Table 2: Comparison of Time taken among the
proposed and existing approaches.
lesk res wup sum f(d,ic,g)
Time(s) 60,984 0,0625 0,1125 61,159 61,259
which merge three individual measures; however
the better result we attain can justify this cost. Table
2 shows the time for the individual measures
compared with the new model. For the sake of
fairness, we run the experiment 10 times and take
the average response time for each measure, so we
can notice that 100 ms is the extra cost that we pay
to gain more accurate measure comparing it with the
sum of the three measure, while we pay 275 ms
comparing it with lesk measure which is the time
consuming measure.
In this paper, we have introduced a new model to
identify the similarity between words using
WordNet. This model combines existing methods
for semantic similarity calculation and finds a
combination of three methods each from a different
category of information sources. We argue that, in
order to achieve better similarity measures all the
information sources; shortest path length between
compared words, depth in the taxonomy hierarchy,
information content, semantic density of compared
words, and the gloss definition of the words should
be taken into account. We evaluate our method on
widely used benchmarking datasets, such as M&C
dataset, R&G dataset, and 353-TC. The experimental
results prove our assumption and fit particularly well
in simulating human judgment on semantic
similarity between words. In future work, we intend
to use this similarity measure in real world
applications such as word sense disambiguation.
This research is part of the “Search Computing”
(SeCo) project, funded by the European Research
Council (ERC), under the 2008 Call for “IDEAS
Advanced Grants”, dedicated to frontier research.
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