Aggoune Soumia
, Imache Rabah
LIMOSE laboratory, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Sciences, UMBB, Boumerdes, Algeria
Mezghiche Mohamed
, Khadraoui Abdelaziz
MATIS Geneva Team - CUI - Université de Genève, Genève, France
Keywords: Agility, Agile software development, Agile methods, e-Government, e-Government information systems,
Information technology.
Abstract: Since their appearance around ‘90s, agile software development methods have gained significant attention
in the software engineering community. What about the application of these methods in the electronic
government (e-government) field? This paper aims to explore the possibility of applying these methods in e-
government projects development, especially for developing agile e-government information systems.
The emergence of RAD (Rapid Application
Development) in the late 80s has marked the
beginning of a methodological revival upsetting the
traditional methods of software development and IT
project management. In fact, past practices (V life
cycle, waterfall life cycle, UML ...) were forced to
give way to approaches more adapted to changes
and new technologies, quality-conscious and based
on iterative processing. Thus, agile methods have
emerged in the 90s and were derived, almost all,
from the industrial world. They were born in
response to the new economic context, in which,
software products are becoming larger and more
complex. At the same time, stronger market
pressures are forcing software engineers to develop
projects rapidly with maximum profit. Furthermore,
customers are demanding more with better quality,
and requirements keep changing (Juha 2003).
In e-government, the concept of agility is new,
but seems attracting, due to the permanent changes
in the environment (economy, technology, social…)
which in turn cause changes in the governments’
regulations that may affect public administration
processes and systems. The objective of engineering
e-government information systems is to support
human activities efficiently, to clarify processes and
to make decision making more transparent. The
development of agile information system for
agile public institutions requires consideration of
evolutionary aspects and involves development of
methods and techniques supporting agile responses
against the various changes.
This work aims to investigate the possibility of
applying agile software development methods in e-
government projects development, especially to
develop agile information systems dedicated to e-
government. Hence, it is organized as follows:
Section 2 introduces the concept of agility. Section 3
describes the main existing agile methods. Section 4
explores the possibility of applying these methods in
e-government projects. Section 5 gives some
conclusions and future work.
Agility is defined as the ability of an organization to
respond quickly to market changes and adapts and
reacts flexibly to unpredictable changes in order to
face the threats of its environment (Breu et al. 2001).
For some ones, agility is more synonymous with the
ability of reconfiguration, and for others it is more
synonymous with flexibility, reactivity and
sometimes with adaptability. Kidd (1994) argues
Soumia A., Rabah I., Mohamed M. and Abdelaziz K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003085603110314
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 311-314
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
that agility is not only the flexibility and reactivity,
but it is a broader concept that incorporates both
flexibility (which measures the ability of an
enterprise to be aligned, with equivalent technology,
to a given level of production); reactivity (which
corresponds to the speed at which an enterprise
responds to the changing demands of its customers,
including unanticipated requests) and even
adaptability (which is the ability to cope with
newness which is often translates as positive and
flexible attitude to meet needs for change ).
Agile methods are a set of methods of IT project
management and software development that are
characterized by their adaptability to the context
(Guillaume 2005). They focus on generating early
releases of working products and on delivering
business value immediately from the beginning of a
project (Juha 2003).
A key difference between agile methods and past
iterative methods is in the length of iterations. In the
past, iterations might have been three or six months
long. With agile methods, iteration lengths vary
between one to four weeks, and intentionally do not
exceed 30 days. Research has shown that shorter
iterations have lower complexity and risk, better
feedback, and higher productivity and success rates.
The various existing agile methods and
techniques they propose are relatively similar within
a common trunk from the RAD (first agile method
developed). Nevertheless, they all offer technical
complement each other or more appropriate
depending on the type and the size of project.
3.1 RAD
The RAD (Rapid Application Development) method
is the first agile method developed in 1991 by James
Martin (Ducept 2002) and consists of a short
development cycle based on three phases within 90
days of ideal and 120 days maximum.
3.2 DSDM
DSDM (Dynamic Software Development Method)
was developed in 1994 as a framework of controls
for RAD, supplemented by guidance on how to
apply those controls.
SCRUM has been developed in 1996. SCRUM’S
main idea, is that systems development involves
several environmental and technical variables
(requirements, timeframe, resources and technology)
that are likely to change during the process.
3.4 XP
XP (eXtreme Programing) has been invented for the
first time in 1996. XP process can be characterized
by short development cycles, incremental planning,
continuous feedback, reliance on communication
and evolutionary design (Beck 1999).
3.5 RUP
RUP (Rational Unified Process) method was
developed in 1998. It is an iterative approach for
object oriented systems and it strongly embraces use
cases for modeling requirements and building the
foundation for a system.
3.6 FDD
FDD (Feature Driven Development) was developed
in 1999 (Williams 2007). It is a highly iterative agile
software development process that is focused on
delivering frequent, tangible and working results.
3.7 ASD
ASD (Adaptive Software Development) was
developed in 2000 (Pekka et al 2002). It focuses
mainly on the problems in developing complex large
systems. The method encourages incremental,
iterative development, with constant prototyping.
More than a method, Crystal is a family of
methodologies developed by Alistair Cockburn in
2000 (Pekka et al 2002). Crystal family includes
different methodologies for selecting the most
suitable methodology for each individual project.
Agile methods are increasingly used in the
industrial world and respond better to the problems
of software development and IT project
management. The practical benefits they bring to the
field of controlling time, cost and quality explain
their growing success. In this next section, we
explore the possibility of applying these methods in
e-government projects.
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
4.1 e-Government
E-government is simply defined as the use of
information and communication technologies (ICTs)
to improve the processes of government. Professor
Denis Tsichritzis defines E-government in
(Khadraoui et al 2005) as “the application of
information technologies and the adaptation of the
processes and structures in order to improve
information, communication and cooperation
between the government authorities and the
companies, the citizens and the nongovernmental
institutions, thus with the centre even of the
government”. Many other definitions have been
proposed. They can be grouped into three main
categories (Finger 2004): in the first, is the
satisfaction of citizens which constitutes the major
axis of the development of E-government. The
second category defines the e-government as a
process of interaction, while the third and last
category includes definitions which estimate that
they are the technological tools and the possibilities
that they offer to the users who dictate the
development of E-government. The first category is
illustrated by the definition given by (Deloitte
Research 2000). The second category is illustrated
by the definition given by (Schedler et al. 2001),
while the third category is illustrated by the
definition given by (Gordon 2002).
4.2 Need of Agility in e-Government
The need for agility within government is mainly
due to the permanent changes in the environment
(political, economical, social and ecological) which
in turn cause changes in the governments’
regulations that may affect public administration
processes and systems. To reduce “time-to-market”
with regards to new decisions, regulations, and laws,
it is necessary to equip public administration with
tools supporting agile response to changes. A change
in one activity in a process or in one part of an e-
government system may cause many problems in
other parts of the same process or system. Therefore,
there is a need for resolving changes in an agile
manner (Mentzas 2007).
For these reasons, we are convinced that agility
must be integrated as a quality of e-government
information systems. To achieve this objective, it is
important to promote technologies supporting the
agility. It is necessary to be able to modify more
quickly and more surely the systems in order to take
into account the different evolutions (Bonnet 2008).
For that purpose, It is necessary to return to
fundamental composition of an e-government
information system and investigate the different
sources of agility production in each part, mainly the
agility of the front office (citizens), the agility of
middle office (institution information system) and
the agility of the back office (institution), from the
points of view tools of development, technologies,
involved people and context.
4.3 Agile Methods for Agile
e-Government Information Systems
The goal of Agile Methods in developing e-
government information systems is to allow an
institution to be agile, but what does it mean to be
Agile? Jim Highsmith says that being Agile means
being able to “Deliver quickly. Change quickly.
Change often” (Highsmith 2000). While Agile
techniques vary in practices and emphasis, they
share common characteristics, including iterative
development and a focus on interaction,
communication, and the reduction of resource-
intensive intermediate artifacts. Developing in
iterations allows the development team to adapt
quickly to changing requirements. Working in close
location and focusing on communication means
teams can make decisions and act on them
immediately, rather than wait on correspondence.
Until today, there is no study proves that the use of
an agile method for development, guarantees an
agile solution. However, it is extremely probable
that the combination of agile development methods
with agile tools, techniques, and agile team
contribute to obtain agile solutions. This is
theoretically true because agile development
methods are adaptive to the change, thus it
guarantees the agility of developed solution, at least
during the development process of the project. In
addition, once the project is finished, the agility of
the developed solution, in terms of interoperability,
integration and evolutitivity depend on the agility of
the used tools, such as IT infrastructures, middle -
wares, and organizational aspect of the IS.
The development of an agile e-government
information system by applying one of the agile
development methods must pass firstly by the choice
of the most suitable method. Among all the agile
methods seen in the preceding section, there is not
an applicable method in all the types of projects.
This means that the choice of the appropriate
method depend strongly on the size, of the project
and the internal constraints imposed by each
The comparative studies of the principal existing
agile methods according to the project size, the
internal and the external constraints imposed by each
method given in (Benard 2002), makes it possible to
visualize graphically that in spite of the advantages
offered, each one of these methods has its limits that
are related mainly to the size of the project in which
the method is applied, the internal constraints like
external imposed by the latter. To this end, the idea
to combine several agile methods in order to
generate a new agile method having more
advantages and fewer disadvantages to develop the
same information system dedicated to the E-
government can be better solution.
This paper presented a state of the art on the concept
of agility as well as the principal existing agile
software development methods. Since their
appearance, these methods are used and being more
popular, mainly in the software development
community and prove their effectiveness (in terms of
controlling time, cost and quality) compared to the
traditional methods of software development and IT
project management. Being convinced of the
benefits of agile methods; actually, we are
investigating the possibilities of using these methods
individually or collectively, at the different levels of
e-government information systems development in
order to create agile solutions. However, questions
such as: what are the necessary adjustments allowing
to integrate these methods efficiently in e-
government projects? What are the pitfalls to avoid
for their successful use? And what significant
contribution in producing agility can these methods
provide in e-government projects development and
maintenance compared to traditional development
methods? Constitute specifications of the theoretical
and practical works that are actually under
investigation in our research laboratories.
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KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing