Brenda Leticia Flores Rios, Sandra Luz Gastélum Ramírez
Institute of Engineering, Autonomous University of Baja California
Calle de la Normal S/N y Blvd. Benito Juárez Col. Insurgentes Este, C.P. 21280, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
Oscar Mario Rodríguez-Elías
Division of Graduate Studies and Research, Institute of Technology of Hermosillo
Ave. Tecnológico y Periférico Poniente S/N, Col. Sahuaro, C.P. 83170, Hermosillo, Sonora, México
Keywords: Software project management, Software process improvement, Knowledge management.
Abstract: Software development SMEs interested in launching a KM initiative or software project managers working
on taking their KM initiative to the next level, need to assess what strategy will best fit their knowledge
needs and which will be the most likely to succeed based on their social, cultural and technological aspects.
Taking into account the social and cultural characteristics of Mexican software development SMEs, the
Mexican Ministry of the Economy encouraged the creation and adoption of the NMX-I-059-NYCE-2005
Standard. The main goal of this standard is help SMEs become more competitive and reach higher maturity
levels. However, SMEs adopting or implementing this standard sometimes experience difficulties and
problems in their daily software activities. In this paper, we model ongoing knowledge flows as an
adaptation to Choo’s framework, applied to the project portfolio management process as defined in such
standard. In addition, we present some strategies followed by Mexican software development SMEs while
conducting a SPI program for maturity levels 1 and 2.
The organizations’ capability to learn and innovate
depends on their ability to manage and integrate a
complex network of processes in which participants
enact and negotiate their own meanings of what is
going on; stumble upon and engage with new
knowledge to make it work; and work within as well
as improvise around set rules and routines to solve
tough problems (Choo and Johnston, 2004).
Knowledge Management (KM) can help address this
issue, since it provides methods, techniques and
tools for facilitating organizations to become
adaptable to these changing environments
(Davenport and Prusak, 2000).
Currently, the KM implementation strategies of
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are based on
the knowledge residing among the knowledge
workers (Wong, 2005), such as project managers or
developers. They apply a combination of several
types of knowledge and abilities with the aim to
accomplish their goals.
In order to provide support to the knowledge
flow within software development SMEs, it is
important to identify specific issues of the dynamics
of knowledge flows in the processes and activities
performed by members of these organizations; as
well as the social, cultural, and technological aspects
which can affect those flows (Rodríguez-Elías,
Vizcaíno, Martínez García, Favela and Piattini,
2009). Besides this, other approaches can be used
for establishing a general profile of knowledge needs
within a Software Process Improvement (SPI)
program, supporting the design implementation and
use of the SME’s knowledge base or experience
SPI initiatives often experience difficulties and
problems when the improvements are implemented
and institutionalized in the organization’s daily
practices. Sometimes SPI programs experience
severe problems and some even fail after the
Flores Rios B., Gastélum Ramírez S. and Rodríguez-Elías O..
DOI: 10.5220/0003093502130217
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 213-217
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
assessment, when improvements must be
implemented and institutionalized in the
organization’s daily software activities, and there is
a need for more guidance on how to implement and
institutionalize SPI (Arent and Nørbjerg, 2000).
Oktaba, Piattini, Pino, Orozco y Alquicira (2008)
conducted a systemic survey on SPI. They found
that most SPI initiatives (71%) deal with guidance of
an improvement project, prioritizing improvements
implementation and using current improvement
models. In addition, use of KM in SPI initiatives
accounted for 11% of the cases. Capote, Llanten
Astaiza, Pardo Calvache, González Ramírez y
Collazos (2008) state that process improvement
models, such as IDEAL (McFeeley, 1996), lack a
management mechanism, for both tangible and
intangible assets, that eases capture and use of
valuable experiences during the performance of
improvement cycles. IDEAL is a process
improvement model that provides a structured
approach for continuous improvement based on
experiences from large organizations. Therefore, it
had to be adjusted for use in SMEs (Casey and
Richardson, 2002).
The motives listed above form a base for our
research. We are interested in analyzing ongoing
knowledge flows applied to the key principles of
KM-based SPI initiative using the Mexican Standard
NMX-I-059-NYCE-2005. In this perspective, it is
important to identify specific issues of the dynamics
of knowledge flows in the processes and activities
performed by the members of the organization
(Rodríguez-Elías et al., 2009).
IN THE NMX-I-059-NYCE-2005
NMX-I-059-NYCE-2005 is a Mexican Standard
developed to assist Mexican SMEs in an SPI
program implementation. This standard borrows
practices from other process improvement models,
such as CMMI v1.1, Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBOK), the Software Engineering
Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) and uses ISO 9001
as a general framework. It is divided into four parts
and complements the current Mexican Standards
NMX-I-006-NYCE (parts 01, 02 and 03) and NMX-
I-045-NYCE. Part 04 of the NMX-I-059-NYCE-
2005: Guidelines for Processes Assessment, is based
on the ISO/IEC 15504-2:1998. The process
assessment model defines five levels of capability
and their associated attributes.
Part 01 of the NMX-I-059-NYCE-2005 presents
the 9 required processes, grouped into three process
categories presented by means of a Unified
Modeling Language package diagram (NMX, 2005).
The management Category consists of management
practices for process management, projects portfolio
and resource-management based on the guidelines
established by the Top Management category.
Operations category addresses the practices of
software development and maintenance projects
(NMX, 2005). Each process identifies the roles
involved, required training, and infrastructure
resources needed to support activities. Here, the term
infrastructure is defined as a set of elements or
services deemed necessary for the creation and
operation of an SME (NMX, 2005).
Even though this standard recognizes knowledge
and training as strategic resources, it only specifies
general training profiles for roles. As a result, the
relationship between software project management
profiles, the process capacity level and its associated
attributes, remains undefined.
In addition, the Mexican standard suggests
storing organizational knowledge, e.g., Lessons
Learned (LL) and work experiences, in a knowledge
base; facilitating SMEs to learn from their
accumulated knowledge. This would help decrease
reworking, as well as reduce the appearance of
recurring problems, allowing Mexican software
development SMEs become more competitive
(Oktaba et al., 2008) and reach higher maturity
levels. The maturity levels are described as a number
of generic software development and management
practices. Arent and Nørbjerg, (2000) suggested
including KM practices in the maturity models.
Software process maturity is defined as the extent to
which a specific process is explicitly defined,
managed, measured, controlled and effective.
The research approach is organized as qualitative
methodology to guide the process of identifying the
ways knowledge flows in an organization, by
modeling them using a Process Reengineering
approach. This methodology is named as KoFI and
is composed by three stages (Rodriguez-Elias et al.,
The first stage deals with modeling the process
based on the flows of knowledge, including the
activities performed by the members of the
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
organization, the knowledge required and generated
in the activities, the people in charge of them, and
the sources of knowledge used, modified, or
generated during the activities. Analysis of the
process is performed in stage 2, while stage 3 is
oriented to identify the infrastructure resources or
tools that get involved with the flows of knowledge
(Rodríguez-Elías, 2007).
3.1 Knowledge Flows Modeling
for Software Project Management
Software project management is defined as a
discipline which uses knowledge and skills to fulfill
the goals of a project by means of the execution of a
set of activities. Two of the nine processes defined
in the Mexican Standard, Project Portfolio
Management process (GPY) and Specific Projects
Management process (APE), are related to software
project management. The purpose of GPY is to
ensure that projects contribute to fulfilling the
organization’s goals and strategies. On the other
hand, APE applies knowledge, skills, techniques and
tools to each one of the following project activities:
planning, performance, evaluation and control and
closing. NMX-I-059-NYCE-2005 Standard project
management related roles are Project Portfolio
Manager (RGPY) and Specific Projects Manager
(RAPE) (NMX, 2005).
A process modeling approach can be very useful
to identify how the knowledge and resources of
information are involved in the activities developed
by members of the organization. A Rich Picture
Diagram (RPD), as a graphical modeling technique,
can be used to analyze how the knowledge flows
through the group while its members perform their
activities (Rodríguez-Elias et al., 2009).
Based on the first stage of the KoFI
methodology, we made an adaptation of Choo’s
framework of the knowing organization using a RPD
with elements introduced by Rodriguez-Elias
(Figure 1). Knowing organization model is useful to
identify and analyze the structure and dynamics of
key processes (Choo and Johnston, 2004).
Information flows are continuously moving
between sensemaking, knowledge creation and
decision making; so the outcome of information use
in one mode, provides the elaborated context and the
expanded resources for information use in other
processes (Choo and Johnston, 2004).
Figure 1 shows the main tasks carried out in the
performance activity of the GPY, as defined in the
NMX-I-059-NYCE-2005 Standard. In this model, a
knowledge worker, represented by the RGPY,
creates and transfers knowledge using the SECI
model (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). Socialization
is attained when the RGPY transfers and acquires
tacit knowledge to and from the RAPE and the
members of the software development team.
Externalization occurs through dialog that leads to
articulation of tacit knowledge and its subsequent
formalization to make it concrete and explicit.
Combination denotes coordination between different
groups in the project, along with documentation or
existing knowledge, to combine new explicit
knowledge in the software SME.
Figure 1: Adaptation of Choo’s model using a RPD.
Sensemaking allows the RGPY to construct tacit
knowledge from explicit knowledge
(Internalization) by sharing meanings and
information that shape the organization’s purpose
and frame the perception of problems or
opportunities that the organization needs to work on.
The knowledge sources can be people, documents,
support tools and internal products developed by the
software organization (Rodríguez-Elías et al., 2009).
Mexican software development SMEs can use
PMBOK, SWEBOK, ISO 10006:2003 or NMX-I-
059-NYCE-2005 as reference documents
(Declarative-Topic Knowledge) for identifying
useful information on topics like time and cost
estimation or project descriptions generation. RPGY
and RAPE store documents in the knowledge base
or remember the products of successful sensemaking
as stories, LL or causal sequences so that they are
available for future sensemaking.
Knowledge creation is precipitated by gaps in the
existing knowledge of the software organization or a
project group. The outcome of knowledge creation is
a set of new abilities, capabilities, innovations
(Knowing-Doing Gap) or new products and services.
Such knowledge gaps stand in the way of solving a
technical or task-related problem (Declarative-
Episodic Knowledge), developing a new product, or
taking advantage of an opportunity (Choo and
Johnston, 2004).
The difficulty of making a decision then depends
on how clear project goals are, and how well the
RGPY knows about alternatives that lead to achieve
those goals. The RGPY and the software
development team may find that they lack the
knowledge or capability to solve the problem or
exploit the opportunity, which is known as a
In addition, we identified two of the five
perspectives of Alavi and Leidner (2001) embodied
in the model. If knowledge is a process then the
implied KM focus is on the knowledge flow and the
processes of creation, sharing and distribution of
knowledge. Otherwise, the view of knowledge as a
capability suggests a KM perspective centered on
building core competencies and creating intellectual
capital. The capability to use information and tacit
knowledge (LL and experience) results in an ability
to interpret information and to ascertain what
information is necessary in decision making.
In order to identify the experience acquired by a
SME while conducting a SPI program for maturity
levels 1 and 2, we arranged reflection meetings with
three software development SMEs located in the
state of Baja California, México that have been
verified by NYCE, as the Mexico’s official
certifying organization. The SMEs didn’t have a
rough idea about how to integrate SPI from the KM
perspective. They only expressed the experiences
generated in their SPI program.
The analysis of the empirical data revealed that
66% of the SMEs decided to implement their own
knowledge base using the requirements of the
Mexican Standard as their only reference. This
Standard was also the only knowledge source for the
implementation of the SPI program used by all the
SMEs. Additionally, they were supported in
different ways by expert networks. Social processes
and expert networks (consultants) are necessary
because their tacit knowledge must be transmitted to
the SPI team. Also, we detected the importance of
knowledge sharing to equip the software
development group with the skills to foster creativity
and innovation. Accordingly, KM-based SPI
program are quite people intensive, although a
knowledge base or experience base were helpful for
SMEs to improve their required processes (top
management, management and operation) and
technical infrastructure to reach capability level 2.
The adapted model presented in this paper integrates
Choo’s model, SECI model and several types of
knowledge, because we considered they are
approaches related to knowledge flows. Choo’s
model considers knowledge flow as part of an
organizational context, seeing it as an enabling
resource for using information with practical goals,
such as decision making. In contrast, the knowledge
creation process approach relies on the four modes
of spiraling SECI.
Once the knowledge needs of empirical study’s
software project managers are identified, they will
help in the characterization of a KM level-specific
profile for GPY and APE processes, required by the
NMX-I-059-NYCE-2005 Standard. This profile can
help a software project manager identify training
needs within a SPI program, supporting the design
implementation and use of the SME’s knowledge
We are currently conducting a study aimed to
find out the correlation between the KM level and
the capability level defined in the 2nd part of the
NMX-I-059-NYCE-2005 Standard. Here, we have
presented the preliminary results of the first step
towards the identification of such correlation.
This work is being financially supported by UABC
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