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This paper brings a contribution focused on
collaborative engineering projects where knowledge
engineering plays the central role in the decision
making process.
Key focus of the paper is the SEC2 component,
which essentially provides semantic services enabled
by a domain ontology. This work specifically
addresses collaborative engineering projects from
the Construction industry, adopting a conceptual
approach supported by knowledge-based services
and reasoning mechanisms. The knowledge
elements contextualization process is supported
using a semantic vector holding a classification
based on ontological concepts. Illustrative examples
showing the process are part of this paper.
When addressing collaborative working
environments, there is a need to adopt a semantic
description of the preferences of the users and the
relevant knowledge elements (tasks, documents,
roles, etc..). In this context, we foresee that
Ontologies which support semantic compatibility for
specific domains should be self-adaptive and self-
evolving within a particular context.
The same way that knowledge by itself is an
evolving process, ontologies should also be resilient
whenever new knowledge is generated and new
concepts are created. Ontologies ability to adapt to
different environments and different context of
collaboration is of extremely importance, when
addressing collaborative engineering projects at the
organizational level. Resilient ontologies is a topic
which implies deeper research within the scope of
this work.
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development