Table 3: Comparison computacional effort (in hours) with
PA paradigm and the previous approach (GA).
Benchmark Previous Approach (GA) PA
gzip 4025,00 115.75
vpr 7875,00 115.61
cc1 3500,00 140.35
mcf 3675,00 94,42
crafty 1225,00 110.25
twolf 2975,00 94.19
swim 2450,00 98.08
applu 5250,00 131.59
galgel 3500,00 109.84
art 10150,00 196.68
equake 3675,00 93.25
lucas 5600,00 115.26
than whose obtained with previous approaches.
The time specified to the previous approach with
GA is an estimation based on the evaluation time of a
complete solution as individual and if we had to eva-
luate a population size of 70 individuals for 150 gen-
In this paper, the Parisian Evolution paradigm has
been used to improve the performance of a SMT pro-
cessor by selecting the optimal configuration of re-
sizable cache memories, while reducing associated
computational cost. In previous works, Resizable
cache memories have demonstrated their efficiency to
improve processor performance by adapting, at run-
time, their configurations according to workload re-
quirements. Some authors have used an indirect ap-
proach to both estimate processor performance at run
time and select the best cache configuration. In a pre-
vious work, we use GA with a small instruction win-
dow size, to select the set of cache configurations that
optimizes processor performance for a given work-
load, however when we increase the instruction win-
dow size the computational effort necesary is very
Parisian Evolution paradigm allow us to work
with greater instruction window size by dividing a
complete solution into subcomponents of the same
size, each one of them is an individual with a local
fitness. Through the cooperative collaboration bet-
ween them gives the global fitness value associated
with the complete solution. However, the improve-
ment obtained is not conclusive, since a few bench-
marks improveand this improvement is small, perfor-
mance’s results obtained allow us to be veyoptimistic.
We think this way can lead us to obtain good results
by searching techniques that allow us to optimize the
workloads’ performance. As future work we will im-
provelocal search techniques and do new experiments
to complete the study. We cannot forget, the final goal
is to find a set of rules that dynamically determines the
best cache configuration for a workload features.
This work has been partially supported by projects:
CICYT TIN 2008-00508, MEC Consolider Ingenio
2010 2007/2011; Spanish Ministry of Education and
Science under Project TIN2008-06681-C06-01 and
regional government Junta de Extremadura under
projects PDT-08A09, GRU-09105 and FEDER
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ICEC 2010 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation