Saiful Akbar
, Laura Slaughter
and Øystein Nytrø
Department of Computer and Information Science
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Blog post, Main block, Informative block, Content extractor.
Abstract: A blog post typically contains defined blocks containing different information such as the main content, a
blogger profile, links to blog archives, comments, and even advertisements. Thus, identifying and extracting
the main/content block of blog posts or web pages in general is important for information extraction
purposes before further processing. This paper describes our approach for extracting main/content block
from blog posts with disparate types of blog mark-up. Adapting the Content Structure Tree (CST)-based
approach, our approach proposed a new consideration in calculating the importance of HTML content nodes
and in definition of the attenuation quotient suffered by HTML item/block nodes. Performance using this
approach is increased because posts published in the same domain tend to have similar page template, such
that a general main content marker could be applied for them. The approach consists of two steps. In the
first step, the approach employs the modified CST approach for detecting the primary and secondary
markers for page cluster. In the next step, it uses HTMLFilter to extract the main block of a page, based on
the detected markers. When HTMLFilter cannot find the main block, the modified CST is used as the
second alternative. Some experiments showed that the approach can extract main block with an accuracy of
more than 94%.
The blogosphere is one means for
patients/caregivers to write their daily journal about
their own/patient’s health problems and share the
information with others. These blogs contain a huge
amount of information, either medical- or non
medical-related problems, which can be worth
something for other patients, caregivers, or clinical
researchers who are searching specific health issues.
As an example, a person published his/her
experience of living with her mother who has Lewy
Body disease in LewyBodyJournal.org and the
publication is represented in a 50-page ebook.
The blogosphere is one example of a collection
of web pages that are published in a systematic
standard format. They are automatically generated
using a pattern, where the pattern is a set of HTML
tags (Tseng & Kao 2006). The pattern divides the
web page into several blocks, each with a specific
purpose. A blog page may contain a blogger profile
block, an archives links block, an advertisement
block, a post/main block, a comment block and other
blocks. Figure
1 shows a blog page with the main
block, a comment block, an archieves link block,
and a calendar block. In order to extract valuable
information from the blog post, we need to
distinguish a block, especially the main block, from
the others.
Our research focuses on analyzing and extracting
valuable information from blogs written by
alzheimer patients or their caregivers. The paper
discusses our initial step on the research, i.e.
extracting the main content of alzheimer/dementia
(AD) blog posts. We adopted and modified an
approach based on Content Structure Tree (CST)
proposed by 0. Although the extraction method
described in this paper is tested only for alzheimer
blog posts, it is reasonably applicable for general
blog posts.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses the classification of and some
methods of extracting the main/content block,
including the CST-based approach. Sections 3
presents our modification and extension of the CST
Akbar S., Slaughter L. and Nytrø Ø..
DOI: 10.5220/0003091804380443
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 438-443
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
approach: mCST and E-mCSTE-mCST. Section 4
presents experiments,performance comparisons
between the methods, and evaluations. The
conclusion is presented in Section 5.
Figure 1: A blog post and its blocks.
In general, there are 3 approaches to extracting main
block content from web pages: the static rule-based
approach, the DOM-based approach, and the
machine learning (ML) approach. Another
approaches are basically built as a combination of
some of the three approaches.
In general, rule-based approaches attempt to
extract main content by establishing a rule
associated with how the author of the blog or the
blog builder software organizes and divides the
blocks in a blog post. The approach is usually time-
consuming since the rules are built manually. It also
does not dynamically adapt new cases since the rule
is designed to work for some specific blogs. In order
for it to be dynamically adaptable, the rule should be
built in a generalized form using such as pattern
matching rule. An example of this approach is
implemented by Attardi and Simi (2006). They
extract the main block by identifying specific HTML
elements that mark the main block, e.g. <div
class=”post”> for blogs published through
WordPress. In order to filter out non-relevant
blocks, such as the navigation block, they identify
elements that mark the non-content block. The main
block is extracted by filtering in the part marked by
a main content marker while out the parts marked
by non-relevant block markers.
The second approach, DOM-based approach,
focused on the observation of the tree structure of
HTML document (i.e. the Document Object
Model/DOM). In general, in order to determine the
main/content block, the approach builds the tree
structure of a page and evaluates the importance of
each block,which is represented as a node in the tree
structure. Then, the block with the highest block-
importance value is determined as the main/content
block. Examples are approaches proposed by Tseng
& Kao (2006) and Li & Yang (2009). Tseng & Kao
(2006) proposed some features for measuring the
importance of a block, i.e.: regularity of node group,
the density of a block, and the distribution of items
style of objects. The importance of a block is
defined as the product of the three measures.
Different from Tseng & Kao (2006), Li & Yang
(2009) employ the attenuation quotient and the
importance of HTML item and content item. The
attenuation quotient is used to decrease the node
importance when a node is closer to the root. In
other words, the deeper position of a node in the
three, the bigger the attenuation is. The importance
value of content item is defined as the number or the
length of text, images, and links. Then, the
importance of an HTML item node is defined by
calculating the sum of attenuated-importance of its
descendants and the content items. A more detailed
description of the approach will be presented in
Section 0.
A machine learning approach has been proposed
by Lin & Ho (2002). They observe most of dotcom
web sites use <table> as a layout template, and
pages in the same domain contain redundant
identical blocks (which is non-content block) and
distinguishable blocks (which is considered as
informative content block). By observing the tag
<table>, a page is partitioned into several blocks.
Thus, features of each block are extracted. In a page
cluster (cluster with pages from the same domain),
the entropy values of block features are calculated.
A block with entropy less than a defined threshold is
considered as an informative block since it is
distinguishable from others (Lin & Ho, 2002). A
similar approach has been proposed by Debnath et.
al. (2005). The approach employs two algorithms:
FeatureExtractor (FE) and ContentExtractor (CE).
FE extracts text, link, and image features from block
candidates and employs K-mean clustering to
identify k blocks in an HTML page. CE observes
some HTML pages from the same domain and
calculates the similarity between each block in a
page and other blocks in another page. Based on the
fact that many pages in the same domain have
redundant blocks, except the main block, if two
blocks are very similar to each other, they are
considered as redundant blocks, and hence are not
the main/informative blocks.
The work presented in this paper adopts and
modifies the CST approach proposed by Li & Yang
(2009). Different from the approach (Li & Yang,
2009), our approach employs the following strategy:
1. Employing HTML cleaner before processing
2. Using only text for calculating block significance
3. Utilizing both the depth and number of a node’s
children as the attenuation quotient factor.
4. Employing two steps of main block detection. In
the first step, modified CST is used for detecting
primary and secondary main block markers of post
from the same domain, while in the second step the
main block is detected by filtering the post using the
markers and by using the modified CST as the
second alternative.
The CST approach (Li & Yang, 2009) consists of
two steps: (1) building the CST of an HTML page,
and (2) measuring the importance of nodes which
represents nested blocks, and determining the block
with the highest importance value as the main block
of the page. The CST contains two types of nodes:
HTML item node and content node types. The
former is generated from <body>, <div>, or
<table> tags and represents blocks, while the later
represents the actual content of the page and is
generated from text, <image>, or <link> tags.
Starting from the deepest node, the importance of
an HTML item node is calculated by counting the
length or the number of texts, links, and images
occupied by the HTML item. The importance of an
HTML item node N is recursively defined as (Li &
Yang, 2009):
is the attenuation quotient of the node,
is the importance of the children of the node N,
is the importance of HTML item nodes
which are the children of node N,
is the
importance of content nodes which are the children
of the node N and is calculated by counting the
weighted sum of the size of text, the number of
images and the number of links. The experiment
reported by Li & Yang (2009) has shown that the
optimal weight is 1.0, 0.75, and 40 for text, links,
and images respectively. For a more detailed
explanation the reader should refer to the original
article (Li & Yang, 2009).
Based on the CST approach, we proposed two
improvements: the modified CST approach (mCST)
and the extended mCST (E-mCST). Our
modification of the CST approach (the mCST
approach) includes the following:
(1) We observe that in a blog post, a block is
represented by not only <body>, <table>,
<div>, but also other tags such as <id> and
<span>. For simplicity, in our implementation we
consider any tags other than text, image, and link
tags as HTML item tags.
(2) Note that in our research case we need to extract
the textual information from blog posts. Moreover,
we observe that the main block of blog post usually
contains very limited links and images. Hence, we
propose to use text as the only factor for calculating
the importance of content node.
(3) In the original CST approach (Li & Yang, 2009),
the attenuation quotient is defined as:
1, 10
log( ), 10
where D
is the depth of the node N. The definition
does not distinguish between a wide substree and a
narrow subtree. Figure 2 ilustrates the situation. For
clarity, circles represent item nodes and round-edge
rectangle represent content nodes.
As shown in Figure 2, a node with narrow
subtree contains more dense content than the one
with wider subtree, therefore the the former should
suffer from attenuation less than the later. Hence,
considering thatbthe attenuation quotient should be
influenced by not only the depth of the node but also
the wide of the subtree of the node, we propose a
new definition of attenuation quotient as:
1.0 1.0
Log D Log C
where D
is the depth of the node N, and C
is the
number of the children of the node N.
In the E-mCST approach, we would also like to
take the benefit of the fact that posts of the same
domain tend to have similar block layout, which is
represented by similar HTML item nodes. Thus, for
posts from the same domain of address, we identify
the HTML tags and their attributes that are
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
considered as the content block markers for the
group of posts. Figure 3 shows the steps of the E-
mCST approach).
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Narrow, and (b) wide trees.
Figure 3: The Extended mCST (E-mCST) approach.
As depicted in Figure 3, we employ two steps:
(a) marker detection and (b) content block
extraction. In both steps, we employ HTMLCleaner
for cleaning up the page from unnecessary
components such as HTML comments and scripting.
It also used to obtain a well-formed HTML page
before further processing.
In the first step (Figure 3.a), the input of the
subsystem is page cluster, i.e. posts in the same
address domain, and the output is marker list M.
This subsystem used mCST (mCST) as a marker
detector to identify tags and attributes considered as
content block markers. From a page clusters we
extract maximum 2 alternative markers (primary and
secondary markers) that are most commonly
identified by mCST.
For example, suppose that we obtain markers
identified from a page cluster as depicted in Table 1.
In the example, markers that are determined as the
primary and the secondary markers are
div|class|entrybody (found 3 times) and
div|class|snap_preview (found twice),
respectively. Thus, both markers are considered as
the content block markers for the corresponding
cluster. The detail of the algorithm for detecting
markers is shown in Figure 4.
Table 1: An example of markers identified from a page
Page# Identified Markers
Algorithm 1: mcST_MarkerDetector
Input: Set S of HTML pages
of the same domain
Output : Primary and Secondary content
block markers, pCM, sCM
for each page H in S
B mcSTExtractMainBlock(H)
m GetTheRootMarker(B)
if (m is unique in H)
pCM GetMarkerWith1stMaxOccurence(M)
sCM GetMarkerWith2ndMaxOccurence(M)
{pCM, sCM}
Figure 4: The algorithm for detecting markers.
In the second step (Figure 3.b), we employ
HTML Filter
based on list M for extracting the
content block of a page. If the domain of the input
page is found in the M list, HTMLFilter will use the
first marker to filter the page. If the first marker is
not found in the page, then the second marker is
employed. If none of the marker is found in the page
or the domain of a page is not found in the list, then
mCST is employed.
In order to have the data set for the experiments,
using Google search engine we search blogs that
most likely contain text about alzheimer/dementia
(AD) disease. We manually observe the blogs in
order to decide whether the blogs contain significant
number of posts. We also observe the links in the
blogs to find other potential blogs. Using HTTrack
HTML Filter is built using HTMLParser
t Block
Website Copier
we download the blogs and get the
post pages of the blogs. In total, we have 8270 posts
from 48 blogs. We separate the blogs into two
datasets: (1) well know blogs, i.e. blogs published in
wordpress.com and blogspot.com, and (2)
others. The first dataset contains 4713 posts of 38
blogs, while the second contains 3557 post of 10
In order to build the ground truth (the golden
standard), we manually inspect some posts from
each blogs and identify marker tags and build a rule
for extracting the correct block content. There are
two types of marker tag: IN marker and OUT
marker. IN marker marks a block that should be
taken as the content block, while the OUT marker
marks a block nested in the block marked by IN
marker that should be excluded from the content
block. Together with HTMLFilter, the rule is used to
filter in the content block and filter out some
irrelevant nested blocks.
Figure 5 shows an example of rule for filtering
in/out page content from posts with address domain
Figure 5: A rule for filtering in/out page content.
In order to measure the performance of the
approach, we compare text in the content block
automatically extracted by employing the approach
with the ground truth. We use cosine similarity for
comparing the text. In order to measure the global
performance of the approach, we employ two
measurements: (1) ACS: the average of cosine
similarity and (2) TCS: threshold based cosine
similarity. In the first measurement, we calculate
cosine similarity between a content block and its
corresponding content block in the ground truth.
Then, the average of cosine similarity is calculated.
In the second measurement, if the similarity between
an automatically extracted main block and its
corresponding block in the ground truth is greater
than a given threshold, then the two content blocks
are accepted as identical. Then, the TCS total
performance is defined as:
where I is the number of instances that are accepted
as identical with the corresponding instances in the
ground truth and N is the total number of instances
in the dataset. In this experiment we used the
threshold value of 0.9.
In order to observe the performance of each
improvement step, we implemented and
experimented with four methods as depicted in
Table 2. First, we implemented the CST approach as
proposed by Li & Yang (2009), used the same
parameter, but used different definition of the
HTML item node. In our implementation (see CST*
in Table 2), an HTML item node is defined as a
node representing any HTML tags other than image
tags, link tags, and text. We consider this method as
the baseline for the experiments. Second, we employ
HTMLCleaner before employing the CST*. The
HTMLCleaner not only removes unnecessary parts
of an HTML page such as comments and scripts, but
also more importantly transforms the page into a
valid and well-formatted HTML page. The third
implementation (mCST) differs from the second in
two ways: (1) using text as the only factor for
calculating the importance of content nodes, and (2)
using the new attenuation quotient as described in
Section 0. Finally, we implemented the extended
CST approach (E-mCST) which is illustrated in
Figure 3.
The performance comparison among the 4
different methods is shown in Table 2. As can be
seen in the table, the use of HTMLClean
outperforms the baseline, and the mCST approach
outperforms the CST*+HTMLCleaner approach. It
is also important to highlight that the E-mCST
approach delivers the best performance among the
others. We observe that by generating and
employing filtering rule for specific domains, the E-
mCST approach is still able to detect main blocks
containing only little text, while the other
approaches is not. Therefore we propose to use the
E-mCST approach for extracting the informative
block of blogposts.
It is interesting to see whether or not different
domains yield significantly different performance. In
order for that, we measure the performance of E-
mCST for each cluster/domain as shown in Table 3.
addr =.*\.wordpress\.com.*
in = div|id|content-main
out = p|class|postmetadata
out = div|class|post-content
out = div|id|respond
in = div|id|content
out = div|class|navigation
out = div|id|respond
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3 shows that in general E-mCST delivers very
high accuracy (i.e. ACS > 95%, and TCS>93%),
except for the three domains:
judyscaregiver.com, and yellowwallpaper
.net. The lower performance suffered by the three
domains is due to the approach cannot detect/remove
irrelevant blocks nested in the main block. This will
be one of the issues for the next improvement.
Table 2: Performance comparison among the different
Dataset Dataset #1
(4713 posts)
Dataset #2
(3557 posts)
CST* 0.878 0.445 0.900 0.642
CST*+HTMLCleaner 0.908 0.631 0.902 0.656
mCST 0.940 0.797 0.957 0.797
E-mCST 0.982 0.944 0.980 0.956
We proposed an extended CST approach (E-mCST)
to identify the main/content block of blog posts. We
modified the calculation of node importance
proposed by Li & Yang (2009), by ignoring links
and images and using text as the only factor for
calculating content node importance. We also
considered both number of children of a node and
the depth of the node as factors for attenuation
quotient. The approach consists of two steps. In the
first step, the modified CST (mCST) is used to
identify the primary and secondary content block
markers of posts of the same domain, while in the
second step the primary and secondary content block
marker is used for filtering and extracting the
content block, together with mCST as the
alternative. The experiments have shown that the
extended CST-based approach (E-mCST)
outperforms the CST-based content block detector.
Table 3: Performance of E-mCST for each domain.
Domain Posts# ACS TCS
wordpress.com 420 0.971 0.938
blogspot.com 4293 0.983 0.944
zarcrom.com 54 0.944 0.741
lewybodyjournal.org 24 0.999 1.000
judyscaregiver.com 28 0.953 0.714
mydementedmom.com 54 0.988 1.000
themomandmejournalsdotnet.net 1970 0.977 0.944
yellowwallpaper.net 111 0.927 0.784
blog.fadingfrommemory.info 329 0.998 1.000
annerobertson.com 165 0.998 1.000
thetripover.com 531 0.983 1.000
amountaintoohigh.com 291 0.990 1.000
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