Some General Considerations
Marcello Frixione and Antonio Lieto
Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Università di Salerno
via Ponte Don Melillo, I-84084 Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
Keywords: Concept Representation, Description Logics, Non Monotonic Reasoning, “Dual Process” Theories.
Abstract: Within cognitive science, the “concept of concept” results to be highly disputed and problematic. In our
opinion, this is due to the fact that the notion itself of concept is in some sense heterogeneous, and
encompasses different cognitive phenomena. This results in a strain between conflicting requirements, such
as, for example, compositionality on the one side and the need of representing prototypical information on
the other. This has several consequences also for the practice of knowledge engineering and for the
technology of formal ontologies. In this paper we propose an analysis of this state of affairs. As a possible
way out, in the conclusions we suggest a framework for the representation of concepts, which is inspired by
the so called dual process theories of reasoning and rationality.
Computational representation of concepts is a
central problem for the development of ontologies
and for knowledge engineering. Concept
representation is a multidisciplinary topic of
research that involves such different disciplines as
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Philosophy, Cognitive
Psychology and, more in general, Cognitive Science.
However, the notion of concept itself results to be
highly disputed and problematic. In our opinion, one
of the causes of this state of affairs is that the notion
itself of concept is in some sense heterogeneous, and
encompasses different cognitive phenomena. This
results in a strain between conflicting requirements,
such as, for example, compositionality on the one
side and the need of representing prototypical
information on the other. This has several
consequences for the practice of knowledge
engineering and for the technology of formal
In this paper we propose an analysis of this
situation. The paper is organised as follows. In sect.
2 we point out some differences between the way
concepts are conceived in philosophy and in
psychology. In sect. 3 we argue that AI research in
some way shows traces of the contradictions
individuated in sect. 2. In particular, the requirement
of compositional, logical style semantics conflicts
with the need of representing concepts in the terms
of typical traits that allow for exceptions. In sect. 4
we review some attempts to resolve this conflict in
the field of knowledge representation, with
particular attention to description logics. In the
conclusions (sect. 5) we sketch a possible way out,
which is inspired by the so called dual process
theories of human reasoning and rationality,
according to which the existence of different types
of reasoning systems is assumed. Indeed, it is our
opinion that a mature methodology to approach
knowledge representation and knowledge
engineering should take advantage also from the
empirical results of cognitive psychology that
concern human abilities.
Within the field of cognitive science, the notion of
concept is highly disputed and problematic.
Artificial intelligence (from now on AI) and, more in
general, the computational approach to cognition
reflect this state of affairs. Conceptual representation
Frixione M. and Lieto A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003095903960403
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 396-403
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
seems to be constrained by conflicting requirements,
such as, for example, compositionality on the one
side and the need of representing prototypical
information on the other.
A first problem (or, better, a first symptom that
some problem exists) consists in the fact that the use
of the term “concept” in the philosophical tradition
is not homogeneous with the use of the same term in
empirical psychology (see e.g. Dell’Anna and
Frixione 2010). Briefly
, we could say that in
cognitive psychology a concept is essentially
intended as the mental representations of a category,
and the emphasis is on such processes as
categorisation, induction and learning. According to
philosophers, concepts are above all the components
of thoughts. Even if we leave aside the problem of
specifying what thoughts exactly are, this requires a
more demanding notion of concept. In other words,
some phenomena that are classified as “conceptual”
by psychologists turn out to be “nonconceptual” for
philosophers. There are, thus, mental representations
of categories that philosophers would not consider
genuine concepts. For example, according to many
philosophers, concept possession involves the ability
to make explicit, high level inferences, and
sometimes also the ability to justify them (Peacocke
1992; Brandom 1994). This clearly exceeds the
possession of the mere mental representation of
categories. Moreover, according to some
philosophers, concepts can be attributed only to
agents who can use natural language (i.e., only adult
human beings). On the other hand, a position that
can be considered in some sense representative of an
“extremist” version of the psychological attitude
towards concepts is expressed by Lawrence
Barsalou in an article symptomatically entitled
“Continuity of the conceptual system across species”
(Barsalou 2005). He refers to knowledge of scream
situations in macaques, which involves different
modality-specific systems (auditory, visual, affective
systems, etc.). Barsalou interprets these data in
favour of the thesis of a continuity of conceptual
representations in different animal species, in
particular between humans and non-human
mammals: “this same basic architecture for
representing knowledge is present in humans. [...]
knowledge about a particular category is distributed
across the modality-specific systems that process its
Things are made more complex by the fact that also within the
two fields considered separately this notion is used in a
heterogeneous way, as we shall synthetically see in the following.
As a consequence, the following characterisation of the
philosophical and psychological points of view is highly
properties” (p. 309). Therefore, according to
Barsalou, a) we can speak of a "conceptual system"
also in the case of non human animals; b) also low-
level forms of categorisation, that depend on some
specific perceptual modality pertain to the
conceptual system. Elizabeth Spelke’s experiments
on infants (see e.g. Spelke 1994; Spelke and Kinzler
2007) are symptomatic of the difference in approach
between psychologists and philosophers. Such
experiments demonstrate that some extremely
general categories are very precocious and
presumably innate. According to the author, they
show that newborn babies already possess certain
concepts (e.g., the concept of physical object). But
some philosophers interpreted these same data as a
paradigmatic example of the existence of
nonconceptual contents in agents (babies) that had
not yet developed a conceptual system.
2.1 Compositionality
The fact that philosophers consider concepts mainly
as the components of thoughts brought a great
emphasis on compositionality, and on related
features, such as productivity and systematicity, that
are often ignored by psychological treatments of
concepts (compositionality, productivity and
systematicity of representations are defined in the
following of this section). On the other hand, it is
well known that compositionality is at odds with
prototypicality effects, which are crucial in most
psychological characterisations of concepts.
Let us consider first the compositionality
requirement. In a compositional system of
representations we can distinguish between a set of
primitive, or atomic symbols, and a set of complex
symbols. Complex symbols are generated starting
from primitive symbols through the application of a
set of suitable recursive syntactic rules (usually,
starting from a finite set of primitive symbols, a
potentially infinite set of complex symbols can be
generated). Natural languages are the paradigmatic
example of compositional systems: primitive
symbols correspond to the elements of the lexicon
(or, better, to morphemes), and complex symbols
include the (potentially infinite) set of all sentences.
In compositional systems the meaning of a
complex symbol s functionally depends on the
syntactic structure of s and from the meaning of
primitive symbols in it. In other words, the meaning
of complex symbols can be determined by means of
recursive semantic rules that work in parallel with
syntactic composition rules. In this consists the so-
called principle of compositionality of meaning,
which Gottlob Frege identified as one of the main
features of human natural languages.
In classical cognitive science it is often assumed
that mental representations are compositional. One
of the most clear and explicit formulation of this
assumption is due to Jerry Fodor and Zenon
Pylyshyn (1988). They claim that compositionality
of mental representations is mandatory in order to
explain some fundamental cognitive phenomena. In
the first place, human cognition is generative: in
spite of the fact that human mind is presumably
finite, we can conceive and understand an unlimited
number of thoughts that we never encountered
before. Moreover, also systematicity of cognition
seems to depend on compositionality: the ability of
conceiving certain contents is related in a systematic
way to the ability of conceiving other contents. For
example, if somebody can understand the sentence
the cat chases a rat, then she is presumably able to
understand also a rat chases the cat, in virtue of the
fact that the forms of the two sentences are
syntactically related. We can conclude that the
ability of understanding certain propositional
contents systematically depends on the
compositional structure of the contents themselves.
This can be easily accounted for if we assume that
mental representations have a structure similar to a
compositional language.
2.2 Against "Classical" Concepts
Compositionality is less important for many
psychologists. In the field of psychology, most
research on concepts moves from the critiques to the
so-called classical theory of concepts, i.e. the
traditional point of view according to which
concepts can be defined in terms of necessary and
sufficient conditions. Rather, empirical evidence
favours those approaches to concepts that accounts
for prototypical effects. The central claim of the
classical theory of concepts (i.e.) is that every
concept c is defined in terms of a set of features (or
conditions) f
, ..., f
that are individually necessary
and jointly sufficient for the application of c. In
other words, everything that satisfies features
, ..., f
is a c, and if anything is a c, then it must
satisfy f
, ..., f
. For example, the features that
define the concept bachelor could be human, male,
adult and not married; the conditions defining
square could be regular polygon and quadrilateral.
This point of view was unanimously and tacitly
accepted by psychologists, philosophers and
linguists until the middle of the 20th century.
The first critique to the classical theory is due to
a philosopher: in a well known section from the
Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein
observes that it is impossible to individuate a set of
necessary and sufficient conditions to define a
concept such as GAME (Wittgenstein, 1953, § 66).
Therefore, concepts exist, which cannot be defined
according to classical theory, i.e. in terms of
necessary and sufficient conditions. Rather, concepts
like GAME rest on a complex network of family
resemblances. Wittgenstein introduces this notion in
another passage in the Investigations: «I can think of
no better expression to characterise these similarities
than “family resemblances”; for the various
resemblances between members of a family: build,
features, colour of eyes, gait, temperament, etc. etc.»
(ibid., § 67).
Wittgenstein's considerations were corroborated
by empirical psychological research: starting from
the seminal work by Eleanor Rosch, psychological
experiments showed that common-sense concepts do
not obey to the requirement of the classical theory
usually common-sense concepts cannot be defined
in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions (and
even if for some concept such a definition is
available, subjects do not use it in many cognitive
tasks). Rather, concepts exhibit prototypical effects:
some members of a category are considered better
instances than others. For example, a robin is
considered a better example of the category of birds
than, say, a penguin or an ostrich. More central
instances share certain typical features (e.g., the
ability of flying for birds, having fur for mammals)
that, in general, are not necessary neither sufficient
Prototypical effects are a well established
empirical phenomenon. However, the
characterisation of concepts in prototypical terms is
difficult to reconcile with the requirement of
compositionality. According to a well known
argument by Jerry Fodor (1981), prototypes are not
compositional (and, since concepts in Fodor's
opinion must be compositional, concepts cannot be
prototypes). In synthesis, Fodor's argument runs as
follows: consider a concept like PET FISH. It results
from the composition of the concept PET and of the
concept FISH. But the prototype of PET FISH
cannot result from the composition of the prototypes
of PET and of FISH. For example, a typical PET is
furry and warm, a typical FISH is greyish, but a
On the empirical inadequacy of the classical theory and on the
psychological theories of concepts see (Murphy 2002).
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
typical PET FISH is not furry and warm neither
Moreover, things are made more complex by the
fact that, also within the two fields of philosophy
and psychology considered separately, the situation
is not very encouraging. In neither of the two
disciplines does a clear, unambiguous and coherent
notion of concept seem to emerge. Consider for
example psychology. Different positions and
theories on the nature of concepts are available
(prototype view
, exemplar view, theory theory),
that can hardly be integrated. From this point of
view the conclusions of Murphy (2002) are of great
significance, since in many respects this book
reflects the current status of empirical research on
concepts. Murphy contrasts the approaches
mentioned above in relation to different classes of
problems, including learning, induction, lexical
concepts and children’s concepts. His conclusions
are rather discouraging: the result of comparing the
various approaches is that “there is no clear,
dominant winner” (ibid., p. 488) and that “[i]n short,
concepts are a mess” (p. 492). This situation
persuaded some scholars to doubt whether concepts
constitute a homogeneous phenomenon from the
point of view of a science of the mind (see e.g.
Machery 2005 and 2009; Frixione 2007).
The situation sketched in the section above is in
some sense reflected by the state of the art in AI and,
more in general, in the field of computational
modelling of cognition. This research area seems
often to hesitate between different (and hardly
compatible) points of view. In AI the representation
of concepts is faced mainly within the field of
knowledge representation (KR). Symbolic KR
systems (KRs) are formalisms whose structure is, in
a wide sense, language-like. This usually involves
that KRs are assumed to be compositional.
In a first phase of their development (historically
corresponding to the end of the 60s and to the 70s)
many KRs oriented to conceptual representations
tried to keep into account suggestions coming from
Note that the so-called prototype view does not coincide with
the acknowledgement of prototypical effects: as said before,
prototypical effects are a well established phenomenon that all
psychological theories of concepts are bound to explain; the
prototype view is a particular attempt to explain empirical facts
concerning concepts (including prototypical effects). On these
aspects see again Murphy 2002.
psychological research. Examples are early semantic
networks and frame systems. Frame and semantic
networks were originally proposed as alternatives to
the use of logic in KR. The notion of frame was
developed by Marvin Minsky (1975) as a solution to
the problem of representing structured knowledge in
AI systems
. Both frames and most semantic
networks allowed the possibility to characterise
concepts in terms of prototypical information.
However, such early KRs where usually
characterised in a rather rough and imprecise way.
They lacked a clear formal definition, and the study
of their meta-theoretical properties was almost
impossible. When AI practitioners tried to provide a
stronger formal foundation to concept oriented KRs,
it turned out to be difficult to reconcile
compositionality and prototypical representations.
As a consequence, they often choose to sacrifice the
In particular, this is the solution adopted in a
class of concept-oriented KRs which had (and still
have) wide diffusion within AI, namely the class of
formalisms that stem from the so-called structured
inheritance networks and from the KL-ONE system
(Brachman and Schmolze 1985). Such systems were
subsequently called terminological logics, and today
are usually known as description logics (DLs)
(Baader et al. 2002).
A standard inference mechanism for this kind of
networks is inheritance. Representation of
prototypical information in semantic networks
usually takes the form of allowing exceptions to
inheritance. Networks in this tradition do not admit
exceptions to inheritance, and therefore do not allow
the representation of prototypical information.
Indeed, representations of exceptions can be hardly
accommodated with other types of inference defined
on these formalisms, concept classification in the
first place (Brachman 1985). Since the
representation of prototypical information is not
allowed, inferential mechanisms defined on these
networks (e.g. inheritance) can be traced back to
classical logical inferences.
In more recent years, representation systems in
this tradition have been directly formulated as
logical formalisms (the above mentioned description
logics, Baader et al., 2002), in which Tarskian,
compositional semantics is straightly associated to
the syntax of the language. Logical formalisms are
paradigmatic examples of compositional
representation systems. As a consequence, this kind
Many of the original articles describing these early KRs can be
found in (Brachman & Levesque 1985), a collection of classical
papers of the field.
of systems fully satisfy the requirement of
compositionality. This has been achieved at the cost
of not allowing exceptions to inheritance. By doing
this we gave up the possibility of representing
concepts in prototypical terms. From this point of
view, such formalisms can be seen as a revival of the
classical theory of concepts, in spite of its empirical
inadequacy in dealing with most common-sense
Nowadays, DLs are widely adopted within many
application fields, in particular within the field of the
representation of ontologies. For example, the OWL
(Web Ontology Language) system is a formalism in
this tradition that has been endorsed by the World
Wide Web Consortium for the development of the
semantic web
Of course, within symbolic, logic oriented KR,
rigorous approaches exist, that allow to represent
exceptions, and that therefore would be, at least in
principle, suitable for representing “non-classical”
concepts. Examples are fuzzy logics and non
monotonic formalisms. Therefore, the adoption of
logic oriented semantics is not necessarily
incompatible with prototypical effects. But such
approaches pose various theoretical and practical
difficulties, and many unsolved problems remain.
In this section we overview some recent proposal
of extending concept-oriented KRs, and in particular
DLs, in order to represent non-classical concepts.
Recently different methods and techniques have
been adopted to represent non-classical concepts
within computational ontologies. They are based on
extensions of DLs and of standard ontology
languages such as OWL. The different proposals
that have been advanced can be grouped in three
main classes: a) fuzzy approaches, b) probabilistic
and Bayesan approaches, c) approaches based on
non monotonic formalisms.
a) As far as the integration of fuzzy logics in DLs
and in ontology oriented formalisms is concerned,
see for example Gao and Liu 2005, and Calegari and
The problem of representing of non-classical concepts in DLs is
related with, but independent from, another theoretical and
practical knowledge representation problem, namely the problem
of representing instances in taxonomies. The notion of "instance"
itself in taxonomic formalisms is problematic (for some aspects
see e.g. Frixione et al. 1989). However, we do not face these
problems here.
Ciucci 2007. Stoilos et al. (2005) propose a fuzzy
extension of OWL,
f-OWL, able to capture imprecise and vague
knowledge, and a fuzzy reasoning engine that lets f-
OWL reason about such knowledge. Bobillo and
Staccia (2009) propose a fuzzy extension of
OWL 2 for representating vague information in
semantic web languages. However, it is well known
(Osherson and Smith 1981) that approaches to
prototypical effects based on fuzzy logic encounter
some difficulty with compositionality.
b) The literature offers also several probabilistic
generalizations of web ontology languages. Many of
these approaches, as pointed out in Lukasiewicz and
Straccia (2008), focus on combining the OWL
language with probabilistic formalisms based on
Bayesian networks. In particular, Da Costa and
Laskey (2006) suggest a probabilistic generalization
of OWL, called PR-OWL, whose probabilistic
semantics is based on multi-entity Bayesian
networks (MEBNs); Ding et al. (2006) propose a
probabilistic generalization of OWL, called Bayes-
OWL, which is based on standard Bayesian
networks. Bayes-OWL provides a set of rules and
procedures for the direct translation of an OWL
ontology into a Bayesian network. A general
problem of these approaches could consist in
avoiding arbitrariness in assigning weights in the
translation from traditional to probabilistic
c) The role of non monotonic reasoning in the
context of formalisms for the ontologies is actually
a debated problem. According to many KR
researches, non monotonic logics are expected to
play an important role for the improvement of the
reasoning capabilities of ontologies and of the
Semantic Web applications. In the field of non
monotonic extensions of DLs, Baader and Hollunder
(1995) propose an extension of ALCF system based
on Reiter’s default logic
. The same authors,
however, point out both the semantic and
computational difficulties of this integration and, for
this reason, propose a restricted semantics for open
default theories, in which default rules are only
applied to individuals explicitly represented in the
knowledge base. Since Reiter’s default logic does
not provide a direct way of modelling inheritance
with exceptions in DLs, Straccia (1993) proposes an
extension of H-logics (Hybrid KL-ONE style logics)
The authors pointed out that “Reiter's default rule approach
seems to fit well into the philosophy of terminological systems
because most of them already provide their users with a form of
‘monotonic’ rules. These rules can be considered as special
default rules where the justifications - which make the behavior of
default rules nonmonotonic – are absent”.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
able to perform default inheritance reasoning (a
kind of default reasoning specifically oriented to
reasoning on taxonomies). This proposal is based on
the definition of a priority order between default
rules. Donini et al. (1998, 2002), propose an
extension of DL with two non monotonic epistemic
operators. This extension allows one to encode
Reiter’s default logic as well as to express epistemic
concepts and procedural rules. However, this
extension presents a rather complicated semantics,
so that the integration with the existing systems
requires significant changes to the standard
semantics of DLs. Bonatti et al. (2006) propose an
extension of DLs with circumscription. One of
motivating applications of circumscription is indeed
to express prototypical properties with exceptions,
and this is done by introducing “abnormality”
predicates, whose extension is minimized. Giordano
et al. (2007) propose an approach to defeasible
inheritance based on the introduction in the ALC DL
of a typicality operator T
, which allows to reason
about prototypical properties and inheritance with
exceptions. This approach, given the non monotonic
character of the T operator, encounters some
problems in handling inheritance (an example is
what the authors call the problem of irrelevance).
Katz and Parsia argue that ALCK, a non monotonic
DL extended with the epistemic operator K
can be applied to concepts or roles) could represent a
model for a similar non monotonic extension of
OWL. In fact, according to the authors, it would be
possible to create “local” closed-world assumption
conditions, in order the reap the benefits of non
monotonicity without giving up OWL’s open-world
semantics in general.
A different approach, investigated by Klinov and
Parsia (2008), is based on the use of the OWL 2
annotation properties (APs) in order to represent
vague or prototypical, information. The limit of this
approach is that APs are not taken into account by
the reasoner, and therefore have no effect on the
inferential behaviour of the system (Bobillo and
Straccia 2009).
Though the presence of a relevant field of research,
there is not, in the scientific community, a common
For any concept C, T(C) are the instances of C that are
considered as “typical” or “normal”.
The K operator could be encoded in RDF/XML syntax of OWL
as property or as annotation property.
view about the use of non monotonic and, more in
general, non-classical logics in ontologies. For
practical applications, systems that are based on
classical Tarskian semantics and that do not allow
for exceptions (as it is the case of “traditional” DLs),
are usually still preferred. Some researchers, as, for
example, Pat Hayes (2001), argue that the non
monotonic logics (and, therefore, the non monotonic
“machine” reasoning for Semantic Web) can be
maybe adopted for local uses only or for specific
applications because it is “unsafe on the web”.
Anyway, the question about which “logics” must be
used in the Semantic Web (or, at least, until which
degree, and in which cases, certain logics could be
useful) is still open. At the same time, the empirical
results from cognitive psychology show that most
common-sense concepts cannot be characterised in
terms of necessary/sufficient conditions. Classical,
monotonic DLs seem to capture the compositional
aspects of conceptual knowledge, but are inadequate
to represent prototypical knowledge.
As seen before, cognitive research about
concepts seems to suggest that concept
representation does not constitute an unitary
phenomenon from the cognitive point of view. In
this perspective, a possible solution should be
inspired by the experimental results of empirical
psychology, in particular by the so-called dual
process theories of reasoning and rationality
(Stanovich and West 2000, Evan and Frankish
2008). In such theories, the existence of two
different types of cognitive systems is assumed. The
systems of the first type (type 1) are
phylogenetically older, unconscious, automatic,
associative, parallel and fast. The systems of the
type 2 are more recent, conscious, sequential and
slow, and are based on explicit rule following. In our
opinion, there are good prima facie reasons to
believe that, in human subjects, classification, a
monotonic form of reasoning which is defined on
semantic networks, and which is typical of DL
systems, is a task of the type 2 (it is a difficult, slow,
sequential task). On the contrary, exceptions play an
important role in processes such as categorization
and inheritance, which are more likely to be tasks of
the type 1: they are fast, automatic, usually do not
require particular conscious effort, and so on.
Therefore, a reasonable hypothesis is that a
concept representation system should include
different “modules”: a monotonic module of type 2,
involved in classification and in similar “difficult”
tasks, and a non monotonic module involved in the
management of exceptions. This last module should
be a "weak" non monotonic system, able to perform
only some simple forms of non monotonic
inferences (mainly related to categorization and to
exceptions inheritance). This solution goes in the
direction of a “dual” representation of concepts
within the ontologies, and the realization of hybrid
reasoning systems (monotonic and non monotonic)
on semantic network knowledge bases. Some of the
proposal reviewed in the sect. 4 above could be
probably interpreted in this perspective. It could be
objected that proposals based on non monotonic
extensions of classical DLs are not suitable to model
type 1 reasoning systems, since their computational
properties are even worst of those of traditional,
monotonic DLs. In this perspective, an alternative
solution should be combining ontologies and logic
programming rules, endowed with usual semantics
for non monotonic logic programs (see e.g. Eiter et
al. 2008).
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