suitable specific parser by implementing the rules re-
lated to the rest of the problematic words, including
the other prepositions explained in Section 3 and the
nexus “que”. In doing so we would get a real and
competitive n–version dependency parser.
A basic aspect that may be strongly consid-
ered when developing machine learning–based de-
pendency parsers is the accuracy and suitability of the
train and test corpora, this has been claimed in our
previous related work and has been observed again
during the development of the present one. Not only
does it mean that the samples must be 100% error free
tagged, but that they should be carefully selected to
ensure a high recall both in the train and the test sets.
This work has been partially funded by Banco
Santander Central Hispano and Universidad Com-
plutense de Madrid under the Creaci
on y Consoli-
on de Grupos de Investigaci
on program, Ref.
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GIVING SHAPE TO AN N-VERSION DEPENDENCY PARSER - Improving Dependency Parsing Accuracy for Spanish
using Maltparser