model covers all the models needed to develop our
intermediation system. The MAS model describes
the roles defined by the roles “agentification" in the
organizational model. Thereafter we describe
models of the MAS model.
The Role model in the system described
intermediation roles correspond to the
transformation of the organizational role from the
organizational model. These roles correspond to the
“agentification” activities at the organizational level.
In our system we count many roles : Dialogue
Manager Role manages the communication between
different agents system (via the technological tools
used in the CoPs). The Cooperative Activities
Manager Role: in charge of requests execution. They
manage the interactions during tasks solving. The
Knowledge base manager role supports management
resources of CoPs and agent, and this through:
Profile manager role; resources Manager Role:
protocol activities manager role; authentication
manager role.
The Communication Model: Defined the
activities between the actors (human and software
agent), their roles, and the resources they need to
perform their activities. This model allows
understanding and implementing communications
situations and describes communication links
between different agent types.
Jade follows FIPA standards so that, ideally,
Jade agents can interact with agents in other
languages and running on other platforms. There are
inevitably dependencies and relationships between
different roles in multi-agent system. It is therefore
necessary to represent these relationships, these
protocols in the communication model (Wooldridge
et al. 2000). This model is composed of messages,
protocols and interactions. Each role in the
interaction model becomes a communication link
between agents with similar objectives, the same
inputs and outputs. Interaction Protocol specifies the
interactions between agents. The interaction protocol
is specified in the structure of the interaction
activities of the system in terms of agreements
between the roles played by members during the
interactions. With this protocol, each activity
becomes an interaction process.
Agent model: This model defines the type of
agents in the system and structure of these agents
depending on the tasks entrusted to them. A type of
agent is derived from an agent or a set of roles. The
agent of this model ensures the control and
responsibility on the cooperation activities; this
model is composed of: the skills and knowledge.
Conceptual phase
This phase will define the technical components
of the intermediation model and implement the
interaction between members of the intermediation
model and of the JADE platform. In this model the
components are necessary to implement the goals of
the system will be represented. These are the aspects
concerning the organizational structure, business
cooperatives, agents, communications and
knowledge. We count five groups of agents: The
access manager agent is “agentified” and supports
two types of roles, the manager dialog and the
authentication role, the activity manager agent is
“agentified” and supports one type of role, business
manager role. The knowledge manager agent is
“agentified and support three types of roles, the
manager profile role, the resource manager role, the
protocol activities role. The transformation of the
CoPs model to an agent-based model begins with the
modeling of each member in the system. The
application of intermediation model will implement
the following technical features.
Example of application components to CoPeR
The agentification features will focus on the
components specified in the identification phase, we
show through this scheme at what level agents
The agents we use have the capacity to handle
their tasks or solve problems. That’s means agents
have the ability to explicit knowledge representation
and communication (Huhn, 1999). The process of
"agentification" intermediation system is to identify
the characteristics of intermediation model from the
functional needs of the intermediation system.
The design process of multi-agents using the
JADE platform is to identify, plan and services of
each agent, behaviours and corresponding messages
exchanged between agents. Therefore, mechanisms
for communication between JADE agent
(Bellifemine, and al, 1999) systems used by agents
to communicate will be explored by identifying the
elements necessary for their implementation.
Cooperation between community members and the
whole system of intermediation is done through the
moderator an intermediation agent (agent manager
access). Two types of agents will coexist in our
system, there are also many human agents, including
ActivMember agent, the agent asked, and another
member later intermediation which is divided into
various categories of intermediation agents.
PRACTICES - Intelligent Information Systems, Best Practices & Communities of Practice, Cooperation, Communication,
Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing