In this paper we explored using pedestrian flow
simulations combined with heuristic search to assist
in the automatic design for spatial layout planning.
Using pedestrian simulations, the activity of crowds
can be used to study the consequences of different
spatial layouts.
Based on the results that have been observed in
this paper, we have demonstrated that simple
heuristic searches appear to deal with the NP-hard
spatial layout design problem to some degree, at
least on the very much simplified problem addressed
here. Both SA and HC are able to automatically find
adequate solutions to this problem when
incorporated with the pedestrian simulator.
Moreover, the solution is further improved when we
paired ‘parents’ and apply a GA style operator using
our method SA-GAO. Whilst it is not guaranteed
that the optimal solution will be found, this does not
mean that useful and unexpected designs cannot be
learnt using these types of approaches. Indeed, the
real positive outcome of the experiments here is that
we found certain characteristics that may not have
been immediately expected. We have found several
key results:
The highest fitnesses produced useful layouts,
passageways (diagonal or horizontal) and clustered
objects. These demonstrably show smoother flow
when running the simulations and exploring the
statistics of movement;
SA has more variations in final fitness. Whilst
HC cannot ‘escape’ local optima, SA does
sometimes manage to do this with better final
solutions. In general, the distribution of final
fitnesses is higher for SA though more adventurous
solutions are explored;
SA-GAO generated better solutions compared
to SA solutions: the SA-GAO children show higher
fitnesses than their parents. This implies that
solutions with lower fitnesses may still offer useful
information and when these are recombined in a
constructive way, they generate better overall
layouts than if no recombination is used.
We feel that approaches that combine heuristic
search with simulation should offer the ability to
find novel design solutions in more complex design
layouts with larger spaces, more objects, different
constraints and different pedestrian goals. In general,
we found that SA-GAO treats combinations of two
existing solutions as being ‘near’, making the
‘children’ share the properties of their parents, so
that a child of two good solutions is more probably
good than a random solution as in HC and SA.
Future work will involve extending our work by
make use of real world data to validate the
discovered layouts. We have access to large amounts
of pedestrian flow data in existing public buildings
and private offices. We will use the data to further
test our algorithms on layouts discovered from more
complex real-world spaces.
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