Section 3 discusses the implementation of the editor
tool. Concluding remarks are presented in Section 4.
2.1 Need for an Information Security
Currently, information security policy management
decisions within an organisation are driven by
external security standards and the experience of the
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or
However, policy decisions may affect or be
influenced by the behaviour of individuals within the
organisation. To make policy decision-making more
effective, organisations (and more so CISOs) must
have an awareness of the usability and other human-
behavioural factors inherent in these decisions
(Skidmore, 2003).
There is a need to organise and standardise
disparate IT security policy-making information and
human factors concerns in the form of a knowledge
base or ontology. This would facilitate clear and
effective communication within the IT-security
management community, thereby further informing
the security policy decision-making process.
2.2 Current Ontology Development
Currently the construction and/or modification of a
security ontology is achieved through an ontology
editing tool. These may come in the form of
graphical or textual editors. Both types of editor
allow content to be converted to a file written in an
ontology language.
Both of these types of editor place similar
demands on the user. The user must define the
overall structure for potential ontology content,
including concept types (ontology classes) and
relationship types (ontology properties). As content
is entered, each concept (ontology individuals) must
be individually defined along with its class type,
properties and relationship to other concepts.
This complex process assumes familiarity with
ontology technologies. As such a CISO or Human
Factors Researcher (HFR) may be unable to develop
ontology content themselves, and would require
either the assistance of an ontology expert or a
dedicated ontology editing tool that hides ontology
2.3 Related Work
A large amount of work has been carried out in the
field of security ontologies and with the rising
interest in the Semantic Web this work is
supplemented with a vast array of ontology creation
The capture of security knowledge in an
ontology has been shown to be viable through a
number of studies e.g. (Parkin, 2009) and (Fenz,
2007). The work of Fenz et al (Fenz, 2007)
incorporates the ISO27001 guideline (BSI27001,
2005) with a security ontology that considers the
physical aspects of IT security management. This
work allows organisations to audit security polices
and assess whether they adhere to the ISO27001
For the successful development of a security
ontology, the use of an ontology editing tool is
required. A number of tools are already available
e.g. Protege 3.4.4 (Stanford, 2010), OntoStudio
(Ontoprise, 2010), TopBraid Composer
(TopQuadrant, 2010) and NeOn Toolkit (NeOn,
2010). Protégé 3.4.4 offers form-based content
entry, with ontology content presented in textual
format. Ontology content is organised into class,
property and individual hierarchies, in a manner
whose level of complexity is appropriate for an
ontology expert.
Another tool, SWOOP, (MINDSWAP, 2004)
offers a Web browser style user interface aimed at
the ‘average Web user’ to facilitate the easy
development and browsing of OWL ontologies.
Ontology navigation and editing is carried out via a
hyperlink based system. This approach enables both
ontology and domain experts to contribute but is still
reliant on ontology experts to contribute to the
underlying formal structure for that knowledge.
Visualisation of an ontology during its
construction or modification is of great advantage to
the user and eases these processes immensely. There
are a number of visual ontology creation tools using
OWL as a base language e.g. GrOWL (Vermont,
2006), OWL-S Editor (Scicluna, 2004) and
SemanticWorks (Altova, 2010) all of which
illustrate the ontology in a UML format. SemTalk 2
(Semtation, 2005) uses Microsoft Visio’s
functionality to create and modify ontologies
graphically, again in a UML format, translating
ontologies automatically to an OWL ontology file.
Although ontology creation is aided by the
graphical functions of these tools they still remain
relatively complex, require a certain amount of
initial training; and are generic in nature and not
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing