Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner and Shmuel Yishai Blitz
Department of Computer Science, Jerusalem College of Technology
21 Havaad Haleumi St., 91160 Jerusalem, Israel
Keywords: Hebrew, Information Retrieval, Stopwords, Zipf's law.
Abstract: Stopwords are regarded as meaningless in terms of information retrieval. Various stopword lists have been
constructed for English and a few other languages. However, to the best of our knowledge, no stopword list
has been constructed for Hebrew. In this ongoing work, we present an implementation of three baseline
methods that attempt to extract stopwords for a data set containing Israeli daily news. Two of the methods
are state-of-the-art methods previously applied to other languages and the third method is proposed by the
authors. Comparison of the behavior of these three methods to the behavior of the Zipf's law shows that
Zipf’s succeeds to describe the distribution of the top occurring words according to these methods.
Elimination of stopwords is an important issue in
information retrieval (IR). Stopwords (stop-list
words, common words, noise words or negative
dictionary) are usually the most frequently occurring
words. Common stopwords are for example: articles
(e.g., 'a', 'an', 'the'), prepositions (e.g., 'in', 'on', 'of',
'with', 'to') and conjunctions (e.g., 'or', 'and', 'but').
A rather small number of stopwords make up a
large fraction of the text of most documents. Francis
(1982) found that the 10 most frequently occurring
words in English typically account for 20 to 30
percent of the tokens in a document.
Stopwords are considered as non-useful as index
terms since they carry low information content (Van
Rijsbergen, 1979; Salton and McGill, 1983;
Raghavan and Wong, 1986). Removal of stopwords
reduces the index file and leads to improved
performance (quality and time) of various IR tasks
(Salton and Buckley, 1988; Yang, 1995).
In contrast to English and a few other languages,
no commonly confirmed stopwords have been
extracted for the Hebrew language. In order to
improve the performance of natural language
processing (NLP) tasks in general and IR in
particular for the Hebrew language, there is a real
need to produce a stopword list for Hebrew.
In this ongoing work, in addition to its
uniqueness in handling Hebrew texts, specifically
news documents, we implement three baseline
methods that identify stopwords. We compare the
behavior of these methods to the behaviour of the
Zipf's law regarding the tested documents.
Diverse systems have been developed in order to
extract stopwords for a variety of languages, mostly
for the English language. Examples of such systems
are: English - Van Rijsbergen (1979), Fox (1990;
1992), Frakes and Baeza-Yates (1992), Sinka and
Corne (2002; 2003), Lo et al. (2005), and Makrehchi
and Kamel (2008); French - Savoy (1999); Greek -
Lazarinis (2007); and Chinese - Zou et al. (2006a;
2006b). Nevertheless, there are still many languages
(including Hebrew) that do not have standard
stopword lists.
Fox (1990) generated a stop list for general text
in English based on the Brown corpus (Francis,
1982) that contains 1,014,000 words drawn from a
broad range of literature in English. The list includes
421 stopwords. Most of them are the top frequently
occurring words. Frakes and Baeza-Yates (1992)
created a similar list containing 425 words.
HaCohen-Kerner Y. and Yishai Blitz S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003093104490453
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 449-453
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Lazarinis (2007) presents the creation process of
a stopword list for the Greek language. This process
generated 99 stopwords using word lemmatization
(i.e., normalization of words to their forms, which
are used as the headwords in a dictionary). In
addition, Lazarinis evaluated the effect of stopword
elimination from web queries. The results show that
removal of stopwords from user queries improved
the average number of relevant documents within a
shorter retrieval process.
Lo et al. (2005) proposed a new method for
creating a stopword list for a given corpus. Their
approach, called term-based random sampling
approach, is based on how informative a given term
is. Their approach achieves a comparable
performance to four baseline approaches inspired by
Zipf's law, using various standard collections. The
proposed method has a lower computational
overhead. They claim that the experimental results
demonstrate that a more effective stopword list
could be derived by merging Fox's classical
stopword list with the stopword list produced by
either the baselines or the proposed approach.
Savoy (1999) presented a stopword list for
French corpora that contains 215 words, based based
on removal of plural suffixes. Savoy concludes that
using both stopwording and stemming significantly
improves retrieval effectiveness.
Zou et al. (2006b) proposed an algorithm that
constructs a stopword list in Chinese. Comparison
between the produced Chinese stopword list and a
standard stopword list in English shows that the
percentage of stop words intersection is very high.
Experiments conducted on Chinese segmentation
using their stopwords showed that the accuracy of
Chinese segmentation was improved significantly.
There is continuous need for automatic
extraction of stopword lists (Sinka and Corne, 2003;
Lo et al., 2005) due to language updates and
cultural, technological and web influences.
There are two main categories of stopwords:
general and domain-specific. Domain-specific
stopwords are words, which have no discriminate
value within a specific domain. Such stopwords
varied from one domain to another. For instance, the
term 'government' might be a stopword in the
domain of politics, but an important term in the
domain of sports.
Automatic extraction of domain-specific
stopwords for the English language has been
performed by Makrehchi and Kamel (2008).
Three baseline methods were implemented by us to
automatically extract a stopword list for a tested data
set: Term Frequency Normalized (TFN), Term
Frequency Double Normalized (TFDN) and Inverse
Document Frequency Normalized (IDFN).
These methods are based on the Zipf's law
(1949). According to Zipf’s law, in a corpus of
natural language text, the usage frequency of any
word is considered to be inversely proportional to its
frequency rank. Therefore, the term's rank-frequency
distribution can be fitted very closely by formula (1),
where r is the term's rank in the frequency table, F(r)
is the term's frequency,
1 and c 0.1.
F(r) = C/r
Zipf's law is an empirical law formulated using
mathematical statistics. It claims that given a corpus
of natural language utterances (for most languages)
the frequency of any word is inversely proportional
to its rank. Therefore, the most frequent word will
occur approximately twice as often as the second
most frequent word, which occurs twice as often as
the fourth most frequent word, etc. For instance, in
the Brown Corpus "the" is the most frequently
occurring word, and by itself accounts for nearly 7%
of all word occurrences. The second-place word "of"
accounts for slightly over 3.5% of words.
TFN is a normalized version of Term frequency
(TF). TF
is defined for a certain term k as the
number of times that k appears in all the documents
) included in a specific data set, as shown in
formula (2).
= TF
) (2)
TFN is a normalized version of TF by the total
number of tokens in the data set. TFN
is calculated
using formula (3),
= -log(TF
/v) (3)
where TF
is the term frequency of k and v is the
total number of tokens in the data set.
TFDN is a double normalized version of TF. It is
the term frequency of k normalized by V
the number
of tokens in Doc
summed over all the documents in
the data set and then re-normalized by NDoc the
number of documents in the data set.
= (TF
)/NDoc (4)
To the best of our knowledge, TFDN
is a novel
method for measuring the frequency of words. In
contrast to previous TF measures, it takes into
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
account also the relative importance of k in each
is a normalized version of IDF. IDF
computed for a certain term k as shown in formula
(5), where NDoc is the total number of documents in
the data set and D
is the number of documents
containing term k. IDF assumes that infrequently
occurring terms have a greater probability of
occurring in relevant documents and should be
considered as more informative and therefore of
more importance in these documents.
= log(NDoc/D
) (5)
is perhaps the most common variant of the
IDF measure. IDFN was defined by Robertson and
Sparck-Jones (1976). IDFN normalizes IDF with
respect to the number of documents not containing
the term k and adds a constant of 0.5 to both
numerator and denominator to moderate extreme
values. IDFN
is calculated using formula (6), where
NDoc is the total number of documents in the data
set and D
is the number of documents containing
term k.
= log (((NDoc - D
) + 0.5)/( D
+ 0.5))
The examined dataset includes texts in Hebrew that
were published in Arutz 7
– Israel National News.
All documents belong to the same domain: Free
Daily Israel Reports in Hebrew from the year of
2008. The entire dataset includes 13,342 news
documents. They include 3,463,871 tokens where
171,814 of them are unique. Each document
includes in average 259.6 tokens, while 191.5 occur
only once.
Table 1: The accumulative frequencies' rates of top
occurring words.
# of top
freq. rate
# of top
freq. rate
10 9.27% 100 20.11%
20 11.45% 200 25.53%
30 13.12% 300 29.36%
40 14.5% 400 32.35%
50 15.7% 500 34.79%
Table 1 presents the accumulative frequencies'
rates of the top 500 occurring words. It shows rather
surprising findings: The top 10, 20, 100 and 500
words occur only 9.27%, 11.45%, 20.11% and
34.79% of the tokens of the data set, respectively.
These results are in contrast to findings in other
datasets in other languages, e.g., (1) The 10 most
frequently occurring words in English typically
account for 20 to 30 percent of the tokens in a
document (Francis, 1982), (2) The top 20 and 99
words occur 30.26% and 44.16% of the total
lemmas, respectively (Lazarinis, 2007), and (3) Only
135 vocabulary items are needed to account for half
the Brown Corpus
The explanation might be that the examined
documents are not uniformly distributed across the
Table 2 presents an overlapping comparison of
top occurring Hebrew and English words (the
English list is presented in the Appendix of (Fox,
1990) based on the Brown corpus (Francis, 1982).
Table 2: Overlapping comparison of top occurring Hebrew
and English words.
# of top words
in both lists
Rate of overlapping
of Hebrew and
English top words
10 20%
20 30%
30 33%
40 50%
50 50%
100 60%
In contrast to quite high overlapping rate (above
80%) between top 100 English
and Chinese
stopwords (Zou et al., 2006b), there is about medium
overlapping rate (60%) between top occurring
Hebrew and English words.
Only two words are included in the top 10 words
in the English and Hebrew lists: 'of' and 'he'. Four
additional overlapped words are contained in the 20
top word lists: 'not', 'on', 'that', and 'it'. The word 'the'
that is placed on the first place in the English list
appears only at the 87
place in the Hebrew list.
These findings might be due to: (1) The Hebrew
corpus analyzed in this research which is a news
corpus is not general as the English corpus (many
top occurring Hebrew words are related to Israel and
its politics, e.g., Israel, security, IDF, government,
parliament) and (2) The complex morphology of
Hebrew (Choueka et al., 2000) is one of the sources
for major differences between the Hebrew and
English stopword results. For instance, many
English articles, prepositions, and conjunctions (e.g.,
based also on the Brown corpus (Francis, 1982).
'a', 'an', 'the', 'in', 'and') are usually not presented as
single words in Hebrew, but rather as prefixes of the
words that come immediately after.
As can be seen from figure 1, Zipf’s law (with
the values of c=0.017 &
= 0.7 in formula (1)
succeeds to describe the distribution of the top 100
words according to the three implemented methods.
Another important finding is the fact that TFN
presents the smoothest curve. Indeed, this fact is
quite trivial since the graph deals with the
frequencies of top occurring words according to
their place and TFN is the only method that actually
expresses this relation.
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96
IDFnorm TFDN TFnorm Zip f
Figure 1: Frequencies' rates according to Zipf's law and
the baseline methods for the top 100 words.
In this ongoing work, we present an implementation
of three baseline methods that attempt to extract
stopwords in Hebrew for a data set containing Israeli
daily news. Two of the methods are state-of-the-art
methods previously applied to other languages and
the third method is proposed by us.
A comparison of the behavior of these methods
to the behaviour of the Zipf's law shows that Zipf’s
law succeeds to describe the distribution of the top
occurring Hebrew words.
Future directions for research are: (1) Applying
this research into larger and more diverse corpora to
produce a general stopword list and domain-specific
stopword lists, (2) Performing additional and
extended experiments to evaluate the various
stopword lists through retrieval of web queries in
Hebrew, (3) Investigating whether other methods
can be discovered to achieve more effective
stopword lists for IR tasks, and (4) Defining new
stopword lists using word lemmatization.
Choueka, Y., Conley, E. S., Dagan, I. 2000. A
comprehensive bilingual word alignment system:
application to disparate languages - Hebrew, English.
in Veronis J. (Ed.), Parallel Text Processing, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 69-96
Fox, C., 1990. A Stop List for General Text. ACM-SIGIR
Forum, 24, 19–35.
Fox, C., 1992. Lexical analysis and stoplists. In
Information Retrieval - Data Structures & Algorithms,
102-130, Prentice-Hall.
Francis, W., 1982. Frequency Analysis of English Usage:
Lexicon and Grammar. Houghton Mifflin.
Frakes, W., Baeza-Yates, R. 1992. Information retrieval:
Data Structures and Algorithms. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Lazarinis, F., 2007. Engineering and utilizing a stopword
list in Greek Web retrieval. JASIST, 58(11): 1645-
Lo, R. T.-W., He, B., Ounis, I., 2005. Automatically
Building a Stopword List for an Information Retrieval
System. Journal Of Digital Information Management:
Special Issue On The 5th Dutch-belgian Information
Retrieval Workshop (dir'05), 31(3), 3-8.
Makrehchi, M., Kamel M. S., 2008. Automatic Extraction
of Domain-Specific Stopwords from Labeled
Documents. In proc. of ECIR-08, 222-233.
Raghavan, V. V., Wong S. K. M., 1986. A critical analysis
of vector space model for information retrieval,
Journal of the American Society for Information
Science, 37(5), 279-287.
Robertson S. E., Sparck-Jones. K., 1976. Relevance
weighting of search terms. Journal of the American
Society for Information Science, 27(3): 129-146.
Salton, G., McGill, M. J., 1983. Introduction to Modern
Information Retrieval. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Salton, G., Buckley, C., 1988. Term-Weighting
Approaches in Automatic Text Retrieval. Information
Processing and Management, 24, 513-523.
Savoy, J. A., 1999. Stemming Procedure and Stopword
List for General French Corpora. Journal of the
American Society for Information Science, 50(10),
Sinka, M. P., Corne, D. W., 2002. A large benchmark
dataset for web document clustering, in Soft
Computing Systems: Design, Management and
Applications, Volume 87 of Frontiers in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications, 881-890.
Sinka, M. P., Corne, D. W., 2003. Evolving better stoplists
for document clustering and web intelligence. Design
and application of hybrid intelligent systems, 1015-
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Van Rijsbergen. C. J., 1979. Information Retrieval, 2nd
edition. Dept. of Computer Science, University of
Yang, Y. M., 1995. Noise Reduction in a Statistical
Approach to Text Categorization, In Proc. of SIGIR-
95, 18th ACM Int. Conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval. 256-263.
Zipf, G. K., 1949. Human Behaviours and the Principle of
Least Effort, Addison-Wesley, Cambridge, MA.
Zou, F., Wang, P. F. L., Deng, X., Han, S., 2006a.
Evaluation of Stop Word Lists in Chinese Language,
In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006), 2504-2207.
Zou, F., Wang, P. F. L., Deng, X., Han, S., 2006b.
Automatic Identification of Chinese Stop Words,
Research on Computing Science, 18, 151-162.