An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool
as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution
Alvaro, Carmen C
ordoba, V
ıctor Penela, Michelangelo Castagnone
Francesco Carbone, Jos
e Manuel G
erez and Jes
us Contreras
iSOCO, Avda. del Parten
on 16-18, 1-7, Madrid, Spain
Microblogging, Enterprise 2.0, Semantic web.
One of the biggest bottlenecks in Knowledge Management systems where end-users are supposed to actively
participate is precisely the hurdles they encounter that discourage them for keeping involved. On the other
hand, the so-called Web 2.0, where users participate in an active manner, willingly generating new content,
has been adopted by companies for their internal processes in the so-called Enterprise 2.0. In particular, mi-
croblogging systems have been embraced as a way of fostering internal communication within the enterprise
boundaries. In this paper, we propose a lightweight framework for Knowledge Management based on the
microblogging paradigm, and supported by the use of semantics, both internally with the use of domain on-
tologies, and externally by leveraging the Linked Data paradigm. A current implementation and evaluation
are also discussed.
Knowledge Management (KM) within enterprises is
a discipline that comprises a set of techniques and
processes which pursue the following objectives: i)
identify, gather and organize the existing knowledge
within the enterprise, ii) facilitate the creation of new
knowledge, and iii) foster innovation in the company
through the reuse and support of workers’ abilities.
Arguably, there is already a wide range of tools
in the market that address and support KM processes
within enterprises. However, in most of the cases, the
potential of those tools gets compromised by an ex-
cessive complexity that prevents end-users from get-
ting deeply involved with the system. This leads to
end-users not following the protocols, and eventually
to a loss of the knowledge that the tools are supposed
to capture. Additionally, the integration of complex
KM systems within the infrastructures of large orga-
nizations is both effort and time-consuming.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, one can find
the Web 2.0 paradigm, where end-user involvement
is fostered through lightweight and easy-to-use tools.
These techniques are increasingly penetrating into the
context of enterprise solutions, in a paradigm usually
referred to as Enterprise 2.0. In particular, the trend
of microblogging -of which Twitter
is the most
prominent example- based on short messages and the
asymmetry of its social connections, has been em-
braced by a large number of companies as the per-
fect way of easily allowing its workers communicate
and actively participate in the community, as demon-
strated by successful examples like Yammer
, which
has implemented its microblogging enterprise solu-
tion into more than 70.000 organizations.
Our proposal is to apply the Web 2.0 principles
and in particular the microblogging approach to the
Knowledge Management processes, hence creating
an easy-to-use tool that wouldn’t prevent users from
using it. One of the main characteristics of the pro-
posal is its external simplicity -the only input param-
eter from the end-user would be used both for cap-
turing his experience and for retrieving suggestions
from the system-, though it is supported by complex
processes underneath. In fact, our contribution is en-
riched by semantics, though hidden to the users, in or-
der to support the Knowledge Management processes.
Firstly, internally the system is supported by a domain
ontology related to the particular enterprise, which
can capture the different concepts relating to the com-
Álvaro G., Córdoba C., Penela V., Castagnone M., Carbone F., Gómez-Pérez J. and Contreras J..
MIKROW - An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution.
DOI: 10.5220/0003096000360043
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 36-43
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pany knowledge, and secondly, externally by making
use of Linked Data resources available on the Web.
This paper is structured in three main sections: we
describe the State of the Art regarding Knowledge
Management and Microblogging in 2, we introduce
our theoretical contribution in 3 and finally we cover
implementation details and evaluation results in 4.
2.1 Knowledge Management
The value of Knowledge Management relates directly
to the effectiveness(Bellinger, 1996) with which the
managed knowledge enables the members of the or-
ganization to deal with today’s situations and effec-
tively envision and create their future. Because of the
new features of the market like the increasing avail-
ability and mobility of skilled workers, the growth of
the venture capital market, external options for ideas
sitting on the shelf, and the increasing capability of
external suppliers, knowledge is not anymore propri-
etary to the company. It resides in employees, sup-
pliers, customers, competitors, and universities. If
companies do not use the knowledge they have inside,
someone else will.
In recent years computer science has faced more
and more complex problems related to information
creation and fruition. Applications in which small
groups of users publish static information or per-
form complex tasks in a closed system are not scal-
able and nowadays are out of date. In 2004, James
Surowiecki introduced the concept of “The Wisdom
of Crowds”(Surowiecki et al., 2007) demonstrating
how complex problems can be solved more effec-
tively by groups operating according to specific con-
ditions, than by any individual of the group. The
collaborative paradigm leads to the generation of
large amounts of content and when a critical mass
of documents is reached, information becomes un-
available. Knowledge and information management
are not scalable unless formalisms are adopted. Se-
mantic Webs aim is to transform human readable con-
tent into machine readable(Fensel et al., 2003). With
this goal data interchange formats (e.g. RDF/XML,
N3, Turtle, N-Triples), and languages such as RDF
Schema (RDFS) and the Web Ontology Language
(OWL) have been defined.
The term “Computer Supported Cooperative
Work” (CSCW) was defined by Grief and Cash-
man(Grudin, 1994) in 1984 to designate the discipline
whose aim is the study of the influence of technol-
ogy on work. Over the years, CSCW researchers have
identified a number of basic dimensions of collabora-
tive work:
Awareness. People working together should be
able to produce a certain level of shared knowl-
edge about the activities of others(Patterson et al.,
Articulation Work. People who cooperated in
some way must be able to divide the work into
units and dividing them among themselves and
finally rebuilding them(Greenberg and Marwood,
1994)(Nardi et al., 2000).
Appropriation or Tailorability. Technol-
ogy can be adapted as needed in a particu-
lar situation(Hughes et al., 1992)(Tang et al.,
1994)(Neuwirth et al., 1990).
A common problem with existing platforms
is their limited ability to “capture knowl-
edge”(Davenport, 2005): the channels are not
accessible to all and platforms do not allow interac-
tion and only store the final result of a process that
has required collaboration and exchange knowledge.
Computer supported collaborative work research
analyzed the introduction of Web 2.0 in corporations:
McAfee(McAfee, 2006) called “Enterprise 2.0”, a
paradigm shift in corporations towards the 2.0 philos-
ophy: collaborative work should not be based in the
hierarchical structure of the organization but should
follow the Web 2.0 principles of open collaboration.
This is especially true for innovation processes which
can be particularly benefited by the new open innova-
tion paradigm(Chesbrough et al., 2006). In a world
of widely distributed knowledge, companies do not
have to rely entirely on their own research, but should
open the innovation to all the employees of the orga-
nization, to providers and customers.
In a scenario in which collaborative work is not
supported and members of the community can barely
interact with others, solutions to everyday problems
and organizational issues rely on individual initia-
tive. Innovation and R&D management are complex
processes for which collaboration and communica-
tion are fundamental. They imply creation, recog-
nition and articulation of opportunities, which need
to be evolved into a business proposition in a second
stage. The duration of these tasks can be drastically
shortened if ideas come not just from the R&D de-
partment. This is the basis of the open innovation
paradigm which opens up the classical funnel to en-
compass flows of technology and ideas within and
outside the organization. Ideas are pushed in and out
the funnel until just a few reach the stage of commer-
Technologies are needed to support the opening of
- An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution
the innovation funnel, to foster interaction for the cre-
ation of ideas (or patents) and to push them through
and inside/outside the funnel. In a Web 2.0 environ-
ment, it is easier to edit and create content, collabo-
ration provides automatic filtering and every member
has a simple way to track proposals evaluation. Mi-
croblogging model covers the dimensions identified
in CSCW, is accessible to all employees, and records
all interactions fostering collaboration.
Figure 1: Open innovation funnel.
Web 2.0 tools do not have formal models that al-
low the creation of complex systems managing large
amounts of data. Nowadays solutions like folk-
sonomies (folks taxonomies), collaborative tagging
and social tagging are adopted for collaborative cat-
egorization of contents. In this scenario we have
to face the problem of scalability and interoperabil-
ity(Graves, 2007): making users free to use any
keyword is very powerful but this approach does
not consider the natural semantic relations between
the tags. Semantic Web can contribute introducing
computer-readable representations for simple frag-
ments of meaning. As we will see, an ontology-based
analysis of a plain text provides a semantic contextu-
alization of the content, supports tasks such as finding
semantic distance between contents and helps in cre-
ating relations between people with shared knowledge
and interests.
Moreover, a reward system is necessary to involve
people in the innovation process. Money is not a sole
motivating factor. There may be other factors such
as prestige and ego. A company could collaborate in
another firms innovation process as a marketing strat-
egy, in order to have a public recognition as an “inno-
vative partner”. Technology has to support the inno-
vation process in this aspect as well, helping decision
makers in the enterprise to evaluate the ideas and to
reward the members of the community.
2.2 Microblogging
Microblogging is one of the recent social phenom-
ena of Web 2.0, being one of the key concepts that
has brought Social Web to more than merely early
adopters and tech savvy users. The simplest definition
of microblogging, a lite version of blogging where
messages are restricted to less than a small number
of characters, does not make true judgment of the real
implications of this apparently constraint. Its simplic-
ity and ubiquitous usage possibilities have made mi-
croblogging one of the new standards in social com-
Although several microblogging networks have
been built, Twitter is currently and by far the most ex-
tended, counting more than 100 million users in April
of 2010. With its ease of use and the countless num-
ber of mobile and desktop applications built over its
API, Twitter has been able to grow from a mere tool
to a key way of communication.
One of Twitter’s key strategies has been its public
by default attitude in terms of tweets and basic user
information. This approach, although quite interest-
ing from a social point of view, rises several issues
in terms of privacy (Humphreys et al., 2010), partic-
ularly in a work related environment where most of
the information could be highly confidential: sharing
company information in a public social network could
lead to unintended leaks, misappropiation of internal
know-how and problems with property rights.
Obviously, where users go, companies follow, so
it was just a matter of time for companies to start
joining the global conversation to keep up with user’s
comments, opinions and with new trends, trying to be
leaders and not simply followers. A recent study from
shows that about 80% of current
Fortune 50 companies have an online presence in dif-
ferent social networks, being Twitter probably the one
where their presence is more important -65% of the
overall Fortune companies according to the study- and
more relevant -different accounts for different pur-
poses with direct interaction with customers.
While this approach mainly tries to leverage ex-
ternal information related to the company, internal
knowledge could be even more important for a com-
pany: what their employees know, which are their
opinions on company issues,. . . Yammer enters the
microblogging scene as the first social network with
a clear enterprise orientation. Its products, as simple
as Twitter high level design could be (status updates
as plain text), has reached a huge success counting
more than 70.000 companies from all kind of sizes
and fields as their clients. However, Yammer does not
really offer more than a simple evolution from cur-
rent chat tools, evolving into a Web 2.0 approach, not
providing with any of the benefits of the knowledge
management sciences, thus relying only in syntactic
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
In this section, we describe our theoretical contribu-
tion towards Knowledge Management, addressing the
processes involved in order to benefit from the mi-
croblogging approach, and how they are enriched by
the use of semantics.
3.1 General Description
Unlike powerful yet complex Knowledge Manage-
ment solutions which expose a broad range of options
for the end-user, we propose a Web interface with a
single input option for end-users, where they are able
to express what are they doing, or more precisely in
a work environment, what are they working at. We
explain how this single input, which follows the sim-
plicity idea behind the microblogging paradigm, can
still be useful in a Knowledge Management solution
while reducing the general entry barriers of this kind
of solutions.
The purpose of the single input parameter where
end-users can write a message is twofold: Firstly, the
message is semantically indexed so it can be retrieved
later on (see section 3.2), as well as the particular
user associated to it; secondly, because the content
of the message itself is used to query the same in-
dex for relevant messages semantically related to it
(section 3.3), as well as end-users associated to those
messages (“experts”, section 3.4).
Supporting the process of indexing and retrieving
relevant information, domain ontologies are used so
messages can be associated even if they do not contain
the same expressions. The domain ontology is also
used in order to identify the areas in which the system
will identify experts.
In addition to the domain ontology, the system
takes advantage of the Linked Data paradigm(Bizer
et al., 2008) as an efficient manner of accessing struc-
tured data already available via Web, thus enriching
the system with external information (see section 3.5).
Finally, the system uses contextual information in
order to enrich the interactions of end-users with the
system. This way, the location information is also
stored in the semantic index, so it can be used in the
querying step to improve the suggestions (see section
3.2 Message Indexing
When a user interacts with the system and a new sta-
tus message is created, this is indexed into a status
repository, permitting its efficient retrieval in the fu-
ture. Similarly, a repository of experts is populated
by relating the relevant terms of the message with the
particular author.
Figure 2: Message repository creation.
Technically, messages that users post to the sys-
tem are groups of terms T (both key-terms T
, rel-
evant terms from the ontology domain, and normal
T . The process of indexing each message re-
sults in a message repository that contains each doc-
ument indexed by the different terms it contains, as
shown in figure 2.
Figure 3: Employees expertise repository creation.
Additionally, the process of indexing a message
is followed by the update of a semantic repository of
experts. In this case, each user can be represented by a
group of key-terms (only those present in the domain
. This way, the repository of experts
will contain the different users of the systems, that can
be retrieved by the key-terms. Figure 3 illustrates this
experts repository.
3.3 Message Search
As stated in 3.2, the posting of a new message by a
user subsequently triggers a search over the seman-
tic repository. This is performed seamlessly behind
the scenes, i.e., the user is not actively performing a
search, but the current status message is used as the
search parameter directly.
- An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution
From a technical point of view, the semantic
repository is queried by using the group of terms
of the posted message, as depicted in figure 4. This
search returns messages semantically relevant to the
one that the user has just posted.
Figure 4: Detection of related statuses.
It is worth noting that the search process in the
repository is semantic, therefore the relevant mes-
sages might contain some of the exact terms present
in the current status message, but also terms semanti-
cally related through the domain ontology.
3.4 Expert Search
Along with the search for relevant messages, the sys-
tem is also able to extract experts associated with the
current status message being posted. As stated before,
the experts have been identified by the terms present
in the messages they have been writing previously.
In this case, the search over the semantic reposi-
tory of experts is performed by using the key-terms
contained in the posted message
, as depicted in
figure 5.
Figure 5: Expert identification.
3.5 Linked Data Boost
One of the issues of the previous approach is the need
of a global ontology that models as close as possible
the whole knowledge base of an enterprise, which, de-
pending on the size and the diversity of the company,
may differ from difficult to almost impossible (new
knowledge concepts being generated almost as fast as
they can be modeled).
As an open approach to solve this issue we
propose to take advantage of information already
available in a structured way via the Linked Data
paradigm, providing with an easy and mostly effort-
less mechanism for adding new knowledge to the
system knowledge base. Each new message posted
will be processed with NLP methods against the dis-
tributed knowledge base that the Linked Data Cloud
could be seen as. New concepts or instances ex-
tracted from that processing will be added to a tem-
porary knowledge base of terms that could be used
to add new information to the system’s ontology.
These terms would be semiautomatically added to the
knowledge via algorithms that weighs the instance us-
age and the final input of a ontology engineer that de-
cides whether the proposed terms are really valid or
is a residue from common used terms with no further
meaning to the company.
The main advantage of this approach is that it al-
lows the whole system to adapt to its real usage and
to evolve with an organic growth alongisde the evo-
lution of the company knowhow. That way, when a
new client starts to make business with the company
(or even before, when the first contacts are made)
some employees will probably start to post messages
about it (“Showing our new product to company C”,
“Calling company C to arrange a new meeting”,. . . ).
Querying the Linked Open Data Cloud will automat-
ically detect that this term C is indeed a company,
with a series of propierties associated to it (headquar-
ters location, general director and management team,
main areas of expertise,. . . ), and would allow for this
new knowledge to be easily added to the base knowl-
edge dataset.
3.6 Context-aware Knowledge
Context was defined by Dey(Dey, 2001) as “any infor-
mation that can be used to characterize the situation of
an entity”, being an entity “a person, place, or object
that is considered relevant to the interaction between
a user and an application, including the user and ap-
plications themselves”. This definition, while inten-
tionally vague, clearly shows that user is surrounded
by information that can and must be used in order to
improve his/her interaction with applications.
While our current work does not try to leverage all
kind of context information or to even apply a formal
model at this point, it was quite obvious during our
research and particularly during the testing phase that,
although users have a clear perception of how a tool
like this can be improved by exploiting information
about themselves, answers are usually vague in terms
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
of which information do they really find relevant for
this kind of application.
For testing purposes we experimented with differ-
ent kinds of context awareness trying to narrow down
which ones where more useful in a work environment
like this, and particularly for knowledge management
purposes. Location was obviously the first variable
that provides useful information, with most users pre-
ferring a experts rank where user closeness was posi-
tively weighed. As well, a first step into leveraging
the dimension of social context was taken into ac-
count, by weighing up experts that where somehow
close socially (working in the same area or having
contacts in common) and thus more easily reachable.
The theoretical contribution covered in the previous
section has been implemented as a prototype, in or-
der to be able to evaluate and validate our ideas. The
nickname chosen for this prototype, miKrow, is based
on our micro-Knowledge Management approach. In
the following subsections, we address the implemen-
tation details and the evaluation performed.
4.1 miKrow Implementation
Figure 6 depicts the Web page of the current imple-
mentation of miKrow used within iSOCO, the com-
pany where the tool has been developed
. The inter-
face features a new stream of messages relevant to the
one just posted, and the Linked Data terms found in it.
Experts about relevant terms in the domain ontology,
in this case “context”, are highlighted as well.
4.1.1 Microblogging Engine
miKrow implements Jaiku
as the microblogging net-
work management layer, relying on it for most of the
heavy lifting related to low level transactions, persis-
tence management and, in general, for providing with
all the basic needs of a simple social network. Jaiku
was one of the first microblogging social networks
available, even earlier than the now omnipresent Twit-
ter, and, after being bought by Google, its source code
was released under an open source license.
Using Jaiku as an starting point reduced the bur-
den of a huge part of the implementation that should
Further information on this prototype at
have been devoted to all the middleware and infras-
tructure needed for even the simplest process such
as create a new user or post a new status update to
be functional, thus allowing the new development to
be completely focused in evolving the current mi-
croblogging state of art from a simple tool for post
and reading to an intelligent knowledge management
semantically-enabled environment.
The choice of Jaiku over other possibilities avail-
able is based essentially in its condition of having
been extensively tested and the feasibility of being de-
ployed in a cloud computing infrastructure(Armbrust
et al., 2009) such as Google App Engine
, thus reduc-
ing both the IT costs and the burden of managing a
system that could have an exponential growth.
4.1.2 Semantic Engine
The semantic functionalities are implemented in a
three layered architecture as shown in figure 3: on-
tology and ontology access is the first layer, keyword
to ontology entity mapping is the second one and the
last layer is semantic indexing and search.
For each company, an ontology modeling the
specific business field has to be implemented in
RDF/RDFS. Knowledge engineers and domain ex-
perts worked together to define concepts and relations
in the ontologies. Ontologies are accessed through the
Sesame RDF framework
An engine to map keywords to ontology entities
has been implemented in order to detect which terms
(if any) in the text of an idea are present in the ontol-
ogy. For this task we consider: morphological vari-
ations, orthographical errors and synonyms (for the
terms defined in the ontology). Synonyms are manu-
ally defined by knowledge engineer and domain ex-
perts as well. The indexes and the search engine
are based on Lucene
. Two indexes have been cre-
ated: user activities index and experts index. Each
index contains terms tokenized using blank space for
word delimitation and ontology terms as single to-
kens. When we look for related activities to a given
one the following tasks are executed:
extraction of the text of the idea for using it as a
query string;
morphological analysis;
ontology terms identification (considering syn-
query expansion exploiting ontological relations.
- An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution
Figure 6: miKrow implementation snapshot.
If a synonym of an ontology term is detected, the
ontology term is added to the query. If a term cor-
responding to an ontology class is found, subclasses
and instances labels are used to expand the query.
If an instance label is identified, the corresponding
class name and sibling instance labels are added to the
query. Different boosts are given to the terms used for
each different query expansion.
For expert detection, semantic search results are
filtered with statistical results about related activities.
In order to minimize the maintenance of the ontol-
ogy, we have added a system based on Linked Data
in order to identify relevant terms in the contents cre-
ated by the users. When a concept doesn’t belong to
the ontology, it can be identified as a relevant term if
Open Calais
returns an entry corresponding to that
4.2 miKrow Evaluation
An evaluation of the miKrow implementation was
carried in-house inside iSOCO where the application
was developed. iSOCO has currently around 100
employees distributed in 4 different cities all around
Spain, being this important geographical distribution
as well as their different knowledge backgrounds and
experience a common issue for sharing knowledge be-
tween different employees and branches of the com-
pany. The miKrow online application was made avail-
able for the workers to participate. Additionally, they
were asked to rank the suggestions the system made in
each occasion, and some of them also provided feed-
back. Qualitatively, some conclusions extracted from
Figure 7: Semantic architecture.
the evaluation process:
The system was more useful and provided bet-
ter suggestions after an initial period of adapta-
tion where the messages were training the sys-
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
tem. Arguably, the integration of such a system
could be enhanced by the incorporation of previ-
ous existing knowledge into the system, e.g., pre-
defined experts that would be substituted gradu-
ally through the interactions with the system.
Users were significantly more pleased with the
suggestions that involved semantics, when they
were presented with suggestions and experts with
different words than the ones they used, because
they perceived some sort of “intelligence” in the
Misleading suggestions were often caused by
stop-words that should not be considered, for in-
stance some initial activity gerunds (e.g., “work-
ing”, “preparing”). A system such as this one
should consider them to avoid providing wrong
From a quantitative point of view, during the eval-
uation period there was a considerable increase of in-
teractions of the workers with new tool, in compar-
ison with the previous existing systems such as the
intranet. One has to take into account, though, that
this increase is related to the context in which the new
system was introduced (as it was a project developed
in-house). A more consistent evaluation will be car-
ried out if the prototype evolves and is introduced in
an external-client.
We have presented the concept of a semantic mi-
croblogging tool to be used within an enterprise as a
lightweight method for Knowledge Management, ap-
plying Web 2.0 concepts in order to lower down the
entrance barriers for these kinds of systems, thus fos-
tering participation and increasing the utility of the
system. We have also described an implementation of
a tool that follows these ideas, miKrow, and the eval-
uation tests that have been possible thanks to it.
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- An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution