lation. Our results indicate the existence of a clear
facilitation mechanism in response to the tetaniza-
tion stimuli at different stages of cell development.
By selective tetanizing some parts of the culture, the
network changes its firing characteristics in seconds,
modifying in this way its electrical behavior, and it
has been shown that if the brightest area of the sce-
nario, induces more stimulation in its corresponding
part of the culture, then the increase in the firing prop-
erties of the neurons that represent the area where
light is detected is observed. Future work consists in
determining the optimal stimulation to apply for in-
ducing permanent firing changes in the culture. These
aspects will then constitute the basis for analyzing the
behavior change by adding chemicals to the culture,
and for designing new optogenetic hybrid learning
schemes. A more detailed robotic control will be also
studied analyzing the culture time responses.
This work was supported by the Spanish Govern-
ment through grants TIN2008-06893-C03,TEC2006-
14186-C02-02 and SAF2008-03694, Cátedra Bidons
Egara, Fundación Séneca 08788/PI/08, CIBER-BBN
and by the European Comission through the project
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