Celson Lima, Paulo Figueiras and Ruben Costa
UNINOVA, Centre of Technology and Systems, Campus da Caparica, Quinta da Torre
2829-516 Monte Caparica, Portugal
Keywords: Collaboration, Knowledge Management, Semantic Services, Semantic Reasoning, Ontology.
Abstract: This paper brings a contribution focused on collaborative engineering projects where knowledge plays a key
role in the process. Collaboration is the arena, engineering projects are the target, knowledge is the currency
used to provide harmony into the arena since it can potentially support innovation and, hence, a successful
collaboration. Innovation often happens when knowledge (existing, recycled, or new) is combined and it
depends on individuals (or groups) holding the appropriate knowledge to provide the required breakthrough.
This work aims to support collaborative work carried out by project teams, through a set of knowledge-
enabled services context aware. We introduce our conceptual approach (and its respective implementation)
supporting a modular set of semantic services based on individual collaboration in a project-based
environment, the CoSpaces Knowledge Support (CoSKS) component. CoSKS provides semantic based
classification, reasoning and context analysis processes, to support the instantiation of the knowledge spiral
and transform it into a semantically contextualized knowledge tree, made out of concepts that best represent
contexts. Results achieved so far and future goals pursued by this work are also presented here. This work
has been conducted as part of the CoSpaces Integrated project, funded by the European Commission.
Over the last two decades, the adoption of the
Internet as the primary communication channel for
business purposes brought new requirements
especially considering the collaboration centred on
engineering projects. By their very nature, such
projects normally demand a good level of innovation
since they tackle highly complex challenges and
issues. On one hand, innovation often recurs to
combination of knowledge (existing, recycled, or
brand new) and, on the other hand, it depends on
individuals (or groups) holding the appropriate
knowledge to provide the required breakthrough.
Engineering companies are project oriented and
successful projects are their way to keep market
share as well as to conquer new ones. Engineering
projects strongly rely on innovative factors
(processes and ideas) in order to be successful. From
the organisation point of view, knowledge goes
through a spiral cycle, as presented by Nonaka and
Takeuchi (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995). It is created
and nurtured in a continuous flow of conversion,
sharing, combination, and dissemination, where all
the aspects and contexts of a given organisation, are
considered, such as individuals, communities, and
Knowledge is considered the key asset of
modern organisations and, as such, industry and
academia have been working to provide the
appropriate support to leverage on this asset
(Firestone & McElroy 2003). Few examples of this
work are: the extensive work on knowledge models
and knowledge management tools, the rise of the so-
called knowledge engineering area, the myriad of
projects around ‘controlled vocabularies’ (i.e.,
ontology, taxonomies, etc..), and the academic offer
of knowledge-centred courses (graduation, master,
doctoral) .
The quest for innovation to be used a wild card
for economic development, growing and
competitiveness, affects not only organisations, but
also many countries. This demand for innovative
processes and ideas, and the consequent pursuit of
Lima C., Figueiras P. and Costa R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003102801230132
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 123-132
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
effectively more knowledge, raise inevitably issues
regarding the adoption and use of Knowledge
Management (KM) models and tools within
As relevant literature shows (Koening 2002;
Malhotra 1999; McElroy 1999; Dalkir 2005), KM
does not only comprise creation, sharing, and
acquisition of knowledge, but also classification,
indexation, and retrieval mechanisms. Knowledge
may be classified by its semantic relevance and
context within a given environment (i.e., the
organisation itself or a collaborative workspace).
This is particularly useful to: (i) improve
collaboration between different parties at different
stages of a given project life cycle; and (ii) to assure
that relevant knowledge is properly capitalised in
similar situations. For example, similar projects can
be conducted in a continuously improved way if
lessons learned from previous are promptly known
when a new (and similar to some previous one)
project is about to begin.
The CoSKS is a software component of a
collaborative engineering environment being
developed to support real-time collaboration,
providing project teams with ontology-enabled
services and proactive capabilities, targeting the
improvement of agility and semantic richness in the
decision making process, during the execution of a
engineering project. CoSKS conceptually covers
three major dimensions, namely collaboration,
knowledge and reasoning (Costa et al., 2010).
Collaboration targets behavioural aspects (e.g. pro-
activity, reactivity, autonomy, etc.) and achievement
of shared goals (Costa et al., 2010). Knowledge, the
dimension particularly explored in this paper, relates
to the ‘currency’ being exchanged during a
collaborative process, in this case a collaborative
engineering process. Technical documents, lessons
learned, expertises, etc., are some examples of such
currency. Reasoning relates to the use of data and
text mining techniques to support the knowledge life
cycle during a given collaborative process.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
defines the problem to be tackled. Section 3 covers
the state of practice related to this work. Section 4
introduces the software components handling the
knowledge related matters previously introduced.
Section 5 gives illustrative examples of the software
operation. Finally section 6 concludes the paper and
points out the future work to be carried out.
The research problem driving this work is two-
folded: (i) which model and tools could be
developed in order to make the current collaborative
decision making process on engineering projects
more agile?; and (ii) what could be both conceptual
and technical foundations to be adopted and
adapted in order to develop such tools? Our
hypothesis is that “agility” on the decision making
process on collaborative engineering projects can
be achieved if knowledge elements are used as the
‘currency’ to enhance collaborative interactions
supported by reasoning mechanisms. Knowledge
elements shall be contextualised by self-adaptive
semantic components which can be reused using
reasoning mechanisms in order to match problems
and solutions.
The approach followed here is centred on a
problem-solution representation, enabling users to
keep track of problems occurred and decisions made
to solve them which can be reused whenever
necessary to solve new problems. The technical
development supporting this work relies into tree
distinct dimensions, namely: (i) a behavioural
capability which complement the human ability to
act on a context of uncompleted information; (ii) a
reasoning mechanism able analyze and extract
conclusions from pre-existent knowledge; and (iii)
semantic services in order to provide meaning under
the context of each application scenario
environment, decision making, and semantic. They
are implemented through the following elements:
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
infrastructure, a set of ontology-enabled services,
and (data and text) mining services. It is worth
noticing that this is an ongoing research under
validation and, as such, results presented here are
preliminary ones.
Figure 1 depicts the three main dimensions
which support the instantiation of a collaborative
engineering project environment and provide the
foundations of this work.
Figure 1: The Collaborative Engineering Project.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
As previously presented, innovation may arise
through the capitalisation of knowledge (already
existing or new one) hold by individuals or groups.
Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), argued that
knowledge goes through an evolving spiral when it
is transformed from tacit (the inner knowledge,
intangible) to explicit (visible, the tangible one)
knowledge. They represent this process through the
SECI model, which covers the four transformation
processes involving the two knowledge types,
namely: Socialisation (from tacit to tacit),
Externalisation (from tacit to explicit), Combination
(from explicit to explicit), and Internalisation (from
explicit to implicit).
The success of collaboration considering an
engineering project, where project teams are
working together targeting a shared goal, essentially
relies on capitalising on the existing knowledge as
well as being capable to find innovative solutions to
faced problems. Therefore, we can see the
instantiation of the SECI model within the
collaborative engineering environment towards agile
decision making process, where knowledge is: (i)
transformed in a evolving way along the time; (ii)
managed around problems and solutions in order to
be proper capitalised (Costa et al., 2010); (iii) better
capitalised with the appropriate support of reasoning
mechanisms; and (iv) supported by a set of
ontology-enabled services to increase semantics.
Knowledge needs to be shared in order to be
proper capitalised during decision making processes.
On one hand knowledge sharing is heavily
dependent on technical capabilities and, on the other
hand, since the social dimension is very strong
during collaboration, there is also an increased need
to take into account how to support the culture and
practice of knowledge sharing. For instance, issues
of trust are critical in collaborative engineering
projects, since the distribution of knowledge and
expertise means that it becomes increasingly
difficult to understand the context in which the
knowledge was created, to identify who knows
something about the issue at hand, and so forth.
3.1 Basic Concepts
The key concepts supporting this work, described in
this section, are the following: Decisional Gates,
Knowledge Elements & Semantics, and Context.
Projects are conducted through a series of
meetings and every meeting is considered a
Decisional Gate (DG), a convergence point where
decisions are made, problems are raised, solutions
are (likely) found, and tasks are assigned to project
participants. Pre-existing knowledge serves as input
to the DG, the project is judged against a set of
criteria, and the outputs include a decision
(go/kill/hold/recycle) and a path forward (schedule,
tasks, to-do list, and deliverables for next DG).
(figure 2).
Each DG is prepared (through the creation of
agendas), and the events that occur during the
meeting shall be recorded. Between two DGs there
is a permanent monitoring on the execution of all
tasks executed. After meeting closure, there is a
need for a mechanism to enable the preparation the
minutes easily, highlighting the major decisions that
were made during the meeting.
DGs normally go through the following phases:
(i) Individual work; (ii) Initialisation; (iii)
Collaboration; and (iv) Closing/Clean-up. Individual
work relates to asynchronous collaboration, where
all individuals involved in the project are supposed
to provide inputs to the undergoing tasks.
Initialisation (pre-meeting) covers the preparation of
the meeting agenda and the selection of the meeting
participants. Collaboration phase is the meeting
itself where participants try to reach a common
understanding regarding the issues from the agenda,
using the right resources. This phase also considers
the annotation of the decisions made during the
meeting. Finally, Closing/Clean-up basically targets
the creation of meeting minutes.
Figure 2: The Decisional Gate.
Other basic definition adopted here is Knowledge
Element (K-Elem). It represents pieces of knowledge
that can be captured, stored, published, shared, and
reused among the project teams. K-Elem is the
relevant knowledge to provide the proper support to
e-collaboration in a given project. Users will reason
in terms of K-Elems. The system has been conceived
and essentially works around the K-Elems. In
addition to ordinary documents, some specific
examples of K-Elems used are: project, issues,
solutions, agendas, minutes, tasks, participants, and
project post-mortem (figure 3).
K-Elems strongly rely on ontological concepts,
as a way to reinforce their semantic links. The
CoSKS ontology uses a taxonomy of concepts
holding two dimensions: on one hand, the
knowledge elements themselves are represented in a
tree of concepts and, on the other hand, the industrial
domain being considered (in this case, the
Construction industry). Instances of concepts (also
called individuals) are used to extend the semantic
range of a given concept. For instance, the
ontological concept of ‘Design_Actor’ has two
instances to represent architect and engineer as roles
that can be considered when dealing with K-Elem
related to design (experts, design-related
issues/solutions, etc.). Moreover, each ontological
concept also includes a list of terms and expressions,
called equivalent terms, which may represent
synonyms or expressions that can lead to that
concept. Ontology support is particularly useful in
terms of indexation and classification towards future
search, share and reuse.
Figure 3: The Knowledge Elements.
The CoSKS ontology is developed to support and
manage the use of expressions which contextualize a
K-Elem within the knowledge repository. The
ontology adds a semantic weight to relations among
K-Elems stored into the knowledge repository.
Every ontological concept has a list of ‘equivalent
terms’ that can be used to semantically represent
such concept. These terms are, then, treated in both
statistical and semantic way to create the semantic
vector that properly indexes a given K-Elem.
The CoSKS ontology was not developed from
scratch; rather, it has been developed taking into
account relevant sources of inspiration, such as the
buildingsmart IFD model (BuildingSmart 2010),
omniclass (omniclass 2010), and the e-cognos
project (Lima et. al 2002).
Finally, the definition of Context is required. It is
easily understood that experts (from different areas
of expertise) working collaboratively in a given
product have different needs/visions about/on the
knowledge used, which is strongly influenced by
their backgrounds, roles, responsibilities, etc..
Additionally, different types of projects can give
different uses to the same knowledge (e.g.
knowledge about accessibility regulations used in
public versus private project buildings). Going
further, knowledge can be treated differently
depending on the meeting it is captured/used (e.g.
deviations and delays in different phases of the
project have highly different meanings). In different
tasks the same knowledge may have different uses.
The issue to be solved also defines the relevance of a
given knowledge. All terms written in italic
compose the preliminary list of valid contexts
adopted here.
3.2 The CoSKS Technical Foundations
The CoSKS technical framework is structured into
four layers (figure 4), namely: Presentation,
Behavioral, Service, and Knowledge.
Figure 4: The CoSKS Layers.
The Presentation layer supports the interaction with
the CoSKS user, through a web portal, which
represents the collaboration workspace environment
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
where users exchange and use pre-existent
knowledge. The Companion component implements
both proactive and reactive behaviours of CoSKS.
The Mining Services provide CoSKS with
reasoning-related capabilities, which are used to
discover useful knowledge aiming to identify
patterns of problems and solutions and establish the
relationships between them. These services are used
as a way to anticipate problems and find potential
solutions. The main capabilities provided are:
The SEmantiC SErviCes (SEC2) are the central
focus of this paper, which provide semantic
capabilities in order to support the CoSKS operation.
It acts as a middleware between knowledge elements
and behavioral layers, offering the following
functionalities: semantic contextualisation and
filtering for K-Elems, creation of semantic vectors,
semantic vector based indexation and retrieval of K-
3.3 Contextualisation Process using
Semantic Vectors
In order to provide agility on the decision making
processes of collaborative engineering projects, the
semantic services offered by CoSKS essentially
depend on the contextualisation of K-Elems.
The basis for context definition lies on
implementation of semantic vectors. Each semantic
vector contains the necessary ontological concepts
that best represent a given K-Elem when it is stored
into the knowledge repository. These concepts are
ordered by their semantic relevance regarding the K-
Elem acquisition context. K-Elems are compared
and matched based on their semantic vectors and the
degree of resemblance between semantic vectors
directly represents the similarity between K-Elems
contexts. To better understand the CoSKS
contextualisation process through semantic vectors
comparison (Figure 5), it is necessary to understand
how and where these are created and used.
Semantic vectors are automatically created using
project-related knowledge, gathered from the
knowledge repository, using data and text-mining
techniques. The mining process collects words and
expressions, to be matched against the equivalent
terms which represent the ontological concepts. This
produces an inventory of: (i) the number of
equivalent terms matched at each ontological
concept; and (ii) the total number of equivalent
terms necessary to represent the harvested
knowledge. This inventory provides the statistical
percentage of equivalent terms belonging to each
ontological concept represented in the universe of
harvested knowledge. This step represents, the
calculus of the ‘absolute’ semantic vector of a given
K-Elem, taking into account the equivalent terms-
based percentages.
However, the approach presented here also
considers a configurable hierarchy of K-Elems’
relevance, as part of the creation of semantic
vectors. This hierarchy is defined using ‘relative’
semantic factors to all types of K-Elems, which
ranges respectively from low relevance (0) to high
relevance (1) for the context creation. Both
hierarchy and relative semantic factors are originally
proposed by SEC2, but they can be changed if
necessary, depending on what K-Elems are
considered most relevant for the contextualization
process. For illustrative purposes only, an example
of this hierarchy could be: issues (1), solutions (1),
experts (0.7), Post-mortem (0.7), etc..
The final step, which comprehends the semantic
evaluation, also includes ontological concepts that
are not linked to the knowledge gathered, but have a
semantic relationship of proximity with a relevant
(heavy) ontological concept. This is done through
the definition of a secondary semantic factor to
ontological concepts based on their relative
distances, inside the ontology tree.
Summing up, the final calculation of the
semantic vector includes: statistical percentages
based on the equivalent terms, the hierarchy of
relevance for K-Elems, and the weight assigned to
the proximity level.
As referred above, semantic vectors are
continuously updated through the project’s life
cycle, and even in project’s post-mortem. This is
done in order to maintain the semantic vector’s
coherence with the level of knowledge available.
Semantic vectors are automatically created: (i)
whenever a new K-Elem is gathered; and (ii) to help
answering queries issued by the users.
Figure 5: Creation of Semantic Vectors.
EquivalentTer m s
Two types of queries are supported by SEC2. The
first type corresponds to context-based queries
relative to projects’ issues. These queries are used to
help finding solutions to those issues, capitalizing on
existing K-Elems, which can come from similar
projects for instance, in the form of issues with
similar contexts and their respective solutions, tasks,
documents and experts involved, etc..
The second type of query is based on free text
search. When a free text query is issued, it is
processed taking into account the user’s semantic
context. This is made through the dynamic definition
(by the user) of ‘relative’ semantic factors. As
previously described, these factors have an impact
on the calculation of the semantic vector reflecting,
in this case, the query itself. Hence, the query is
transformed into a semantic vector, through
semantic indexation of the query text with the
respective factors.
Recalling fact that this work targets the Construction
industry, the domain ontology was essentially built
following guidelines from the international
references of this sector, namely the Omniclass
Construction Classification System (OCCS, 2010),
the e-COGNOS project (Lima et al., 2002) and
BuildingSmart IFD (BuildingSmart 2010).
Broadly speaking, OCCS is composed by a
collection of tables which represent the concept
families that define construction projects in their
different perspectives. As previously described, the
CoSKS ontology provide semantic values to words
and expressions which denote a semantic relation,
directly (synonyms) or indirectly (semantic related
expressions), with the main concepts that
characterize the context of a construction project.
Figure 6: Excerpt II of SEC2 Ontology.
Figure 6 illustrates the use of equivalent terms, using
as example the Higher_Education_Facility
individual, which is a sub-entity of the
Learning_Facility concept. In this example,
equivalent terms are associated to the
Higher_Education_Facility, such as “university” or
“business school”. Equivalent terms extend the
semantic range of the individual they are related to.
It is worth emphasizing that the equivalent terms
were/are obtained from the last hierarchy levels of
OCCS or from technical controlled vocabularies
(Lima, Zarli and Storer 2007) used in Construction.
In this sense, the ontology can be described as a
resource that can semantically represent several
contexts found in collaborative engineering projects
in the Construction sector. Additionally, it has been
developed using the W3C recommended OWL
(OWL, 2004) language using an ontology editor tool
(Protégé, 2010).
From a technical perspective, SEC2 is an
application conceived to be an open and flexible
middleware, in a sense that it can handle other
ontologies from different knowledge areas or
industrial sectors, as long as they are represented in
OWL and follow the structure proposed here.
SEC2 includes an API (Jena, 2010), which is
used to build a persistent ontological model in the
CoSKS knowledge repository. This model is
represented in relational database, enabling online
ontology storage and update, through functions
provided by API.
The SEC2 K-Elem Repository stores all K-Elems
currently available into the system, together with
their respective semantic vectors. The following K-
Elems are stored: Project, Organisation, Issue,
Solution, Task, Meeting, Minute, Agenda, Actor,
and Role (actor type).
For illustrative purposes, this section describes
examples of context indexation of K-Elems as well
as a free text search query.
5.1 K-Elem Context Indexation
Consider, for instance, that a new issue is registered
into the SEC2 component, and such issue is related
to a project with the following specifications (also
stored into the database).
Title: Building project for an University,
Lisbon, Portugal.
Description: The project is based on the
construction of a university building near
Lisbon, constituted by fifty class rooms and
twenty laboratories, in a mid-rise fashion. The
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
building has X meters in height and a total
area of Y square meters, and has a minimal
building design, located on a slight slope with
3% of slope rating.
Start Date: March, 10th 2010.
End Date: December, 20th 2011.
Real Days: 30 days.
Project Phase: Design.
Project Type: University mid-rise building.
The project has some intervening actors on the
project itself and on the tasks that will be part of the
solution to the issue in question.
Consider an architect actor that has been
allocated to the task associated to the issue’s
solution, or that has some relevance in the issue
context. The database entry for this actor type, in the
project’s domain, is something like:
Actor Type: Architect;
The issue is also described in the database entry
and it contains data of vital importance to the
semantic categorisation of the issue itself:
Issue Title: Building design plan measures issue;
Description: The building design plan has a
measurement error, generated by the
misplacement of a column or pillar in the
Problems: The column is misplaced by Z
centimeters on the east faced, creating a
misplacement of both the wall and the column;
The space between the wall and the pillar is not
correct; The column is made out of steel, and the
wall is a normal cement wall with steel
Solutions: No solutions yet;
Deviations: No deviations yet;
In addition to the knowledge extracted from K-
Elem like Project, Actor, and Issue, there is still
much more issue-related information on the SEC2
repository, namely knowledge related to Task and
Task_Actors, as well as all documents and respective
metadata related to both project and issue. Now
consider a task, allocated to the architect actor
described above, with the following specifications:
Title: Building plan redrawing task;
Description: The building plan needs a redrawing
correction, The correction can be made in two
ways: Erasing the column or redrawing the
column in a new location.
Problems: No problems yet.
Solutions: No solutions yet.
Deviations: No deviations yet.
Considering that information presented above is
present on CoSKS, the first step is to gather the
expressions context-related to the issue, through data
mining techniques.
Expressions which seem to have a higher
semantic relevance are: “University”, “Mid-rise
building”, “Building design”, “Design phase”,
“Architect”, “Measures issue”, “Measurement
error”, “Misplacement”, “Column”, “Pillar”,
“Drawing”, “Wall”, “Steel”, “Cement”, “Steel
foundations”, “Building plan” and “Redrawing
Presented in this manner, the information
gathered is represented in a disperse set, without any
semantic added-value. However, it is still possible to
understand that the most relevant concepts to
contextualize an issue, ordered by relevance, are:
The problem itself and its associated tasks, since
they contain information related to the kernel of
the issue;
The professional involved with: in this case an
architect since this issue is purely architectonic;
The project type and function because there are
also structural aspects to be taken into account.
The problem appears when the issue’s
contextualisation process is formalized by a software
tool, and not a human brain, i.e. the
contextualization process is achieved by means of
the usage of text mining algorithms which
automatically extract relevant expressions from non
structured information. Hence, the second step is to
semantically enrich the gathered expressions,
allowing them to be processed and classified. This
semantic value is achieved through the comparison
of the gathered expressions against the ontological
concepts. In this example, the result from this
comparison is presented in the following format:
“equivalent term”; Individual; Class; ABSOLUTE
“University”; Higher_Education_Facility;
Learning_Facility; PROJECT BY FUNCTION
“Mid-rise building”; Mid_rise_Building;
“Building design”; Architect; Design_Actor;
“Design phase”; Design_Phase;
“Architect”; Architect; Design_Actor; ACTOR
“Measures issue”; Measures_Issue;
Technical_Issue; ISSUE
“Measurement error”; Measures _Issue;
Technical_Issue; ISSUE
“Column”; Structural_Frame;
“Pillar”; Structural_Frame;
“Drawing”; Architect; ACTOR & Drawing;
“Wall”; Structural_Wall;
“Cement”; Binding_Agent;
Surfacing_Product; PRODUCT
“Building plan”; Architect; Design_Actor;
“Redrawing task”; Redrawing_Task;
Technical_Task; TASK
After matching those, the next step is to gather
equivalent terms matched for each ontological
concept, asserting the total number of equivalent
terms matched and the number of equivalent terms
corresponding to each ontological concept:
Structural Frame: “Column”; “Pillar” (2)
Structural Wall: “Wall” (1)
Binding Agent: “Cement” (1)
Architect: “Architect”; “Building design”;
“Drawing” (3)
Redrawing Task: “Redrawing task” (1)
Measurement Issue: “Measures issue”;
“Measurement error” (2)
Mid-Rise Building: “Mid-rise building” (1)
Higher Education Facility: “University” (1)
Design Phase: “Design phase” (1)
Drawing: “Drawing” (1)
The total of equivalent terms matched is fourteen
(14). Even though gathered knowledge is now
quantified and semantically organized, it does not
provide the issue’s contextualisation. The next step
is, then, to calculate the percentages of equivalent
terms matched for each K-Elem, through statistic
calculus, using the formula:
where n is the number of equivalent terms
matched for each K-Elem, and N is the total number
of equivalent terms matched. Hence:
100 14,3%
100 7,4%
100 21,4%
100 7,4%
100 14,3%
100 7,4%
100 7,4%
As one can see, even though results are semantically
classified through ontological equivalent terms,
compared and statistically transformed into
percentages, they do not define the accurate context
of the given issue.
The next process applied on gathered, classified,
and calculated knowledge, provides a semantic
factor hierarchy to the calculated results, by
attributing factors of importance to each ontological
concept with matched equivalent terms.
As referred before, knowledge associated to the
issue itself and respective tasks should possess
higher semantic relevance in the contextualisation,
followed by the actor, the project, etc.. However,
statistic results still do not reflect the previous
inference. Therefore, the attributed semantic factors
Issue: 30%.
Task: 20%.
Actor: 15%.
Project Phase: 10%.
Project Form: 10%.
Project Function:7%.
Knowledge Item: 3%.
Semantic factors are applied using the following
is the first form of semantic weight
associated to a given ontological concept, %
represents the relevance percentage of each
ontological concept, and
is the semantic
factor applied to the such a concept. Hence:
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
0,1430,3  0,0429
0,0740,2  0,0148
0,2140,15 0,0321
0,0740,1 0,0074
0,0740,1  0,0074
0,1430,05  0,0072
0,0740,05  0,0037
0,0740,05 0,0037
0,0740,03 0,0022
It is easy to see that these semantic weights are not
heavy. In order to solve this result incoherence,
another statistic procedure is applied. First, all the
above results are summed, and then a percentage is
applied to produce the new semantic weight of each
ontological concept using the result of the sum,
according to the following expression:
where 
represents the final
semantic weight of a given ontological concept, and
is the total sum of all the first forms of
semantic weights, which is:
The semantic weights presented above define the
semantic vector of the issue used here. The final step
is a comparison between the created semantic vector
and the semantic vectors of other issues. These are
classified through their structural resemblance with
the former one.
5.2 The Free Text Search
Consider the scenario where the architect assigned to
a task concerning the issue created on the previous
example, performs a free text search, in order to find
another architect which has already worked on a
similar issue, who could be knowledgeable on
technical design and have decision making skills.
The free text query could be issued as follows:
“architect, skilled in technical design and decision
making, and that has been working for a redrawing
task, associated to a measurement error”. As in the
previous example, comparison, statistic and
semantic processes are applied to the query. The first
step is to extract relevant knowledge from the query
text, in the form of regular expressions and words.
In this case, the extracted expressions would be:
“architect”, “technical design”, “decision making”,
“redrawing task” and “measurement error”.
The next step is to classify the extracted
knowledge, matching it with ontological keywords
(“equivalent terms”; Individual; Class; ABSOLUTE
“Architect”; Architect; Design Actor; ACTOR
“Technical Design”; Technical Design;
Technical Skill; SKILL
“Decision Making”; Judgement And Decision
Making; Systems Skill; SKILL
“Redrawing task”; Technical Task; TASK
“Measurement error”; Measures Issue;
Technical Issue; ISSUE
Thus, using equation (1), with N equal to 5:
100 20,0%
100 20,0%
100 20,0%
100 20,0%
This paper brings a contribution focused on
collaborative engineering projects where knowledge
engineering plays the central role in the decision
making process.
Key focus of the paper is the SEC2 component,
which essentially provides semantic services enabled
by a domain ontology. This work specifically
addresses collaborative engineering projects from
the Construction industry, adopting a conceptual
approach supported by knowledge-based services
and reasoning mechanisms. The knowledge
elements contextualization process is supported
using a semantic vector holding a classification
based on ontological concepts. Illustrative examples
showing the process are part of this paper.
When addressing collaborative working
environments, there is a need to adopt a semantic
description of the preferences of the users and the
relevant knowledge elements (tasks, documents,
roles, etc..). In this context, we foresee that
Ontologies which support semantic compatibility for
specific domains should be self-adaptive and self-
evolving within a particular context.
The same way that knowledge by itself is an
evolving process, ontologies should also be resilient
whenever new knowledge is generated and new
concepts are created. Ontologies ability to adapt to
different environments and different context of
collaboration is of extremely importance, when
addressing collaborative engineering projects at the
organizational level. Resilient ontologies is a topic
which implies deeper research within the scope of
this work.
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development