Fumiyo Fukumoto and Yoshimi Suzuki
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan
Domain-specific senses, WordNet, Text classification, Markov random walk model.
This paper focuses on domain-specific senses and presents a method for identifying predominant sense de-
pending on each domain. The method consists of two steps: selecting senses by text classification and scoring
senses by link analysis. Sense selection is to identify each sense of a word to the corresponding domain.
We used a text classification technique. Senses were scored by computing the rank scores using the Markov
Random Walk (MRW) model. The method was tested on WordNet 3.0 and the Reuters corpus. For evaluation
of the method, we compared the results with the Subject Field Codes resources, which annotate WordNet 2.0
synsets with domain labels. Moreover, we applied the results to text classification. The results demonstrated
the effectiveness of the method.
Domain-specific sense of a word is crucial informa-
tion for many NLP tasks, such as Word Sense Disam-
biguation (WSD) and Information Retrieval. For ex-
ample, the first sense heuristic applied to WordNet is
often used as a baseline for supervised WSD systems,
as the senses in WordNet are ordered according to the
frequency data in the manually tagged resource Sem-
Cor (Miller et al., 1993). Cotton et al. reported that
the heuristic outperformed many of the WSD systems
that use surrounding context as the heuristics (Cotton
et al., 1998). The usual drawback in the first sense
heuristic applied to WordNet is the small size of Sem-
Cor corpus, consisting of 250,000 words. Therefore,
senses that do not occur in SemCor are often ordered
arbitrarily. More seriously, the decision of the first
sense is not based on the domain but on the frequency
of SemCor data. Consider the noun word, “court”.
There are eleven noun senses of “court” in WordNet.
The first sense of “court” is “an assembly (including
one or more judges) to conduct judicial business”, and
it is often used in the “judge/law” domain rather than
the “sports” domain. On the other hand, the fourth
sense of “court”, i.e., “a specially marked horizontal
area within which a game is played, is more likely to
be used in the “sports” domain.
In this paper, we focus on domain-specific senses
and propose a method for identifying the predom-
inant sense in WordNet depending on each do-
main/category defined in the Reuters corpus (Rose
et al., 2002). To assign categories of the Reuters cor-
pus to each sense of the word in WordNet, we first
selected each sense of a word to the corresponding
domain. We used a text classification technique. For
each sense s of a word w, we replace w in the training
stories assigning to the domain d with its gloss text
in WordNet. (hereafter, referred to as word replace-
ment). If the classification accuracy of the domain
d is equal or higher than that without word replace-
ment, the sense s is regarded to be a domain-specific
sense. However, the sense selection is not enough for
identifying domain-specific senses (IDSS). Because
the number of words consisting gloss in WordNet is
not so large. As a result, the classification accuracy
with word replacement was equal to that without word
. Then we scored senses by computing
the rank scores. We used the Markov Random Walk
(MRW) model (Bremaud, 1999). For each category,
the senses with large rank scores were chosen as the
domain-specific senses.
In the experiment, the classification accuracy of more
than 50% of words has not changed.
Fukumoto F. and Suzuki Y..
DOI: 10.5220/0003094102630268
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 263-268
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Selecting Senses
The first step to IDSS is to select appropriate senses
for each domain. We used the 1996 Reuters corpus
and WordNet 3.0 thesaurus. The documents are or-
ganized into 126 categories (domains). We used the
documents from 20 August to 19 September 1996 to
train the SVM model, and documents for the follow-
ing one month to test the SVM model. For each cate-
gory, we collected noun words from the Reuters one-
year corpus (20 August 1996 to 19 August 1997). Let
D be a domain set, and S be a set of the senses that
the word w W has. Here, W is a set of noun words.
The senses are obtained as follows:
1. For each sense s S, and for each d D, we apply
word replacement, i.e., we replace w in the train-
ing documents assigning to the domain d with its
gloss text in WordNet. For example, the first sense
of the word “court” is “tribunal” or “judicature”
in WordNet, and its gloss is “an assembly (includ-
ing one or more judges) to conduct judicial busi-
ness. We replaced “court” in the training docu-
ments with the gloss.
2. All the documents of training and test data are
tagged by a part-of-speech tagger, stop words are
removed, and represented as term vectors with
3. The SVM is applied to the two types of the train-
ing documents, i.e., with and without word re-
placement, and classifiers for each domain are
4. SVM classifiers are applied to the test data. If the
classification accuracy of the domain d is equal
or higher than that without word replacement, the
sense s of the word w is judged to be the candidate
sense in the domain d.
The procedure is applied to all w W.
2.2 Scoring Senses by Link Analysis
The next procedure for IDSS is to score each sense
for each domain. We used the MRW model, which is
a ranking algorithm that has been successfully used in
Web-link analysis, and more recently in text process-
ing applications. This approach decides the impor-
tance of a vertex within a graph based on global infor-
mation drawn recursively from the entire graph (Bre-
maud, 1999). The essential idea is that of voting”
between the vertices. A link between two vertices is
considered a vote cast from one vertex to the other.
The score associated with a vertex is determined by
the votes that are cast for it, and the score of the ver-
tices casting these votes. We applied the algorithm to
detect the domain-specific sense of words.
Given a set of senses S
in the domain d, G
(V, E) is a graph reflecting the relationships between
senses in the set. V is the set of vertices, and each
vertex v
in V is the gloss text assigned from Word-
Net. E is a set of edges, which is a subset of V ×
V. Each edge e
in E is associated with an affinity
weight f(i j) between senses v
and v
(i 6= j). The
weight is computed using the standard cosine measure
between the two senses.
f(i j) =
· ~v
| ~v
| × | ~v
. (1)
where ~v
and ~v
are the corresponding term vectors of
and v
. Two vertices are connected if their affinity
weight is larger than 0 and we let f(i i)= 0 to avoid
self transition. The transition probability from v
to v
is then defined as follows:
p(i j) =
f(i j)
, if Σf 6= 0
0 , otherwise.
We used the row-normalized matrix U
to describe G with each entry correspond-
ing to the transition probability, whereU
= p(i j).
To make U a stochastic matrix, the rows with all zero
elements are replaced by a smoothing vector with all
elements set to
. The matrix form of the saliency
score Score(v
) can be formulated in a recursive form
as in the MRW model.
λ = µU
(1 µ)
| V |
~e. (3)
λ = [Score(v
is the vector of saliency
scores for the senses. ~e is a column vector with all
elements equal to 1. µ is the damping factor. We set
µ to 0.85, as in the PageRank (Brin and Page, 1998).
The final transition matrix is given by formula (4),
and each score of the sense in a specific domain is
obtained by the principal eigenvector of the matrix M.
M = µU
(1 µ)
| V |
. (4)
We applied the algorithm for each domain. We
note that the matrix M is a high-dimensional space.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Therefore, we used a ScaLAPACK, a library of high-
performance linear algebra routines for distributed
memory MIMD parallel computing (Netlib, 2007),
which includes routines for solving systems of lin-
ear equations, least squares, eigenvalue problems. For
implementation, we used a supercomputer, SPARC
Enterprise M9000, 64CPU, 1TB memory. We se-
lected the topmost K% words (senses) according to
rank score for each domain and make a sense-domain
list. For each word w in a document, find the sense s
that has the highest score within the list. If a domain
with the highest score of the sense s and a domain in a
document appeared in the word w match, s is regarded
as a domain-specific sense of the word w.
We evaluated our method using the 1996 Reuters cor-
pus and WordNet 3.0 thesaurus. Moreover, we ap-
plied the results of IDSS to text classification to exam-
ine how well the automatically acquired senses con-
tribute to classification accuracy.
3.1 Assigning Domain-specific Senses
The Reuters documents are organized into 126 cat-
egories. Many of these are related to economy,
but there are also several other categories, such as
“sports” and “fashion.” We selected 20 of the 126 cat-
egories including categories other than economy, and
used one month of documents, from 20 August to 19
September 1996 to train the SVM model. Similarly,
we classified the following one month of documents
from 20 September to 19 October into these 20 cat-
egories. All documents were tagged by Tree Tagger
(Schmid, 1995), and stop words were removed.
For each domain, we collected the topmost 500
noun words. We randomly divided these nouns into
two: training and test data. The training data is used to
estimate K% words (senses) according to rank score,
and test data is used to test the method using the es-
timated value K. We manually evaluated a sense-
domain list. As a result, we set K to 50%. We used
WordNet 3.0 to assign senses. Table 1 shows the re-
sult using the test data, i.e., the total number of senses,
and the number of selected senses (Select S) that the
classification accuracy of each domain was equal or
higher than the result without word replacement. We
used these senses as an input of the MRW model.
There are no existing sense-tagged data for these
20 domains that could be used for evaluation. There-
fore, we selected a limited number of words and eval-
uated these words qualitatively. To do this, we used
Table 1: The # of selected senses.
Cat Total Select S
legal/judicial 62,008 25,891
funding 28,299 26,209
production 31,398 30,541
research 19,423 18,600
advertising 23,154 20,414
management 24,374 22,961
arts/entertainments 29,303 28,410
environment 26,226 25,413
fashion 15,001 12,319
health 25,065 24,630
labour issues 28,410 25,845
religion 21,845 21,468
science 23,121 21,861
sports 31,209 29,049
travel 16,216 15,032
war 32,476 30,476
elections 29,310 26,978
weather 18,239 16,402
Table 2: The correspondence of Reuters and SFC cate-
Reuters SFC
legal/judicial law
funding economy
arts/entertainments drawing
environment environment
fashion fashion
sports sports
health medicine, body care
science applied science, pure science
religion religion
travel tourism
war military
weather meteorology
the Subject Field Codes (SFC) resource (Magnini
and Cavaglia, 2000), which annotates WordNet 2.0
synsets with domain labels. The SFC consists of
115,424 words assigning 168 domain labels with hi-
erarchy. It contains some Reuters categories, such
as “sports” and “fashion”, while other Reuters cate-
gories and SFC labels do not match completely. Ta-
ble 2 shows the Reuters categories that correspond to
SFC labels
. We tested these 12 categories, and the
results are shown in Table 3.
In Table 3, “IDSS” shows the number of senses as-
signed by our approach, “SFC” refers to the number
of senses appearing in the SFC resource. “S & R” de-
notes the number of senses appearing in both SFC and
the Reuters corpus. “Prec” is the ratio of correct as-
signments by IDSS divided by the total number of the
We used these labels and its children labels in a hierar-
Table 3: The results against SFC resource.
Cat IDSS SFC S&R Rec Prec Cat IDSS SFC S&R Rec Prec
legal/judicial 25,715 3,187 809 .904 .893 funding 2,254 2,944 747 .632 .650
arts/entertainments 3,978 3,482 576 .791 .812 environment 3,725 56 7 .857 .763
fashion 12,108 2,112 241 .892 .793 sports 935 1,394 338 .800 .820
health 10,347 79 79 .329 .302 science 21,635 62,513 2,736 .810 .783
religion 1,766 3,408 213 .359 .365 travel 14,925 506 86 .662 .673
war 2,999 1,668 301 .149 .102 weather 16,244 253 72 .986 .970
Average 9,719 6,800 517 .686 .661
IDSS assignments
. We note that the corpus used in
our approach is different from SFC, i.e., our approach
assigns domain-specific senses to the words collected
from the Reuters corpus, while SFC assigns domain
labels to the words appearing in WordNet. There-
fore, recall denotes the ratio of the number of senses
matched in our approach and SFC divided by the total
number of senses appearing in both SFC and Reuters.
As shown in Table 3, the best performance was
“weather” and recall was 0.986, while the result for
“war” was only 0.149. Examining the result of
text classification by word replacement, the former
was 0.07 F-score improvement by word replacement,
while that of the later was only 0.02. One reason is
related to the length of the gloss in WordNet; the av-
erage number of words consisting the gloss assigned
to “weather” was 8.62, while that for “war” was 5.75.
IDSS depends on the size of gloss text in WordNet.
Efficacy can be improved if we can assign gloss to
WordNet based on corpus statistics. This is a rich
space for further exploration.
It is interesting to note that some senses of words
that were obtained correctly by our approach did not
appear in the SFC resource because of the difference
in WordNet version, i.e., we used WordNet 3.0, while
SFC was based on WordNet 2.0. Table 4 illustrates
some examples obtained by our approach but that did
not appear in the SFC. Because of space limitations,
Table 4 gives one example for each domain. These
observations clearly support the usefulness of our au-
tomated method.
3.2 Application to Text Classification
We evaluated a limited number of words by using
SFC resource, i.e., 6,205 senses from 12 domains.
Therefore, we applied all the results of domain-
specific senses to text classification to examine how
the results obtained by our approach affect text clas-
sification performance. We used the documents col-
lected from 20 October to 19 November as training
We manually evaluated senses that did not appear in the
SFC resource.
data to train SVM. We used the following one month
of documents from 20 November to 19 December as
test data for text classification. Similar to the sense
selection procedure, we used 20 categories. All docu-
ments were tagged by Tree Tagger (Schmid, 1995),
and stop words were removed. All training docu-
ments are represented as term vectors with frequency
where each term is replaced with the domain-specific
sense with ranked scores obtained by using the train-
ing data from 20 August to 19 September and test data
from 20 September to 19 October.
The classification using SVM is as follows. For
the target category, we replace each word in the test
document with its gloss. SVM classifiers are applied
to the test document. If the category assigned to the
test document by SVM classifier and the target cat-
egory match, the test document is judged to classify
into the target category. The procedure is applied to
each test document and the target category. The re-
sults are shown in Table 5.
Table 5 shows categories, the number of train-
ing and test documents, and classification perfor-
mance (F-score) with and without IDSS. Overall, the
results showed that IDSS improved text classifica-
tion performance. The best improvement was “fash-
ion” (+0.330), and the poorest was “sports” (+0.012),
as the F-score without replacement of the category
“fashion” was very low(0) and that of “sports” had
very high accuracy(0.971). It should be noted that our
approach was not effective for the small size of train-
ing data, as the number of training data in the category
“fashion” was only fifteen and the F-score was 0.330.
Moreover, words assigned domain-specific sense by
our approach did not have a “fashion” sense, as the
topmost F-score was not larger than 0.330, regardless
of how many words (senses) were used. This is not
surprising because the F-score without word replace-
ment was 0. The text classification used here is very
simple, i.e., SVM with vector representation of term
frequency. There are many text classification tech-
niques applicable to the small number of training doc-
uments (Nigam et al., 2000), and it will be worthwhile
examining these with our approach.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 4: Some examples obtained by our approach.
Cat Example of words and their senses
legal/judicial break: (an escape from jail) “the breakout was carefully planned”
funding depositary: (a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping)
arts/entertainments shopping (the commodities purchased from stores)“she loaded her shopping into the car”;”woman
carrying home shopping didn’t give me a second glance”
environment pit (a workplace consisting of a coal mine plus all the buildings and equipment connected
with it)
fashion fashion (consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode)
sports era (baseball) a measure of a pitcher’s effectiveness
health sickness (the state that precedes vomiting)
science float (an air-filled sac near the spinal column in many fishes that helps maintain buoyancy)
religion retreat (the act of withdrawing or going backward (especially to escape something hazardous
or unpleasant))
travel runway (a strip of level paved surface where planes can take off and land)
war sturmabteilung (Nazi militia created by Hitler in 1921 that helped him to power but was eclipsed by the
SS after 1943)
weather climatologist (someone who is expert in climatology)
Table 5: Classification performance.
Cat Train Test F-score F-score Cat Train Test F-score F-score
without with without with
legal/judicial 909 1,003 .659 .769(+.110) funding 3,936 3,770 .835 .883(+.048)
production 2,370 2,288 .589 .767(+.178) research 258 245 .509 .707(+.198)
advertising 169 134 .504 .564(+.060) management 929 964 .820 .874(+.054)
employment 1,384 1,671 .715 .783(+.068) disasters 830 698 .748 .838(+.090)
arts/entertainment 326 327 .598 .701(+.103) environment 497 489 .601 .734(+.133)
fashion 15 5 0 .330(+.330) health 582 531 .611 .829(+.218)
labour issues 1,436 1,723 .772 .879(+.107) religion 215 226 .602 .626(+.024)
science 215 233 .664 .723(+.059) sports 2,882 2,955 .971 .983(+.012)
travel 71 81 .662 .791(+.129) war 3,126 2,554 .784 .878(+.094)
elections 1,786 677 .679 .787(+.108) weather 249 241 .715 .735(+.020)
Many real semantic-oriented applications, such as
Question Answering, Paraphrasing, and Machine
Translation systems, must have not only fine-grained
and large-scale semantic knowledge, e.g., WordNet,
and COMLEX dictionary, but also tune the sense of
the word heuristic depending on the domain in which
the word is used. Magnini et al. presented a lex-
ical resource where WordNet 2.0 synsets were an-
notated with Subject Field Codes (SFC) by a proce-
dure that exploits WordNet structure (Magnini and
Cavaglia, 2000). The results showed that 96% of
WordNet synsets of the noun hierarchy could have
been annotated, while identification of the domain
labels for word senses was semi-automated and re-
quired a considerable amount of hand-labeling. Our
approach is automated, and requires only documents
from the given domain/category, such as the Reuters
corpus, and dictionaries with gloss, such as WordNet.
Therefore, it can be applied easily to a new domain or
sense inventory, given sufficient documents.
In the context of WSD or semantic classification
of words, Agirre et al. and Chan et al. presented a
method of topic domain adaptation (Agirre and La-
calle, 2009; Chan and Ng, 2007). McCarthy et al.
presented a method to find predominant noun senses
automatically using a thesaurus acquired from raw
textual corpora and WordNet similarity package (Mc-
Carthy et al., 2004). They used parsed data to find
words with a similar distribution to the target word.
Unlike (Buitelaar and Sacaleanu, 2001) et al. ap-
proach, they evaluated their method using publically
available resources, i.e., the method was evaluated
against the hand-tagged resources SemCor and the
SENSEVAL-2 English all-words task, and obtained
precision of 64% on an all-nouns task. The major mo-
tivation for their work was similar to ours, i.e., to try
to capture changes in ranking of senses for documents
from different domains. They tested 38 words con-
taining two domains of Sports and Finance from the
Reuters corpus (Rose et al., 2002), while we tested 12
domains with 6,205 senses in all. Moreover, we ap-
plied the results to text classification to evaluate the
results quantitatively.
In the context of link analysis, the graph-based
ranking method has been widely and successfully
used in NLP and its applications, such as WSD
(Agirre and Soroa, 2009; Navigli and Lapata, 2010),
text semantic similarity (Ramage et al., 2009), query
expansion in IR (Lafferty and Zhai, 2001), and doc-
ument summarization (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2005).
The basic idea is that of “voting” or “recommenda-
tions” between nodes. The model first constructs a
directed or undirected graph to reflect the relation-
ships between the nodes and then applies the graph-
based ranking algorithm to compute the rank scores
for the nodes. The nodes with large rank scores are
chosen as important nodes. Our methodology is the
first aimed at applying a graph-based ranking method
to identify the predominant sense depending on each
We presented a method for identifying predom-
inant sense of WordNet depending on each do-
main/category defined in the Reuters corpus. The av-
erage precision was 0.661, and recall against the Sub-
ject Field Code resources was 0.686. Moreover, the
results applying text classification significantly im-
proved classification accuracy. Future work will in-
clude: (i) applying the method to other part-of-speech
words, (ii) comparing the method with existing other
automated method, and (iii) extending our approach
to find domain-specific senses with unknown words
(Ciaramita and Johnson, 2003).
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development