An Ontology for Forensic Ballistics Domain
Arif Yılmaz, Hilal Tarakçı and Serdar Arslan
TUBITAK Space Technologies Research Institute, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: Semantics, Forensic Science, Ballistics, Ontology Development.
Abstract: Forensic ballistics is the domain that analyzes the firearm usage in crimes, thus assisting in exposing
connections between crime scenes. While concept of the ballistics domain is strict and well defined; to the
best of our knowledge, there is no standard representation of knowledge on this domain open to the public
use. In our study, we represent an open ballistics domain ontology in a ballistics identification system and
our aim is to acquire an effective reasoning capability. The proposed ontology, models the real world
relationships between the concepts, thus forming a very close semantic representation of the ballistics
domain. Therefore, in our ontology, reasoning capability is effectively used in order to set up relationships
between concepts automatically.
Forensic ballistics is the domain that analyzes the
firearm usage in crimes, thus assisting in exposing
connections between crime scenes. This science
depends on the fact that each firearm leaves unique
marks on the bullet and cartridge case it fires due to
the manufacturing imperfections on the firearm.
Therefore, these marks on cartridge cases and bullets
are compared to each other in order to identify the
ones which were fired from the same firearm.
The comparison of bullets and cartridge cases is
a complicated task. In order to automate this
process, some ballistics identification systems are
developed (Condor Homepage, 2010) (Baldur,
2001). Balistika series automated firearms
identification system (Leloglu et al., 2003a and
2003b) is one of these systems, which enables taking
images of bullets and cartridge cases via a camera,
comparing the image against a huge database of
previously taken images according to some given
criteria in a fast and efficient way. Besides, roles of
the people interfering in the crimes will also be
gathered in order to support related queries.
While the concept of the ballistics domain is
strict and well defined; to the best of our knowledge,
there is no standard representation of knowledge on
this domain open to the public use. This situation
results in incompatibility between different ballistics
identification systems. Recently, there is an ongoing
project (Yates et al., 2009) claiming to address this
incompatibility problem by using ontologies at
several layers in their project stack. According to
their paper, the ontologies being developed in this
project have not been disclosed yet. Besides, the
study is only an abstraction of the application
concepts at a high level. Thus, it does not address
the issues related to reasoning power of ontology
In this study, an open ballistics identification
domain ontology is presented. It aims to add
superior reasoning capability to new generation
Balistika System: BALISTIKA 2010. The strictness
and well defined nature of forensic ballistics domain
makes this goal achievable. The proposed ontology
defines the real world relationships between the
concepts, thus forming a very close semantic
representation of the domain. Therefore, reasoning
capability is effectively used in order to set up
relationships between concepts automatically.
In Section 2, some background information and
related works are given. Our ontology is explained
with a test scenario in Section 3. Finally,
conclusions with further research directions are
presented in Section 4.
The evidences (“cartridge cases” and/or “bullets”)
collected from a crime scene are entered in the
Yilmaz A., Tarakçı H. and Arslan S..
BALLON - An Ontology for Forensic Ballistics Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0003095603920395
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 392-395
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
system as an envelope termed as “a case”. When “an
evidence” is found in the crime scene, the high
resolution images of this evidence or information
derived from these images are compared with the
other images of the evidences in the system
database. If “a match” is found in the database, the
evidences, groups of those evidences and wrapper
cases are linked in the same chain.
The relationship between cases is a crucial goal
of the ballistic investigation. This relationship
defined as a “named chain”, can be helpful in
investigation of other cases in this chain; so that if a
firearm is found or a person is identified in one of
these cases, this information can be used in the
investigation of the current case. Besides; whenever
evidences from each chain are matched in a latter
comparison process, these chains have to be merged
since all evidences linked within the same chain are
shot from the same firearm.
A domain ontology is a reusable vocabulary of
concepts and their meanings, the relationships
between these concepts, and activities in a particular
domain enabling reasoning capability within that
domain (Gómez-Pérez et al., 2004).
In (Brinson et al.,2006), a cyber forensic
ontology is proposed in order to use in curriculum
development and educational materials. However,
the ontology is not specialized for ballistics domain
and not suitable for machine process purposes.
Fortunately, this ontology is appropriate as an upper
ontology for our domain of concern as future work.
To the best of our knowledge, there is currently
only one study proposing an ontology about forensic
ballistics domain. (Yates et al., 2009) tries to solve
this problem by the development of interoperable
data and systems as part of Odyssey Project
(Odyssey Project Homepage, 2010).
Fortunately, ballistics identification is a strict
domain and has well defined nature. This feature
facilitates describing it in a formal way. The entities
in real world ballistics domain and the ones
constituting the ontology conforms each other
making understanding of the ontology easier.
3.1 Ballistics Ontology
In BALLON, case concept is defined to be an
envelope that wraps all the ballistics evidence
discovered at the crime scene besides metadata
about the crime scene such as the region, the people
and roles they played in the committed crime etc.
The cartridge cases and bullets found are separated,
since comparison of a cartridge case with a bullet is
meaningless; in other words, cartridge cases are
compared against cartridge cases, bullets are
compared against bullets
In a crime scene, the possibility of finding sister
ballistics evidences is very high, since most likely
several shots made by the same firearm. Therefore,
the forensic ballistics expert analyzes the evidences
and groups the sister evidences manually, forming
evidence groups in order to increase the efficiency
of the automated ballistics identification system. In
the ontology there are two subclasses of evidence
group: cartridge case group and bullet group.
Similarly evidence has two subclasses; cartridge
case and bullet. In general, this situation holds for
almost all concepts which are subject to this
cartridge case-bullet separation.
Whenever a firearm is discovered in a crime
scene, it is associated with the case. The test shoots
for the firearm are carried out and cartridge cases
and bullets obtained during test shoots are called as
test evidences of that firearm (test cartridge cases
and test bullets). In the ontology, test evidence
groups are evidence groups that have test evidences
shot from the same firearm. In other words, if an
evidence group is defined in the ontology and some
test evidences are indicated to be in that evidence
group, the evidence group automatically becomes a
test evidence group.
The link established between evidences,
evidence groups or cases forms a chain. The
concepts that are claimed to be in the same named
chain are related to the same firearm somehow.
Whenever two cartridge cases or bullets are
indicated to be sisters, the ontology asserts that all
the evidences that are in the same evidence group
with those two evidences are in the same chain.
Moreover, the cases those evidence groups belong to
are also asserted to be linked with that chain, as
well. If the test evidence of a firearm is indicated to
be in that chain, other cases in that chain are also
asserted to be related to that firearm.
Besides ballistics evidence, cases are also related
to people and roles that people play in the case are
indicated. In BALLON, people are automatically
classified as suspect, victim or witness based on
their role in the cases. For instance, if the person has
a grabber or murderer role in a case, he/she is
classified as the suspect of that case.
BALLON - An Ontology for Forensic Ballistics Domain
3.2 A Test Scenario
The aim of the ballistic investigation is to find the
interfered people and/or firearms of the case being
examined. For this purpose, the evidences gathered
from the crime scene must be analyzed efficiently.
The firearms, cartridge cases and bullets can be used
for the analyzing process as well as people interfered
in the case.
An example scenario (shown in Figure 1) is as
follows; Cases are represented as rectangles and
evidences (black circle) of the same firearm are
grouped together into evidence group which is
shown as gray circle in the figure.
The Police were informed a murder in Region1
(Case 1). Three cartridge cases have been found in
crime scene while there was no suspect caught. The
ballistics expert has stated that these cartridge cases
are ejected from the same firearm which has not
captured in this case. These evidences have been
registered into the identification system in order to
find the suspect(s) and firearm if they have been
already found in previously registered cases.
Unfortunately, the system has returned no match for
those evidences.
Several months later, another crime was declared
in the same region (Case 2). This time, there was a
firearm found in crime scene, while there were two
cartridge cases. Test shots of found firearm have
been taken in order to compare to other evidences
previously stored in the system but no match found
for that firearm. Meanwhile, the expert has decided
that two cartridge cases found in the crime scene
have not been ejected from that firearm. So, they
were registered into the system to find a match. The
system has offered a match with evidence from Case
1. When the expert approved this match, a link
between those evidences has been set up (Chain A).
Our work, automatically delegates this link to
groups of evidences (shown as gray circle) and also
to the wrapper cases.
In another region (Region 2) similar cases (Case
3 and Case 4) have occurred and this time, the chain
(Chain B) has been set up between them which has a
firearm found. Later, the evidences from Case 2 and
Case 3 have been declared as sisters and while these
different evidences belong to different chains, these
chains have to be merged (dotted arrow in the
figure); since a chain is a container of evidences
shot from the same firearm. An evidence cannot
belong to two different chains because an evidence
cannot be shot from two firearms.
With the help of inference capability on our
ontology, this relationship is automatically set up
and the chains A and B are merged. This merge is
carried out by classifying two chains as identical.
Without this reasoning capability, plenty of code
must be written in order to carry out this operation.
Fortunately, web ontology language (OWL
Homepage, 2010) enables us forming automatically
defined classes, defining necessary and sufficient
conditions to fall into these classes via restrictions.
In our ontology, there are automatically defined
classes for evidences, evidence groups, cases and
firearms for each named chains.
Figure 1: An example scenario for querying the ontology.
If a person is declared to be the owner of the found
firearm in Case 4 and the firearm is linked to some
other cases via chain, that person becomes the
suspect of other cases automatically. Moreover,
people interfered in the case with some role are also
subject to reasoning. As a result of reasoning
capability, people are classified according to their
role. In the ontology, there are several roles and each
person classification is a defined class that gathers
people with roles specified in its necessary and
sufficient condition. For example, the suspect of
Case1 is reasoned as murderer in Case 4 and as
grabber in Case 2 automatically depending on the
type of the cases.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
3.3 Implementation and Querying
The proposed ontology is created by using Protégé
(Protégé Homepage, 2010) which is a well-known
powerful ontology editor and knowledge acquisition
system. Afterwards, the aforementioned test scenario
is implemented by loading the previously created
ontology, feeding it with required individuals for
that scenario and serializing the final ontology with
the help of Jena (Jena Homepage, 2010) which is a
java framework for building semantic web
applications. The consistency of the produced
ontology is checked via using Pellet (Pellet
Homepage, 2010) reasoner which run seamlessly in
Besides the basic test scenario, the representation
and reasoning power of ontology is also tested
against some fundamental queries. A query module
is implemented in Java using ontology API provided
by Jena in order to accomplish these queries and
some of them listed below. In fact, this query
module can easily be extended to support more
complex queries which are combinations of the
listed fundamental ones. However, in the scope of
this study, the focus is on the proposed ontology and
its reasoning capability.
Some of the fundamental queries and how they
are accomplished are as follows:
1. Query: “Show Named Chains owned by the
Case C1”.
o Result: “ChainACase” ,“ChainBCase”.
2. Query: “Show Cases of Named Chain A”.
o Result: “C1”,”C2”,”C3”,”C4”.
3. Query: “Show identical Named Chains of
Named Chain A”.
o Result: “Chain A”, “Chain B”.
4. Query: “Show Cases interfered by Person 4”.
o Result: “C3”.
5. Query: “Show the same Cases of Named Chain
A and Named Chain B”.
o Result: “C1”,”C2”,”C3”,”C4”.
The lack of a common and open unified formal data
model in ballistics domain results in incompatibility
amongst existing ballistics identification systems.
However, to the best of our knowledge, an open
ballistics ontology is not proposed yet. In our study,
we represent an open domain ontology for a
ballistics identification system. Our ontology claims
to be a formal representation of the domain,
covering required key concepts and promising an
effective reasoning capability.
As a future study, we will try to integrate our
ontology with the relational database used in
BALISTIKA 2010 project and enhance query
support for practical use of proposed ontology.
This work is supported by TÜBİTAK 107G194
Research Grant.
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BALLON - An Ontology for Forensic Ballistics Domain