G. Paggetti, Y.-C. Lin, G. Menegaz
Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
D. R. Leff, G.-Z. Yang
Biosurgery and Surgical Technology, Imperial College London, London, U.K.
Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), Depth perception, Hand-eye coordination, da Vinci surgical
system, Posterior parietal cortex.
This pilot study would to explore the ideas of a possible correlation between the goodness of surgical per-
formance in robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery (MIS) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) activity.
This cortical area is known to be involved in stereoscopic vision (Sakata et al., 1997), visual control of eye
movements and hand-eye co-ordination (Shikata et al., 1996). This issue is of great interest because robotic
assisted surgery provides the surgeon with a stereoscopic view of the operative field combined with aligned
motor-visual axes and mechatronically controlled instruments. In this contribution, we conduct an exploratory
experiment aiming at investigating the hypothesis of a correlation between the performance in reached in a
surgically relevant task and the activation of PPC channels as revealed by the fNIRS measurements. First
results are very promising and suggest the occurrence of a link between performance and channel activation.
The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is known to be
involved in stereoscopic vision (Sakata et al., 1997;
Shikata et al., 1996), visual control of eye move-
ments and hand-eye co-ordination (Ferraina et al.,
2009; Kim and James, 2010). This brain region may
play an important role in robotic assisted interven-
tion which provides the surgeon with a stereoscopic
view of the operative field combined with aligned
motor-visual axes and mechatronically controlled in-
struments. Theoretically, performers with superior
technical ability may demonstrate enhanced neuronal
efficiency compared to those who struggle in robotic
environments. This pilot study explores the link be-
tween technical ability and PPC activation during
depth perception and a hand-eye coordination task in
a robotic surgical environment. The PPC activation
was investigate both by a group analysis and by a
subject by subject analysis. Early results are promis-
ing and may suggest a link between technical perfor-
mance and PPC excitation.
Four, right-handed, healthy subjects participated in
this study. Optical topography (OT) assessment was
conducted for two experiments involving monoscopic
and stereoscopic object depth perception and hand-
eye coordination tasks in a robotic surgical environ-
ment. The experiment was conducted using the da
Vinci Surgical System (Intuitive Surgical, Inc., USA).
In the first experiment (object depth perception) sub-
jects were shown a platform of nine numbered spheres
of random size, positioned at different depths and
were asked to vocally indicate the nearest and far-
thest sphere. In the second experiment (hand-eye-
coordination) subjects were required to manipulate
the robotic arms to move elastic bands between pre-
defined locations (cones) in the operative field. Both
experiments were conducted using a block design
paradigm consisting of self paced stimuli and inter-
trial visuomotor rest (30s). Five blocks of trials were
performed using 2D visual stimulus rendering and
five using 3D. In each condition, randomization was
used to eliminate ordering effects. PPC activity was
indexed by changes in cortical haemodynamics mea-
Paggetti G., Lin Y., Menegaz G., R. Leff D. and Yang G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003114003810384
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation and 2nd International Conference on Neural Computation (ICNC-2010), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-32-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Illustration of the patterns of task-evoked changes in oxyhaemoglobin (HbO
), and deoxyhaemoglobin (HHb)
across depth perception (A) and hand-eye coordination (B) trials. HbO
increment and HHb decrement indicating activations
(red circles). HbO
decrement and HHb increment indicating deactivations (blue circles). Both Hb species increasing or
decreasing (yellow circles).
ured using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy
(fNIRS) based OT equipment (ETG-4000, Hitachi
Medical Corp, Japan). OT enables repeated non-
invasive assessments of oxygenated haemoglobin
) and deoxygenated haemoglobin (HHb) in-
ferring brain function (increase in HbO
coupled to
decrease in HHb) during complex tasks in realistic
environments (Leff et al., 2008). This system was
used to acquire functional haemodynamic data from
24 locations (channels) across bilateral posterior pari-
etal lobes simultaneously. All trials were videotaped
to enable performance analysis. Performance in the
object depth perception experiment was assessed as
the percentage of correct depth identification for each
sphere-set (%). Blinded error ratings by two inde-
pendent observers against operation specific check-
lists resulted in objective scores of technical skill in
the hand-eye coordination experiment. For each chan-
nel, haemodynamic data were block averaged. Then,
mean change (increase/ decrease) from baseline rest
in HbO
and HHb was calculated on a subject by sub-
ject basis. Changes in oxyhaemoglobin (HbO
), and
deoxyhaemoglobin (HHb) from rest were statistically
analysed using Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test (p<0.05) to
determine the location of activated channels (stimu-
lus evoked increase in HbO
coupled to a decrease in
HHb) in the group analysis. Additionally, the magni-
tude of Hb values (Hb Stimulation Hb Rest) were
ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation
Figure 2: Illustration of subject performance during depth perception (A) and hand-eye coordination tasks (B).
compared between 2D and 3D trials for each channel
to determine whether parietal activation was signifi-
cantly greater during 3D trials versus 2D (Wilcoxon
Sign Rank Test, p<0.05). .
3.1 Group Analysis
Depth perception accuracy was significantly better
during 3D versus 2D performance (% of spheres cor-
rectly identified). Hand eye-coordination was signifi-
cantly better during 3D performance, with more tech-
nical errors being committed in 2D. The location of
activated channels was observed to be function of task
domain. Right PPC recruitment was required during
object depth perception without movement and dur-
ing visually guided manipulation of the robotic arms.
In contrast, left PPC activation occurred only during
the hand-eye coordination task and was not recruited
during object depth perception alone. The difference
in functional brain responses between 2D and 3D tri-
als was not manifested by a variation in the location
of activated channels but instead by the magnitude
of parietal excitation. The magnitude of HbO
HHb was found to be greater during 3D versus 2D
trials in many parietal channels, for both experiments.
3.2 Subject by Subject Analysis
The results suggest that a link may exist between tech-
nical performance, depth perception capability and
PPC activation. As illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, Sub-
jects (e.g. Subj01) with poorer technical and depth
perception capability and appear to activate the bilat-
eral PPC more broadly than subjects (e.g. Subj02)
with superior visuospatial ability and technical skill.
Moreover, subjects reaching an intermediate level
of performance in both tasks demonstrate intermedi-
ate levels of bi-parietal activation.(e.g. Subj03 and
Additionally we measured the signal quality us-
ing the negative correlation (Cui et al., 2010) which
shows neurovascular coupling for each subject. Pair
t-test shows that for Subj03 (p < .001) and Subj04
(p < .001) there is significant PPC activation in 2D
visual condition respect to 3D visual condition dur-
ing the hand-eye coordination task. Moreover, this
test shows that for Subj01 (p < .001), Subj02 (p <
.05) and Subj03 (p < .001) there is a statistically
significant different activation between 3D and 2D
visual condition during depth perception task. The
PPC activation is statistically different between hand-
eye coordination and depth perception task for all the
subjects (two-sample t-test, p < .001). In general,
the concentration of oxyhemoglobin (HbO
) and to-
tal hemoglobin (HbT) is increased and the deoxyhe-
moglobin (HbR) is decreased in bilateral PPC pari-
etal cortex during both the tasks (depth perception
and hand-eye coordination) with respect to the rest-
ing state.
This paper raises interesting questions regarding the
possibility of a link between hand-eye coordina-
tion and depth perception capability during surgical
robotics. (i) May the right PPC function to visually
assess and judge an objects depth in space? (ii) May
the left PPC help to guide goal- directed complex vi-
suomotor behaviors? (iii) Are more skilled perform-
ers operating using enhanced PPC neuronal resources
compared to those with poorer technical ability and
error prone performance. (iv) Is the performance
improvement from 2D (traditional laparoscopy) ver-
sus 3D (stereoscopic robotics) secondary to improved
depth perception mediated cortically by the PPC at
the visual/parietal level? A far larger study cohort and
a more detailed analysis would be required to clarify
these findings.
Cui, X., Bray, S., and Reiss, A. L. (2010). Functional
near infrared spectroscopy (nirs) signal improvement
based on negative correlation between oxygenated and
deoxygenated hemoglobin dynamics. NeuroImage,
49(4):3039 – 3046.
Ferraina, S., Battaglia-Mayer, A., Genovesio, A., Archam-
bault, P., and Caminiti, R. (2009). Parietal encoding of
action in depth. Neuropsychologia, 47(6):1409–1420.
Kim, S. and James, T. (2010). Enhanced effectiveness
in visuo-haptic object-selective brain regions with in-
creasing stimulus salience. Human brain mapping,
Leff, D., Elwell, C., Orihuela-Espina, F., Atallah, L., Delpy,
D., Darzi, A., and Yang, G. (2008). Changes in pre-
frontal cortical behaviour depend upon familiarity on
a bimanual co-ordination task: An fNIRS study. Neu-
roimage, 39(2):805–813.
Sakata, H., Taira, M., Kusunoki, M., Murata, A., and
Tanaka, Y. (1997). The TINS Lecture The parietal as-
sociation cortex in depth perception and visual control
of hand action. Trends in Neurosciences, 20(8):350–
Shikata, E., Tanaka, Y., Nakamura, H., Taira, M., and
Sakata, H. (1996). Selectivity of the parietal visual
neurones in 3D orientation of surface of stereoscopic
stimuli. Neuroreport, 7(14):2389.
ICFC 2010 - International Conference on Fuzzy Computation