and La Ni
na events. Besides, the tri-plots experiments
tell us what kind of features we probably should have
them included for the classification or for typhoon
databases. Until now, the world typhoon databases
just store the low level features of typhoons. We be-
lieve that adding the high level winds or the consid-
eration of topographical effect should be included in
typhoon databases. On the other hand, the Markov
chain-based model gives us better performance than
the tri-plots. However, the different probability dis-
tributions should be considered in the future, that is,
Markov chain-based model still has more potential to
do the following classification researches. Finally, ei-
ther tri-plots or different Markov chain models, can
be extended to other traditional Meteorological data
analysis. Because the quantity of the Meteorologi-
cal is very large; for example, the space resolution
of NCEP reanalysis data is about 144×73 in hori-
zontal; the 17 layers in vertical for one specific fea-
ture and the time resolution is about 4 times in one
day. So, when we extend our methods to analyze the
annual events, we need to modify our current algo-
rithm. First, we need an alternative method to solve
the eigenproblem in Isomap (solving large and sparse
matrix), and we need more efficiency box-counting
data structure in tri-plots.
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