Garofalakis John and Oikonomou Flora
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, Patras University, University Campus, Patras, Greece
Keywords: Semantic Clustering, Ontology, User Profiles, Dietary Profiles, Web Search, Personalization, Web Usage
Mining, Information Search and Retrieval.
Abstract: The World Wide Web has become a huge data repository and it keeps growing exponentially, whereas the
human capability to find, process and understand the provided content remains constant. Search engines
facilitate the search process in the WWW and they have become an integral part of the web users' daily
lives. However users are characterized by different needs, preferences and special characteristics, navigate
through large Web structures and may lost their goal of inquiry. Web personalization is one of the most
promising approaches for alleviating information overload providing tailored navigation experiences to Web
users. This paper presents the methodology which was implemented in order to personalize a search
engine’s results for corresponding users’ preferences and dietary characteristics. This methodology was
implemented in two parts. The online part uses a search engines’ log files and the dietary characteristics of
the users in order to extract information for their preferences. With the use of an ontology and a clustering
algorithm, semantic profiling of users’ interests is achieved. In the online part the methodology re-ranks the
search engines’ results. Experimental evaluation of the presented methodology shows that the expected
objectives from the semantic users’ clustering in search engines are achievable.
The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked
computer documents (webpages) that can be
accessed via the internet, which is a network of
computers that is distributed all over the world and
that communicate with one another. People use the
World Wide Web for two main reasons: in order to
communicate with other people or extract desired
information. Based on the latter, we can assume that
the World Wide Web is a huge data repository, a
global library which is expanding at exponential
However, the human capability to find, process
and understand the provided content remains
constant. The phenomenal growth of the number of
new users who access the web and the huge amount
of data that the web has, make the searching for
particular information not only time consuming but
also a daunting task. There comes the need for
search engines which facilitate the search process
and have become an integral part of the web users’
daily lives.
Traditional search engines obtain the results by
matching the words in the query with the document
content and finally give out thousands of result
pages of which only a handful are relevant.
Moreover, users are characterized by different
needs, preferences and special characteristics, and
by navigating through large Web structures may lost
their goal of inquiry.
Personalization is a popular remedy for the
above problem. Personalization improves the search
by considering the user’s interests and
characteristics and hence provides context oriented
search results, which are the direct answers to the
user’s information need. Semantic searches on the
other hand attempt to augment and improve the
traditional search results by using semantic
information from resources like ontology and
In this work, we propose a personalization
method, which couples data mining techniques with
the underlying semantics of the web content in order
to build semantic clusters of user profiles. Regarding
the semantic clusters, they actually comprise
ontological subsets of a general ontology which was
John G. and Flora O..
DOI: 10.5220/0003094500600069
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 60-69
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
specifically designed for this project, representing
the categories of interest and the characteristics for
groups of web users with similar search tasks and
dietary profiles. In this methodology apart from
exploiting a specific user search history and the
search history of other users with similar interests,
we further exploit their individual traits. The user is
assigned to relevant classes of common interest and
dietary characteristics, so as to predict the relevance
score of the results with the user goal and finally re-
rank them. To this purpose, we exploit a reference
ontology which was based on the Finnish Food
Composition Database for the National Institute for
Health and Welfare and the information for the
ontology’s construction is freely available online at
Specifically the methodology consists of two
major parts: the offline and the online part. In the
former three tasks can be described. First of all, we
gather the user’s search history and his/hers dietary
profile and then we process his/hers activity, taking
into consideration other users’ activities and dietary
profiles and constructing clusters of commonly
preferred concepts. The final task of the offline part
is to define ontology-based profiles for the active
user based on the detected interests from his current
activity, the interests from the semantic cluster in
which he has been assigned from previous searching
sections and the dietary characteristics of the current
user and the users who belong to the aforementioned
cluster. As far as the online part is concerned, two
tasks can be described here. At first, we re-rank the
web results combing the above information with the
semantics of the delivered search engine results and
then we constantly re-organize the conceptual
clusters in order to be up-to-date with the user’s
interests and personal characteristics.
Our approach has been experimentally evaluated
by utilizing the Google AJAX Search API and the
results show that semantically clustering users in
terms of using ontologies in search engines is
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 discusses related work. In Section
3 we present the motivation for creating this project.
In Section 4, we describe the reference ontology that
our approach uses and we outline the semantic
annotation of web results to the ontology classes.
Furthermore, a presentation of how the user profiles
are defined over the reference ontology and how the
semantic clusters are formed is documented. In
Section 5, we propose a technique for web search
personalization combining profiles of semantic
clusters and users’ special dietary characteristics
with the emerging profile of the active user. In
Section 6, we mention the technologies which were
used for this project. Finally in Section 7, we exhibit
our experimental results and in Section 8
conclusions and further work is presented.
Our work touches various fields. In the following we
review related work in personalization, cluster
formatting and personalized semantic search.
2.1 Personalization
As the amount of information on the web
continuously grows, it has become increasingly
difficult for web search engines to find information
which satisfies users’ individual needs. Personalized
search is a promising way to improve search quality
by customizing search results for people with
different information goals. Many recent research
efforts have focused on this area. Most of them
could be categorized into two general approaches:
Re-ranking query results returned by search engines
locally using personal information; or sending
personal information and queries together to the
search engine (Pitkow, et al, 2002).
Moreover significant studies have been
conducted for personalization based on user search
history. A general framework for personalization
based on aggregate usage profiles is presented in
(Mobasher, et al, 2000). This work distinguishes
between the offline tasks of data preparation and
usage mining and the online personalization
components. (Qui, et al, 2006) suggest learning
user’s preferences automatically based on their past
click history and show how to use this learning for
result personalization. (Yabo, et al, 2007) presented
a scalable way for users to automatically build rich
user profiles which summarize a user’s interests into
a hierarchical organization according to specific
interests. Another approach to personalization is
presented in (Radlin ski, et al, 2006) where three
methods are proposed to increase the diversity of the
top N search results which are returned by a search
engine. Their approach involves re-ranking the top
N search results such that documents likely to be
preferred by the user are presented higher.
Furthermore they presented a number of methods to
collect diverse results for a given query using past
query reformulations. Additionally research on
personalizing search results (Dou, et al, 2007; Shen,
et al, 2005; Teevan, et al, 2005) has found that
implicitly gathered information such as browser
history, query history, and desktop information, can
be used to improve the ranking of search results on a
per-user basis.
Ideas from all of these works where used in our
approach in order to create a personalized system.
2.2 Cluster Formatting
In order to enhance the performance of personalized
search a lot techniques suggest the use of clusters of
users with similar interests and characteristics.
(Teevan, et al, 2005) found that the performance of
the personalization algorithm they studied improved
as more data became available about the target user.
This finding confirms the suggestion that additional
data from similar people may be useful in enhancing
personalization systems.
(Dou, et al, 2007) compared several
personalization strategies and found that the use of
click-through data and k-nearest neighbor
collaborative filtering was a promising approach.
(Almeida & Almeida, 2004) used Bayesian
algorithms to cluster users of an online bookstore’s
search service into communities based on links
clicked within the site and found that the popularity
of different links within different communities could
be used to customize the search result rankings.
VisSearch system developed by (Lee, 2005) uses
data mining to uncover patterns in users’ queries and
browsing in order to generate recommendations for
users with similar queries. Some recommender
systems, such as the movie recommender system
PolyLens created by (O’ Conner, et al, 2001)
attempted to generate recommendation lists for
groups of users. (Smyth, 2007) suggested that click-
through data from users in the same “search
community” (e.g., a group of people who use a
special-interest Web portal or who work at the same
company) could enhance search result lists. Smyth
provided evidence for the existence of search
communities by showing that a group of employees
from a single company had a higher query similarity
threshold than general Web users. (Freyne &
Smyth’s, 2006) I-SPY system expanded the notion
of search communities to include related
communities, measuring intercommunity similarity
based on the degree to which communities’ queries
and result click through overlap.
(Mei and Church, 2008) found that geographic
location might serve as a reasonable proxy for
community, since they observed that grouping users
into classes based on the similarity of their IP
addresses could improve search results.
(Teevan, et al, 2009) found that groupization, a
personalization technique that combines personal
and group content improves Web rankings for
different groups/queries. (Smith, et al, 2009)
managed to develop unambiguous clusters of URLs
from clickthrough data from the MSN search query
log excerpt (the RFP 2006 dataset) whereas (Tesic,
et al, 2007) proposed a cluster-based sampling
method and data modelling of the semantic context
in fusion with text and visual search baselines in
order to boost search performance for a diverse
range of query topics. Moreover, (Nguyen, et al,
2009) proposed a different way of clustering in order
to facilitate personalization; they enriched short
snippets with hidden topics from huge resources of
documents on the Internet, and managed to cluster
and label such snippets effectively in a topic-
oriented manner without concerning the whole Web
In our work we used ideas from the
aforementioned clustering techniques in order to
create effective clusters for personalizing the web
search results.
2.3 Personalized Semantic Search
The enormous increase of information in the web led
the information retrieval community to strive
towards changing the concept of “good for all” to
“good for everyone”. This in turn popularized
personalized semantic search engines and
semantically enhanced recommendation systems,
with some related work in (Pretschner, et al, 1999;
Gauch, 2003; Sheth, et al, 2002; Liu, et al, 2002;
Liu, et al, 2004; Liu, 2002; Kim & Chan, 2005;
Bose, et al, 2006; Sieg, et al, 2007). (Zhuhadar &
Nasraoui, 2008) presented an approach for
personalized search in a e-learning platform, that
takes advantage of semantic web standards (RDF
and OWL) to represent the content and the user
profiles. In this approach, however, the authors used
a taxonomy to semantically characterize their
context whereas in this paper we used an ontology
which contains a greater amount of information.
(Sendhilkuman & Geetha, 2008) designed a
personalized search index with the use of an
ontology which provided them with a conceptual
relation between the search keywords and the pages
which matches the user’s information need.All of
these approaches in combination with the
(Garofalakis, et al, 2008, 2009) led to the
development of our presented system.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Why did we need a Semantic Cluster-based Search
Engine? As already mentioned the World Wide Web
grows exponentially where as the human capability
to find, process and understand the provided content
remains constant. Moreover, users are characterized
by different needs and characteristics may face
problems during their navigation in the Web and
may lose their goal of inquiry. Web personalization
is a promising solution which alleviates the problem
of information overload. Furthermore, semantic
searches augment and improve the traditional search
results by using semantic information from
resources like ontology and thesaurus. Additionally,
health-related searches constitute a 4.5 % of all the
searches on the Web which means that about 6.75
million health-related searches per day in Google
alone are being conducted (Eysenbach & Kohler,
Taking all of these under consideration, we
thought of creating a semantic cluster-based search
engine which not only meets its corresponding
users’ preferences but it also considers their dietary
The general aim of this work is to introduce a
method for personalizing the results of web
searching. For this reason we focused on
constructing user profiles implicitly and
automatically, according to their interests, dietary
characteristics and their previous behaviour on
searching. At this direction we were based on the
work described in (Pretschner, et al, 2003;
Garofalakis, et al, 2009).
4.1 Reference Ontology
Our first goal was to create a reference ontology
upon which we will base the user profiles. The
profile of each user will be represented by a
weighted ontology, depicting the users’ interest for
every class of the reference ontology and the users’
dietary characteristics. We decided to create a new
ontology from scratch, which was based on the
Finnish Food Composition Database for the National
Institute for Health and Welfare. In Figure 1 there is
a depiction of some of the concepts of the
constructed ontology.
Figure 1: Part of the constructed ontology.
The ontology created is actually a directed
acyclic graph (DAG). Since we wish to create a
relatively concise user profile that identifies the
general areas of a user’s interests and dietary
characteristics we created our reference ontology by
enhancing with lots of food information. Thus, we
not only created classes and instances as it has been
done in previous works (which were presented in
Section 2), but properties and methods were also
implemented making the ontology more rich in
context. The ontology in addition to the instances
and the methods, constitute a knowledge base very
thorough in information which can be used to
effectively answer competency queries from the
developed search engine. The ontology was created
by Protégé, the free, open source ontology editor and
knowledge-base framework and the language used
for development was OWL.
4.2 Semantic Annotation
The construction of the profile, i.e. the weighted
ontology, for every user includes two parts; the
semantic annotation of user’s previous choices and
the dietary profile characterization which will be
presented in Section 4.3. The semantic
characterization of user choices is based on the
methodology proposed in (Garofalakis, et al, 2009).
Therefore, the user’s previous choices are analyzed
into keywords extracted from the visited web pages
and the keywords are semantically characterized.
The calculation of the semantic similarity
between each keyword and each term of the
ontology was computed by using semantic similarity
measures with WordNet. In Wordnet, English nouns,
verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into
synonym sets, each representing one underlying
lexical concept. Several experiments were made in
order to select the appropriate measure for our
ontology. The measure that was applied is the
PATH measure which calculates the relatedness by
counting nodes in the noun and verb WordNet 'is-a'
srelatednes =
If two concepts are identical, then the distance
between them is one; therefore, their relatedness is
also 1. However, the assignment process is time-
consuming; therefore we have implemented a
caching policy to improve system response. The
assignments of instance words are kept in cache, to
minimize response time in case these words are met
again. Every time that this process is executed the
amount of previous choices that are semantically
annotated are the users’ choices that have not been
annotated at the last execution of this step of the
methodology. This saves time from the execution,
since semantic annotation is a quite time consuming
step of the overall method applied. As a result, the
keywords and consequently, the users’ choices are
assigned to relevant classes of the ontology.
4.3 User Profiles’ Formulation
In this step, our methodology uses the semantic
annotations of the users’ choices so as to construct
the profile for every user. After the semantic
characterization of user’s choices to the ontology
concepts our methodology moves on the profile
From the web access logs kept in the web server
our method extracts the user’s previous choices,
which have already been semantically annotated.
Therefore, for every user we extract the concepts
and the frequency of appearance from the previous
choices that the specific user has made. In the end of
the execution of this step, there is an accumulation
of the preferences for every user and of the
frequency for every concept, which is the initial
weight, for every class (preference) in the ontology.
Additionally, for every user we construct his/hers
dietary profile based on the data which the user
enters to specific forms of the system. Based on
these data, we calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI)
of each user. The initial weight which was
mentioned earlier in combination with each user’s
BMI constitute the overall weight for every class in
the ontology.
Apart from the accumulation of the concepts for
which the user has shown interest and his/hers
dietary profile, we construct the vector that
represents each user’s profile. The vector’s size is
the number of concepts that the ontology consists of.
The value of each element of the vector corresponds
to the weight of the user interest for this concept. So
we propose that, the weight for a concept i for the
user u, is calculated as:
)( u
w =
= the number of times that the concept i has been
assigned to the user u.
) = the sum of the times that all the concepts
of the ontology has been assigned to the user u.
For the concepts that the user has not selected any
previous choice assigned to this concept the value is
set to zero. So for a user u the profile is represented
as follows:
, w
,…, w
Where n is the number of concepts in the ontology
Therefore, it is obvious that the weight of each
concept is the relative frequency of the concept
among all concepts of the ontology. The sum of all
weight is equal to one, representing the percentage
of the user’s interest for every concept. Moreover,
for each user we create a file that has the profile
4.4 Semantic Clustering
After creating each user profile, we move on to
profile clustering. From the profile creation step, a
profile for every user is stored in the database and a
file with the user’s vector weighted ontology is
created. At this step of the methodology, the profiles
of all the users that reacted with the search engine
and have similar BMI values are accumulated and
are clustered into clusters with similar interests.
The clustering algorithm that has been applied in
the methodology proposed in the profile clustering
step is the K-Means algorithm (Ma, et al, 2007). The
K-Means algorithm accepts the number of clusters to
group data into and the dataset to cluster as input
values. It then creates the first K initial clusters (K=
number of clusters needed) from the dataset by
choosing K rows of data randomly from the dataset.
Next, K-Means assigns each record in the dataset to
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
only one of the initial clusters. Each record is
assigned to the nearest cluster (the cluster which it is
most similar to) using a measure of distance or
similarity like the Euclidean Distance Measure,
which was used in this module. K-Means re-assigns
each record in the dataset to the most similar cluster
and re-calculates the arithmetic mean of all the
clusters in the dataset. The preceding steps are
repeated until stable clusters are formed and the K-
Means clustering procedure is completed. Stable
clusters are formed when new iterations or
repetitions of the K-Means clustering algorithm does
not create new clusters as the cluster centre or
Arithmetic Mean of each cluster formed is the same
as the old cluster centre. In the end of the execution
of this step the users are grouped into clusters with
similar interests and the clusters are stored to the
database. Thus, a cluster profile is built, utilizing the
average of preferences of all cluster members:
, w
,…, w
Every time this step is executed, the clusters are
constructed from the beginning and the users are
grouped again. Thus, the clustering procedure is not
based on the previous constructed clusters because
we considered that the user’s choices will alter
periodically. The construction of the semantic users’
profiles clusters is presented in Figure 2.
The pre-processed user’s choices, their semantic
characterization and the users’ clusters are used for
processing and personalizing the results from a
search engine. At this point every user that has
reacted previously with the online search engine has
been put in one cluster.
This cluster consists of users with similar
interests and can be depicted as a weighted ontology
such as the profiles. This weighted ontology will be
presented as a vector, too. The personalized search
Figure 2: Clusters Creation by using semantic user’s
includes the calculation of the similarity of each
result returned by the search engine with the
cluster’s interests and its dietary characteristics. This
calculation requires the execution of all the steps of
the ontology-based user clusters for each result
returned by the search engine.
Figure 3: Personalization Algorithm.
Therefore, for every query that is set to the
search engine the proposed methodology follows the
following steps:
1. Extract keywords from users’ previous
2. Apply semantic annotation step not to the
reference ontology but to a part of the
ontology for which the cluster that the user
belongs has a non-zero weight.
3. Calculate the value score value for each result.
The above three steps are executed for every
result and the score value is kept in cache.
Afterwards, the results of the search engine are
organized for presentation to the user according to
the score that has been calculated, beginning with
the one with the highest score (Figure 3). The
interaction with the search engine is made by using
the Google AJAX search API which is referred to
Section 7.
The technologies which were used for the
implementation of this work include the .NET
framework and more specifically the C#
programming language. For the database framework
the SQL server was chosen. Those technologies
were selected due to their high reliability,
interconnectivity and portability. Moreover the .NET
framework is a platform in which a lot of strange to
it technologies can be applied effectively and
enhance its operations.
In addition to the .NET framework, Perl
programming language was used to create modules
which performed the semantic similarity of the
keywords with the ontology’s terms. Perl was
selected due to its capability of managing effectively
strings of characters.
The applied ontology was created in the Protégé
platform which supports the OWL (Web Ontology
Language). Protégé was selected since it is a user
friendly open source platform and it is
systematically used by the scientific community.
Finally, AJAX search API was used in order to
connect Google’s search engine with our presented
system. AJAX search API is actually a web service
which is appropriate for keyword position tracking
and can easily incorporated in a web page with the
use of Javascript language.
We developed a WWW search engine utilizing the
Google AJAX Search API so as to test our
methodology. The Search API returns the URL, the
title and a short summary for each one of the eight
results of the Google search engine. At first we run
this limited search engine without personalizing the
results but accumulating the users’ choices. Next, we
applied the method proposed and compared the
results of the personalized representation with the
non personalized representation.
For our experimental implementation, we used a
database for storing users’ BMI and their choices for
every query applied in the limited search engine
used for testing. Every time that a user enters the
search engine there is an identification of the IP
address, the agent and the domain name keeping off
the multiple storage of a user in the database
Moreover, the search engine stores in the database
the query, user’s calculated BMI profile which is
based on the data the user inserted in a special
system’s form, and the choices of the user in every
query. For every result that is clicked by the user the
search engine stores the title, the URL and the short
summary returned in the database. This database
consists of the history of the requests and therefore
is used as the web access logs in this methodology.
At next we apply the steps of the methodology
proposed earlier for the creation of the semantic
users’ profiles clusters. In the web choice, i.e. the
search engine’s result, that has been selected we
extract the keywords. For the experimental
implementation the methodology for the keyword
extraction is similar to the one proposed in (Dai, et
al, 2002) for the keywords of the pages that have a
link for a specific page. The keywords that are
extracted for every URL are accumulated from the
title of the URL and the short summary returned by
the Google AJAX search API.
The title and the summary are parsed and are
cleaned by the HTML tags and the stop words (very
common words, numbers, symbols, articles) are
removed, since they are considered not to contribute
to the semantic denotation of the web page’s
content. The words that remain are considered the
keywords for every URL since their number is small
and no frequency is being taken into consideration.
After the running of this step the keywords for every
URL are stored to the database. At next the
keywords are semantically characterized according
to the way described in paragraph 4.2. Afterwards,
the profiles of the users are created as analyzed in
paragraph 4.3 and finally the users are grouped into
clusters as referred in 4.4 according to the
methodology proposed. In order to evaluate the
proposed method and prove the efficient behavior of
our personalization method, we performed some
queries with polysemy and we used different types
of users with different BMI values expecting the
personalized results to be personalized according to
the profile of the cluster that a user is set and to
verify that our method can improve the results’
ranking quality as desired. We applied the queries in
the experimental implementation that returns the
first eight results from the Google search engine
through the Google AJAX search API. In one case
we applied our personalization methodology
whereas in the other case we extracted the results as
they were returned by the search API. We evaluated
the use of our automatically created user profiles for
personalized search using the approach of ranking.
A function is applied to the document query match
values and the rank orders returned by the search
engine. The relevant documents are moved higher in
the results set and demote non-relevant documents.
Our experimental implementation was online for 1
month and twelve users have reacted with it. The
choices that they have made for every query were
stored in the database and their dietary profile was
formed. The choices were processed and the user
profiles were created. Next, we clustered the users in
three clusters. The user that made the queries has
already been put in a cluster and the reference
ontology of the cluster upon which the score of the
results will be based has been created.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
The first example query which was applied in the
search engine was the keyword “cookie”. The word
“cookie” not only has a twofold meaning, since it
means the small, flat-baked treat or the text string
stored by a user’s web browser (also known as web
cookie/ browser cookie/ HTTP cookie) but also
constitutes a type of food which belongs to the
cereal class according to the developed ontology. In
this example a user with a dietary profile of class I
obesity, interacts with the search engine. This type
of user is advised to consume small quantities of
such food categories (i.e. cookies) which provide
his/hers body with enough energy without a lot of
Based on all these, we expect that the search
engine’s results will refer both to food and
computers. The user who gives this query in the
search engine asks for information about cookie as a
kind of food and expects results related to food. The
search engine’s role is twofold: on the one hand the
returned results must be personalized according to
the user’s profile who is class I obese and on the
other hand the results must be personalized based on
the user’s cluster which is a group of people who are
interested in food and not in computers. In the
following table we can see the results of the search
engine for the query “cookie”. The first column
represents the order of the results of the AJAX
search API without the application of the
personalization methodology while in the second
column we can see the order of the personalized
results of the experimental application.
Next to each title we give in parenthesis the
general concept of the result, which we have
concluded after reading the summary. In the first
column the result that the user searches is in place 5
and another result close to food but not the one that
the user is interested in is in place 2. In the second
column with the personalized results, the requested
webpage is in place 2 and the similar to food
webpage is in place 5. It is obvious that after the
application of the personalization methodology that
is proposed the results related with the user’s
interests are pushed to places closer to the top. The
cluster into which the user belongs, as we have
mentioned, has many interests that include food and
this has been taken into consideration while
calculating the score of each result pushing the
results related with food in a higher place in the list
of the results.
Apart from this query, we have tested the
proposed methodology in a second query, the
keyword “egg”. This keyword is not characterized
by polysemy as was the case in the first example but
Table 1: Experimental results for query “cookie” for a user
interested in a cookie related with food, with the cluster he
belongs to has interest in food and the user has class I
Non Personalized
Personalized Results
HTTP cookie -
Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia (computers)
The Unofficial Cookie FAQ
Cookie - Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia (food)
Cookies - All Recipes (food)
Cookie Mag: the Stylish
Parenting Magazine for
the New Mom: Home
Enable Cookies: Search
History and Settings –Web
Search Help (computers)
What is cookie? - A
Word Definition From
the Webopedia Computer
Cookie Central (computers)
Cookies - All Recipes
Cookie - Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia (food)
The Unofficial Cookie
FAQ (computers)
HTTP cookie - Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia
Cookie Central
What is cookie? - A Word
Definition From the
Webopedia Computer
Enable Cookies: Search
History and Settings –
Web Search Help
Cookie Mag: the Stylish
Parenting Magazine for the
New Mom: Home (people)
is related with user’s dietary profile. The user who
performs this query is classified as underweight and
the cluster to which he belongs has similar
characteristics. Thus, the returned results which are
related with food should be placed in higher places
to the personalized search engine.
People who are categorized as underweight
should consume food rich calories. Eggs are
characterized as such and contain lots of nutrients.
Consequently, for this user results related with food
should be ranked higher.
In the second table we can see the results of the
search engine for the query “egg”. Again, in the first
column the results that the user searches are in
places 3 and 6 whereas in the second column, with
the personalized results, the requested webpages are
now in places 1 and 2. It is obvious that after the
application of the personalization methodology the
results related with the user’s interests are pushed to
places closer to the top.
In both examples, it has been shown that the
methodology given the relatedness of the results
with the cluster’s preferences and user’s
characteristics has pushed the desired results in
Table 2: Experimental results for query “egg” for a user
who is underweight and the cluster he belongs to has
similar characteristics and is interested in food.
Non Personalized
Personalized Results
Egg (food) - Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia
Eggs, How To Cook Eggs,
Egg Recipes, Egg Nutrition
Facts, All (food)
Egg (biology) -
Wikipedia, the free
WHFoods: Eggs (food)
Eggs, How To Cook
Eggs, Egg Recipes, Egg
Nutrition Facts, All
Incredible Edible Egg | Eggs
- what's inside the shell?
Welcome to the
American Egg Board
Welcome to the American
Egg Board
Incredible Edible Egg |
Eggs - what's inside the
Egg (food) - Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia
WHFoods: Eggs (food)
Easter Eggs -
Easter Eggs - Egg (biology) - Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia
egg - Kitchen Dictionary
- Recipezaar
egg - Kitchen Dictionary -
places higher than the places they were put without
We presented a personalization methodology which
is based on clustering semantic user profiles. The
method calculates users’ BMI, analyzes and
annotates semantically the web access logs. At next
it organizes the users’ profiles based on their choices
and their BMI, and groups the users into clusters.
The personalization of the results returned by the
search engine is done by an on-the-fly semantic
characterization and the score of each result is
calculated. The scores of the results are kept in
cache and the results are reorganized and presented
to the user according to this score putting the one
with the highest score first. By the experimental
implementation we showed that the personalized
method proposed has notably possibilities to change
the scene in personalization. Future work includes
the use of Fuzzy K-Means (Qiang, et al, 2008) that
allows the creation of overlapping clusters, so that a
user may belong to different cluster profiles with
different weights or the use of K-Max algorithm.
Also, the development of a reference ontology with
more levels and alteration in factors such as the
score of each result taking into consideration the
user’s preference with greater weight than the rest
users of the cluster.
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