A can be considered. Regressors can generated
from the domain schema ontologies like the property
value occurrences regressors are derived from the
set of known properties.
This paper proposed a complexity analysis for
semantic product models. The structure of semantic
product models as a layered graph-based
representation of the design partial models was
explained. The proposed complexity measure is a
relative measure to a reference semantic product
model. A concrete measure is derived from the
reference model using a regression analysis. The
analysis is based on the knowledge about the
properties in the domain ontologies.
The approach has been tested with source code
and product structure models. Further research
includes larger models to test the scalability of the
approach. It seems likely that this approach can also
be applied to other properties such as maintainability
or quality. However these properties do not have
exact the same characteristics as the underlying
notion of complexity. Thus we do not have any
evidence yet and current work focuses on refinement
of the method and improving the support through the
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