A Case Study in Fish Population Modeling
Mitchell G. Gillespie, Deborah A. Stacey
School of Computer Science, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, ON, Canada
Stephen S. Crawford
Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guleph, ON, Canada
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, RR #5, Wiarton, ON, Canada
Ontology-Driven Compositional System (ODCS), Ontology, System composition, User expectations, Fish
population, Modeling.
Ontology-Driven Compositional Systems (ODCSs) are designed to assist a user with semi- or fully automatic
composition of a desired system. Current research with ODCSs has been conducted around the discovery and
composition of web services and alternatively a bottom-up resource management approach to automatic sys-
tem composition. This paper argues that current ODCSs do not truly satisfy user expectations as the semantic
knowledge required to make proper discovery, decision-making and composition has not been fully repre-
sented. The authors introduce the beginning of their work of utilizing the inheritance of multiple ontologies
to fully represent the functional, data, quality & trust, and execution of compositional units within an ODCS.
Furthermore, a case study of fish population modeling is presented.
For many years, stakeholders have utilized previously
implemented algorithms and packages to minimize
the work for software developers when designing a
software system. One example is the Open Source
community that supports software developers with
the ability to manually integrate previously composed
modules and systems (Feller and Fitzgerald, 2002).
Similarly, an increasing number of Web Services al-
low developers to manually connect to remote ser-
vices via their own distributed system (Meng et al.,
2006). Recent research in this area has shifted fo-
cus to understand the requirements and processes of
Compositional Systems (Cardoso and Sheth, 2005).
Systems that could provide assistance with automatic
or semi-automatic system composition using a col-
lection of previously developed algorithms, modules,
services and packages.
To comprehend the previously implemented soft-
ware available in a Compositional System, a semantic
knowledge of the various components must be pro-
vided. Ontologies are explicit specifications of a con-
ceptualized body of knowledge, and commonly uti-
lized to understand the sharing of knowledge among
people and/or software agents (Gruber, 1993). Thus,
ontologies are recognized as a appropriate tool to rep-
resent the semantic knowledge that drives a Compo-
sitional System (Arpinar et al., 2005; Hlomani and
Stacey, 2009). Current research from Apinar (2005)
focused on a Ontology-Driven Web Service Composi-
tion System, and Hlomani and Stacey (2009) shifted
their focus to incorporate both distributed and non-
distributed components. Overall, the research of
Ontology-Driven Compositional Systems (ODCSs)
is in its youth and many gaps still need to be ap-
proached. Thus far, ODCS research has focused pri-
marily on the discovery and composition of previ-
ously developed software, and rarely considers rank-
ing and selection previously developed software to
decide which to use. A ranking and selection process
requires an understanding of the end-user’s expecta-
tions to evaluate whether or not a resulting composed
system form the ODCS is satisfactory.
Through collaboration with the Integrative Biol-
ogy Department at the University of Guelph and the
G. Gillespie M., A. Stacey D. and S. Crawford S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003103801330143
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 133-143
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation fisheries
management program (Crawford et al., 2008), the au-
thors isolated a case study where they can measure
user expectations. Why fisheries population model-
ing? In most cases, fisheries biologists lack the math-
ematical and computational knowledge to model fish
populations properly (Megrey and Moksness, 2009)
and ODCSs could provide the appropriate knowledge
to allow the successful construction and execution of
accurate population models. Furthermore, as a fish-
eries biologist’s knowledge is specialized in popula-
tion dynamics, their expectations of a composed pop-
ulation modeling system will be more complex than
whether or not the computer population models com-
pile and execute. Domain-specific metrics of qual-
ity and trust could affect a fisheries biologist’s accep-
tance of certain model components over another.
Utilizing the case study in fisheries population
modeling, the authors will illustrate how satisfying
user expectations in an ODCS accommodates various
research initiatives. Explicitly, compositional systems
researchers (Cardoso and Sheth, 2005; Arpinar et al.,
2005; Hlomani and Stacey, 2009) will further under-
stand the dynamics involved in the creation of prac-
tical applications for ODCS. Also, fisheries manage-
ment experts will be introduced to an innovative tool
to assist with the composition of population mod-
els. Implicitly, these population modeling experts will
also be embracing a framework for representing in-
stances of population models.
In this paper, current implementations of
Ontology-Driven Compositional Systems are as-
sessed, followed by a presentation of work being
conducted by the authors. Section 2 introduces
the definitions of System Composition and Compo-
sitional Systems and includes a framework of the
semantic knowledge and processes required within a
Compositional Systems. Section 3 assesses current
implementations using the definitions and framework
from Section 2. Section 4 presents aspects of User
Expectations desired in the design of an Ontology-
Driven Compositional System to enhance the quality
and trust of the resulting system’s outputs. Using the
desired user expectations, Section 5 introduces the
current work by the authors, including the fisheries
population modeling case study. Finally, discussion
of an evaluation technique for Ontology-Driven
Compositional Systems and future work is presented.
System Composition is the process by which two
or more previously implemented compositional units
(e.g. algorithms, packages, services) are constructed
together to create a holistic functional system. This
definition can refer to both manual construction by a
software developer (i.e. without the aid of any compu-
tational tools) or any type of computer assisted tech-
nique. Compositional Units are the functional ”black-
box” algorithms, packages or services that receive a
given input, that provide a function or service and
send a calculated output.
Computer-Assisted System Composition (CASC)
is a process by which a human user utilizes the aid
of a Compositional System (CS) to assist in the con-
struction of a Resulting System. Hlomani and Stacey
(2009) define a Compositional System as ”a system
that allows its components to be put together in a sys-
tematic manner to achieve a common goal or to de-
rive yet another functional application”. A Resulting
System is the final output of interconnected Composi-
tional Units to be executed by the user. Hlomani and
Stacey (2009) refer to the Resulting System as ”yet
another functional application”. With CASC, the de-
gree of user interaction when conducting CASC could
range from requiring user input at every stage of the
System Composition to no interaction in a completely
automatic system composition.
2.1 Semantic Knowledge Requirements
All compositional systems hold some form of seman-
tical knowledge about the compositional units they
wish to utilize (Srivastava and Koehler, 2003; Car-
doso and Sheth, 2005). For web services specifically,
Cardoso (2005) described four different types of se-
mantical knowledge to be considered by web service
compositional systems. This paper adapts the work of
Cardoso (2005) to provide five different types of se-
mantics to be considered in all forms of compositional
systems, ontology-driven or otherwise:
1. Functional Semantics: knowledge about the
function, features and compositional purpose of
the compositional units and input/output data.
2. Data Semantics: knowledge about the order, for-
mat and structure of the input/output for a given
compositional unit.
3. Quality & Trust Semantics: knowledge that
characterizes how well a given compositional unit
performs and other metrics which distinguish if
certain compositional units are suitable for a given
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
system composition (adapted from Cardoso and
Seth’s ”QoS Semantics” ).
4. Execution Semantics: knowledge about loca-
tions, requirements and environment dependan-
cies that need to be utilized or satisfied for a com-
positional unit to be executed in a resulting sys-
5. Timeline Semantics: knowledge about the com-
positional and chronological requirements to cre-
ate sections of or full implementations of a result-
ing system.
The Functional, Data, Quality & Trust, and Exe-
cution semantics represent the knowledge about each
given instance of a compositional unit, whereas the
Timeline semantics are utilized for describing appro-
priate combinations of compositional units. The col-
lection of the ve semantics allow for unique speci-
fication of each compositional unit (functional, data,
quality & trust, and execution), and general combina-
Let’s investigate an example. A computer popula-
tion model could be an instance of a compositional
unit (CU). This CU could be described to have a
”catch-at-age” functional purpose (Function Seman-
tics), and receive a temporal harvest vector as input
data (Data Semantics). However, the harvest vector
requires data aggregation from month to year, there-
fore another CU is required to execute that function
successfully. The Timeline Semantics would provide
the general combination of a population model CU
and data aggregation CU, while the specific semantics
would provide the ability to match the correct instance
of a data aggregation CU (i.e. a vector aggregation
tool from month to year) to the population model CU.
2.2 Discovery, Decision-making and
Composition Processes
Within computational systems three general pro-
cesses occur: discovery, decision-making and actual
composition (adapted from Cardoso (2005)). Discov-
ery refers to the process of using the semantic knowl-
edge to match compositional units that meet the re-
quirements for a desired resulting system. Decision-
making refers to the process of ranking and selecting
the discovered compositional units for the system, and
finally Composition is the process of automatically
constructing the compositional units together to form
the actual resulting system to be executed. Overall,
Figure 1 illustrates how a compositional system uti-
lizes the semantic knowledge of compositional units
to conduct discovery, decision-making and composi-
tion of a resulting system.
Figure 1: Discovery, Decision-Making and Composition
processes in a Compositional System utilizing the seman-
tic knowledge of compositional units to create a resulting
system for the user to execute. Compositional units may or
may not be locally stored and/or managed (i.e. a download-
able package would be locally stored by the compositional
system, whereas a web service would not).
All compositional systems require their seman-
tic knowledge represented in one relational form or
another. As more functions and features of compo-
sitional systems are considered, the relationship be-
tween all the different facets of knowledge becomes
more difficult to maintain. Enter Ontologies!
Hlomani and Stacey (2009) define an Ontology-
Driven Compositional System as ”a prototype system
[...] that demonstrates the power and suitability of us-
ing ontologies as the main driver for a compositional
system”. Using the definitions from Section 2, this
paper states that an Ontology-Driven Compositional
System (ODCS) is a compositional systems which uti-
lizes ontologies to perform computer-assisted system
composition for a user, where the ontologies represent
the functional, data, quality & trust, execution and
timeline semantic knowledge of the included composi-
tional units. The ODCS conducts semantic reasoning
on the ontologies for the discovery, decision-making
and composition of a resulting system. Figure 2 (an
adaptation from Figure 1) illustrates the ontological
representation of semantic knowledge.
Certain computational characteristics of the com-
positional units (e.g. a web service or downloadable
package) affect the specific focus of a compositional
system. Two variations of ODCSs are presented:
Ontology-Driven Web Service Composition Systems
Fish Population Modeling
Figure 2: Adaptation of Figure 1 to illustrate how ontolo-
gies are utilized by ODCSs during the process of system
(Meng et al., 2006; Arpinar et al., 2005) and a ”re-
source management”-based Ontology-Driven Com-
position System (Hlomani and Stacey, 2009).
3.1 Ontology Driven Web Service
With the growing popularity of distributed web ap-
plications, there is a strong focus on delivering ”Se-
mantic Web Services” (Cardoso and Sheth, 2005).
Semantic Web Services are defined as instances of
web services that fit within a semantic representation
for users and/or developers to discover and utilize in
their distributed software systems. Cardoso and Sheth
(2005) emphasized the importance of ontologies to
represent the semantic knowledge to allow an artifi-
cial intelligence to reason and discover available web
services. Many research foci have expanded from this
initiative by proposing the use of ontologies to assist
with semi- or fully-automatic web service composi-
tion(Meng et al., 2006; Arpinar et al., 2005).
Arpinar et. al. (2005) considered all processes pre-
sented in Section 2.2 with specific application to a
winery, web service case study. The system architec-
ture of their ODCS utilized three ontologies to drive
the composition: a Domain ontology, a Web Services
ontology, and a Process ontology (Figure 3). The Do-
main ontology was only utilized to represent the data
input and output, while the actual web services were
represented in a general Web Services ontology.
Arpinar et. al. (2005) referenced work by Zhang
(2004) where the defined Web Services ontology
held entity titles like ’Wine-Searcher’ (sub-class of
’Searching Service’) representing instances of web
services utilized to find different types of wines. The
Figure 3: System Architecture Diagram of the Ontology-
Driven Web Service Composition Platform (Arpinar et al.,
Domain ontology listed properties such as wine name,
vintage, winery, etc. which allowed the user to define
ranges and filters to the ’Searching Service’.
Finally, the Process Ontology represented se-
quences of services that were connected to one an-
other if their interfaces were semantically matched.
The work by Arpinar et. al. (2005) focused most of
their work on the interface input/output matching be-
tween web services (i.e. compositional units) and the
execution of the final resulting system. The quality
of web services was a consideration through a set of
quality criteria adopted from Zeng et. al. (2003), how-
ever Arpinar et. al. (2005) recognized quality as a fea-
ture that had to be further developed and researched
for their system.
Ontology-Driven Web Service Composition has
gained large amounts of popularity as many stake-
holders hold an interest in the growing web services
economy and are willing to commit funds and ef-
fort (Cardoso and Sheth, 2005). However, most of
the work on Ontology-Driven Web Service Composi-
tion is focused heavily on the discovery, matching and
composition of compositional units, and less on their
ranking and selection (decision-making).
3.2 Resource Management Focused
Ontology-driven Compositional
Hlomani and Stacey (2009) approached the design of
an Ontology-Driven Compositional System in a dif-
ferent manner. Their compositional system was de-
signed (in theory) to accept compositional units im-
plemented with distributed or non-distributed func-
tionality. Furthermore, the ODCS contained a phys-
ical copy of all non-distributed compositional units
giving the ODCS a ’resource management’ focus.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 4: An Illustration of the Functional Semantics Rep-
resented in the Algorithm Ontology created by Hlomani and
Stacey (2009).
The overall goal of Hlomani and Stacey (2009) was to
create a plug and play hub of compositional units to
allow users to explore the discovery, decision-making
and composition of a variation of resulting systems.
The ODCS for Hlomani and Stacey (2009) uti-
lized two ontologies to drive their compositional sys-
tem: an Algorithm ontology and a Execution Time-
line ontology. Rather than web services, the composi-
tional units in Hlomani and Stacey’s ODCS were al-
gorithms, thus the Algorithm ontology (Figure 4) pro-
vided an extensive standard description of algorithms
(i.e. functional properties and the classification of in-
put and output). Similar to the Process ontology in
Arpinar et. al. (2005), the Execution Timeline ontol-
ogy provided semantic descriptions to assist with the
composition of events.
To date, Hlomani and Stacey (2009) is the only
ODCS research outside the web services focus. Sim-
ilar to Arpinar (2005) the ODCS focused on the func-
tional, data and execution semantic knowledge, how-
ever they did note the importance of ranking the qual-
ity and trust of compositional units. One unique
strength noted from their work, was the explicit dis-
tinction between compositional units that were ac-
tual computational components (i.e. Algorithm Com-
ponents) and ”helper” compositional units which as-
sisted to glue together inputs and outputs of computa-
tional units that could otherwise not be connected (i.e.
Architectural Components).
3.3 Overall Assessment of Current
After a brief investigation of recent implementa-
tions of an Ontology-Driven Compositional Systems,
the authors identified important strengths and weak-
Strength: Methods of Discovery and Composition
Both Arpinar et. al. (2005) and Hlomani and Stacey
(2009) focused most of their efforts on discovery and
composition. As ODCSs are in their youth, a proto-
type with minimal complexity is optimal. Both OD-
CSs utilize a unique ontology to assist with defin-
ing the combination of compositional units required
for a certain resulting system requested by the user.
The Input/Output matching algorithms have been im-
plemented successfully, however a larger knowledge
base of compositional units, input/output and result-
ing systems would provide opportunities for more
robust matching. Hlomani and Stacey (2009) ac-
cepted this recognition by adding functional seman-
tic knowledge that described ”architectural” composi-
tional units to act as glue to match more input/output.
Weakness: Representation of Domain-Specific
Functional Semantic Knowledge
The functional semantic knowledge of compositional
units and their input/output has been limited to the
use of a small domain ontology, or a minor inheri-
tance relationship in one ontology. Creating a more
robust functional semantic knowledge representation
of compositional units has been proposed, but not in-
vestigated (Arpinar et al., 2005). Furthermore, as
the number, variability and specification of different
types of compositional units increase, more attributes
and descriptors will be necessary to distinguish the
difference between which compositional units are de-
sired by the user.
Weakness: Quality & Trust of Compositional
Currently, only minor efforts have been attempted to
rank and select compositional units in the ”Decision-
Making” process in an ODCS (Hlomani and Stacey,
2009; Arpinar et al., 2005). The ranking of quality
was focused mostly on computational performance-
based metrics and did not consider domain-specific
and qualitative-like performance metrics. Research
within the ”Semantic Web Services” (Cardoso and
Sheth, 2005) domain has focused on improving rank-
ing of quality (Zeng et al., 2003; Tran, 2008; Wang
et al., 2006), however that research has not yet been
implemented into an ODCS. The semantic represen-
tation of ”Trust” was considered only by Arpinar et.
al. (2005) with a brief mention of reputation, however
many more elements should be considered.
Fish Population Modeling
3.4 Designing an ODCS from User
The weaknesses identified are focused mostly around
the satisfaction of a user’s expectations of a result-
ing composed system. A user expects to utilize and
match as many compositional units as possible and
be provided with a robust and holistic view of the
compositional units. Furthermore, a user should ex-
pect to rank compositional units based on aspects of
performance and/or non-performance quality metrics
to assess which compositional units he/she or other
users/experts trust.
User satisfaction is driven by a user’s initial expec-
tations. Satisfying user expectations of an ODCS is
therefore defined as ”creating a composed system that
satisfies the initial expectations of a user to the point
where he/she is able to accept the resulting composed
system”. One aspect of the use of ODCSs is that
users need to specify input/output requirements be-
fore the resulting system is composed. Therefore, a
user’s expectations can be retrieved at this time as
well. This paper introduces three user expectations
to drive the operation of ODCSs: leverage and ac-
quisition of knowledge, acknowledgment of trust and
satisfaction of performance. Obviously, other user ex-
pectations could be considered, but for the context of
this paper these three are examined.
4.1 Leverage & Acquisition of
Users are more satisfied with a system when the
amount of their cognitive processing and knowledge
requirements are decreased. (Zhang and von Dran,
2002). ODCSs could be utilized by users who have
varying sets and levels of predetermined knowledge.
For example, one user with comprehensive knowl-
edge of programming and software engineering tech-
niques will understand the dynamics of matching in-
put and output. However, a second user without that
knowledge will need to further leverage the assis-
tance of the ODCS. Users may also not comprehend
domain-specific aspects of a compositional unit rele-
vant to the resulting system they wish to create. (e.g.
a fisheries biologist may not understand the dynamics
of statistical modeling in the running of population
models). As stated in Section 2.1, compositional sys-
tems must hold different types of semantic knowledge
and the user expects to utilize that network of expert
knowledge in the ODCS.
Using the five different types of semantic knowl-
edge in compositional systems (Section 2.1), three
facets of expert knowledge are described: compu-
tational system, domain-specific and task-oriented.
Computational system expert knowledge is the
system-specific function, data, quality and execution
knowledge in a compositional system. This would be
very useful for a software developer, but not for in-
dividuals without some sort of programming knowl-
edge. The domain-specific expert knowledge is the
”real world” function, data, quality, and execution
knowledge of the compositional units being used
to make the resulting system. This information is
usually embedded within a program and not explic-
itly differentiated. Finally, the task-oriented expert
knowledge the user expects to leverage is the task and
goal semantic knowledge of the compositional sys-
Deconstructing user expectations further, as a user
is leveraging different facets of expert knowledge,
s/he will also be consciously or unconsciously ac-
quiring that knowledge. Acquisition of computa-
tional system and/or domain-specific expert knowl-
edge could be obtained by exploring and experiment-
ing with different selections of compositional units
(e.g. a fisheries biologist could research more com-
puter population models by including different com-
binations in a resulting composed system from a
ODCS to gain more understanding why a given pop-
ulation model is trusted more than another).
4.2 Deconstructing Quality & Trust
As emphasized previously, the end-user of a ODCS
does not only leveraging and aquire knowledge. S/he
also considers the quality of the compositional units
to be a important factor of the resulting system. The
following two user expectations relate directly to the
”Quality & Trust” semantic knowledge presented in
Section 2.1.
4.2.1 Acknowledgment of Trust
An increasing number of software developers and
human-computer interaction specialist acknowledge
that if a user does not trust aspects of software sys-
tems or interfaces, than s/he automatically expects
to be satisfied less. Duez et. al. (2006) states, ”If
[users] do not trust the new automated tools, they will
not use them no matter how useful or efficient they
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
might be”. In an ODCS, a user expects to be pro-
vided with compositional units that are tested and ac-
cepted by various software and domain-specific ex-
perts. Also, each user is unique and s/he may hold
higher regard for certain software developers or do-
main experts, and respect that those experts have the
knowledge to understand certain compositional units
more clearly. Thus, a higher ranking should be as-
signed to the compositional units that the certain ex-
perts have either programmed or trusted as the user
will be more satisfied.
As explained, the knowledge of different types of
experts is leverages, therefore attributes of trust that
a software developer would consider is program cre-
ator, number of times utilized, reputation from other
programming experts (especially security reputation),
minimal number of errors during testing, minimal
number of bugs etc. Whereas, a domain-specific ex-
pert would trust similar and inherited features, yet
each unique domain would have separate features that
also must be considered (e.g. a population modeling
expert would consider the number of simulation stud-
ies to be an appropriate measure).
4.2.2 Satisfaction of Performance
Ultimately, the resulting system generated from a
compositional system is still a piece of computational
software. Therefore, most users will still consider
performance metrics to be extremely important. Pro-
gramming specific features like estimated time of ex-
ecution, amount of memory required or, distance of
distributed machines will always be important. Sim-
ple metrics and protocols like QoS can be utilized.
Domain-specific performance proves slightly more
difficult, as the quality of performance could be mea-
sured by different numerical representations. For ex-
ample, many fisheries management population mod-
els may only produce a successful modeling simula-
tion some of the time due to factors such as data avail-
ability, data quality, or model complexity (Megrey
and Moksness, 2009).
After the investigation of current ODCSs in Section 3,
and a definition of user expectations in Section 4, an
ODCS motivated by user expectations can be inves-
tigated. This paper utilized work conducted by Hlo-
mani and Stacey (2009) with a focus on the discovery
and decision-making processes. Figure 5 illustrates
how the authors have begun to adapt the ontologies
and processes to satisfy the user expectations defined
in the section above. The figure generalizes how a
domain ontology represents a unique set of semantic
knowledge, yet through ontology merging and inher-
itance all required semantic knowledge can be repre-
sented as a whole.
Currently, the authors are focused on the holis-
tic capture and development of a Compositional Unit
ontology (CU ontology), a Statistical modeling CU
ontology, and a Fish Population modeling CU ontol-
ogy to improve the discovery (e.g. matching) and
decision-making (e.g. ranking and selection) pro-
cesses for the end-user. Section 5.1 describes the
adapted compositional unit ontology previously uti-
lized by Hlomani and Stacey (2009). Section 6 fol-
lows by providing an example of how domain-specific
ontologies (Statistical modeling CU ontology, and
Fish Population modeling CU) will inherit the CU
ontology (and each other) to fully represent the case-
study domain in a holistic fashion.
Figure 5: Adaptation of Figure 2 to illustrate how this
paper’s ODCS utilizes inheritance and merging of multi-
ple ontologies to satisfy the user expectations of leveraging
knowledge and incorporation of trust.
5.1 CU Ontology
The CU ontology was adapted from Hlomani and
Stacey (2009) by evolving their Algorithm ontology
into what this paper defines as the Compositional
Unit ontology (CU ontology). The change of name
to ”Compositional Unit” was necessary since the
term ”Algorithm” does not semantically define all
possible units of composition (see Section 2 for
Fish Population Modeling
Figure 6: A few of the essential entities in the prototype Compositional Unit Ontology (CU ontology). The CU Ontology is
proposed to be the base system ontology that is utilized along with the Timeline ontology to compose systems. As Figure 5
illustrates, domain-specific ontologies inherit and merge with the CU ontology to allow the classification of specific domain
knowledge. Section 6 presents a case study of this paradigm.
the definition of a compositional unit). Similar to
Hlomani and Stacey’s Algorithm ontology, the CU
ontology represents the functional, data, quality &
trust, and execution semantic knowledge of single
compositional units. The Timeline ontology has
not yet been adapted by the authors, but will be
approached in the future. Figure 6 provides an
illustration of some of the entities within the CU
ontology. As the focus of this paper is on satisfying
user expectations in an ODCS, the execution and
timeline semantic knowledge will not be presented
because it is not a high priority concern for the
Functional Semantic Knowledge. The functional
semantic knowledge represented in the CU ontology
attempts to provide an explanation of the features,
elements, and compositional purpose of the composi-
tional units. The term ”features” refers to high-level
characteristics of a given instance of a compositional
unit and the ”elements” refers to functional charac-
teristics within an instance of a compositional unit.
Finally, ”compositional purpose” refers to the reason
why compositional units are presented. Similar to
Hlomani and Stacey (2009), most compositional
units are ”computational” components that provide
services described by the ”features” and ”elements”,
however some act like glue and are semantically
represented as ”architectural”.
Data Semantic Knowledge. Most of the data
semantic knowledge is utilized during the matching
of input/output (i.e. discovery) of the compositional
units for a resulting system. Both the input/output
could have defined format, structure, and/or type;
format refers to string-like protocols that are followed
(i.e. regular expressions, or string date formats), and
structure refers to the method by which the data is
represented (e.g. matrix, vector, etc.). Furthermore,
input/output of the compositional units will be
received/sent via a given data stream which could be
local or remote.
Quality & Trust Semantic Knowledge. The qual-
ity & trust semantic knowledge in the CU ontology
focuses on characteristics that provide the ability to
rank and select the compositional unit. Informa-
tion like positive and negative feedback could dictate
whether an end-user would select the given composi-
tional unit. Alternatively, an end-user may not trust a
certain expert or developer, therefore any feedback or
tests by that expert or developer should be ignored in
a ranking process.
Fisheries managers understand that the anthropogenic
effects of harvesting must be studied in a transpar-
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 7: A case study of fisheries population modeling: an example of how multiple ontologies could inherit the CU ontology
and further describe the functional, data, and quality & trust of the compositional units within their own domain.
ent, accountable and scientifically-defensible man-
ner (Walters and Martell, 2004). Fisheries biologists
are specifically responsible for collecting and analyz-
ing data to estimate fish population abundance, as-
sess human and non-human sources of mortality, and
to ensure sustainable harvest levels (Quinn and De-
riso, 1999). Unfortunately, many fisheries manage-
ment decisions are based largely on qualitative indica-
tors or expert opinion of fish population status, rather
than estimates derived from more complex mathemat-
ical modeling tools developed over the past 30 years
(NRC, 2005; Methot, 2009). In some cases, the biol-
ogists are constrained by the quantity and/or quality
of data required for the mathematical models, while
in other cases the biologists are themselves limited
in their understanding of how these models function
(Stringer et al., 2009).
Through a unique fisheries research collaboration
between the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Na-
tion and the University of Guelph, the authors have
investigated the domain of fisheries population mod-
els to understand how fisheries biologists could: [1]
leverage and acquire the computational, mathemati-
cal, and statistical knowledge to appropriately employ
the population models, and [2] enhance their level of
trust in the quality and performance of the generated
system. The following two sub-sections present how
the authors ODCS could be utilized to achieve the
stated objectives. The first sub-section introduces an
example of how fisheries managers could leverage a
network of expert knowledge through the inheritance
and merging of the multiple domain ontologies. The
second sub-section provides a specific focus on qual-
ity and trust semantic knowledge and how it has been
considered through the multiple domain ontologies as
6.1 Leveraging Knowledge for Fish
Population Models
Fisheries population models are mathemati-
cal/statistical models implemented as computer
algorithms specifically to focus our understanding
on important factors that determine population
abundance and condition (Hilborn and Walters,
1992). Therefore, two levels of domain knowledge
need to be considered past the semantic knowledge
represented in the Algorithm Ontology. As shown in
Figure 5, the first domain of knowledge considered is
Statistical Modeling, followed by the domain of Fish
Population Modeling itself. Considering functional
semantic knowledge in particular, the Statistical
Modeling ontology describes high level functional
features such as spatial/temporal dimensions or
stochastic/deterministic processes and similar func-
tional features of data, such as whether or not given
parameters are sampled using normal, log-normal or
uniform distributions. The Fish Population Modeling
ontology would hold functional features such as mor-
tality and/or recruitment implementations utilized,
and functional features of data such as the functional
purpose of its input (i.e. mortality, recruitment,
etc.). Figure Figure 7 provides an example of how
the two domain ontologies in this case study inherit
knowledge and merge with the CU ontology.
6.2 Incorporating Quality & Trust
Within each domain presented in this case study, dif-
ferent types of metrics need to be considered to mea-
sure and rank aspects of quality and trust specifically.
As shown in Figure 7, statisticians would trust a given
population model CU more if simulation studies had
Fish Population Modeling
been conducted and fisheries managers may wish to
trust population models that have gotten feedback
from expert population modelers whom they trust.
More complex metrics of trusting quality and perfor-
mance are also included, however, these are not con-
sidered in the examples provided here.
There are many gaps that must be investigated in
ontology-driven compositional systems. Currently
two facets of future work are being considered: fur-
ther development of domain-specific ontologies and
investigation of evaluation techniques.
7.1 Further Domain-specific Ontology
Aside from ongoing adaptations of the ODCS of
Hlomani and Stacey (2009) to the CU ontology,
the domain-specific ontologies (Statistical modeling
CU and the Fish Population modeling CU) still re-
quire further development. The authors have orga-
nized a series of three focus group sessions with
the Integrative Biology Department and the Saugeen-
Ojibway/Nawash First Nations fisheries managers to
approach this. The group sessions will continue to
focus on aspects of functionality, data, and quality &
7.2 Investigation of Evaluation
Because ODCS research is still very new, no attempts
at defining a ”golden standard” have been made.
Like similar research in ontology capture, engineer-
ing and validation it is very difficult to argue whether
or not a given ontology is properly representing the
given knowledge domain (Uschold and King, 1995;
Gangemi et al., 2005). This argument is dynamically
dependent on the ”eye of the beholder”, as separate
individuals will have different opinions on whether or
not a given ontology represents the state of knowl-
edge. In the future, the authors will investigate how
a ”golden standard” would be defined for ontologies
within an ODCS with a specific focus on classifying
how well the ontologies represent the different tenets
of semantic knowledge described in Section 2.1. This
”golden standard” would then have to be adapted to
facilitate the various domain-specific ontologies, as a
certain domain of semantic knowledge may require
different standards.
Expanding further, the benefit of this paper’s re-
search is the overall goal: to satisfy user expectations
of a computer assisted system composition process
within an ODCS. Therefore, the authors will run user
interviews with domain users of varying levels/sets of
knowledge (i.e. statisticians, population modellers,
software developers, fisheries biologist, etc.) to in-
vestigate how well that goal is satisfied.
The authors would like to acknowledge all of the col-
laboration with the Integrative Biology Department
at the University of Guelph and the Chippewas of
Nawash Unceded First Nation, specifically Chief &
Council, Scott Lee, Ryan Lauzan, Dan Gillis, and
Jasper Tey. Mitchell Gillespie would like to acknowl-
edge the patience, kindness, assistance and opportu-
nities that Dr. Deborah Stacey has provided during
his work as a graduate student. Last, but not least,
he acknowledges all of the support he receives from
his partner (Kathryn Marsilio), and his family (Katie,
Tom, and Mugz). Deborah Stacey wishes all of her
graduate students were so dynamic and productive.
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Fish Population Modeling