E. Nefzaoui, J. Drevillon and K. Joulain
Institut Pprime, CNRS-Universit
e de Poitiers-ENSMA, D
epartement Fluides, Thermique, Combustion
atiment de m
ecanique, 40, avenue du Recteur Pineau, F 86022 Poitiers, Cedex, France
Particle swarm, Genetic algorithm, Optimization, Coherent thermal emission, Nanostructure.
Nanotechnologies and nanofabrication techniques provided unmeasureable possibilities to control intrinsic
microscopic features of materials and structures in the last years. In particular, materials optical properties and
light propagation control have been some of the most challenging problems due to their various application
possiblities. The present investigation shows that temporally coherent thermal sources have been success-
fully designed and optimized with evolutionary optimization methods such as genetic algorithms and particle
swarms. This lead to a bilayer structure of germanium and silicon carbide, which is, to our knowledge, the
simplest existing structure with such properties.
Thermal sources radiative emission has been for a
long time thought to follow the black body laws. This
implies emission in quasi all space directions and
over a wide wavelengths range. Recently, thanks to
advances in materials nanostructuration and related
theoretical developments, this paradigm could be
surpassed (Greffet and Carminati, 1999; Shchegrov
et al., 2000), and sources that exhibit a temporal
(temporal coherence is used for monochromatic emis-
sion or emission in a very narrow spectral domain)
and/or spatial (spatial coherence means emission in
specific directions) coherent emission have been de-
signed and fabricated (Sai et al., 2001; Greffet et al.,
2002; Richter et al., 1993). This kind of sources are
of great interest for new energy conversion devices
which aim to improve energy converters such as ther-
mophotovoltaic devices, for radiation detectors and
radiative cooling systems. These sources could be re-
alized with various structures exploiting completely
different physical phenomena. First, sources of coher-
ent spontaneous emission such as polar materials sur-
mounted by an appropriate surface grating (exploit-
ing surface phonon-polaritons diffraction in the far
field) (Greffet et al., 2002) or those based on left-
handed materials (artificial materials with a refrac-
tive index much lower than 1) (Enoch et al., 2002)
emitted essentially in the visible spectrum which is
not the wavelength range concerned by thermal emis-
sion at usual temperatures (room temperature for
example). Later, photonic crystals (PC) (periodic
dielectric/metallo-dielectric nanostructures that allow
the photons propagation control) made possible the
design of infrared (IR) temporally coherent thermal
emitters, when introducing a defect in the periodicity
of a PC for example (Ben-Abdallah and Ni, 2005).
As for spatial coherence, it was obtained with var-
ious structures like resonant cavities coupled with
metallic layers (Celanovic et al., 2005), surface grat-
ings coupled with waveguides (Joulain and Loizeau,
2007) or a polar material coupled with a semi-infinite
PC (Lee et al., 2005; Fu et al., 2005). A general
method for spatially and temporally coherent IR ther-
mal sources ab-initio design, based on genetic algo-
rithms, was proposed for the first time by Drevillon
(Drevillon and Ben-Abdallah, 2007). This method
leads to interesting multilayer structures which could
not be found easily by a rational reasoning because
of their complexity and random internal structure. In
spite of their academic importance, their complexity
makes their fabrication at a large scale as difficult as
other previously proposed structures such as PC. They
though led, after some optimization effort, using par-
ticle swarm optimization, to very simple structures,
bilayer structures in this case, which exhibit very high
temporal coherence properties. Theses structures are
very interesting since they provide very suitable solu-
tions for industrialization. Besides, their simple inter-
nal composition allows an easier analytical approach
to understand the underlying physical phenomena of
such particular coherence properties.
Nefzaoui E., Drevillon J. and Joulain K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003083802190224
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (ICEC-2010), pages 219-224
ISBN: 978-989-8425-31-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)