WANN-Tagger also
showed that its accuracy rate is as high as of Hidden
Markov Models in some cases. However, the
WANN-Tagger does not show itself as being
competitive in training time with the Hidden Markov
Model, as it needs a context window and a large
number of inputs for each of its RAMs.
In order to make this model more competitive
with the Hidden Markov Model, the possibility of
adding Markov information to the WANN-Tagger
inputs, for instance the tag obtained during the
tagging phase of the previous word, will be left for
future work. This way, the model would be able to
know more information about the whole sentence and
not only about a small part of it that is within the
context window.
In addition, it is worth noting that WANN-Tagger
performed well with both a free and a fixed word
order language and showed itself as a good model to
be used when training is required during runtime.
This work was partially supported by CNPq
(306070/2007-3) and FAPERJ (E-26/102.957/2008)
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