Some Lessons Learnt
Rolf Grütter, Bettina Waldvogel
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Zürcherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Curdin Derungs
Department of Geography, University of Zurich-Irchel, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Keywords: Knowledge Representation, Ontology Engineering, Applications and Case Studies.
Abstract: Ontology engineering is a well travelled ground, at least from a theoretical point of view. Long before the
Semantic Web became popular, principles for the design of ontologies were established and, recently,
guidelines and methods for building ontologies were published. Despite this guidance, there are issues in
practical ontology development, which are not covered in the literature. This paper discusses some problems
that occurred during the manual construction of an OWL application ontology and that required design
decisions by the developers.
Ontology engineering is a well travelled ground, at
least from a theoretical point of view [Gómez-Pérez
et al., 2004]. Long before the Semantic Web became
popular, principles for the design of ontologies were
established (Gruber, 1995) and, recently, guidelines
and methods for building ontologies were published
(Kovacs et al., 2006, Noy and McGuiness, 2001).
Despite this guidance, there are issues in practical
ontology development, which are not covered in the
This paper discusses some problems that
occurred during the manual construction of a
medium sized (690 concepts, 50 properties, 4486
individuals), formal (description logics ALCHI(D))
bilingual (German/French) application ontology and
that required design decisions by the developers. It
shows by examples how these problems were
solved. Based on the insights gained during ontology
development the paper comes up with lessons learnt
that may be helpful for other developers.
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2
design decisions that were taken prior to the
development process are described. Section 3 reports
on design decisions that were taken during the
development process and which were not
anticipated. Section 4 discusses the described design
decisions and Section 5 concludes with a list of
lessons learnt.
A first design decision is related to the scope of the
ontology: What kind of knowledge shall be
represented? This decision depends on what the
ontology is intended for and on the conceptualiza-
tion underlying the data to be described.
In our case the ontology was intended to support
non-expert users in retrieving information from a
large database for national species management by
expanding queries semantically. Together with
former and future users of the system, we compiled
a number of use cases. Documents and data were
analyzed for the concepts that were assumed as
(implicit) models of the respective domains by their
authors as well as for the names of these concepts.
Based on the use cases and on the results of the
analysis, significant concept hierarchies were build
for authorities, legal acts, regions, inventories (i.e.
kinds of data collections), habitats, animal species,
plant species, political processes, legal entities and
Grütter R., Waldvogel B. and Derungs C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003115004670470
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 467-470
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Entities that share the same name are differentiated based on their spatial references.
A further design decision is related to the question
whether a formal or a non-formal ontology should
be build and, if formal, which framework should be
used. We decided to build a formal onto-logy using
Web Ontology Language (OWL) (Patel-Schneider et
al., 2004). The decision of adhering to the standard
technique was taken in order to make the ontology
(or parts thereof) reusable and also to take advantage
of existing editors and reasoners to process the
ontology (note that our ontology can be obtained
from the authors for research purposes).
Still a further design decision is whether
individuals should be asserted in the ontology. From
the use cases we learnt that users are not only
searching for (sets of) individuals (which can be
retrieved by checking the satisfiability of concepts)
but also for specific properties of a certain individual
(in the case of a spatial object, its geometry, for
instance). In order to support this kind of search we
decided to also assert individuals in the ontology.
Most design decisions during ontology development
were related to the disambiguation of entity names
and to figure out their meaning in terms of concept
membership. The extent of this challenge depended
on the kinds of entities to be integrated.
3.1 Is it a Name or a Taxon?
Animal and plant species in our data collections are
named by well-defined Latin taxa. For these a
straightforward approach could be applied: For one
entity in the database one named individual was
asserted in the ontology. Still the choice of the
taxonomy required a decision. Domain experts do
not work with a single taxonomy; they choose the
most appropriate, depending on the project at hand.
Ontological design, therefore, has the choice of
either concentrating on a single taxonomy or
considering competing classifications.
We chose a pragmatic approach and decided in
favour of a single taxonomy, namely the taxonomy
which is most commonly used by the domain
experts working with the data.
3.2 What Kind is this Entity of?
In our data collection there are entities whose names
mean different things, depending on the context in
which they are used. Consider, for instance, the
name “Kanton Bern” (i.e. Canton of Berne), usually
as a shortcut “BE”. “Kanton Bern” can be the name
of a regional authority governing an administrative
unit or it can be the name of the administrative unit
governed by the regional authority.
In order to figure out the meaning of “Kanton
Bern” and to record it in terms of concept
membership in the ontology, we looked at how it is
used in documents and data in the database. “Kanton
Bern” is usually used to denote the regional autho-
rity. Accordingly, we asserted an individual Kanton_
Bern for a concept Kanton which is subsumed by a
concept Gebietskörperschaft (i.e. regional authority).
3.3 Is this the Same Entity?
In databases, entities are identified by keys, in
ontologies individuals are identified by names.
Entities in databases may also have names but these
are not necessarily unique. Consider the name
“Rotmoos”, for instance: Quite a number of entities
in our data collection share this name.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: Entities with different geometries share the same additional type.
In order to decide whether these entities refer to the
same object or not, the procedure described in
Section 3.2 does not work. All are of the same
(general) kind, that is, they are members of concepts
that are subsumed by the concept Lebensraum (i.e.
habitat). Instead, we took advantage of a special
feature of these entities: They all have a spatial
reference, both in terms of the administrative unit
they belong to and in terms of a geometry (namely,
the coordinates of a bounding box).
Using the administrative information, two of the
entities sharing the name “Rotmoos” could be
identified as different objects: They belong to the
cantons Fribourg (FR) and St. Gall (SG) (Figure 1).
In order to decide whether the two Bernese entities
“Rotmoos” refer to the same object or not, the
administrative information was not helpful. The
entities could be identified as different objects only
by comparing their geometries (Figure 1).
3.4 Is this a Different Entity?
There are eight entities with the name “Grèves du
lac” in the collection of fens, whose geometries are
different. According to the procedure described in
Section 3.3, each of them would have to be asserted
as a uniquely named individual in the ontology, for
instance as Grèves_du_lac_I, Grèves_du_lac_II, …
Grèves_du_lac_VIII. Would this be the right decision?
A closer look at the data in the database denies the
question: All eight entities correspond to a single
entity in the collection of moorlands (Figure 2). If
each entity was asserted as a named individual in the
ontology, which one would be the individual that is
both a fen and a moorland?
The solution we chose was to assert for all eight
equally named entities of the collection of fens a
single uniquely named individual Grèves_du_lac in
the ontology and to type it as both a Fen and a
4.1 A Priori Design Decisions
As mentioned in Section 2 the design of an
application ontology depends on its purpose and on
the conceptualization of the people who collected
the data and of those who are going to use the
ontology. The vocabulary provided by an
application ontology further depends on the mother
tongue of these people. Because of these
dependencies, it is very unlikely that an application
ontology can be reused in a different context.
The advantage of formal ontologies, such as
description logics ontologies, is that they allow
automatic consistency checking and reasoning. By
computing entailments, new knowledge is being
inferred from existing knowledge. However, formal
ontologies impose rigid restrictions on the structure
of the knowledge they represent. A part of the
knowledge expressible in natural language cannot
directly be modelled by such a formal framework:
vague concepts, fuzzy information, general rules
with exceptions. Whether the gain in knowledge
earned by sound and complete inference procedures
overweighs the loss of knowledge taken by the rigid
framework is an open question.
4.2 Ad Hoc Design Decisions
As mentioned in Section 3.2 an entity name can
mean different things, depending on the context in
which it is used. There are different ways of dealing
with context. One way is to deal with it in terms of
the discourse that takes place (Kamlah and
Lorenzen, 1967). A discourse makes use of a
vocabulary, which can be specified by an ontology.
Still, a vocabulary does not make up a discourse.
Philosophy of science explains this by
differentiating between the communicative role and
the representative role of language (Kromrey, 2002).
According to this differentiation, the language in
which a discourse is expressed is different from the
language used to represent the vocabulary. Since the
design of a communication language is outside the
scope of ontology engineering, the context of the
discourse does not directly affect design decisions of
ontology developers.
Another way of dealing with context is to
consider the situation in which a discourse takes
place (Kamlah and Lorenzen, 1967). Using a theatre
metaphor, this kind of context is also referred to as
the play, which is performed, together with the
different scenes of that play (Laurel, 2003). What
the interaction that takes place is all about, can also
be referred to as a theme. Different from discourse,
themes directly influence decisions of ontology
developers. The consideration of context in ontology
development is, thus, closely related to the decision
on the scope of the ontology (cf. Section 2).
Differentiation of entities by analysing their
geometries (cf. Section 3.3) is an established method
in Geographic Information Science. The claim is
that two (or more) entities are the same if they share
the same (or a very similar) geometry (e.g. Sester et
al., 2007). Conversely, entities sharing the same
name can be differentiated according to the places
they refer to. As Section 3.4 suggests the application
of this method yields better results when it is
combined with type information. Note that
differentiation by using type information is a work-
around to uncover the case where shared names
point to the same broader place in the real world,
which is not recorded in a database.
The main lessons learnt from the development of an
application ontology as described in Section 1 are:
(i) The scope or theme of the ontology cannot be
copied from the available data and pasted in the
ontology; it rather has to be figured out by compiling
use cases together with future users and by
analyzing the data in view of the implicit conceptual
assumptions that were made by their authors; (ii)
entities in databases do not a priori correspond to
individuals in ontologies in an enumerative way; (iii)
differentiation of entities with a spatial reference by
analysing their geometries does not always work.
This research has been funded by the Swiss Federal
Office for the Environment (FOEN).
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development