Application to Cultural Patrimony
Stefan du Château, Danielle Boulanger and Eunika Mercier-Laurent
MODEME, Research Center IAE, University of Jean Moulin-Lyon, 6, av Albert Thomas, F-69008 Lyon, France
Keywords: Knowledge processing, Voice interface, Natural language processing, Domain ontology, Cultural heritage.
Abstract: This paper presents our hybrid system for cultural heritage management. It combines the techniques of
signal and natural language processing and knowledge modelling to effectively help a researcher in cultural
patrimony in collecting, recording and finding the relevant knowledge. The voice interface serves to
describe the artefacts in a given historical place. This audio file is than “translated” into a text file and
validated by an expert in the area. The next step is an automatic concept extraction and building specific
ontologies for the future processing. After introducing the problem of on field information collecting and
managing, we describe the specific work of a researcher in the field of cultural heritage and main
difficulties. Furthermore we explain our choice of the architecture of this hybrid system, our experiments
and the results. Finally we give some perspective on extending this system to the other domains.
A common problem in knowledge engineering is the
efficient collection of information and knowledge
from sources considered to be scientifically reliable.
These can be human experts, written records or
computer applications (databases) that cover the
domain knowledge. Depending on the situation,
treatment and expected outcome, different collection
methods can be used.
The work of researchers in the area of cultural
heritage consists in one part of gathering of
information in the field, in towns and villages in the
form of text files, photos, sketches, maps and videos.
If necessary, the information gathered for each work
is corrected, archived, and finally stored in a
database. The storage of information in paper
documents or directly on laptops is cumbersome and
time consuming. The amount of information
collected is very large, the data is heterogeneous and
its transformation into a form that can be used for
research is not automatic.
The system we propose uses a voice interface
that reduces the amount of time used in the process
of collection, because the description of the artefacts
studied can be voice recorded and saved as an audio
file. This is a hybrid system because it relies on
technologies of signal processing, knowledge
modelling and natural language processing.
The architecture of our system takes into account
several factors. First, it enables the implementation
of three functional steps: the collection of
information and knowledge in a specific context,
information extraction and semi-automatic
generation of a partial domain ontology supervised
by a conceptual model. On the other hand, it must
respect the constraints imposed by existing: the
descriptive system of inventory, lexicons and
thesauri and conceptual model CIDOC-CRM (Doerr
et al., 2006).
The process leading to the ontology of discourse of
an object consists of several steps:
1. The voice acquisition of the description of a
2. Transcription of audio file into a text file,
using Dragon software that we have enriched
with a specific vocabulary of cultural
du Château S., Boulanger D. and Mercier-Laurent E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003111002400245
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 240-245
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
3. Display the result text to allow expert correct
it if errors.
4. The linguistic analysis and information
extraction (Grishman, 1997), (Ibekwe-
SanJuan, 2007). This stage leans on the XIP
(Xerox Incremental Parser) (Aït-Mokhtar, et
al., 2002) software, which we enriched by
semantic lexicons and grammatical rules,
specific of the domain of the cultural
5. Validation of information got in the previous
6. Generation of ontology of objects described
during the first stage. It is the transfer of an
implicit information contained in the SDI
(Descriptive System of the Inventory)
(Verdier, 1999), defined by the Department
of Heritage Inventory, to the explicit
knowledge represented by the domain
ontology of cultural heritage.
The architecture of our system is shown in the
Figure 1: The architecture of Simplicius system.
2.1 From Voice to Text
The audio file is "translated" into text using the
Dragon software; we have chosen it for its
robustness and its performance in speech
Text files serve as information retrieval so that
information is distributed into fields such as:
REGISTRATION, NAME (...), without requiring
the speaker to specify the description field. The
above fields derive from the descriptive system
defined by the Department of Heritage Inventory
(Verdier, 1999). Some of these fields are mandatory,
others optional. The content of certain fields is
defined by a lexicon; the contents of other fields
remain free.
Currently the data acquisition is done via
keyboard and the user has to respect a highly
structured data entry form. In the case of voice
acquisition, there is no structure required to guide
the user, who is usually a specialists in the field; we
can therefore assume that the verbal description will
be coherent and well structured. This has been
proven in our experiments.
2.2 Analysis of Resulting Text and
Information Extraction
To analyze the transcribed text (cf stage 4, figure 1),
we use the robust XIP
This guarantees a
result of corpus analysis, even if the text is
malformed or erroneous, which can happen if the
text is the result of an oral transcript (Hagège, 2003),
(Brun, 2009).
As we mention in Section 2.1, the information
that has to be identified for extraction is defined by
the above-mentioned descriptive system for artwork
inventories, which defines not only the type of
information that is to be looked for, but also
controls, in some cases, the vocabulary to be used.
The terms used should match the entry of a lexicon.
The descriptive system of the inventory will
therefore partially guide the creation of design
patterns and of local grammars.
Two types of lexicons have been created: one that
contains the vocabulary defined as authorized to fill
out fields such as DENO, REPR MATR (...), and
other which contains vocabularies for context
analysis. Two types of formats are used. For
lexicons with extended vocabularies, the term of
each has been associated with its infinitive form for
verbs and the masculine singular for nouns. In
addition, its semantic and morphological trait was
added to each term, as shown below
The format of smaller glossaries includes the
lemmatised form of the term and the semantic and
morphological trait associated with it :
marque : noun += [!insc:+].
cachet : noun += [!insc:+].
2.2.2 Resolution of Ambiguities
The identification of words or phrases is not the only
difficulty faced by a system of information
extraction. In the context-rich environment of
cultural heritage artefact descriptions, the
complexity of the language itself and the multiplicity
of meanings that can be given to the descriptors
used, one of the major problems is the resolution of
semantic ambiguity. A word or phrase can be used
in different contexts both to describe the
characteristics of an artefact as well as the artefact
itself, for example a picture of a chalice, the name
of a person can be that of a person represented, or
that of the artist (...). Often, heritage objects that are
being described are part of a whole. The description
of this type of object can refer to included elements,
or to its container. It is therefore in a situation where
several artefact names are mentioned. How do we
know which is the subject of study ?
In the sentence: Calice en argent doré, orné de
grappes de raisins, d'épis de blé, de roseaux sur le
pied et la fausse coupe, d'une croix et des
instruments de la passion dans des médaillons, sur
le pied.
The terms: calice, croix, instruments,
médaillons exist in the lexicon DENOMINATION.
The term calice also exists in the lexicon
How can we be sure that, in this case, it is
How to choose the term for the
Study of the initial position
The study of the ordering of descriptors in a text
provides valuable assistance, particularly for solving
certain types of ambiguities. The study of the initial
position, based on cognitive considerations (Enkvist,
1976), (Ho-Dac, 2007), gives special importance to
the beginnings of sentences: the information at the
beginning is a given information or at least one that
is important.
In this perspective, extracting information from
the following text:
Calice en argent doré, orné de grappes de
raisins, d'épis de blé, de roseaux sur le pied et la
fausse coupe, d’une croix et des instruments de la
passion dans des médaillons, sur le pied.
Will give a preference to the descriptor Calice
compared to other descriptors mentioned above, to
designate the name of the object studied.
Local context
Resolving ambiguities requires an analysis and
understanding of local context. A morphosyntactic
analysis of words surrounding the word whose
meaning we seek to identify, as well as searching for
linguistic clues in the context of a theme, can resolve
some ambiguities.
In the sentence : C’est une peinture à l’huile de
très grande qualité, panneau sur bois représentant
deux figures à mi corps sur fond de paysage, Saint
Guilhem et Sainte Apolline, peintures enchâssées
sous des architectures à décor polylobés; Saint
Guilhem est représenté en abbé bénédictin (alors
qu’à sa mort en 812 il n’était que simple moine);
Sainte Apolline tient l’instrument de son martyre,
une longue tenaille.
Saint Guilhem can designate a place or a person.
Is it a painting that is located in Saint Guilhem, or
does it represent Saint Guilhem and Sainte Apolline?
A study of the position and the semantic class of
arguments in the relationship:
provides clues for resolving this ambiguity, the
principle that the topic is the subject of the sentence,
what is known as the word about the phrase, what is
said of the theme.
In the above example the verb representing
contains the feature [Repr: +], which links it with the
REPRESENTATION class. In the absence of other
significant indices, it can thus be inferred that the
purpose of the sentence is “representation” and Saint
Guilhem and Sainte Apolline do not designate
places, but rather the representation.
2.3 Semi-automatic Generation of a
Domain Ontology
The knowledge gathered on an artefact is necessarily
partial: it is only valid for a period of time and
therefore cannot be limited to a descriptive grid
designed for one specific application.
Knowledge is scalable, cultural heritage artefacts
have a past, a present and perhaps a future; they
undergo transformations over time.
However, we have seen above that the extraction
of information in our case must correspond to
precise specifications. We are thus faced with two
requirements: on the one hand to populate a database
defined by a specific inventory description system,
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
on the other hand, to meet the requirements of a
knowledge management system.
To satisfy the first requirement, it is essential
that the information found by the extraction can be
adjusted (if necessary) and validated by an expert.
To satisfy the second item, the validated
information, consisting of descriptors and their
relationships that describe the tangible and
intangible aspects of the artefact, will have to be fed
into a domain ontology, which is more extensive and
extensible. This provides the necessary openness and
sharing of knowledge, as defined by Gruber, “an
ontology is an explicit and formal specification of a
conceptualization that is the consensus" (Gruber,
In the context of cultural heritage artefacts,
which is the one that interests us, the description will
focus on how an object was manufactured, by
whom, when, for what purpose, it will focus on its
transformations and travels, its conservation status
and materials used for this purpose. One can see that
a number of concepts are emerging such as: Time,
Place, Actor (Person), state of preservation.
Intuitively, one suspects that some of these concepts
can be related to each other, such as conservation
status and time, transformations and time, travels
and place, transformations and owner.
The ontology CIDOC-CRM presents the
formalism required for reporting of relationships that
can be implemented in time and space.
The heart of
CIDOC-CRM consists of the entity expressing
temporal dependence between time and various
events in the life of the artefact.
P11 had participant P12 occurred in the presence of
P4 has time-span P7 took place at
E53 PlaceE52 Time-Span
E39.Actor E70 ThingE5 Event
Figure 2: Modelling event in CIDOC-CRM, from (Crofts,
For clarity and easier reading by the user
accustomed to the nomenclature of SDI we have,
based on CIDOC-CRM, created a model that defines
equivalences between the different fields of SDI and
certain classes of CIDOC-CRM (Figure 3).
The transition from the model defined by the
inventory descriptive system to the CIDOC-CRM
ontology (cf stage 6, figure 1), will be done by
searching through the correspondence between the
fields of inventory descriptive system, whose
contents can be regarded as an instance of one of the
classes of the CRM ontology.
For cases where this correspondence can not be
made, because the information does not exist in the
inventory description system, it will have to be
retrieved from the transcribed text, provided that the
speaker has record such kind of information.
Otherwise it will have to be input when the
information extracted automatically by the system is
Figure 3: The CIDOC-CRM classes and equivalence with
the SDI.
The application that we propose is still in prototype
stage; it is therefore too early to provide a real
experience feedback, which would require the
operation of our system.
Thus, we present the experiments we have
conducted so far with the prototype version of our
system and with the help of three researchers
familiar with cultural heritage as well as the area of
inventory and SDI. Two of the three researchers are
female, one of which has a regional accent, while the
other speaks with no accent. The third, male
researcher speaks with accent.
The dictations were performed in real conditions
in a noisy environment. We asked each researcher to
verbally describe three objects.
The oral descriptions were transcribed into text.
The results are quite satisfactory; the concordance
between the original content and the content in the
automatically transcribed texts varies between 90
and 98%.
Before presenting them to the module for the
extraction of information, the transcribed texts have
been corrected by the researchers. For each result of
extraction of information, we measured Precision,
Recall and F-score, which are presented in the table
In order to clarify the presentation we have
assigned a letter to designate each speaker: A for the
woman speaking with an accent, B for the woman
with no accent and the letter C for the man.
Table 1: Results of extraction of information.
Researcher Precision Recall F-score
A 0,898 1 0,943
B 0,854 0,946 0,897
C 0,903 0,94 0,921
Our experiments are not numerous enough to
supply a more reliable statistical study, nevertheless
the obtained results are sufficiently promising to
encourage us to continue developments of our
For the moment our system is elaborate for the
French language.
Below is an example of the description of a
painting performed by a researcher of cultural
heritage. The first text is the result from the voice
recording transcript. You can see the errors marked
in bold.
Et le Damiani église Saint-Sauveur. Tableau
représentant saint Benoît d'Aniane et saint Benoît de
Nursie offrant à Dieu le Père la nouvelle église
abbatiale d'Aniane. Ce tableau est situé dans le
coeur et placé à 3,50 m du sol. C'est une peinture à
l'huile sur toile encadrée et 24 en bois Doré. Ça
auteure et de 420 cm sa largeur de 250 cm. Est un
tableau du XVIIe siècle. Il est signé en bas à droite
droite de Antoine Ranc. Est un tableau en mauvais
état de conservation un réseau de craquelures
s'étend sur l'ensemble de la couche picturale.
The second is the text after correction. You can
consult the translation of this text in English in
The results outcomes from module of the
Extraction of Information are marked in bold.
Ville d’COM{Aniane} EDIF{église Saint-
Sauveur}. PREPR{DENO{Tableau} représentant
REPR{ saint Benoît d'Aniane] et REPR {saint
Benoît de Nursie} offrant à REPR{Dieu le Père} la
nouvelle église abbatiale d'Aniane}. Ce tableau est
situé EMPL{ dans le choeur et placé à 3,50 m du
sol}. C'est une peinture à MATR{ l'huile sur toile}
encadrée d’un cadre en MATR{bois doré}. Sa
DIMS{hauteur est de 420} cm sa DIMS{ largeur de
250 cm}. Est un tableau du SCLE{XVIIe siècle}. Il
est signé en bas à droite de AUTR{Antoine Ranc}.
PETAT {Est un tableau en mauvais état de
conservation un réseau de craquelures s'étend sur
l'ensemble de la couche picturale}.
COM = Commune, EDIF = Edifice, REPR
=Representation, PREPR = Precision on the
representation, EMPL = Place, MATR = Materials,
DIMS = Dimension, SCLE = Century, AUTR =
Author, PETAT = Precision on the state of
The linguistic analysis, information extraction
and ontology creation are done using the second file,
as shown schematically in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Example of ontology of a work after a
description dictation.
The originality of our voice recording system
developed to support the acquisition of knowledge
of cultural heritage is the link between two areas of
research, which were until now developing parallel
to each other: signal processing and automatic
language processing. Our experiments have been
successful and confirm the technical feasibility and
usefulness of such applications.
Modelling of knowledge as an ontology and
ontological cooperation will provide flexibility and
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
scalability to our system, e.g. extending the scope of
the CIDOC-CRM model to model the spatio-
temporal knowledge, by adding geospatial
information such as topology, directions, distances,
location of an artefact relative to reference locations.
The recent work of LIG (Laboratoire d'Informatique
de Grenoble) and in particular the model ONTOAST
(Miron et al., 2007) seem very interesting in this
regard. In the context of ontological cooperation
arises the problem of coherence among distributed
ontologies, who we believe can be resolved by
means of the cognitive agents.
In the future, it might be useful to incorporate a
speech acquisition control mechanism, in the form
of a man-machine dialogue. Thus the speaker would
have a real-time feedback on the machine’s
understanding. This implies in our case the
possibility to implement the transcription and
information extraction system on a mobile platform.
The OWL format for the creation of the ontology
we use ensures its compatibility with the standards
of the semantic web. It allows for an easy integration
with inference and inquiry systems, thereby
facilitating its future use in both scientific and
community applications, such as search engines,
artefact comparison platforms or the exchange of
knowledge with other ontological structures.
Doerr Martin., N. Crofts, T. Gill, S. Stead and M. Stiff,
eds. Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference
Model. ICOM/CIDOC, October 2006.
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Ibekwe-SanJuan Fidelia. Fouille de textes: méthodes,
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Lavoisier, 2007.
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Robustness beyond shallowness: incremental deep
parsing. Natural Language Engineering, vol. (8/2-3),
2002. 121-144.
Verdier Hélène. Système descriptif des objets mobiliers.
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sémantique: Normalisation de la sortie de l’analyse
syntaxique en vue de l’amélioration de l’extraction
d’information à partir de texts. TALN 2003, Batz-sur-
Mer, 11–14 juin 2003.
Brun Caroline and Caroline Hagege. Semantically-Driven
Extraction of Relations between Named Entities.
CICLing 2009 (International Conference on
Intelligent Text Processing and Computational
Linguistics), Mexico City, Mexico, March 1-7, 2009
Enkvist, Nils. E. “Notes on valency, semantic scope, and
thematic perspective as parameters of adverbial
placement in English". In: Enkvist, Nils E./Kohonen,
Viljo (eds.) 1976: Reports on Text Linguistics:
Approaches to Word Order.
Ho-Dac Lydia. La position Initiale dans l’organisation du
discours: une exploration en corpus. Thèse de
doctorat, Université Toulouse le Mirail, 2007.
Gruber Tom. R. A Translation Approach to Portable
Ontology Specifications. Knowledge Acquisition, 5,
Crofts Nick. La norme récente ISO 21127: une ontologie
de référence pour l’échange d’infomations de
patrimoine culturel, Systèmes d’informations et
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universités, radios et télévisions, Lausanne, 2007.
Miron, Alina., J. Gensel, M. Villanova-Oliver, and H.
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ONTOAST pour le Web semantique geospatial",
Colloque International de Geomatique et d'Analyse
Spatiale (SAGEO2007), Clermont-Ferrand, France,
18-20 June 2007.
The Translation of the French Description:
City Aniane church Saint-Sauveur. Painting
representing Saint Benoît d'Aniane and Saint Benoît
of Nursie offering to God the Father the new abbey
church of Aniane. This Painting is situated in the
choir and placed in 3,50 m above the ground. It is an
oil painting on canvas framed in a gilt wood frame.
His height is 420 cm width is 250 cm. It is a painting
of the XVIIth century. He is signed bottom on the
right by Antoine Ranc. It is a picture in a poor state
of preservation a cracks network spread throughout
the entire painting area.