Davide Picca
Center of Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, 475 Riverside Drive, New York City, U.S.A.
Upper ontology, Multilingual Resources, Knowledge representation, Applications and case-studies.
Multilinguality permeates the web so that multilingual resources are fundamental in several NLP applications
as cross language information retrieval as well as machine translation. Nonetheless the manual creation of such
resources is very expensive. Semantic Web technologies can represent a great enhancement for NLP applica-
tions. In this paper, we show how Semantic Web technologies as an upper ontology based on well-founded
semiotic theories can be applied to build multilingual lexical resources as Machine Readable Dictionaries
In computer science, semantics, along with a con-
ceptual ontological structure, can really enlarge the
vision to new applications and achieve new goals
in multilingual machine translation and multilingual
knowledge management. Providing Linking Open
Data Community Project (W3C, 2009) with an under-
lying theoretical model can deeply enhance the use of
these data for larger projects reducing the complex-
ity of queries and computational times. This paper
aims at providing this kind of structure in order to
offer a solid and well-founded ontological structure
for genuine multilingual dictionaries. As far as we
know, there are not attempts to build multilingual dic-
tionaries organized on the base of semiotic laws. Our
approach takes advantage of well-founded linguistic
theories in order to build machine readable dictionar-
ies leveraging on external resources such as DBpedia
and semantic web standards such as OWL. The Lin-
guistic Meta-Model (LMM) (Picca et al., 2008) on-
tology provides a solid semiotic-oriented support for
multilingual linguistic knowledge by means of which
we are able to fully exploit multilingual semantic web
datasets as DBpedia in order to build solid and well-
structured multilingual MRDs as shown in Section
4 and the intent of the semantic web to enhance the
web reorganizing data into an out-and-out knowledge
repositories (Jain et al., 2010) can be achieved.
Creation of multilingual lexical resources are widely
explored in both domains, NLP and Semantic Web.
In the former, investigation of automatic methods for
creating MRDs has a old-established tradition (Ut-
suro et al., 1994). Many scholars have faced the is-
sue of machine readable dictionary and the literature
is vast (Fung, 1998). Three main approaches can be
outlined: the context based approach (Morin et al.,
2007) and syntactical analysis approach (Yu and Tsu-
jii, 2009). A lexical repository based on theoretical
foundations is WordNet and its multilingual exten-
sions EuroWordNet (Vossen, 2002) and MultiWord-
Net (Bentivogli et al., 2002). In the Semantic Web
field, specific relations between individual ontologies
and lexica are addressed in literature quite often, e.g.
(Gangemi et al., 2002) and recent approach comes
from the semantic web field and it is described in
(Auer et al., 2007).
Semiotic principles (Peirce, 1958) allow to abstract
from individual lexical standards, by providing a
semiotic interface between specific semantics of dif-
ferent lexica. The appropriateness of this kind of
meta-model is that any interface or translation method
Picca D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003099504120415
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 412-415
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
can refer to a unique façade. The communication
laws underlying semiotics are particularly suitable for
computer science applications. In fact, such as dis-
cipline tries to highlight structures governing com-
munication processes either formal or informal mak-
ing them easier to compute. LMM ontology is com-
posed of three main classes: Reference, Meaning
and Expression. (See (Picca et al., 2008) for further
Figure 1: The semiotic triangle in our ontology.
The Reference level, represented by Figure 2, is
populated by any possible individual in the logical
world, being it either a concrete object or any other
social object whose existence is stipulated by a com-
munity. Individuals are related by the fact that they
co-occur into events.
Instances of the class Reference are all those enti-
ties belonging to the universe of discourse, including
e.g. physical objects, events, etc., and they have an
explicit reference “in the world”.
Figure 2: The class Reference.
Concepts are represented as instances of Meaning
objects. Concepts are related between each other in
two different ways. Subsumption relations organize
concepts into hierarchies of subclasses (e.g. the dog
is an animal). These relations are reflected at the ex-
tensional level by the fact that the set of instances
denoted by the subclasses are contained into the set
of instances of their superclasses. Conceptual rela-
tions are in turn represented by descriptions (whose
definition is mutuated from the Description and Sit-
uations framework (Gangemi et al., 2002)), express-
ing the possibility for events to occur. Descriptions
can be considered reified relations, therefore they are
actually instances of the meaning class themselves.
All those classes are explicitly inherited from the De-
scriptions and Situations framework as represented
in DOLCE-Ultralite (Gangemi et al., 2002), and they
aim at catching the basic semiotic aspects involved in
semantic technologies. Thanks to LOD project (Bizer
and Heath, 2007) and the LMM ontology, users are
able to leverage on well founded semiotic theories
in order to build more complete Machine Readable
Dictionaries. Expression. Finally, the two layers of
meaning and reference are connected to the language
by means of the Expression layer (see Figure 3). Ex-
pressions are social objects produced by agents in the
context of communicative acts. They are natural lan-
guage terms, symbols in formal languages, icons, and
whatever can be used as a vehicle for communica-
tion. Expressions denoting concepts, frames and top-
ics (such as person, drink and sport) are interpreted
by means of their connections to the meaning layer,
while expressions denoting instances are directly con-
nected to their corresponding individuals.
Figure 3: The class Expression.
DBpedia is a semantic database built using structured
information from Wikipedia. Its pages are desig-
nated by unique string identifiers and, as underlined
in (Kazama and Torisawa, 2007), there are different
parts in the structure of an article that can be iso-
lated using the syntax of the source files and used
for knowledge extraction. One of the nicest feature
of Wikipedia is the inter-language linkage. An inter-
language link is a direct connection between two arti-
cles in different languages. In order to extract multi-
lingual terminology, we use the inter-language links.
The method of extraction is explained in detail as
follows. Let t be the source term to be translated. Let
be the corresponding DBpedia article for the term
Figure 4: The ontology allows to retrieve all lexical forms of a given concept at a glance.
t. Let il
be the inter-language link from the article
a to the corresponding target article in the language
l. So the set of translation candidates is defined as
TC =
. In addition for each term t, we also ex-
tract DBpedia categories to which the term belong
and the first paragraph g of the Wikipedia article as
a definition of the term itself. So, we have one ad-
ditional set: C = {c
, ..., c
} if t c where c is the
category to which the term belong and one additional
information g.
Once the set T is built, we perform an automatic
mapping between t and each element in TC. The map-
ping aims to give a structure to each item within the
ontological formalization.
We finally added some properties in order to link
all this information together and provide a coherent
and easy-to-access structure. In particular we added
the following ontological properties:
isDenotedBy linking a Reference and an
hasInterpretation linking a Reference and a
isRepresentationLanguageOf linking a
NaturalLanguagage and an Expression
isTopicOf linking a Topic and a Concept
defines linking a Description and a Concept
isSubOrdinatedTo linking a Concept and a
expresses linking an Expression and a Concept
hasInterpretant linking an Expression and a
For sake of simplicity and organization, we lim-
ited the examples of this paper to the concept Sun
. Queries are more human intuitive and close to hu-
man natural language and they can be conceived us-
ing very generic semiotic properties easy to imple-
ment for complex tasks. Queries based on semiotic
principles allows to overcome the specific linguis-
tic structure (syntax or orthography for example) of
a language gathering under a unique framework dif-
ferent specific structures. Such as structures would
be incomparable without a conceptual higher level
(see Section 3). DBpedia does not allow this kind
of queries since it does not provide a genuine lin-
guistic structure. The distinction between Concept,
Reference and Expression has the capability of
highlighting the deeper structure of linguistic items
making queries simpler and more human cognitive
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: The SPARQL query using a semiotic-oriented up-
per ontology.
SELECT ?Expression WHERE { :Sun_Concept
dul:isExpressedBy ?Expression ?Language
dul:IsEncodedIn :it}
The same runs to retrieve lexical forms. Using a
simple SPARQL query we get several lexical forms
for the concepts Sun as depicted in Figure 4
Another interesting feature is the capability of
gathering all topics of a concept in synoptic view. By
using the class Topic, it is possible to put together all
categories to which the concept belongs.
Multilingual dictionaries often are limited to pro-
vide just the translations of terms without giving the
gloss. Glosses help to define the concept supporting
the sense understanding. WordNet (Miller, 1990) is a
good example of the use of glosses to define the sense
of a term. The class Description aims at providing
this additional information exploiting the first para-
graph of the Wikipedia article as a good candidate to
describe the concept.
In this paper we presented a novel technique to cre-
ate multilingual resources from DBpedia within a
semiotic-oriented upper ontology framework. We
showed limitations and potentialities of Dbpedia to be
used as a terminological repository. In order to fully
exploit this resource, we created a powerful ontologi-
cal structure based on well-founded semiotic theories.
In the future works, we plan to add new features
as the management of linguistic forms as discussed in
Section 1 and we plan to use it as support for multilin-
gual machine translation. We aim at creating a mul-
tilingual system able to translate from many-to-many
language using an ontological support.
This research has been funded by the Swiss National
Science Foundation (SNSF) for Project no. 127651
of the Individual Support Fellowship program. More-
over, I would like to thank Aldo Gangemi from the
Laboratory for Applied Ontology to share with me
some ideas concerning the theoretical foundations un-
derlying this paper.
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