Intelligent Information Systems, Best Practices & Communities of Practice,
Cooperation, Communication, Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
Clauvice Kenfack
MODEME, Jean Moulin University,6 cours Albert Thomas, Lyon, France
Keywords: Community of practices, Knowledge emergence, Intermediation system, JAIS agent.
Abstract: This paper presents an intermediation agents system to manage the distributed collaborative design
environment like CoPs. The JADE Intermediation System (JAIS) uses community enactment mechanism
and agent integration mechanism. The community enactment mechanism is the system kernel and follows
the specifications of the CoPs reference model. The system kernel supports two types of agents (human
agent and artificial agents) that help to manage the activity into the community, whereas the integration
mechanism supports an intermediation agent to interact, coordinate and monitor the activities between
agents. JAIS facilitates the team interaction in a collaborative and distributed environment.
We describe an intermediation system able to design
distributed and collaborative environment in a CoPs.
JADE (2006) is used as the agent platform for
linking the heterogeneous system in a distributed
environment like CoPs. Gaia methodology is used in
our work to describe a part of MAS model and
MAS-CommonKADS to represent the knowledge
model. Agent is able to acting autonomously,
cooperatively, and collectively. Hammond
(Hammond and al, 2004) proposed an approach
agent to model knowledge virtual communities
implanted on JADE. The information increasing
across businesses involves a need to exchange and
share information from various distributed and
heterogeneous sources, (Boulanger, Dubois,). These
exchanges include the concepts of knowledge
acquisition, sharing and emergence, and require the
development of negotiation and interaction
protocols. According to Wenger (Wenger, 1998),
CoPs are "resources in the most versatile and
dynamic enterprises and (CoPs) form the basis of
cognitive ability and learning organizations". Some
authors such as Brown and Duguid (Brown and
Duguid, 1998) see in these communities a place for
knowledge creation, maintenance and reproduction.
In this context, we propose to design a system
composed of several layers: the first contains the
description of the organization (organizational
model), the second layer represents a
"agentification" of the previous level with a
modeling agent. The last level is the level of
implementation, will be processed using the JADE
platform. Before presenting our work, we give the
definition of the used concepts.
This concept is often used in order to create
knowledge (experience, knowledge internalized,
tacit knowledge (Nonaka, 1991)), (Cohendet et al,
2003). Zacklad (Zacklad, 2003) argued that
knowledge is still a large part tacit and
contextualized. So we define CoPs as "a creative
community of knowledge formed a group of human
agents with a common interest in a given subject and
exchanging knowledge in connection with his
problem" (Kenfack, 2007). CoPs can be treated as an
intelligent system in which players do not work
alone but in an environment that contains other
intelligent entities. Therefore agent technology is a
good candidate to model CoPs because he offers a
Kenfack C..
Systems, Best Practices & Communities of Practice, Cooperation, Communication, Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing.
DOI: 10.5220/0003103603720377
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 372-377
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
great flexibility concerning development of complex
and distributed systems. An agent is a software
entity that can autonomously perform routine tasks
with a level of intelligence (Boudriga 2004)
Wooldridge (Wooldridge and Jennings, 1999).
During the problem solving, the capacity of all
individuals are used to act together. In the case of
CoPs, the collective knowledge available in the
community is much more than the sum of
knowledge of all members (Brown and Duguid,
1991). CoPs have a particular method of problem
solving; members of the community put existing
knowledge into new contexts and create new
knowledge. Therefore knowledge emerges through
communication and interaction between members of
the CoPs. The common enterprise emerges from a
permanent collective process during negotiation that
reflects the complexity of the dynamics of the
mutual commitment of community members. The
phenomena of knowledge creation emerge at the
macro level (the community as a whole) from an
interaction between the members of the CoPs (micro
level). Another aspect of the knowledge emergence
in CoPs can be realized through the techniques of
storytelling (Soulier, 2004).
Another concept that we use is the concept of
intermediation, we define our intermediation system
as "a system that allows all members of the CoPs to
create interactions between them, even in
geographically dispersed locations. To promote the
co-construction of meaning, to enrich their
knowledge base; to improve their skills, to share,
exchange and acquire knowledge. To do this, the
system must be able to provide the mechanisms to
manage constraints that could impose the
functioning of the community. These constraints can
be tasks allocation, management profiles,
authorization of access to the knowledge base,
process requests etc". (Kenfack, 2007). Our aim is to
reproduce some process to support human
intelligence by building intelligent intermediation
agents to perform members’ tasks in the CoPs. Our
proposal. This specification has identified and
defines the system models. The organizational
model defines knowledge and role models, the MAS
model defined communication and agent models. In
this figure we identified three phase of development
of our system.
Figure 1: JAIS Model.
3.1 Identification Phase
In this phase we identified some components which
included some technical features to allow
information exchange, mutual support and mutual
point of view between the members of CoPs to
achieve and create the emergence of new
knowledge. These components are: component-
based resources used to save the formalized part of
the shared directory. It is important that the link
between the actor and the resource recorded or
published is maintained and easy to follow. The
system must encourage and store all information
produced by the community, whether a result of
interactions between peers, or individual
The activities domain component: This
component allows the community to select its
members, organize the implementation of its
activities in a field, search for information resources
related to their activity domain.
The role component: This feature allows
members to define and identify the roles may be
held within the community or other communities. In
these roles a set of activities to achieve is assigned.
Each role includes objectives to be achieved by the
member who play this role. To these objectives
rights are assigned.
The basic Protocols / Collaborative Activities /
cooperatives Tasks: The protocol defines the steps
by which the activities must be performed by
community members, how the activity is done, what
kind of knowledge or skill is necessary to carry out
the activity. Cooperative activities represent
concrete actions that are undertaken in the
community. The authentication database: this
PRACTICES - Intelligent Information Systems, Best Practices & Communities of Practice, Cooperation, Communication,
Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
database contains the identifiers of each member in
connection with their profile and management rules
of each right.
User profile base component: This component
contains a list of all CoPs members that are
registered as users. Especially, in virtual CoPs face-
to-face contacts is not present, the design of profiles
user base allow building trust among members. We
propose to define the profiles in two areas: static
area, which include information background and
dynamic area which enable dynamic evolution their
profiles based on interventions in the community
Exchange component: This component allows
members to communicate between them and the
system through various channels (direct
asynchronous communication between members
who send messages directly to another members
they wish to contact or indirect asynchronous
communication between geographically dispersed
Tool/collaborative platform: the collaborative
platforms like (SweetWiki, CommKnowledge) are
mostly equipped with one or more forums, more or
less formal in which members of the CoPs can
discuss various topics. Especially in this context
people can exchange experiences (through narratives
(storytelling) or by sending request for information
or assistance).
Analyse phase
The Organizational model
The organizational model represents the core
framework of a CoPs. The system specification
relies on the functioning of the community
especially on the relevant aspects of what constitutes
the community (activMember), the objectives,
policies put in place to support the community.
The knowledge model describes the knowledge
required for workers to perform activities. It also
helps to define the process to resolve activities
within the CoPs, to describe the activities and tasks
and their distributions, the inputs and outputs, the
preconditions and the performance criteria. So the
knowledge model is composed of:
The organizational structure: includes the
Organizational Context (background activity)
corresponds to the organizational environment in
which the community is involved; this allows
targeting the utility and function of the tool and its
suitability to the needs of users. The user profile: A
profile is define as including knowledge necessary
for effective evaluation of applications and
production of relevant information distributed to
each user. The goals are used to model the system
through the missions and goals of a community. The
members. Members can be defined as having
strategic and intentional goals. A member may be a
physical agent or a software agent.
The Activities domain: refers to topics related to
the environment in which the community is
immersed, this structure allows to identifying some
The activities structure includes: The activity
context corresponds to the organizational
environment in which the community evolves; the
activity Protocol, the tasks, the cooperative
activities: a description of a cooperative activity is
independent of the entities that perform. The
cooperative tasks, represent the work being done by
members of CoPs, solving tasks contributes to
community resources.
Resources base: represent all library resources
and the knowledge exchanged and used the mails,
the group summaries and other information that may
help in solving a problem in the community. The
resource base is used to perform a cooperative
The role model identifies the key roles of the
system (Wooldridge et al. 2000). A role is defined as
an abstract entity which describes the functions in
the organizations; role describes an organizational
structure according to a type of activity (Gasser,
2001). In a role-model, role descriptions define or
identify activities or services required to achieve the
community goals. Indeed, a set of roles is attached to
each community and a member can play several
roles resulting in a set of actions necessary to
accomplish a task (the principle of agent-group-role)
(m association -> n) (Gutkchnet, 2001).
In the system, several types of roles can be
identified: an organizational role describes all the
roles that constitute the computational organization
(in a CoPs, and resulted in the intermediation
system) and an intermediation role. Each role
includes objectives to be achieved by the Member
who will play this role. The roles in our system are
characterized by two types of attributes according to
GAIA (Wooldridge et al, 2000) method: the
permissions represent the rights associated with the
role and on the type and number of resources to
exploit to achieve its objectives.
Responsibilities represent the goals, objectives of
a role defined by various features. The protocols are
activities which involve interactions with other
MAS model (Intermediation)
This model helps to reproduce the process able to
support human intelligence. The use of intelligent
agent helps to perform CoPs tasks. The following
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
model covers all the models needed to develop our
intermediation system. The MAS model describes
the roles defined by the roles “agentification" in the
organizational model. Thereafter we describe
models of the MAS model.
The Role model in the system described
intermediation roles correspond to the
transformation of the organizational role from the
organizational model. These roles correspond to the
“agentification” activities at the organizational level.
In our system we count many roles : Dialogue
Manager Role manages the communication between
different agents system (via the technological tools
used in the CoPs). The Cooperative Activities
Manager Role: in charge of requests execution. They
manage the interactions during tasks solving. The
Knowledge base manager role supports management
resources of CoPs and agent, and this through:
Profile manager role; resources Manager Role:
protocol activities manager role; authentication
manager role.
The Communication Model: Defined the
activities between the actors (human and software
agent), their roles, and the resources they need to
perform their activities. This model allows
understanding and implementing communications
situations and describes communication links
between different agent types.
Jade follows FIPA standards so that, ideally,
Jade agents can interact with agents in other
languages and running on other platforms. There are
inevitably dependencies and relationships between
different roles in multi-agent system. It is therefore
necessary to represent these relationships, these
protocols in the communication model (Wooldridge
et al. 2000). This model is composed of messages,
protocols and interactions. Each role in the
interaction model becomes a communication link
between agents with similar objectives, the same
inputs and outputs. Interaction Protocol specifies the
interactions between agents. The interaction protocol
is specified in the structure of the interaction
activities of the system in terms of agreements
between the roles played by members during the
interactions. With this protocol, each activity
becomes an interaction process.
Agent model: This model defines the type of
agents in the system and structure of these agents
depending on the tasks entrusted to them. A type of
agent is derived from an agent or a set of roles. The
agent of this model ensures the control and
responsibility on the cooperation activities; this
model is composed of: the skills and knowledge.
Conceptual phase
This phase will define the technical components
of the intermediation model and implement the
interaction between members of the intermediation
model and of the JADE platform. In this model the
components are necessary to implement the goals of
the system will be represented. These are the aspects
concerning the organizational structure, business
cooperatives, agents, communications and
knowledge. We count five groups of agents: The
access manager agent is “agentified” and supports
two types of roles, the manager dialog and the
authentication role, the activity manager agent is
“agentified” and supports one type of role, business
manager role. The knowledge manager agent is
“agentified and support three types of roles, the
manager profile role, the resource manager role, the
protocol activities role. The transformation of the
CoPs model to an agent-based model begins with the
modeling of each member in the system. The
application of intermediation model will implement
the following technical features.
Example of application components to CoPeR
The agentification features will focus on the
components specified in the identification phase, we
show through this scheme at what level agents
The agents we use have the capacity to handle
their tasks or solve problems. That’s means agents
have the ability to explicit knowledge representation
and communication (Huhn, 1999). The process of
"agentification" intermediation system is to identify
the characteristics of intermediation model from the
functional needs of the intermediation system.
The design process of multi-agents using the
JADE platform is to identify, plan and services of
each agent, behaviours and corresponding messages
exchanged between agents. Therefore, mechanisms
for communication between JADE agent
(Bellifemine, and al, 1999) systems used by agents
to communicate will be explored by identifying the
elements necessary for their implementation.
Cooperation between community members and the
whole system of intermediation is done through the
moderator an intermediation agent (agent manager
access). Two types of agents will coexist in our
system, there are also many human agents, including
ActivMember agent, the agent asked, and another
member later intermediation which is divided into
various categories of intermediation agents.
PRACTICES - Intelligent Information Systems, Best Practices & Communities of Practice, Cooperation, Communication,
Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
Figure 2: Example of cooperation between CoPeR Members.
In this article we presented a three-tier architecture
to extract, represent and the emergence of explicit
knowledge and tacit or transmitted in CoPs.
Modeling agent was privileged strate 2 and 3
because the agents have characteristics of flexibility,
learning and knowledge exchange through the
protocols of interaction and negotiation. Following
our work focuses on the complete implementation of
our proposal in particular the implementation of
interaction protocols. When communities become
large (several hundred), a backup centralized /
decentralized knowledge is desirable (in terms of
Currently we are focusing on building a shared
ontology and a consensual own CoPs.
In this article we have presented a three-tier
architecture to extract, represent and the emergence
of explicit and tacit knowledge in CoPs. Modeling
agent had the privilege layers 2 and 3 because the
agents have characteristics of flexibility, learning
and knowledge exchange in the interaction
protocols. Our work focuses on the full
implementation of our proposal, in particular the
implementation of interaction protocols.
When communities become large (several hundred),
a backup centralized / decentralized knowledge is
desirable (in terms of reuse). Currently, we focus on
the construction of ontology and a consensus of own
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PRACTICES - Intelligent Information Systems, Best Practices & Communities of Practice, Cooperation, Communication,
Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing