Khurram Khurshid
CSE department, Institute of Space Technology,44000, Islamabad, Pakistan
Imran Siddiqi
College of Telecommunication Engineering, MCS-NUST, 46000, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Claudie Faure
UMR CNRS 5141 - GET ENST, 46 rue Barrault, 75634 Paris, France
Nicole Vincent
Laboratoire CRIP5 – SIP, Université Paris Descartes, 45, rue des Saints-Pères, 75006, Paris, France
Keywords: Information retrieval, Word spotting, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), Ancient document images, Edit
Abstract: This communication presents an effective method for information retrieval from historical document image
base. Proposed approach is based on word and character extraction in the text and attributing certain feature
vectors to each of the character images. Words are matched by comparing their characters through a multi-
stage Dynamic Time warping (DTW) stage on the extracted feature set. The approach exhibits extremely
promising results reading more than 96% retrieval/recognition rate.
The importance of digital libraries for information
retrieval cannot be denied. Historical collections are
of interest to a number of people, like historians,
students and scholars, who need to study the
historical originals. These documents contain
invaluable knowledge but it is very time consuming
for the researchers to search the required information
in these books. Unfortunately, digitization alone is
not enough to render historical document collections
useful for such research purposes. Having the
information available in an electronic image format
makes it possible to share it with many people across
large distances via the internet, DVDs or other
digital media. The ability to search in ancient
historical documents enhances the importance of
digital libraries manifolds. However, the size of a
collection is often substantial and the content is
generally unstructured, which makes it hard to
quickly find particular documents or passages of
interest. Professional OCR software, designed for
different languages especially Latin alphabets, give
excellent recognition results on scanned images of
contemporary documents in good quality. However,
when used with ancient documents suffering from
different degradations, discussed in detail in (Baird
2004), the recognition results drop significantly. The
factors that affect the recognition rates mainly
include the physical issues like document quality,
strains and marks of liquids, dust and ink etc. on the
pages; and also the semantic issues like labeling of
entities on foreground etc.
Our work in this domain aims to facilitate
information search in the invaluable content of
ancient digitized books by spotting the instances of a
given query word and presenting the user with all
retrieved document images relevant to the given
query. Since the content cannot be recognized, the
query word is searched by creating the
Khurshid K., Siddiqi I., Faure C. and Vincent N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003087401880193
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 188-193
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
corresponding image template and using pattern
classification techniques to find all of its instances in
the digitized image corpus; a technique commonly
known as ‘word spotting’ in the document analysis
community. This ability to search in ancient
historical documents will further enhance the
importance and utility of such digital libraries
providing users with instant access to the required
Word spotting, especially on the Latin alphabet,
has been the focus of research in the last few years
and a variety of techniques have been proposed to
improve recognition rates. The field however,
remains challenging and inviting, especially if the
document base comprises low quality images, which
in fact will be the subject of our research. Rath et al.
(Rath 2007) introduced an approach for information
retrieval and image indexing which involves
grouping word images into clusters of similar words
using word image matching. Four profile features
for the word images are found which are then
matched using different methods. Khurshid et al.
(Khurshid 2008) have argued that features at
character level give better results for word spotting
as compared to word-level features. In (Rothfeder
2003), correspondences between the corner features
have been used to rank word images by similarity.
Harris corner detector is used to detect corners in the
word images. Correspondences between these points
are established by comparing local context window
using the Sum of Square Differences (SSD)
measure. Euclidean distance is then found between
the word correspondences to give a similarity
measure. Telugu scripts, a native Indian language,
have been characterized by wavelet representations
of the words in (Pujari 2002). Variations in image at
different scales are studied using the wavelets.
Wavelet representation exploits the inherent
characteristics of the Telugu character. This wavelet
representation does not give good results for the
Latin letters. Adamek et al. introduced word contour
matching in holistic word recognition for
information extraction. The closed word contours
are extracted and matched using an elastic contour
matching technique (Adamek 2007).
In this paper, we propose an effective method for
information retrieval from historical printed
documents using word spotting. The proposed
approach is based on matching the features of
character images using multistage dynamic time
warping (DTW). We first present an overview of the
proposed scheme followed by a detailed discussion
on indexing and retrieval phases. We then discuss
the results obtained with the proposed methodology
and a comparison with existing methods. Finally we
present our concluding remarks and some interesting
future research directions.
The basis of our model for word spotting is the
extraction of a feature set from character images. As
opposed to (Rath 2007) where features are extracted
at word-level, we first find all the characters in
words and then extract features from these character
images, thus giving more precision in word spotting
than (Rath 2007) as later proved by the results. To
begin, document image is first binarized and then a
horizontal Run Length Smoothing Algorithm
(RLSA) is applied to separate text in the image from
graphics and extract the words. For each word, its
characters are segmented using connected
component analysis and applying a set of heuristics
on the extracted components to find the actual
characters. Once the characters are segmented, a set
of six features is extracted for each character.
Features of query word character images are
compared with candidate word characters using
multistage DTW.
Document processing is carried out offline,
and an index file is created for each document
image. The coordinates of each word, number and
position of characters in the word, and also the
features for each character image are stored in the
index files. One advantage of having the index files
beforehand is the capability it gives to crisply select
the query word by just clicking on the word in the
graphical interface of our document processing
system. Similar processing is done on this query
word to extract its character features. The features
corresponding to the characters of query word are
matched with the already stored features of character
images in the corpus. The words for which the
matching distance is less than a pre-defined
threshold are considered to be the resulting spotted
instances of the query word, representing the
retrieval of required information.
The first step towards the extraction of features from
a document image is separation of text and
background – the binarization. Binarization of
historical documents pose additional problems since
the quality of these collections is generally quite
poor owing to storage over a long period of time,
strains of liquids, dust, ink marks etc. Binarization
methods that are based on computing a global
threshold for the entire image are therefore not likely
to work on these degraded images. We thus employ
a local binarization method NICK (Khurshid 2009)
that is adapted to low quality documents and where a
binarization threshold is calculated for each pixel in
the image as a function of its neighboring pixels.
Figure 1 shows some binarization results using this
method while the algorithmic details of threshold
calculation can be found in (Khurshid 2009).
Figure 1: Binarization using NICK algorithm.
Once the document image is binarized, we seek
to extract the words in document image. Since the
inter-word distance (in pixels) is known to be greater
than intra-word distance, applying a horizontal Run
Length Smoothing Algorithm (RLSA) (Wong 1982)
would merge all characters within a word into a
single connected component. These connected
components are then extracted to find the words in
the image as illustrated in Figure 2. The threshold in
RLSA is set as a function of the average distance
between the raw connected components in the image
which in fact provides an approximate idea of the
intra-word distances.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2: a) Original image, b) binary image using NICK,
c) horizontal RLSA, d) Extracted words (Khurshid, 2009).
Connected components extracted from RLSA
applied image may also contain figures and images.
Naturally they are larger in size in comparison to the
components that correspond to words and hence are
filtered out by comparing the area of each connected
component with the average area of connected
components in an image.
3.1 Extraction of Characters
A word comprises a set of characters and these
Characters in an ideal case should be the connected
components in a word. However, a connected
component does not necessarily correspond to a
character. A component may be composed of
multiple characters or multiple components may
form a single character. Therefore once we have the
connected components of a word, we need to fix
them so that they correspond to characters. This is
achieved by applying a three-pass fixation method
which is based on a set of heuristics. In the first pass,
we fix the characters comprising two or more
components on top of each other (figure 3a).
Examples include characters like ‘i’, ‘j’ etc. and all
such components are merged into one single
character. In the second pass, we fix the characters
which are broken into more than one component
owing to poor quality of the document. These
components overlap with each other at some point
(figure 3b). Generally, these include characters like
r’, ‘g’ etc. The errors persisting after the first two
passes are handled in the third pass where we
remove the unnecessary punctuation marks (like ‘,
or ‘.’) which are incorrectly found as a part
(character) of the word (figure 4). All such marks
are removed by eliminating the characters having an
area significantly smaller than the average character
area in the word.
Where A
represent the area of character i in
word j, µ
is the average character area of word j
while the parameter α is an empirically chosen
Figure 3: a) Original comps b) After Pass1 c) After Pass 2
d) Pass 3 demonstration, bounding box of the punctuation
mark is removed (Khurshid, 2008).
The punctuation marks and all the small noisy
characters are marked in this pass and hence they no
longer constitute a part of the word.
3.2 Feature Extraction
Once the characters are segmented, we represent
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
them by a set of six feature vectors. Unlike (Rath
2007), where there are only four profile features and
those too for characterizing the word image as a
whole, our approach of having a set of six feature
sequences for each character image provides a better
representation as will be shown in the results
section. The length of each of the six feature
sequences is equal to the pixel width of the character
image. These features are:
Vertical Projection Profile – Sum of intensity
values in vertical direction; calculated in gray scale
character image and normalized to get values
between 0 and 1.
Upper Character Profile – For binarized character
image, in each column we find the distance of the
first ink pixel from the top of bounding box.
Lower Character Profile – The distance of the last
ink pixel from the top of bounding box. Both the
profiles are normalized to interval [0 1].
Vertical Histogram – Number of ink pixels in one
column of the binarized character image.
Ink/non-ink Transitions – To capture the inner
structure of a character, we find the number of non-
ink to ink transitions in each binarized character
image column.
Middle Row Transition– For the central row of the
character image we find the transitional vector for
ink/non-ink transitions. We place a 1 for every
transition and 0 for all the non-transitions in the row.
For each word, we find these feature vectors for
each of its characters. An index file is then created
for each document where we store the location of the
word components, the location of each of its
characters and the features of each character.
For information retrieval/key-word spotting, a two-
step retrieval system is proposed. The first step finds
out all eligible candidate words by applying a
length-ratio filter. A bound has been set on the ratio
of lengths of the two words for them to be
considered eligible for matching. If the ratio of
query word and some other word does not lie within
a pre-specific interval, the word is excluded from the
list of candidates.
The second step which is the main matching stage,
query and candidate words are matched using a
multi-stage DTW method. The first stage
implements the classic DTW Edit distance algorithm
(Wagner 1974) for matching the characters of the
two words while elastic DTW coupled with
Euclidean distance is used in the second stage for
matching the features of the two characters.
Consider two words A and B to be compared, A
having m characters while B comprising n
characters. Both words are treated as series of
characters, A = (a
... a
) and B = (b
... b
). Edit
distance between the two character-series is found
by defining a matrix W that calculates the cost of
aligning the two subsequences. The entries of the
matrix W are calculated as:
for all i, j,
Λ is an empty character for which we have set all the
values in its feature vectors to zero. The cost of
replacing a
with b
is given by γ(a
) while the
costs of deleting a
or inserting b
are given by γ(a
Λ) and γ (Λ b
) respectively. These character
matching costs are calculated in the second stage of
DTW where we match the feature vectors of two
characters. The advantage of using elastic DTW in
this stage is its ability to cater for the nonlinear
compression and stretch of characters. Hence two
same characters will be matched correctly even if
they differ in dimension.
To match two characters X and Y of widths m
and n respectively, we treat the feature vectors of
both as two series X = (x
... x
) and Y = (y
... y
The distance between the two feature series is found
by calculating an mxn matrix D representing the cost
of aligning the two subsequences. The entries of D
matrix are found using the following equation:
jiD +
Where d(x
) is a distance metric which in our
case is the Euclidean distance in the feature space.
Figure 4 visually depicts the proposed multi-stage
Once the entries of D are calculated, the warping
path is determined by backtracking from (m, n)
towards (0,0) along minimum cost path. The final
distance between the two characters is the cost D(m,
n) divided by the number of steps of the warping
path. If this final distance is less than a pre-defined
character-threshold, the two characters are ranked
similar. The same is done for the matrix W to get the
cost of matching the two words. If this cost W(m,n)
is less than a word-threshold, A and B are
considered to be the instances of the same word.
Figure 4: Multistage DTW: Two words are compared
using Edit matrix W whose each entry represents the cost
of matching two characters/substrings; while D gives the
cost of matching two characters & is calculated by
matching the feature sequences of the two characters.
Owing to the absence of a benchmark of ancient
printed documents, we not only applied our method
to a set of documents but also evaluated other
approaches on the same data set for a rational
comparison. In our previous work (Khurshid 2008),
we compared a character-matching based word
spotting method (employing simple DTW) with
other approaches such as correlation-based word
matching, the word matching based on features
presented in (Rath 2007) and word matching using
our six features computed from words (instead of
characters). The results showed that our character-
matching system achieved the best results (Figure 5)
(Khurshid 2008).
In the present study we compare the results of
(Khurshid 2008) with our multistage DTW to
analyze if introducing multi-stage DTW would
produce any improvements in results. Evaluations
were carried out on the document images provided
by the Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de Médecine,
Paris (BIUM).
Figure 5: Comparison of information retrieval (via
precision and recall rates) using different methods a)
Correlation b) Matching using four word features (Rath
2007) c) Using six word features d) Matching using
character features (Khurshid 2008).
For the experimental dataset, we chose, from 10
different books, 40 document images having a total
of 17,010 words in all. For evaluation, 50 different
query lexiques of varied lengths and styles having
400 instances in total were selected. The results of
word spotting are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Results summary.
#query word instances
400 400
#words detected perfectly
381 386
#False positives (FP)
51 16
Precision %
88.19% 96.20%
Recall %
95.25% 96.50%
It can be seen from the above table that the new
multi-stage DTW based method has higher precision
with better recall rate, thus exhibiting its robustness
and usability in information retrieval for commercial
applications. Considering optimum threshold values
for different word lengths, a precision of 96.2% is
achieved by our system with a recall rate of 96.5%.
We have proposed a new system of information
retrieval in ancient document images using word
spotting. The approach is based on the matching of
character features by employing a multi-stage
Dynamic Time Warping. Results obtained by the
proposed methodology are very encouraging. The
number of false positives is very less as compared to
the previous results, which shows the prospects of
taking this method even further by improving
different stages and adding more features to achieve
even higher percentages. Currently, the word
spotting is done only on the horizontal text but we
also intend to focus on spotting words in vertical text
lines in our future research. A web based user-
friendly interface can be built using the proposed
algorithm at the back end which will give a global
accessibility to the system. The system can be
enhanced in future for information retrieval in
Oriental scripts as well.
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