Daniela Angelucci
, Alessia Barbagallo
, Tania Di Mascio
and Francesco Taglino
Isitituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica “A. Ruberti” (IASI-CNR), Viale Manzoni 30, 00185 Rome, Italy
TXT e-solution, Via Frigia 27, I-20126 Milan, Italy
Keywords: Ontology building, Knowledge extraction, Social participation, Service oriented architecture.
Abstract: In this paper, the Social Ontology Building and Evolution (SOBE) method and the corresponding software
platform for cooperative ontology building in the context of a cluster of enterprises is presented. The SOBE
is characterized by three main aspects: (i) automatic knowledge extraction from unstructured documents; (ii)
social validation, involving a community of domain experts; (iii) a step-wise approach which goes through
five main steps which produce incremental results towards the construction of a domain ontology.
Knowledge is one of an organization's most valuable
assets. For this reason, it is crucial to establish
methodologies and technologies to manage the
creation, capture, and sharing of knowledge and
information at and among all levels of the
organization. In particular, developing enterprise
ontologies to support structuring and sharing of
enterprise information is an emerging practice in
enterprise knowledge management.
In this paper, we present the SOBE (Social
Ontology Building and Evolution) platform for
supporting ontology building in the context of an
enterprises cluster. SOBE is strongly rooted on three
main aspects: (i) automatic knowledge extraction
from unstructured enterprise documents which are
pregnant with enterprise knowledge; (ii) social
participation of a community of experts which are
enabled and requested to validate, discuss about (to
find a consensus), and enrich the results of the
automatic extraction; (iii) a step-wise approach that
goes through intermediate results: lexicon, glossary
and taxonomy.
Developing ontologies in general is not a
project undertaken by a single person, but rather it is
a large project with numerous participants; this
approach is known as social participation. A
collaborative approach for solving terminological
problems is presented in (Campbell et al., 1998).
Some years later, a collaborative approach for
ontology building was introduced by (Holsapple and
Joshi, 2002). ased on the Delphi method (Lindstone
and Turoff, 1975), this approach proposes
collaborative development of ontologies in
Agentcities (Ceccaroni and Ribiere, 2002) was
carried out through both face-to-face meetings and
remote communication among several partners of
the EU Agentcities RTD project. Another
contribution on consensus building techniques
applied to ontology engineering is presented by
(Karapiperis and Apostolou, 2006). The proposed
methodology includes the definition of ontology
design criteria, the development of an initial
ontology, the iterative process of ontology
evaluation and evolution, and the ontology
application. Moreover, (Tempich et al., 2007)
proposes the use of argumentation theory, and
(Walton, 2009) proposes the support of ontology
engineering. With respect to (Holsapple and Joshi,
2002), (Karapiperis and Apostolou, 2006), SOBE
deals with the complete ontology evolution process,
the detailed collaborative process (i.e., debating, and
voting) and the needed steps and relative milestones.
Furthermore, in SOBE, we introduce automatic tools
trying to integrate at best human and software-based
activities. With respect to (Campbell et al., 2010)
and (Holsapple and Joshi, 2002), only dealing with
the terminological level, we focus on a substantial
extension and enrichment of an existing ontology
rather than on its simple revision. Finally, in
(Ceccaroni and Ribiere, 2002), the type of
Angelucci D., Barbagallo A., Di Mascio T. and Taglino F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003101204160419
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 416-419
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
communication is inadequate with respect to the
SOBE community dimension.
The objective of this paper is to present the
whole work, by also adding with respect to
(Barbagallo et al., 2010) an overview of the platform
architecture and a case study in the context of the
COIN European project. The rest of the paper is
organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the
social ontology evolution process on which SOBE is
based. In Section 3, we present the platform
architecture and the modules that perform the
various steps of the process. Section 4 is dedicated
to the presentation of a case of study in which we
carried out an experimentation of the SOBE
platform in the ICT domain. Finally, in Section 5,
we present conclusions and future works.
The social ontology building and evolution (SOBE)
process (see Figure 1) exploits the UPON
methodology (De Nicola et al., 2009), and the
ontology learning methodology defined in (Velardi
et al., 2007), enriching them with social participation
aspects. In particular, UPON is characterized by an
incremental nature, reflected by the outcomes
produced in the different phases of the process: first
the relevant terms in the domain are identified and
gathered in a lexicon; then the latter is progressively
enriched with definitions, yielding a glossary;
adding to it the specialisation relationships allows a
taxonomy to be produced, until further enrichments
and a final formalization produces the sought
domain ontology. The SOBE process exploits this
step-wise approach and enriches it through an
automatic support for knowledge extraction from
existing digital resources, and social participation
aspects for consensus reaching among the
community of experts that participates to the
ontology building. The automatic knowledge
extraction support aims at reducing the workload of
the people involved in the ontology building, and at
reusing the amount of knowledge contained in any
type of existing documental resources (e.g.,
technical papers and reports, standards
specifications, etc.), and structured resources (e.g.,
dictionaries, thesauri, ontologies). In accordance
with the UPON methodology, SOBE firstly
addresses the terminological aspects, i.e. the lexicon.
The start up consists in processing a corpus of
documents, related to the addressed domain, for
automatically extracting terms that are considered
relevant in that domain. This extraction phase is
based on natural language processing techniques,
statistical analysis, and contrastive analysis against a
pre-defined corpora of documents related to
different domains. The extracted terms are referred
in Figure 1 as E-Lexicon. In the case of enrichment
of an existing ontology, the E-Lexicon is filtered out
of the terms that are already in the lexicon of the
current ontology (O-Lexicon). Then, the E-Lexicon
is validated by the community of experts to reach an
agreement on the new terms to be included in the
ontology (N-Lexicon). After the identification of the
N-Lexicon, terms have to be enriched with natural
language definitions in order to build the desired
glossary. As in the philosophy of SOBE, definitions
are firstly extracted from existing dictionaries or
ontologies (e.g., Google Define, WordNet), yielding
the E-Glossary which has to be humanly validated.
Glossary validation is performed by voting extracted
definitions. Any potential conflict due to lack of
agreement or terms with no definitions are managed
by opening discussion forums about glossary entries.
The result of the glossary validation step is gathered
in the N-Glossary. The following step is the
categorization of the N-Glossary entries by
associating to each of them a kind (i.e., Object,
Process, Actor) in accordance with the OPAL
framework (D’Antonio et al., 2007). Terms with
definitions and associated kinds represent the new
concepts to be inserted in the ontology. Starting
from the newly acquired concepts definitions,
natural language processing techniques allow an
automatic proposal of their hypernyms, producing a
set of micro-taxonomies: Eµ-Taxonomies. An Eµ-
Taxonomy is a specialization hierarchy between
concepts. In the case of ontology enrichment the Eµ-
Taxonomies are merged with the taxonomy of the
existing ontology (i.e., O-Taxonomy) producing the
N-Taxonomy. In the last step, the taxonomy is
enriched with other relationships (e.g., part of,
attributes) producing the final N-Ontology. The
human validation phase involves three types of
actors, who play specific roles in validating the
results of the automatic extraction tools: the
Ontology Master (OM), Participants (Ps) and
Moderators (Ms). The OM is responsible for the
whole ontology enrichment process and is in charge
of managing and supervising all its different phases.
People involved as
Ps play an active role in the
validation of the extraction tools results. They are in
charge of validating, adding, modifying terms and
definitions, and proposing new ones. This represents
the SOBE social participation aspect which is
realized through three different mechanisms: voting,
discussing and proposing. Voting enables the
classical validation represented by accepting or
discarding terms and definitions proposed by the
automatic knowledge extraction services. Discussing
enables a more active participation of Ps with the
aim of finding a shared agreement on content both in
the lexicon and glossary building steps. The system
provides several mechanisms for managing users
validations and processing their results. As an
example, after the glossary validation, two scenarios
are possible: (1) all the terms have at least one
definition and all of them have been accepted with a
reasonable consensus (more than 60% of Ps): in this
case the OM is suggested to select accepted
definitions; (2) there are some terms with no
definitions or with definitions with low acceptance
rate: in this case the OM is invited to open a
discussion forum for each of these terms. For each
forum a M is designated by the OM from a list of Ps.
S/he is responsible for managing comments and
conversations and for proposing a final definition for
each term at the end of the discussion phase. The
system supports Ms assignment displaying each P’s
reliability, obtained by calculating the precision of
his/her own validation with respect to the accepted
list of terms.
Figure 1: Overview of the SOBE process.
The SOBE platform is designed as a web application
with a classical three layer architecture where: (i) the
Data Layer contains the different knowledge bases,
that are in accordance with the intermediate results
of the SOBE process; (ii) the Logic Layer contains
the functional modules; (iii) the Presentation Layer
manages the graphical user interface and incoming
requests via web services from external client
applications. In particular, the Logic Layer presents
two main components: the Extraction Subsystem
which provides the automatic support in terms of
Lexicon, Glossary and the
-Taxonomies extraction;
the Validation Subsystem which supports the social
participation of the SOBE users for the Lexicon and
Glossary validation. Furthermore, the Extraction
Subsystem is organized in accordance with an open
service oriented paradigm: it is service oriented,
because the core of the knowledge extraction tasks is
provided by external web services (for instance, in
the current implementation of the SOBE platform,
we integrated the TermExtractor and GlossExtractor
(Velardi et al., 2008) web services); it is open in the
sense that it intends to be flexible and ready to allow
the linkage of additional extraction services in order
to: i) integrate results from different knowledge
extraction services to enrich the automatic support of
the SOBE platform; ii) to exploit different extraction
criteria, capabilities and performances of different
services for using the most suitable ones depending
on the dimension, addressed domain and further
features of the analyzed corpus of documents.
In this section we introduce a preliminary case study
of SOBE in building an ontology about the
competencies and skills of a cluster of enterprises in
the ICT domain. The involved enterprises refer to
the IVSZ (Hungarian Association of Information
Technology Companies,
cluster. The IVSZ cluster gathers almost 300
enterprises, however, in order to test the SOBE
platform we involved 8 enterprises, which represent
a small, but real, subset of the cluster itself. The
involved team was composed by 4 people: 1 OM and
3 Ps. The overall ontology building process took
place approximately in 10 days. After the terms
extraction step, an E-Lexicon of 102 terms resulted.
The OM opened a 3-days social validation phase and
after global terms validation, the N-Lexicon was
composed by 21 terms of which: 10 had an
acceptance rate of 100%, 8 had an acceptance rate of
66% and 3 had an acceptance rate of 33%. In
glossary extraction phase, the average number of
automatically extracted definitions per term was 4,
while the maximum was 8. The deadline for social
validation over the extracted definitions was of 4
days. After the first stage of glossary validation, for
14 terms a definition was identified due to the high
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
acceptance rate of the Ps. For the remaining 7 terms
a forum was opened. This was due to the fact that in
6 cases no definition had reached a sufficient
acceptance rate while for 1 term no definition was
found through glossary extraction and no one was
proposed during the validation phase. After having
entitled the Ms, the OM set a deadline of 3 days for
allowing discussions in forums. After the
categorization of the couples term-definition, we
obtained 3 concepts identified as Actor, 9 as
Process, and 9 as Object. Referring to the taxonomy
phase, in 18 cases the system was able to
automatically extract at least one hypernym. Since
the number of automatically extracted hypernyms
accepted by the OM was 15, in 6 cases hypernyms
had to be manually defined. At the end of the use
case we interviewed the system users to receive
some feedback. They found the system very easy to
use thanks to its user friendly interface and its use
articulated in incremental steps. The social aspects
of the platform granted a distribution of
responsibilities among all the system users and a
consequent drop of the stress level in performing the
tasks. This led to a more participative and
propositive attitude of the users in building the
In this paper, the Social Ontology Building and
Evolution process and platform have been presented.
The SOBE platform has been experimented in
the construction of an ontology on ICT
competencies for a cluster of enterprises. The results
have been reported step by step. Our aim for future
works, is to evaluate the ontology generated through
the SOBE process by using it for creating semantic
profiles for the cluster enterprises, i.e. tagging each
enterprise document(s) with concepts from the
ontology, and asking people belonging to the
reference domain to judge the ontology accuracy in
representing the real enterprise competencies.
Moreover, we intend to reinforce the µ-Tax
extraction module for the identification of micro
taxonomies and suggestions on how to attach such
micro taxonomies to the specialization hierarchy of
the existing ontology in the case of ontology
evolution. Furthermore, we intend to address the
automatic identification of synonyms among
extracted terms, with the aim of having, for each
concept in the ontology, one preferred term and a list
of terminological expressions referring to the same
This work has been partly funded by the European
Commission through ICT Project COIN:
Collaboration and Interoperability for networked
enterprises (No. ICT-2008-216256). The authors
wish to acknowledge the Commission for its
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