Mamoun Abu Helou and Adnan Abid
Dipartimento di Elettronica ed Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Keywords: Semantic similarity, Lexical database, Information content, Corpus statistics, Word gloss.
Abstract: Recognizing semantic similarity between words is a generic problem for many applications of
computational linguistics and artificial intelligence, such as text retrieval, classification and clustering. In
this paper we investigate a new approach for measuring semantic similarity that combines methods of
existing approaches that use different information sources in their similarity calculations namely, shortest
path length between compared words, depth in the taxonomy hierarchy, information content, semantic
density of compared words, and the gloss of words. We evaluate our measure against a benchmark set of
human similarity ratings and the results show that our approach demonstrates better semantic measures as
compared to the existing approaches.
Similarity between words is often represented by
similarity between concepts associated with the
words (Li, Bandar, and McLean, 2003). Nowadays,
the need to determine the degree of semantic
similarity, or more generally relatedness between
two lexically expressed concepts is a problem that
pervades much of computational linguistics. The
problem of formalizing and quantifying the intuitive
notion of similarity has a long history in philosophy,
psychology, and artificial intelligence; therefore,
many different perspectives have been suggested
(Budanitsky and Hirst, 2006).
The existing work provides a strong base for
semantic relatedness; however, it is unclear how to
assess the relative and absolute merits of the many
competing approaches that have been proposed.
Generally, these approaches can be classified into;
edge counting-based methods, corpus based
methods, and the gloss based methods. This paper
explores the idea of joining the forces of these three
categories of information sources for computing
semantic similarity based on WordNet. We combine
these lines of research by combining the different
information sources in one metric.
Finally, our similarity measure is evaluated
against the available benchmark set of human
similarity ratings, and the results demonstrate that
our proposed approach improves the similarity
measures considerably.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 briefly discusses the relevant literature
about the semantic measures; section 3 presents the
proposed approach; whereas the experiments and
evaluation of the results are presented in section 4,
which is followed by the conclusion.
Given two words, w1
and w2, the semantic similarity
sim(w1; w2) can be calculated through the analysis
of a lexical knowledge base, e.g. using WordNet
which is developed at Princeton by a group led by
Miler (Miller, 1995) it is an online semantic
dictionary, partitioning the lexicon into nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs. We apply well established
semantic similarity measures originally developed
for WordNet. The measures we use for computing
semantic similarity fall into three broad categories.
Edge Counting-based Measures: These measures
compute similarity as a function of the number of
edges in the taxonomy along the path between two
conceptual nodes. The simplest path-based measure
is the straightforward edge counting method of
(Rada, Mili, Ellen, Bicknell, and Blettner, 1989).
(Leacock and Chodorow, 1998) lch proposes a
normalized path-length measure which takes into
Abu Helou M. and Abid A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003101905000503
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 500-503
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
account the depth of the taxonomy at which the
concepts are found. (Wu and Palmer, 1994) wup, on
the other hand, presents a scaled measure which
takes into account the depth of the nodes together
with the depth of their least common subsumer, lcs.
Corpus based Measures: The measure of (Resnik,
1995) res computes the similarity between the
concepts as a function of their information content,
given by their probability of occurrence in a corpus.
(Jiang and Conrath, 1997) JC approach also uses the
notion of information content, but in the form of the
conditional probability of encountering an instance
of a child-synset given an instance of a parent
synset. (Lin, 1998) lin similarity measure uses the
same elements as JC, but in a different fashion.
Gloss based Measures: This measure determines
similarity between two words as a function of text
(i.e. gloss) overlap. Lesk algorithm (Lesk, 1986) uses
dictionary definitions (gloss) to disambiguate a
polysemous word in the context of a sentence;
mainly by counting the number of words that are
shared between two glosses. An example of such
approach is the extended gloss overlap measure of
(Banerjee and Pedersen, 2003).
As introduced above, different methods use
different information sources; thus, result in
different levels of performance. The commonly used
information sources in previous similarity measures
are shortest path length between compared words,
depth in the taxonomy hierarchy, information
content, semantic density of compared words, and
the word definition (gloss). A major problem with
these similarity measures is that either information
sources are directly used as a metric of similarity, or
a method uses a particular information source
without considering the contribution of others.
However, as semantic similarity is influenced by a
number of information sources that are interlaced
with each other, we argue that semantic similarity
depends not only on multiple information sources,
but also that the information sources should be
properly processed and combined similarly like (Li
et al, 2003), they observe that the similarity measure
can be improved by a suitable combination using the
first two information sources categories, And we
think the third one has its impact in computing the
similarity if it is augmented to the other information
The idea is to develop a strategy that accumulates
the advantages of all the aforementioned approaches
by combining them in order to measure the semantic
similarity between two words. We believe that, to
achieve a good similarity measure, all of the
information sources should be taken into account.
After a careful analysis we consider that all three
approaches use different methodology which are
orthogonal to one another, therefore, we present our
approach that focuses on combining these
approaches in a single, thus, rather comprehensive
approach in such a way that they augment one
another. For that reason, the similarity, S(w
, w
between two words w
and w
can be defined as
, w
) = f( d, ic ,g) (1)
Where d is the edge counting-based method, ic is
the information content (corpus based) method, and
g is the gloss based method. Thereby, we try to find
the best combination between available semantic
measures that cover the three categories and by
assigning the proper contribution to each measure
which relate to each specific category, Table 1
shows the three categories in the first column and
the semantic measure in the second column.
Accordingly, our semantic function is the following:
f( d, ic ,g) = α *(d) + β*(ic) +γ*(g) (2)
We find and choose the best combination from
all the variants, shown in Table 1, of the three
groups of information sources by finding the best
correlation while optimizing the values of
coefficients α, β and γ, separately for each
combination. Eventually, we find that [wup,res,lesk]
is the best combination of all variants and use it on
test data.
In order to investigate the effectiveness of our
approach we carried out the experiments in two
steps. Firstly, tuning the coefficients and finding the
best combination using the training data set; and
then, using the identified optimal coefficient and the
best combination to calculate semantic similarity for
word pairs in the testing data sets.
4.1 Data
There is a clear lack of standards for evaluation of
lexical similarity. So the quality of a computational
method for calculating word similarity can only be
established by investigating its performance against
human common sense; (Rubenstein and
Goodenough, 1965) R&G 65 word pair, (Miller and
Charles, 1991) M&C 30 word pair, and the full list
of the Word Similarity 353 Test Collection (353-TC)
(Finkelstein, Gabrilovich, Matias, Rivlin, Solan,
Wolfman, and Ruppin, 2002). We used M&C data
set as a training data set with R&G and Word
Similarity 353-TC as a testing data set.
4.2 Tuning
We conducted the experimentation over seven
similarity measures which cover the three
information source categories, and we search for the
suitable parameters α, β, and γ in order to assign the
weight to the respective measure in the combined
similarity result. The training data set is used to
explore the role of α, β, and γ. And to find the
semantic measure which represent each category in
the similarity function f (d, ic, g).The interval of α,
β, and γ is (0, 1], and α+ β+ γ =1. For each
combination of variants we maximize the correlation
result with discrete interval of 0.01 for α, β, and γ.
parameters resulting in the greatest correlation
coefficient are considered as the optimal parameters.
Finally, the identified optimal combination along
with its coefficients is used to calculate semantic
similarity for word pairs in the test data sets.
4.3 Evaluating Result
Table 1 shows the performance of similarity
measures and the proposed approach in this paper.
The correlation data is computed using Java
WordNet::Similarity (Hope, 2008), and WordNet
(3.0). The second column is the correlations with
training data set M&C experiment, the correlations
with R&G experiment, and the correlations with the
353-TC experiment are listed in the third and the
fourth column respectively. Best performance for
data set is highlighted in bold, the strongest
correlation of the new method reported in the last
row which outperforms the individual subjects. It is
worth to note that the coefficients might be reported
based on only 28 out of the 30 M&C pairs because
of a noun missing from an earlier version of
WordNet. Moreover, nine pairs out of the 353-TC
data set containing at least one word not present as
noun in WordNet, thus we remove them from the
dataset. As a result of our experiment the similarity
measure wup, res, and lesk measures will represent
the edge counting based, the corpus based, and the
gloss based categories, respectively. Therefore, our
similarity function is defined as follow:
f( d, ic ,g) = α *(d) + β*(ic) +γ*(g)
α*(d) = α*Sim
, β*(ic) = β*Sim
, and γ*(g) =
. S
is the synset of word i, the ic is the
information content, the lcs is the lowest common
subsumer, the normalized value of res measure is
(s1,s2), and Sim
is (Hope, 2008)
implementation of the extended gloss overlap
measure of (Banerjee et al, 2003).
Table 1: The correlation coefficients of different semantic
measures along with human judgment data sets.
path length 0,755 0,784
lch 0,779
wup 0,765 0,804 0,298
jc 0,742 0,704 0,242
0,834 0,376
lin 0,739 0,726 0,301
Gloss Based lesk 0,755 0,762 0,374
f( d, ic ,g)
0,839 0,856 0,398
The best weight for the three parameters α, β,
and γ; the contribution of the three category
measures in the new similarity function, is 0.2, 0.52
and 0.28 the weight of wup, res, and lesk measures
respectivly. All experimental data and results are
avilable at
4.4 Discussion
We can notice that WordNet performs extremely
well on the small datasets M&C and R&G, its
performance drastically decreases when applied to a
larger dataset such as 353-TC. This is not due to
coverage, as in the 353-TC dataset there are only 9
pairs containing at least one word not present as
noun in WordNet (3.0). (Strube and Ponzetto, 2006)
suggest that the problems seem to be caused rather
by sense proliferation. In their experiment (Li et al,
2003), the best performance was obtained when they
combined the shortest path length and the depth of
subsumer nonlinearly with correlation coefficient of
0.8914. But they used the 28 word pairs common
between M&C and R&G as their testing set, while
the reaming 37 word pairs of R&G has been used as
a training set. For a future work we are looking to
repeat our experiment using the same data set
division for better comparison.
The computational time for our approach is
obviously more than the individual measures,
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Comparison of Time taken among the
proposed and existing approaches.
lesk res wup sum f(d,ic,g)
Time(s) 60,984 0,0625 0,1125 61,159 61,259
which merge three individual measures; however
the better result we attain can justify this cost. Table
2 shows the time for the individual measures
compared with the new model. For the sake of
fairness, we run the experiment 10 times and take
the average response time for each measure, so we
can notice that 100 ms is the extra cost that we pay
to gain more accurate measure comparing it with the
sum of the three measure, while we pay 275 ms
comparing it with lesk measure which is the time
consuming measure.
In this paper, we have introduced a new model to
identify the similarity between words using
WordNet. This model combines existing methods
for semantic similarity calculation and finds a
combination of three methods each from a different
category of information sources. We argue that, in
order to achieve better similarity measures all the
information sources; shortest path length between
compared words, depth in the taxonomy hierarchy,
information content, semantic density of compared
words, and the gloss definition of the words should
be taken into account. We evaluate our method on
widely used benchmarking datasets, such as M&C
dataset, R&G dataset, and 353-TC. The experimental
results prove our assumption and fit particularly well
in simulating human judgment on semantic
similarity between words. In future work, we intend
to use this similarity measure in real world
applications such as word sense disambiguation.
This research is part of the “Search Computing”
(SeCo) project, funded by the European Research
Council (ERC), under the 2008 Call for “IDEAS
Advanced Grants”, dedicated to frontier research.
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