A Model Transformation-based Approach
Henry Val´ery T´eguiak
, Yamine Ait-Ameur
, St´ephane Jean
and Eric Sardet
LISI/ENSMA and University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France
CRITT Informatique CRCFAO, Chasseneuil, France
Mapping, Meta-modeling, Model transformation, Ontology, Terminology.
This paper focuses on Model Driven Engineering (MDE) techniques to build ontology incrementally. The
global building process consists of building ontologies from texts through a stepwise approach. Our approach
consists of modeling each step independently and defining a mapping model to express relationships between
these steps. Results of this work are applied in the ANR DAFOE project, which aims to propose a platform
for building ontologies from several kind of resources (texts, terminologies, thesauri or existing ontologies).
Although text-based ontology engineering gained
much popularity in the last 10 years, very few ontol-
ogy engineering platforms exploit the full potential of
the connection between texts and ontologies. The on-
tology designers use ontology editors to design their
ontologies. Unfortunately, the process leading to this
ontology is not recorded and therefore, it is not main-
tained. As a consequence, traceability is lost.
Thus, we present DAFOE
, a new platform for
building ontologies using different types of linguis-
tic entries (text corpora, results of natural language
processing tools, terminologies or thesauri). DAFOE
supports knowledge structuring and conceptual mod-
eling from these linguistic entries as well as ontol-
ogy formalization. The requirements of the platform
and its development focus on (1) integrating various
kinds of tools usually used within a single modeling
platform, (2) guaranteeing persistence and traceabil-
ity of the whole building process, and (3) developing
the platform in an open source paradigm with possible
plug-in extensions. Taking into account the diversity
of information resources and extraction tools used, it
is difficult to represent such a construction process in
a single and static model. Indeed, in the scenario of
ontologies building from texts, the platform must be
able to exploit results coming from various Natural
Language Processing (NLP) tools. The difficulty of
building such a system consists in the implementation
of configuration mechanisms for handle various tools.
This implementationrequires a bit more abstraction in
the design.
Borrowed from the MDE, our approach is based
on the definition of model transformations. Indeed,
the first model, characterizing terms, is transformed,
in a stepwise transformation process, to an ontology.
In order to be reusable, this transformation process
is applied at the meta-modeling level. This paper fo-
cuses on (1) the loosely coupled modeling approach
that we suggest to manage each step independently,
(2) the meta-modeling based approach for handling
models of each step so that the models can evolve
independently and autonomously and (3) the mod-
els transformation-based approach that we propose
for handling relationships between models. After
an overview of the methodology led by the DAFOE
project, we present our meta-model for encoding ob-
jects together with concepts and the transformation
meta-model allowing to map concepts to some other
ones. We finally conclude and give some perspectives
about this work.
2.1 Ontology Building Problem
The study of current tools for developing ontologies
leads to classify these tools into two groups. The first
group are ontology editors, which assume that the on-
Valéry Téguiak H., Ait-Ameur Y., Jean S. and Sardet E..
INCREMENTAL DESIGN OF ONTOLOGIES - A Model Transformation-based Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0003099100940103
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 94-103
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tology is already designed (on a paper for example),
and therefore it remains only to edit it in order to make
it interpretable by computers. The second group con-
sists of tools that aim to design ontologies in a su-
pervised work (semi-automatic) according to one or
more design steps. Next sections discuss some meth-
ods and tools for building ontologies.
2.1.1 Ontologies Editors
In the domain of ontologies design, there exist sev-
eral design tools. This section presents some of these
e. Prot´eg´e (Knublauch et al., 2004) is a plat-
form for developing OWL ontologies. Its architec-
ture, based on plug-ins, allows a designer to add new
features like intelligent reasoning, test, maintenance,
etc. Originally designed on a frame-based model,
nowadays the most used version is Prot´eg´e-OWL.
This version consists of a set of plug-ins developed
above the Prot´eg´e kernel and dedicated for ontology
construction according to the OWL ontology model.
PLIBEditor. PLIBEditor supports the creation of
ontologies conforming to the PLIB ontology model
(Pierra, 2003). This editor has the advantage of per-
sisting ontologies objects in a database designed ac-
cording to a database architecture called ontology-
based database (Dehainsala et al., 2007). This
database stores ontologies model, ontologiesand their
DOE. Unlike Prot´eg´e and PLIBEditor that put a
strong emphasis on the formal representation of con-
cepts of an ontology, the DOE editor (Troncy et al.,
2003) suggests to structure the informal description
of concepts to describe more precisely these concepts.
This editor uses a specific semantics called ”differen-
tial semantics” to document the generalization / spe-
cialization hierarchies by applying four basic rules
(Bachimont et al., 2002): (1) similarity with parent,
(2) difference with parent, (3) similarity with siblings
and (4) difference with siblings.
In addition to the tool features, annotation techniques
allow the designer to keep for example, relationship
between ontologies and annotated documents. But
another way to maintain this relationship consists in
using texts to build ontologies.
2.1.2 Tools for Supervised Design: Designing
Ontologies from Texts
Designing ontologies, on the basis of its consensual
nature, is a very difficult task. Some tools however,
propose building approaches to lighten this problem.
Some of these tools provide an ontology construction
starting from texts.
Text2Onto. Developed at the University of Karl-
sruhe, Text2Onto is a tool that implements text min-
ing algorithms on textual data for building ontologies
semi-automatically (Cimiano and Volker, 2005). It in-
cludes several data processing: terms extraction using
either statistical calculations or regular expressions,
identification of relations using lexico-syntactic pat-
terns or proximity computation.
TERMINAE. TERMINAE is a software platform
supporting the development of terminology and on-
tology from texts (Aussenac-Gilles et al., 2008). This
tool integrates a terminology learning environment,
an environment to assist the conceptualization and an
ontology management system. Like Text2Onto, TER-
MINAE stores the link between the designed ontol-
ogy and the texts. This link takes into account linguis-
tic phenomena like polysemy or synonymy, and keeps
track of designer choices about the organizationof the
ontology hierarchy.
The approach suggested in this paper has been ap-
plied to the DAFOE platform that also ranks among
the tools for supervised design of ontologies and fo-
cuses on setting the transition rules from one step of
modeling to another. The setting process is based on
model mapping strategies.
Indeed, Text2Onto and TERMINAE assume that one
well knows in advance in which concept of the next
step a concept of the previous step will be transformed
(e.g., a Class resulting from a Term). In DAFOE, this
matching assumption is not done. Thus, a mapping
space is needed to represent transformations so that
mapping could be easily improved.
This section provides a terminology with definitions
used in this paper, explain the goal of mappings and
presents the EXPRESS modeling language that we
used to formally implements our approach. Some of
these definitions are borrowed from the ontology do-
main (de Bruijn et al., 2004) and are generalized for
models in general.
INCREMENTAL DESIGN OF ONTOLOGIES - A Model Transformation-based Approach
3.1 Definitions
Mapping. A mapping is a specification of the se-
mantic overlap between two models M
and M
. Note
that a model mapping is often partial, which means
that the mapping does not specify the complete se-
mantics overlap between two models, but just a piece
of this overlap which is relevant for the mapping ap-
plication. Throughout this paper, mapping and trans-
formation term will be used indifferently.
Mapping Language. The mapping language is the
language used to formalize mappings. Mappings can
also be represented through a model. This model,
called a mapping model, manages mappings as ob-
jects and provides more flexibility on mapping man-
Mapping Constructor. A mapping constructor can
be seen as a template for mappings which occur very
often. Constructors can be ranked from very simple
(e.g., a mapping between a concept and a relation) to
very complex, in which case the constructor captures
comprehensivesubstructuresof the models, which are
related in a certain way.
More discussions on topics around mapping prob-
lems and provided solutions can be founded in (Rahm
and Bernstein, 2001), (Yan et al., 2001), (Bernstein,
2003), (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007), (Claypool et al.,
3.2 Model Mapping Problem
At the heart of the issue of building a mapping be-
tween models is the issue of instance mediation (Eu-
zenat and Shvaiko, 2007). By instance mediation,
we understand the issue of identifying a target in-
stance from a source instance, each one described by
a model. This includes the specification of a map-
ping model and the use of these mappings to rewrite
queries for instance transformation.
Other work (Wache et al., 2001), (Kalfoglou and
Schorlemmer, 2003) address the problem of mapping
discovery. Without describing the discovery process,
we assume that the discovery process has been made.
This work deals with mapping specification and in-
stance mediation.
In instance mediation, if we consider a source
model M
and a target model M
, the question of in-
stance transformation can be summarized by ”how to
compute a target instance I
of M
from a source in-
stance I
of M
using the MAP mapping between M
and M
?” as represented in Figure 1. The Generic
Transformer (a model-independent program) read an
Figure 1: Instance mediation.
instance of mapping (Imap) between M
and M
produces a Specific Transformer (a program depend-
ing on M
and M
). This Specific Transformer is used
to compute I
from I
3.3 The EXPRESS Modeling Language:
an Overview
EXPRESS is a data modeling language that combines
ideas from the entity-attribute-relationship family of
modeling languages with object modeling ideas of the
late 1980s. It became an international standard (ISO
10303-11) in 1994.
The major advantage of this language is its capa-
bility to describe structural, descriptive and procedu-
ral concepts in a common data model and semantics.
This integration avoids the use of several models and
languages that require bridging over the gap between
all the defined models. A data model in EXPRESS
is represented by a set of schemas that may refer to
each other. Each schema contains two parts. The first
part is a set of entities that are structured in an object-
oriented approach. The second part contains proce-
dures, functions and global rules used to express con-
straints on that entities.
3.3.1 Entity Definition
Entities are named and defined by a set of attributes
(which may be an empty set) assigned to each entity.
A value domain (a data type) is assigned to each at-
tribute. This value domain can be either simple (e.g.,
integer, string, etc), a collection domain (e.g., list, set,
etc) or an entity type meaning that an attribute value
is an instance of another entity.
3.3.2 Constraining Entities
EXPRESS makes possible to limit the allowed set of
instances of the data models to those instances that
satisfy some given constraints. For example, the age
of a person must be a positive integer. EXPRESS
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
uses first order logic which is completely decidable
since the set of instances is finite. Constraints are in-
troduced thanks to the WHERE clause that provides
for instance invariant, and to the global RULE clause
that provides for model invariant. Derivations, inver-
sions and constraints (respectively illustrated by the
DERIVE, INVERSE, and WHERE key words) are the
only places where functions may occur.
3.3.3 Examples
Tables 1 and 2 illustrate entity definitions. Entity
B is described using three attributes b
, b
and b
whose datatype are respectively real, list of strings
and relationship with another entity A, itself being de-
scribed using a single attribute a
. Additionally, two
attributes a
and a
are defined. The a
attribute is
an inverse attribute of the entity A, corresponding to
the inverse link defined by attribute b
in the entity B.
The a
attribute is a derived attribute, that means its
value is calculated by a function. Instances may be
built from entity definition. An identifier is assigned
to each instance for referencing purposes. Instances
are then described according to the entity definition
they are referred to (using the entity name). The de-
scription consists of an enumeration of values compli-
ant with each attribute datatype. It can be noticed that
inverse attribute are not represented, because they can
be computed later on.
Table 1: Definition of entity A.
: B FOR b
: INTEGER:= f(a
return (x*2)
#1= A(3);
Table 2: Definition of entity B.
: A;
wr: b
> 0.0;
#2= B(4.0,(’hello’,’world’), #1);
An instance definition is provided for illustration
purposes. In Table 1, the “#1” identifier is assigned
to the instance. The underlying type of the instance
is the entity A”. The integer value “3” is assigned
to the a
attribute. The derived a
attribute is not
a user assigned value but an automatically assigned
value computed using the value of the attribute a
. In
this example, querying the value of a
will return here
the value “6 according to the derivation function f. In
the same manner, in Table 2, the “#2” instance of the
entity B, where b
is evaluated to 4.0, b
is the list
(’hello’, ’world’) and b
reference the particular in-
stance “#1” of the entity A.
To face with the difficulty of building ontologies, the
DAFOE project proposes a stepwise ontology design
approach. As stated in introduction, this methodology
consists of 3 main steps: Terminological, Termino-
Conceptual and Ontological. This paper does not ad-
dress the ontology learning problem (Navigli and Ve-
lardi, 2004), (Maedche and Staab, 2001). Neverthe-
less, it provides an infrastructure with model transfor-
mation (cf. Section 5) in order to enrich the building
4.1 DAFOE Terminological Step
The terminological step takes a corpus of texts as in-
put. This corpus needs to be processed by NLP tools
such as term extractors in order to extract terms and
their relationships . As an alternative, an ontology
designer can use a preexisting terminology. The un-
derlying assumption is threefold: text analysis can
extract term candidates that are relevant for a given
domain. These terms are likely to be turned into on-
tology concepts and the distribution of these terms re-
flects their semantics (Harris, 1968). The result of this
step is represented as instance of the terminological
model shown in Figure 2. A Saillance entity is asso-
ciated to a Term so that terms can be filter according
to some “saillance” criteria like its frequency.
Figure 2: Terminological model: UML diagram excerpt.
INCREMENTAL DESIGN OF ONTOLOGIES - A Model Transformation-based Approach
4.2 DAFOE Termino-conceptual Step
This step transform the terms resulting from the
previous step into a structure of unambiguous
termino-concepts (TC) and termino-conceptual rela-
tions (TCR). As an alternative, the knowledge engi-
neer may build that step by importing a preexisting
termino-conceptual resource such as a thesaurus or
results of the analysis of the terminological step. In
this case, he/she analyses the meanings of terms and
relations that appear at the terminological step with
respect to each other by taking into account their oc-
currences. Then, he/she can cluster terms and rela-
tionships that have the same meaning, distinguish the
various meanings of ambiguous terms, compare the
contexts in which they are used.
The termino-conceptual step is central for trans-
forming linguistic elements into conceptual ones and
for tracing the ontology concept back to the linguis-
tic elements they are coming from. TCs are associ-
ated with differentiation criteria, for describing them
by differences and similarities as proposed by the Ar-
chonte method (Bachimont et al., 2002). Four textual
fields make explicit semantic differences and similari-
ties of a TC with its father and siblings. This traceabil-
ity improves ontology readability and maintenance.
Terms and terminological relations that are connected
to termino-conceptual elements are said ”conceptu-
alised”. The result of this step is represented as in-
stance of the Termino-conceptual model shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Termino-conceptual model: UML diagram ex-
4.3 DAFOE Ontological Step
The ontology data model formalizes TCs and TCRs
in a formal language equivalent to OWL-DL. Con-
cepts are described as classes, individuals as instances
of classes, properties between classes as object prop-
erties or datatype properties. An automatic process
translates TCs and TCRs into formal concepts in a hi-
erarchy with inherited properties subsumption. This
translation exploits the structure of the semantic net-
work represented in the termino-conteptual step and
the differential criteria associated with TCs and TCRs.
The result of this step is represented as instance of the
Ontological model shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Ontological model: UML diagram excerpt.
The next section presents the two main approaches
to express transformation between models and ex-
plains our proposal for representing relationship be-
tween steps of the DAFOE methodology.
Due to the numerous types of information managed
in each step of the methodology led by DAFOE, we
explicitly separate the modeling of each step and then
bind these steps through a transformation layer. This
loosely coupled modeling of the DAFOE methodol-
ogy eases model evolution of each step independently.
Figure 5 presents an overview of this process.
Figure 5: Process for modeling relationships between steps.
When encoding this transformation process, two
approaches are possible: (1) hard encoding of the
transformation or (2) specification of the transforma-
tion as an instance of a transformation meta-model.
These two approaches are discussed below.
5.1 A First Attempt: Hard Encoded
The first approach consists in hard encoding the map-
pings between the concepts of the source and target
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
5.1.1 Managing Transformations
Representing transformations between models re-
quires to be careful about transformation arities. For
example, the 1:1 arity means that one source entity is
mapped to a single target entity, the N:1 (respectively
1:N) arity means that many sources entities (respec-
tively one source entity) may be transformed together
to one target entity (respectively many target entities).
It is also possible to have a N:M arity.
The following EXPRESS code represents an illus-
tration of modeling transformations. Derivation func-
tions are defined: they produce target entities from
source entities. We just present a simple part with a
1:1 transformation between TERM and TC (in the en-
tity E TERM to TC 1 1) or between TC and CLASS
(in the entity E TC to CLASS 1 1). In this approach,
the transformation from the source element to the tar-
get element is embedded in a program, here a deriva-
tion function (build target function). This function
shows for example that the property id of a TERM
matches with the property id of a TC. In the same way,
the label of a TC is the concatenation of the String
’tc ’ with the TERM.label.
Table 3: Hard encoded transformation TM1.
SCHEMA hard encoded transformation TM1;
ENTITY E Term to TC 1 1;
source: TERM;
target: TC:= build target(SELF.source);
FUNCTION build target(t: TERM): TC;
tc:= !TC;
tc.label:= ’tc ’+source.label;
return (tc);
5.1.2 Limitations
This solution is not satisfactory. Indeed, assume that
one changes the structural representation of the model
of one step (for example, the entity TERM is modi-
fied). In this case, the build target function of the en-
tity E TERM to TC 1 1 must be rewritten. Another
drawback of this approach is the necessity to master in
advance the different possible transformations before
building a sequence of transformations between the
entities of each model. So, the “hard encoded” trans-
formation approach is model-dependent. It is then not
Table 4: Hard encoded transformation TM2.
SCHEMA hard encoded transformation TM2;
source: TC;
target: CLASS:= build target(SELF.source);
FUNCTION build target(tc: TC): CLASS;
cls:= !CLASS;
return (cls);
recommended in a context of heterogeneous models
with various transformation rules. Indeed, the trans-
formation is highly tiled to structural representation of
the models at a given time. Consequently, one needs
to manipulate models and their transformation at each
evolution. Terminae, Text2Onto,... are example of
such tools.
5.2 Our Approach: Transformation as
The main idea behind our approach is, on the
one side, to deal with the numerous transforma-
tion programs to be written and on the other
side, to offer a configurable space for setting
up correspondences between steps. Furthermore,
one does not need to known in advance all the
possible transformations. Indeed, if we look
closely at the hard encoded transformation TM1 and
hard encoded transformation TM2 , we notice a set
of similarities like:
s1) Both programs transform a source entity of a
source model in a target entity of a target model.
s2) Inside both programs, we find code statements
(the build target function) that transform a kind of
data to a kind of another data (TERM to TC or TC
to CLASS for example).
The objective of a data model based transforma-
tion is to abstract the previous similarities by offering
the capability to replay a single transformation on dif-
ferent model instances. In this case, meta-modeling
techniques are required not only for representing data
model instances, but also the transformation function.
Indeed, functions are reified by data models that may
be instantiated several times. A single interpretation
function is associated for code generation. This pro-
cess has been adopted on the DAFOE platform, it
is described below. Using a more abstract specifi-
cation, one can handle these similarities in a generic
INCREMENTAL DESIGN OF ONTOLOGIES - A Model Transformation-based Approach
way. Thus, as presented in Figure 6 we use a meta-
model for representing the models of each steps and
we also use a meta-model of transformation for build-
ing transformation dynamically.
Figure 6: Our approach: a generic process.
5.2.1 A Metamodel for Concept Modeling
Meta-modeling appears as the use of a modeling for-
malism to represent a modeling formalism. This vi-
sion of models has two fundamental advantages: (1)
it is possible to represent in the same way models and
instances and (2) it is also possible to write programs
based on both metamodel and models.
The Entity-Attribute Meta-model. For handling
model life cycle during their transformations, we need
a model to express models (the metamodel). For us,
a model will consist of a set of entities, instances
of these entities, and attributes to describe these in-
stances (cf. Figure 7). Instances representation is
also based on a model (instance model). This instance
model is used for example, to migrate instances of a
source model to a target model using mappings be-
tween these two models.
For our experiments in ontology design, the entity-
attribute model has proved to be powerful enough
to play the role of meta-model for Terminological,
Termino-conceptual and ontological models.
5.2.2 Examples
The previous Entity-Attribute meta-model can be in-
stantiated in order to describe the terminological,
termino-conceptual and ontological models.
5.2.3 Encoding Transformations
In the same manner, we propose a meta-model sup-
porting the description of transformations. This meta-
model is composed of two main parts: the structural
mapping model and the procedural mapping model.
The Structural Mapping Model. This model
records the different mappings that could be set up
between entities of the source model and the ones of
Table 5: Instantiate the terminological model.
– Create Terminological model ;
#1=MODEL(1, ’Terminological’);
– Create entities
#4=ENTITY(’Term’, #1, $);
#5=ENTITY(’TermRelation’, #1, $);
– Create simple attribute type
#8=STRING TYPE(’String’);
#9=INT TYPE(’Integer’);
– Create attributes of Term
#10=ATTRIBUTE(’id’, #4, #9);
#11=ATTRIBUTE(’label’, #4, #8);
#12=ATTRIBUTE(’language’, #4, #8);
– Create attributes of TermRelation
#15=ATTRIBUTE(’id’, #5, #8);
#16=ATTRIBUTE(’term1’, #5, #4);
#17=ATTRIBUTE(’term2’, #5, #4);
Table 6: Instantiate the TerminoConceptual model.
– Create TerminoConceptual model
#20=MODEL(20, ’TerminoConceptual’);
– Create entities
#21=ENTITY(’TerminoConcept’, #1, $);
#22=ENTITY(’TerminoConceptRelation’, #1, $);
– Create attributes of TerminoConcept
#23=ATTRIBUTE(’id’, #21, #9);
#24=ATTRIBUTE(’label’, #21, #8);
#25=ATTRIBUTE(’dialect’, #21, #8);
the target model. Cardinalities and typing constraints
are identified in such model. An extract of the struc-
tural mapping model is described on Figure 8.
The Procedural Mapping Model. This model sup-
ports the description of the derivation functions and of
the constraint expressions. In other words, this model
provides for any resources needed to build either ex-
pressions for computing target concepts from source
ones, or to define boolean expressions that describe
the constraints that may apply on a given concept.
Figure 9 illustrates the simplified expression model
that we used. Any kind of expression is a subtype of
an abstract Generic Expression that we represent by
an acyclic graph. Since we provide a formal approach
with model checking principle, a consistence rule en-
sure that an expression is acyclic. Furthermore, this
expression model is not only limited to boolean, nu-
meric or string expression. It can be extended for han-
dling numerous types of expression. Once the data
model describing the transformation is set up, MDE
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 7: The Entity-Attribute Metamodel.
techniques are used. Then, either the EXPRESS data
modeling language is used to run transformations, or
a specific program interpreting instances is written. In
our case, we have chosen the second option.
Figure 8: Structural Mapping Metamodel.
Notice that with the Expression model, we are al-
ready able to write mappings. These syntactic map-
pings can be seen as a repository of mapping patterns.
It remains to create a semantic environment to bind
variables and constants of syntactic mappings to con-
cepts of the meta-model. The semantic mapping re-
sults to the projection of syntactic mapping in a se-
mantic environment. Figure 10 presents the projec-
tion model used to add semantics to mappings. It is
important to note that unlike SWRL (Semantic Web
Rule Language) (Horrocks et al., 2004), the projec-
tion model is not only used for writing formal param-
eters. A syntactic mapping can be reused in a new
environment with a new semantics. As example, the
computation of a TC from a Term is illustrated in ex-
amples below (cf. Section 5.2.4).
5.2.4 Examples
The following EXPRESS instances shows a partial
view of the mapping between TERMs and TCs. In
this example, we present how to express that TC.label
= ’tc ’+TERM.label.
Table 7: Instantiate the TerminoConceptual model.
– create variables and constant
#30= ElementVar(3O, ’X’);
#31= ElementVar(31, ’Y’);
#33= CONSTANT(’tc ’);
– create the concatenation #34= ConcatExp(#33, #31);
#35= FunctionalRule(#31, #34);
#40= MAPPING(’TERM TO TC 1 1, #35);
– #50= VariableEnvironment(#11, #30);
#51= VariableEnvironment(#24, #31);
#60= SEMANTICS(#40, (#50, #51));
This paper presents a stepwise ontology design
methodology. The proposed approach uses MDE ap-
proaches in order to define model transformations. It
consists in identifying the meta-models of the manip-
ulated (transformed) models and the one of the possi-
ble mappings. It has been fully formalized with the
EXPRESS modeling language and a prototype has
been developed on the top of the OntoDB ontology
based database in order to persist instances resulting
from models instantiations. It has been also integrated
in the DAFOE platform, an open source platform for
building ontologies from texts, terminologies, the-
sauri or existing ontologies. The proposed mapping
approach has been experimented by the DAFOE con-
sortium. In the medical course for example, encour-
aging results has been obtained when building ontol-
ogy of pneumonology from a corpus of the same do-
Currently, mappings defined with our transforma-
tion meta-model are unidirectional and we are still
working on making them bidirectional. Another chal-
INCREMENTAL DESIGN OF ONTOLOGIES - A Model Transformation-based Approach
Figure 9: Simplified model for mapping and expression.
lenge will be to define a mapping language in a
database persistent context supporting our mapping
meta-model. Indeed, most of the current mapping lan-
guages use a XML representation for the description
of mappings. However, to ensure scalability of our
approach, manipulated data are stored in a database.
For this reason, it would be interesting to have a map-
ping constructors integrated in the query language of
underlying database environment. A possible issue
will be to look closely at the Ontology Query Lan-
guage (OntoQL) (Jean et al., 2006), the exploitation
language associated with OntoDB to manage both on-
tologies and data. We will study how to extend On-
toQL with mapping operators so that it will be possi-
ble to query both created models and mappings in a
database environment.
Figure 10: Model for semantic interpretation.
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INCREMENTAL DESIGN OF ONTOLOGIES - A Model Transformation-based Approach