Giuliano Armano and Eloisa Vargiu
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
Contextual advertising, Recommender systems, Information Retrieval.
From a general perspective, nothing prevents from viewing contextual advertising as a kind of Web recom-
mendation, aimed at embedding into a Web page the most relevant textual ads available for it. In fact, the task
of suggesting an advertising is a particular case of recommending an item (the advertising) to a user (the web
page), and vice versa. We envision that bringing ideas from contextual advertising could help in building novel
recommender systems with improved performance, and vice versa. To this end, in this paper, we propose a
unifying view of contextual advertising and recommender systems. To this end, we suggest: (i) a way to build
a recommender system inspired by a generic solution typically adopted to solve contextual advertising tasks
and (ii) a way to realize a collaborative contextual advertising system a la mode of collaborative filtering.
Let us note in advance that, in the literature, the term
“context” is referred to “keywords used in search en-
gines” in the area of contextual advertising, and to
“events which modify the user behavior” in the area
of recommender systems. In this paper we always ad-
here to the former interpretation. Therefore, we are
not interested in context-aware recommender systems
as in (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2008) (Abbar et al.,
2009) (Ramaswamy et al., 2009).
As discussed in (Broder et al., 2007), contextual
advertising is an interplay of four players: (i) the ad-
vertiser, which provides the supply of ads; (ii) the
publisher, which is the owner of the web pages on
which the advertising is displayed; (iii) the ad net-
work, which, as mediator between advertiser and pub-
lisher, is in charge of selecting the ads to put in the
pages; and (iv) users, which visit the web pages of
the publisher and interact with the ads. Similarly,
a recommendation task may be described as an in-
terplay of four players: (i) the recommender, which
provides the supply of items to be recommended; (ii)
the publisher, which is the owner of the web pages
on which items are displayed for recommendation;
(iii) the recommender system, which, as a mediator
between recommender and publisher, is in charge of
selecting the items to be recommended to a specific
user; and (iv) users, which visit the web pages of
the publisher/recommender and interact with the sug-
Figure 1: A contextual advertising system.
gested items.
Although contextual advertising and recom-
mender systems have been usually studied separately,
they could be hypothesized as isomorphic structures,
in which a task on one side corresponds to a task on
the other side. For instance, the task of suggesting an
advertising to a web page could be viewed as the task
of recommending an item (the advertising) to a user
(the web page), and vice versa.
Starting from this insight, in this paper we propose
a unifying view presenting two novel approaches:
a content-based recommender system devised a la
mode of contextual advertising system and a collab-
Armano G. and Vargiu E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003097204630466
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 463-466
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
orative contextual advertising devised a la mode of
recommender system. To our best knowledge, this is
the first attempt to combine the two approaches.
2.1 A Typical Contextual Advertising
In our view, a generic system devoted to perform con-
textual advertising could be designed as depicted in
Figure 1.
Pre-processor. Its main purpose is to transform an
HTML document (a web page or an advertising) into
an easy-to-process plain-text based document, while
preserving important information. In particular, the
main goal is to preserve the blocks of the original
HTML document, while removing HTML tags and
stop-words. Information about which phrases are part
of the anchor text of the hypertext links could also be
Text summarizer. Text summarization techniques
are divided into extractive and non-extractive. The
input of a contextual advertiser being an HTML doc-
ument, contextual advertising systems typically rely
on the former. In particular, extraction-based tech-
niques are applied to the blocks that form a web page
–e.g., the title of the web page, the first paragraph,
the paragraph with the highest title-word count. The
text summarizer outputs a vector representation of the
original HTML document, web page or advertising,
in terms of bag of words (BoW).
Classifier. To alleviate possible harmful effects
of summarization, both page excerpts and advertis-
ings are classified according to a given taxonomy
(Anagnostopoulos et al., 2007). The corresponding
classification-based features (CF) are then used in
conjunction with the original BoW.
Matcher. It suggests ads to the web page accord-
ing to a similarity score based on both BoW and CF.
2.2 The Proposed Recommender
As depicted in Figure 2, our proposal for building a
recommender system involves two steps: user profil-
ing and recommendation (Addis et al., 2010). Given a
user, her/his profile is generated from the correspond-
ing user history, i.e., from the set of documents s/he
rated as relevant.
Figure 2: The proposed recommender system.
User Profiling
The user profiler is composed by four main modules:
statistical document analyzer, semantic analyzer, se-
mantic net handler, and profiler (Addis et al., 2009).
Statistical document analyzer. While analyzing
documents rated as relevant by the user, this module
is devoted to create the BoW , which collects all terms
contained in the input documents, suitably weighted.
The statistical document analyzer removes from the
BoW all non-informative words such as prepositions,
conjunctions, pronouns, and very common verbs us-
ing a stop-word list. Subsequently, it calculates the
weight of each term adopting the TFIDF measure.
The statistical document analyzer calculates an over-
all TFDIF considering all documents in the user his-
tory. Furthermore, the weights resulting from TFIDF
undergo a cosine normalization. To reduce the di-
mensionality of the space, only the first N terms of
the BoW are retained. The optimal value of N must
be calculated experimentally. Hereinafter, the set of
terms stored in the BoW will be called features. This
module corresponds to the preprocessor and to the
text summarizer adopted in the generic contextual ad-
vertising solution described previously.
Semantic words analyzer. This module creates
the bag of synsets (BoS), which collects all synsets
related to the selected features. To this end, the se-
mantic document analyzer queries an online lexical
database (e.g., WordNet (Miller, 1995)). After synset
extraction, the semantic document analyzer assigns
to each sysnset a weight according to the TFIDF of
all related terms. This module corresponds to a text
summarizer based on semantic information. In fact, a
semantic approach can be also adopted in contextual
advertising to improve the performances of the text
summarization task.
Semantic net handler. This module aims to (i)
build the semantic net from the BoS and (ii) extract its
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
most relevant nodes. First, a semantic net is built in
form of a graph, whose nodes are the synsets belong-
ing to the BoS and whose edges are semantic relations
between synsets. Four kinds of semantic relations are
taken into account: hyponymy and its inverse (hyper-
onymy); meronymy and its inverse (holonymy). The
semantic net handler is also in charge of pruning the
network by dropping irrelevant nodes, identified ac-
cording to their weight and to the number of connec-
tions with other nodes.
Profiler. This module is devoted to extract the
user profile. To this end, it exploits a given taxonomy
(e.g., WordNet Domains Hierarchy (Magnini and
Cavagli, 2000)) and associates the proper category to
each selected node. Considering the selected nodes,
together with their weights, the profiler is able to
identify the real interests of the user in terms of the
given taxonomy. In particular, the user profile is
represented as a set of pairs
, where c
is a
category and w
the corresponding weight in [0, 1].
The semantic net handler and the profiler correspond
to the classifier adopted in the generic contextual
advertising solution previously described.
Once the user profile has been generated, the sys-
tem can rank a new item i to determine whether it
could be of interest for a specific user u. This can be
done by measuring the distance between the vector-
based representations of i and u, say
V (i) and
V (u).
In particular, the textual information of an item i can
be processed in a way similar to profile extraction:
a set of categories of the given taxonomy with the
corresponding relevance ratio are computed for the
item, and the cosine distance between u and i is eval-
uated. Items obtaining a score greater than 0.5 are
proposed to the user. It is easy to note that the rec-
ommender corresponds to the matcher adopted in the
generic solution for contextual advertising, previously
3.1 A Typical Collaborative
Recommender System
In our view, a generic system devoted to perform col-
laborative filtering could be designed as depicted in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: A collaborative recommender system.
The recommendation problem can be formulated
as follows: let U be the set of all users and I be the set
of all possible items that can be recommended (e.g.,
books, movies, and restaurants). Let f be a utility
function that measures the usefulness of item i to user
u, i.e., f : U × I R, where R is a totally ordered set
(e.g., non-negative integers or real numbers within a
given range). Then, for each user u U, we want to
choose the item i
I that maximizes f . In recom-
mender systems, f is typically represented by ratings
and is initially defined only on the items previously
rated by the users. For example, in an application
for recommending books (e.g., Amazon.com), users
initially rate a subset of books that they have read.
This information is stored in the user repository, as
sketched in Figure 3.
Peer user extractor. The main purpose of the peer
user extractor is, given a user u, to detect her/his
“peers”. Peer users are other users that have simi-
lar preferences and tastes. The underlying idea is that
only items that are most liked by the “peers” of user u
would be recommended to her/him.
Item-user analyzer. This module is devoted to
analyze the rates of the peers users and to build the
corresponding user-item rating matrix, in which each
row corresponds to a user (u and its peer users), each
column corresponds to an item, and each cell corre-
sponds to the rating given by that user to that item.
Ratings are typically specified on the scale of 1 to 5.
Matcher. The main purpose of this module is to
find, starting from the user-item rating matrix, the set
of items to be recommended to u. Each correspond-
ing score is calculated by taking into account the rates
provided by users.
3.2 The Proposed Contextual
Advertising System
Our idea of a collaborative contextual advertising sys-
tem relies in suggesting ads to a web page p exploit-
ing the “collaboration” of p with its peer pages. Fig-
ure 4 depicts the proposed high-level architecture.
Inlink extractor. This module is devoted to find,
given a page p, the peer pages. In our opinion, suit-
able peer pages could be all the inlinks of p, i.e., all
pages that link to p. First, this module creates the
Figure 4: The proposed contextual advertising system.
bag of inlinks (BoI), which collects all the inlinks of a
given page. To this end, Google AJAX Search API
existing tools (such as Page Inlink Analyzer
) could
be used. It is easy to note that this module corre-
sponds to the peer user extractor previously described.
Item-advertising analyzer. First, this module
parses all the extracted inlinks and, for each inlink i,
extracts the corresponding list of ads weighting them
according to the position in i. Then, the module builds
the inlink-advertising matrix, whose generic element
i j
reports the weight for the inlink i and for the ad-
vertisement j. It is easy to note that this module cor-
responds to the peer user-item analyzer previously de-
Matcher. This module is devoted to suggest ads
to the web page according to a similarity score. In
principle, any similarity measure can be adopted: cor-
relation, cosine-based, rated-based. This module cor-
responds to the matcher of the typical collaborative
recommender system previously described.
In this paper we proposed a unifying view of contex-
tual advertising and recommender systems. To our
best knowledge, this is the first attempt to combine
these research fields.
As for future directions, we are currently setting
up experiments to validate the content-based recom-
mender system illustrated in Section 2. Furthermore,
we are starting the implementation of the collabora-
tive contextual advertising system illustrated in Sec-
tion 3.
This work has been partially supported by Hoplo srl.
We wish to thank, in particular, Ferdinando Licheri
and Roberto Murgia for their useful suggestions.
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KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval