Approach to Visualize Relevant Words within Documents to a Search Query by
Word Similarity Computation
Karolis Kleiza, Patrick Klein and Klaus-Dieter Thoben
BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Hochschulring 20, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Keywords: Similarity Computation, Word Similarity, Probabilistic Topic Model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Word
Abstract: This paper gives at first an introduction to similarity computation and text summarization of documents by
usage of a probabilistic topic model, especially Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Afterwards it provides a
discussion about the need of a better understanding for the reason and transparency at all for the end-user
why documents with a computed similarity actually are similar to a given search query. The authors
propose for that an approach to identify and highlight words with respect to their semantic relevance
directly within documents and provide a theoretical background as well as an adequate visual assignment
for that approach.
Knowledge and information retrieval tasks have
become a time-consuming challenge in nowadays
business processes, such as the development process
of a complex product or system. Even though
contemporary search engines provide a quick access
to company’s specific databases, several studies has
shown that employees spent up to 35 percent of their
hours of work for searching for relevant documents
(Bahrs et al., 2007). Especially an extraction of
relevant and needed information within respective
documents is not yet supported adequately. To
optimally exploit the large amounts of engineering
information as fast as possible it is often not
sufficient to provide helpful documents. In practical
use many documents, reports or guidelines cover
diverse technological and methodical aspects and are
not focused on a single topic. Hence a simple
suggestion of such documents dissatisfies a user,
since he obviously dislikes scanning the whole
content just to identify only some interesting
In order to identify such paragraphs conventional
keywords based document retrieval allows in
subsequence a search within a document by usage of
the same keywords. In contradiction to this the
proposed search approach of semantic similarity
between helpful documents and a given working
context abstains from user based keywords thus
making a subsequent internal search complicated or
impossible. There is a need for an enhancement by
providing functionalities to decide quickly, if a
suggested document is appropriate for the actual
work context, in terms of why is the specific
document highly ranked and which document parts
are interesting.
Hence the overarching vision addressed by the
presented approach is a practical solution, where a
result list of a (semantic) search is enhanced by a
direct preview of respective documents. This
preview has to come up with highlighted or marked
up keywords and text passages in a way, that a user
will be enabled to identify easily the most relevant
sections with respect to his/hers actual working-
context at a glance. Ideally by use of different colors
or color intensities additional information, such as
"importance to context" should be given to support a
quick and easy interpretation of the given results.
Several methods for generating semantics out of a
Kleiza K., Klein P. and Thoben K..
Documents to a Search Query by Word Similarity Computation.
DOI: 10.5220/0003099004810486
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 481-486
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Four selected topics with representative labels of the high lift device domain in the aviation industry.
Topic 4:
"aero design"
Topic 7:
"lessons learned"
Topic 13:
Topic 14:
aerodynamic test rib flap
shape stress spar airbus
design structure plane interconnection
domain load stringer manual
model lesson flap wire
aircraft learn slat drive
surface result panel system
set of documents have been developed in the past
few years, e.g. term frequency-inverse document
frequency weight (if-idf) (Salton and Bucklay,
1988), Latent Semantic Indexing (Deerwester et al,
1990) or probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
(Hoffmann, 1999). Several trials in that context and
in addition diverse publications (Wei and Croft,
2006) have shown that the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) is feasible for Information
Retrieval tasks. The LDA uses a probabilistic topic
model to identify topics and associate words within
a set of documents to a topic, which is linked to a
discrete calculated probabilistic value.
Exemplarily for such results, table 1 shows four
topics (out of 20) and for each topic the belonging
seven top-ranked keywords. The topic model was
build with the Latent Dirichlet Allocation method
out of a set of documents referring to the aviation
The input for LDA is a set of documents
(corpus), whereas each document is represented by a
"bag-of-words", that means the sequence of words
within a document is not considered for following
calculations. The output of LDA is a probabilistic
to a topic
for each document
and a probabilistic assignment
for each
to a topic
The topic labels have been assigned manually to
provide in addition "human readable" headings for
each topic. Obviously headings are not of
importance for the LDA approach, but alleviate
remarkable a communication with externals and
"non-specialists". The latter is especially of
importance in the context of "evaluation" and
acceptance of the given results in a practical
environment. As it turned out in several of our field
studies, users (especially in a business environment,
such as product development) show distrust to
search results provided by a totally nebulous
knowledge retrieval approach.
In order to ensure practicability and usability of
the proposed solution, the respective documents
used for this test-bed refer to "real" document
repositories, which are in use as a knowledge
repository for the development of Wing High Lift
2.1 Similarity Computation
Similarity, in sense of our approach, occurs by the
ability to compare the probabilistic assignment to
each topic between different documents. The
Kullback Leibner (KL) divergence is recommended
by (Steyvers and Griffiths, 2007) as an appropriate
function to calculate the similarity, whereas
is the topic distribution to a given topic
out of
the set of topics
With respect to an appropriate post-processing of the
computed results, in some cases (e.g. to generate a
symmetric distance matrix for a two-dimensional
result map) a symmetric measurement KL
KL p,q
+ KL q, p
Such a similarity computation can be done among
different documents in a given repository or even
between a text paragraph (instead of a complete
document) and documents in a given repository. The
latter can be compared to a search query, e.g. to
provide similar documents to a selected text passage
of a document in progress or of interest.
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Top five results to a search query. Further a text summarization for each resulting document.
Document Relevance 1.word 2.word 3.word 4.word 5.word 6.word 7.word 8.word 9.word
91 %
flap fairing Aug investigation fair ll a340
89% flap fairing Aug investigation fair ll a340 modificati
flap fairing Aug investigation fair ll a340
flap fairing Aug investigation fair ll a340 ata track
flap fairing Aug investigation fair ll a340 ata movable
Figure 2: An abstract of the annotated preview of “Sulak Sivaraksa” (84% relevance; left) and “Social Development
Theory” (91% relevance; right). Relevance was computed with KL divergence and visual assignment with function (4)
The calculated divergences can then be used to rank
the documents according to their similarities in e.g. a
table form or a two-dimensional map (Kleiza et al.,
Next to the above mentioned function the
Euclidean Distance or Cosine Similarity are also
possible distance functions for computing the
semantic similarity by use of a topic model.
2.2 Text Summarization
As mentioned above the authors claim to have
identified a need for an enhancement of the
described similarity computation approach by
addressing the traceablity of the KL based search
results (in terms of why is the specific document
highly ranked or which document parts are upmost
In order to provide an overview for the user to
indicate, why those results are similar to each other
or to a given search query, several approaches have
been analysed. So far, all approaches base either on
a sentence (Wang et al., 2008) (Gong and Liu, 2001)
or on word summarization (Dredze et al., 2008) (Liu
et al., 2009) of the documents to give an insight
meaning of the similarity. In most cases a word
summarization is preferable, because of a shorter
overview and faster cognitive understanding and
filtering during a search process. Here the set of
words which is considered by the summarization
always comes out of the current document.
Remaining words of the whole dictionary, which
could be also meaningful for the summarization, are
so far not taken into consideration. (Dredze et al.,
2008) uses the following function to rank the words
within a document, whereas
is the word
(candidate) for the relevance computation and
related document or text paragraph:
(| ) (|)( |)(| )
Pc d Pc tPw tPt d
For instance the ten words with the highest
probability could be visualized in a tag cloud or as
an addition to the search result list (table 2) to give a
better understanding, why the results are similar to a
given query (or a text paragraph respectively). The
search query input below comes up with a result list
mainly with documents of the Lessons Learned
section in the wing high lift device domain:
"Several cases of A340 movable flap
track fairing n°5 with one case on A330
have been reported with inner skin
cracked. Cracks lengths ranged from 180
to 2600 mm and are not related to
accidental damage."
Approach to Visualize Relevant Words within Documents to a Search Query by Word Similarity Computation
The relevance values are computed with the KL
divergence function followed by a normalization and
conversion to percentage values. Table 2 shows the
top five documents ranked with the highest
relevance and a word summarization computed with
function (3). The probabilistic evaluation
the words in Table 2 varies between a range of 10
and 10
. Numerous multiplications of the terms
between 0 and 1 are responsible for such low values.
In many cases text summarization as shown in table
2 brings not the required usability to filter a sub-set
of relevant documents fast and easy according to
their importance for a given context. The equality of
text summarization is often attended by the
similarity computation of documents. The
characteristics are often not given by a text
summarization (as shown in table 2). Hence our
approach bases on the idea to mark up those words
directly in the resulting document, which are
semantic similar. This way a visual rendering of the
document with the highlighted text passages within a
preview pane can be archived. We assume, that a
user gets a better understanding of the deep insight
of the similarity between document and search query
with a highlighted preview. The semantic
highlighting goes further than a syntactic
highlighting of words which annotates matching
search keywords in the document, like known by
common search engines. Hence such an approach
for semantic highlighting on probabilistic topic
model needs a elaborated theoretical background.
3.1 Word Similarity
The underlying algorithm for word similarity has to
be equal for all documents in order to get
comparable previews of different documents.
Therefore highly ranked documents (in term of the
KL Divergence computation) should offer many
words with high similarity and lower ranked
documents should contain fewer words with high
similarity and a lower similarity on average
(|,) .log (|)(|)(|)
wdq k PwtPt dPtq
The importance / similarity of a word
in the
for the current query
is given by
function (4). The scalar
gives the ability to stretch
the values in order to refine the visualization for the
3.2 Visual Assignment
Even though it is not in focus of the core research of
the semantic similarity approach, an appropriate
visualization of results is to be expected to be a key
issue for user acceptance in a practical environment.
Therefore a visual assignment of an arbitrary word
by its similarity calculated by function (4) to a
search query has been defined.
Figure 1: Visual assignment for highlighting identified
Figure 1 shows an assignment of highlighted
keywords to a color spectrum in the style of an
"signal light". A green annotation indicates a strong,
yellow a middle and red low significance. The visual
assignment fades out to indicate no significance
arranged behind the colors. Alternative possible
annotation types could be e.g. underlining or
surrounding the words, but from initial user
feedback based on paper mockups it turned out, that
a simple color annotation (as also shown in fig. 2) is
easy to grasp and comes along with an outstanding
effect. The visual assignment can be justified by
modifying the scalar
to get a proper visualization.
However, a fine-tuning of
in consultation with
respective end users is foreseen to be part of the
planned field study.
During a test the number of topics was set to 100
and the topics have been computed out of a set of
about 1000 Wikipedia documents by usage of LDA
algorithms. Stopwords have been removed and a
lemmatization of the words has been done. The
identification of significant words was computed by
usage of function (4) and the following query input:
"People need a broad range of skills
in order to contribute to a modern
economy and take their place in the
technological society of the twenty-
first century. An ASTD study showed
that through technology, the workplace
is changing, and so are the skills that
employees must have to be able to
change with it."
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Exemplarily for the computational output two
excerpts are shown in Figure 2. Both arbitrary
selected previews provide identified and highlighted
words. The left preview (Sulak Sivaraksa) highlights
in intensive green words in relation to three topics:
religion ("Buddhism"), social ("University",
"Social", "Interactual") and press ("Magazine",
"Journal", "Press"). On the other side the right
preview (Social Development Theory) highlights
intensive green words in relation to Technology
("Technology", "Knowledge", "Development",
"Effective") and Social ("Social", "Organization")
topics. As a conclusion it can be stated that different
words out of different topics have been identified,
which match the meaning of the given query-input
very well in any topic (social, technologic) or have
generally a significant meaning for the specific
document (e.g. press and religion).
It has to be stated that the enhancement of a
semantic search engine by implementation of a word
similarity algorithm can be definitely used to
identify semantic relevant sections and text passages
within a document. Even though the current
implementation is still at the prototype stage,
benefits to be gained by its usage already become
clearly visible, especially with respect to the
implemented visual assignment.
As one of the next major milestones an evaluation of
the approach in a field study is planned to validate
the concept on operational level. This field study
will be conducted by potential key users belonging
to a product development department in the aviation
sector. By picking up the group of engineers,
designers and physicians for aerodynamics, working
in the area of Aircraft Design as target users on the
one hand and their document repositories as a test-
bed on the other, the authors want to ensure
practicability and usability of the proposed solution.
On a technical level several improvements are
foreseen either: Next to LDA, other topic models
will be tested and compared by each other in order
to receive an overview how well the proposed
approach works upon them. For instance the authors
expect to have even better results by usage of the
HMM-LDA (Griffiths et al., 2005) approach instead
of LDA, because the HMM-LDA not only considers
the unstructured "bag-of-words" input, but also
reflects the sequence of words within the respective
document. By using HMM-LDA the authors expect
to come up with a solution, where the intensive
highlighted words will be even more concentrated
on a specific text passage. Next to those
examinations further optimization and refinements
of the core algorithms for computation of the word
similarity are foreseen in order to continuously
improve the output quality.
This work has been done under the LuFo IV 2nd call
-HIGHER-TE- WP4200 research programme funded
by the Airbus S.A.S. We wish to acknowledge our
gratitude and appreciation to all the project partners
for their contribution during the development of
various ideas and concepts presented in this paper.
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KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval