A. I. Bani-Hani, C. J. Hinde
Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K.
T. W. Jackson
Department of Information Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K.
Knowledge validation, SMEs, Barriers.
Knowledge Validation is a challenge in Small to Medium Sized Enterprises, SMEs, as most of the available
information is held in peoples minds as tacit knowledge, or saved on each employees PC without sharing or
common validation. This case study is based on a company in Leicester after installing an enterprise resource
planning (ERP) system. The underlying reasons for these problems were due to the distributed and tacitly
held knowledge where the assumptions in one part of the company were inconsistent with other parts. The
paper analyses the main problem of validating knowledge in more detail and has identified the consequences
of failing to do this. Challenges are discussed and highlighted in the paper, which concludes at the end the
importance of Knowledge Validation and identifies some solutions.
Implementation of an ERP system has always been
a hassle, where communication between employees,
the system, and the change management is a very
complicated process.
The difficulties in transferring the tacit and ex-
plicit knowledge into the ERP system, the validation
of this knowledge and the process of putting all of this
together into a knowledge management (KM) system
has been a challenge due to the barriers of installing a
KM in an SME which will be described in this paper.
This study was done as a case study at JCK Join-
ery, an enterprise based in Leicester specializing in
designing different kinds of door sets and windows.
JCK has 29 employees, 10 of whom work on design-
ing, planning and administration, and the others actu-
ally build the doors. Their customer base includes a
wide range of organisations.
Section 2 is a literature review of ERP systems
and KM. Section 3 describes howe the research is to
be conducted. Section 4 describes how things are be-
ing done without the ERP system. Section 5 gives
a description of the JCK ERP system and Section 6
desribes the barriers to implementation and the ex-
pected changes and benefits of using this system.
The results are then discussed, followed by a con-
clusion and future work.
Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP Systems, is a
complex process in practice. In theory ERP could
solve a lot of problems, by centralising the knowledge
into a database (Leknes, 2006).
The difficulties in transferring this knowledge be-
tween the different departments, and actors have
shown an interest in how KM may support an ERP
system (Haines and Goodhue, 2003).
KM is defined according to the Knowledge Board
in 2004 as planned activities and processes for man-
aging knowledge to enhance the competitiveness
through better use and creation of individual and col-
lective knowledge resources (Sedera et al., 2004).
KM often relies on the information technology avail-
able which relies on capturing employee’s knowledge
and filtering it according to the job needs. After this
and after gathering all of this tacit and explicit knowl-
edge and transferring it to the database of the system,
here comes the importance of the knowledge valida-
tion process! And without this (Probst et al., 2000)
validation process, ERP system loses its credibility
with employees and this is one of the things that hap-
pened in JCK Joinery, where employees no longer be-
lieve in the importance of the system.
Failure of the knowledge validation process, not
understanding what is happening with the system
I. Bani-Hani A., J. Hinde C. and W. Jackson T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003096803540357
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 354-357
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and not contributing in the work usually leads to re-
jection of the system from employees. According
to Durikova and Gray (Durikova and Gray, 2009)
ERP System must be implemented with care in or-
der to encourage contributors to go for this challenge
and provide valuable points to get the desired results
from knowledge management system. They have also
noted in their hypothesis that contributing in the im-
plementation can enhance employees perception of
knowledge quality and their faith in the system.
According to one paper (Leknes, 2006), it was
found that some of the barriers to knowledge valida-
tion and knowledge transfer between different work
departments is caused by system unreliability and
lack of training as well as the information overload
and change management, and how this might be
solved by following a knowledge management com-
munication process between the implementer and the
people involved in the system.
The role of knowledge management is very im-
portant in a business environment as it increase the
interaction and share of knowledge between people
which enhances the organization’s overall knowledge
ERP system integrates work between all func-
tional departments from Purchasing, employee’s
management, Scheduling, Inventory management,
production to shipping, and payroll management.
Then if ERP system’s can be this helpful to organi-
zations, and if it can solve problems in organizations,
why does it have many negative reports! What are the
barriers to using it?
This research in JCK Joinery started by undertaking
business process analysis of the JCK Joinery busi-
ness processes then interviews, formal and in formal
was done with management, administration employ-
ees and with shop floor workers. Reviewing official
and unofficial documents within JCK.
Interviews were repeated from time to time, and
lasted between 10 minutes to an hour with different
employees, and all information were gathered stud-
ied and a working plan were set in order. This re-
search also went through a study of different ERP sys-
tems and why JCK Joinery has chosen this product for
solving their business problems. Many factors have
affected JCK Joinery when choosing the product and
one of the main factors was the financial issues along
with the requirements of the business.
Further study was done about how the processes
in JCK are done, the orders, purchases, certification,
door making, and how all of these are done manually
by employees and how it can be customised into the
ERP system.
Work process flow:
One of the main processes in JCK Joinery has
been studied by one the researchers which is the Pro-
duction process of a door, and here is a brief descrip-
tion of how things are being done:
1. A customer makes an order by email or by the
2. A quote is created by the estimator using spread-
sheet and sent back to customer.
3. The customer is asked to verify that the details are
4. If the quote is verified a pricing list is produced
using another spread sheet and then sent back to
the customer for approval.
5. The design and quote are then changed if they are
6. If the quote and design are agreed it goes a de-
tailed design is made.
7. The design is then sent back to customer to sign
off the order.
8. Once the signed copy has been received this is
then passed on to the floor for production.
This process takes days to complete in JCK, and if
the order is a big one, for a new building with differ-
ent kind of doors, indoors, outdoors, security doors,
mobility doors, then this would take longer.
When a door is ordered a pricing spread sheet is
used to calculate the price of the door. With time the
estimator memorised the prices in it, and it has been
found that these have not been revised for the last two
years and not updated according to the purchasing or-
ders, which led to losing money.
This is one of JCK’s problems which is happen-
ing due to manual processes, and the errors occurring
because of it is huge.
For that the Configurator was proposed, in order
to be able to reduce the number of hours this is tak-
ing, number of errors as all information will be pulled
from a database, plus that every quote will be saved
into the system, no need for paper work.
For the past few months a researcher have been work-
ing on a Configurator, and there was a lot of chal-
lenges in customising it, some of these are related to
the barriers mentioned below, which was caused of
lack of employees knowledge in IT basic tools, and
some others was due to the lack of encouragement
of using the ERP system. Employees no longer have
faith, and don’t believe in the change it would make.
One of the mistakes when doing the Configurator,
was its complexity as it was two pages, with more
than 100 boxes to fill and pick, and that was confus-
ing to employees not knowingmuch about computers,
they refused to use it, as it was complicated and not
user friendly. So with interviews and tests including
employees in the steps, we have eliminated boxes and
made it simpler.
In the Configurator, which is an aid to design and
produce doors, one for an FD30 door, a standard door
for 30 minutes fire rating, was changed about 4 times.
The first one didn’t have all requirements for the door,
and the second was too complicated for employees,
with showing and hiding fields facilities, and then af-
ter sitting with the estimator and discussing things
thoroughly we have found that these are the only re-
quirements for the FD30 door unless there was spe-
cial cases which we will not go through at this stage
of the implementation. After showing this to every-
one in JCK it was discussed that going through this
might take longer time than required and the best idea
if we can set defaults for making this door. Once you
open it, you have all defaults for an FD30 door and
then you just check and do any changes if required,
this will minimise the number of errors and reduce
the time required for making any quote.
Defaults were all set, and the final Configurator
for this door was ready to be used.
In this Configurator there were some requirements
to choose from first, things like Mobility, Secure by
design, Chain of Custody, fire rating and location.
Then the structural opening, which will be allocat-
ing the height and width, and finishing with the glass
and hardware attached to the door. All of these boxes
are attached to the database, where all parts used in
JCK are listed, and connected to purchasing orders to
be able to pull prices and to calculate the door price
when doing the quote.
And here we have faced another problem which
was with validating the knowledge in the Configu-
rator. Employees were saving prices differently into
their excel sheets, using what they have which wasn’t
up to date and prices were very different from.
And here we started gathering receipts, talking to
the employee doing all the purchasing, and trying to
verify prices, and do all the mathematical equations
to get the right door price, and while going through
this process, another problem was found which was
with the different names of the parts used in the door
making. Employees know different ways of naming
the products and were refusing to change to the new
names which were required by the ERP system, and
which are used when purchasing. Some were saying
how hard it is to use this format of names, for that
we had to find a way to write them differently were
everybody can work on the system.
All part names were printed out from the ERP sys-
tem, and there was around 3000 parts available there,
and have decided on one person who would take the
time to do this job, remove un used parts which were
added two years ago, rename the parts with the help
of the researcher and go through the prices, and try-
ing to verify them with the purchasing order. Some
were named with the manufacturer first, others with
the kind of hardware, some was depending on the
height and width of the door. Rules had to be set for
the name and how to deal with them in the Configu-
Working on this along with the ERP system
Provider Company and the researcher, verification of
prices have been done and the testing process is in
Hypothesis (1):
Configurator may work, solving all the validation
problems in JCK Joinery and will eliminate all kind
of errors that was happening earlier!
Hypothesis (2):
Configuratormay work faster than the excel sheets
used in the quotes orders.
Hypothesis (3):
When Configurator works properly this will affect
the quality of work positively and make the business
flow easier.
According to previousresearchon JCK, problems that
led to the need of an ERP system, barriers to installing
and using it have been listed as follows:
Loss of information, documents are not filed and a
lot of paper work flows through the organisation,
which makes it easy to mislay or lose.
Sales enquiries are not tracked, so finding a job
needs to be done manually, which takes time.
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Staff retirement or attrition - when employees
leave or are off on holiday, it becomes near im-
possible for employees to take over their work.
When a customer enquires about a new job pric-
ing and product details are calculated manually,
taking long time, especially for big orders.
Data is entered manually into spread sheets,
which increases the risk of incorrect information.
Accounting problems - if an invoice is lost, long-
term funding problems occur.
1. Low tech SME’s attract people with low educa-
tional skills, as educated people prefer larger or-
ganisations where salaries are higher and work sit-
uations are more stable.
2. Unskilled employees make it difficult to imple-
ment an ERP system, as they require many hours
of training.
3. No motivation for employees to use the new sys-
4. Lack of training due to financial costs and lack of
5. Lack of process mapping, a map should define ev-
ery activity at the organisation. It must include a
step-by-step process for information flow.
In JCK this system had been installed, two years
ago. And until now had not been used properly, em-
ployees still use spread sheets to make orders, cus-
tomer quotes, and even when printing orders, they use
a customised template in a word document where ev-
erything is written manually.
Due to the barriers listed earlier, JCK was not able
to make the system work, employees with low skills,
and lack of training, financial problems have led to
this failure.
Knowledge Validation is an important aspect to any
organization and this case study has presented the
problems at JCK, what solutions were presented and
what were the barriers to these solutions.
This paper has identified and analysed problems
and barriers, in particular resistance to change.
Some limited conclusions may be drawn, first is
that even though the user gives a thorough specifica-
tion there is a mismatch between what the user claims
to want and what they actually want. Secondly, there
is an internal resistance to change evidenced by the
number of Configurators offered to the user and the
persistent complaint that they were too complex.
The system of spread sheets used by JCK was no
more complex than the Configurators offered but it
was familiar. The newest Configurator has many of
the properties of the old Configurators but is becom-
ing accepted. A great deal of training is required.
The next phase of this research would be to prove
changes the Configurator would make to JCK and
identify effective ways for improving the business.
The barriers and problems have been identified and
will go through a validation process to make the
change to JCK and be able to help other SMEs like
JCK solve their business problems.
Durikova, A. and Gray, P. (2009). How knowledge valida-
tion processes affect knowledge contribution. Journal
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Haines, M. and Goodhue, D. (2003). Implementation part-
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of ERP implementation. International Journal of Hu-
man Computer Interaction, 16:23–28.
Leknes, M. (2006). The role of knowledge management in
erp imlementation: A case study in Aker Kvaerner.
In Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on
Information Systems (ECIS 2006).
Probst, G., Raub, S., and Romhardt, K. (2000). Managing
knowledge-building blocks for success. Wiley, Chich-
Sedera, D., Chan, T., and Gable, G. (2004). Knowledge
management as an antecedent of enterprise system
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