İsmail Melih Önem
Department of Computer Science, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: Intrusion classifier, Intrusion detection, Category discovery, SVM, SVM kernel and parameter selection,
SVM performance, SVM categorizing.
Abstract: An Intrusion Detection System classifies activities at an unwanted intention and can log or prevent activities
that are marked as intrusions. Intrusions occur when malicious activity and unwanted behaviour gain access
to or affect the usability of a computer resource. During the last years, anomaly discovery has attracted the
attention of many researchers to overcome the disadvantage of signature-based IDSs in discovering novel
attacks, and KDDCUP’99 is the mostly widely used data set for the evaluation of these systems. Difficulty
is discovering unwanted behaviour in network traffic after they have been subject to machine learning
methods and processes. The goal of this research is using the SVM machine learning model with different
kernels and different kernel parameters for classification unwanted behaviour on the network with scalable
performance. The SVM model enables flexible, flow-based method for detecting unwanted behaviour and
illustrates its use in the context of an incident, and can forward the design and deployment of improved
techniques for security scanning. Although scalability and performance are major considerations and results
also are targeted at minimizing false positives and negatives. The classification matured in this paper is used
for improving SVM computational efficiency to detect intrusions in each category, and enhanced model is
presented experimental results based on an implementation of the model tested against real intrusions.
With the immense growth of computer network
usage and the huge rise in the number of
applications running on top of it, network security is
becoming more and more arrogant. Therefore, the
role of Intrusion Detection System (IDSs), as
special-purpose appliances to category anomalies in
the network, is becoming further significant. The
analysis in the intrusion detection and categorization
field has been mostly focused on anomaly-based and
misuse-based discovery techniques for a long time.
While misuse-based discovery is generally preferred
in commercial products due to its predictability and
high accuracy, in academic research anomaly
classification is typically formulated as a more
powerful method due to its theoretical promising for
turning to novel attacks.
Difficulty is discovering unwanted behaviour in
network traffic after they have been subject to
machine learning methods and processes. There is a
great written works on various security methods to
defend network objects from unauthorized use or
disclosure of their private information and valuable
assets. Even so, unconscious or automatic users find
a way through much wiser means of get ridding of
avoidance methods.
In usual methods located on port numbers and
protocols have proven to be ineffective in terms of
dynamic port allocation and packet encapsulation.
The signature matching methods, on the other hand,
require a known signature set and processing of
packet payload, can only handle the signatures of a
limited number of IP packets in real-time. A
machine learning method based on SVM (supporting
vector machine) is tendered in this paper for
accurate classification and discovery unwanted
behaviour with scalable performance. The method
classifies the Internet traffic into broad application
categories according to the network flow parameters
obtained from the packet headers. An optimized
feature set is acquired via various classifier selection
Different SVM machine learning models are
used for discovering unwanted behaviour on the
network traffic. LIBSVM and Weka(Waikato
Önem Ä
DOI: 10.5220/0003117501220128
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 122-128
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
environment for knowledge analysis) is used in a
Java environment for training and testing the
learning algorithms. It provides several different
SVM implementations along with multiple kernels. I
examine three things, the relative importance of
features in training the dataset, the choice of kernel
algorithm and parameter selection of SVM
classifiers. By understanding what features are the
most relevant, the dataset can be trimmed to include
only the most useful data. The choice of kernel
results in different levels of errors when applied to
the KDD Cup dataset (McHugh, 2000). Frameworks
offer five different kernels: Sigmoid, Linear,
Polynomial and RBF. Each kernel offers three
parameters for tuning and optimization which values
are “gamma, cost and nu”.
The performance norm has also been the subject
of mine research. Here, the best kernel should
maximize a predictive performance criterion as well
as a computational performance criterion. That is, I
seek the best categorizers that are; good at discover
unwanted behaviour, are efficient to compute over
massive datasets of network traffic. I address the
“predictive performance” criterion, what meaning by
good, after describing the cost model for this
The approach to this work is done in steps, with
supplemental complexity being added to the model
at each level. As a prelude to developing any
models, the data must first be put into a usable
format. I am using the KDDCup 99 dataset,
delineated earlier, which includes of features that are
either continuous (numerically) valued or discrete.
The continuous features in the provided dataset are
in the text format (i.e. tcp/udp) and must be
One of the primary challenges of intrusion
discovery is gathering applicable data for training
and testing of an algorithm. Lack of the KDD data
set is the vast number of redundant records, which
causes the learning algorithms to be biased towards
the frequent records, and thus prevent them from
learning rare records, which are usually more
pernicious to networks. In addition, the existence of
these repeated records in the test set will cause the
evaluation results to be biased by the methods which
have better categorizing rates on the frequent
One of the disadvantages of SVM-based and
other supervised machine learning method is the
requisite on a large number of labelled training
samples (Yao, Zhao, and Fan, 2006). Furthermore,
recognizing the traffic after the network flow is
collected could be too late should security and
interventions become necessary in the early stage of
the traffic flow. My intend is using supervised
machine learning methods, as well as using feature
parameters obtainable in the traffic flow for fast and
accurate Network traffic discovery.
Even though, the recommended data set still
suffers from some of the problems in complex data
set and may not be a perfect stand in of existing real
networks, because of the lack of public data sets for
network-based IDSs, at the same time it can be
applied as an impressive benchmark data set to help
researchers compare different machine learning
Machine learning has large implications for
intrusion discovery, because intrusions are becoming
more complex and information systems are evenly
become more intricate. By using machine learning
techniques to analyze incoming network data, I can
decide to determine malicious attacks before they
compromise an information system. Research in the
field of intrusion detection seems to focus on a
variety of support vector machine method, neural
networks and cluster algorithms.
Support vector machines are the correspondingly
recent methods of machine learning based on
structural risk minimization, and they are a powerful
machine learning method for both arrested
development and classification problems.
In this paper, I tried an effective approach to
solve the two mentioned issues, resulting in new
train and test sets, which consist of chosen records
of the complete KDD data set. The provided data set
does not suffer from a large number of tagged
training samples. Besides, the numbers of records in
the train and test sets are reasonable. This advantage
makes it affordable to run the experiments which
needed to randomly select a small portion.
Inevitably, evaluation results of different research
work will be consistent and comparable.
Through the use of correct kernel choice, feature
selection and parameter selection, I have shown that
it is possible to improve the accuracy and efficiency
of a Support Vector Machine applied to an Intrusion
Detection Scenario.
Support vector machines (SVMs) are a set of
related supervised learning methods used for
classification and regression. In simple words, given
a set of training examples, each marked as belonging
to one of two categories, an SVM training algorithm
intensifies a model that predicts whether a new
example falls into one category or the other.
Additionally, a support vector machine constructs a
hyper plane or set of hyper planes in a high or
infinite dimensional space, which can be used for
discovery of unwanted behaviour in network traffic.
SVMs use two key concepts to solve this problem:
large-margin separation and kernel functions.
Classification exercise usually involves separating
data into training and testing sets. Each instance in
the training set contains one “target value" and
“several attributes".
Given a training set of instance-label pairs
, 1,, where
and 
the support vector machines (SVM)
(Mahoney and Chan, 2003) require the solution of
the following optimization problem:
Training vectors
are mapped into a higher
(maybe infinite) dimensional space by the function
Ф. SVM finds a linear separating hyper plane with
the maximal margin in this higher dimensional
space. C > 0 is the penalty parameter of the error
term. Furthermore, K
called the kernel function. , r, d is kernel
Linear Kernel: The simpler kernel achieves to
making a classification decision based on the value
of a linear combination of the characteristics.
. (2)
Polynomial Kernel: This kind of kernel
represents the inner product of two vector(point) in a
feature space of multi-dimension.
Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel:
Nonlinearly maps samples into a higher dimensional
space so it, unlike the linear kernel, can handle the
case when the relation between class labels and
attributes is nonlinear.
Sigmoid Kernel: A SVM model using a sigmoid
kernel function is equivalent to a two-layer,
perceptron neural network.
4.1 Data Analysis
and Data Partitioning
As I mentioned before, there are some difficulties in
the KDD data set, which cause the estimation results
on this data set to be deceptive. In this section I
perform a set of tests to show the existing
deficiencies in KDD.
First steps of executions are on partitioning
because of using large volume of data. Before
building a model, typically I separate the data using
a partition utility. Partitioning produces mutually
different datasets of attack types. The five traffic
categories are “normal, probe, denial of service
(DoS), user-to-root (U2R), remote-to-local (R2L)”.
For this purpose, the data set is divided into five
segments (Attacks and Normal Traffic), where the
observations which I perform a set of experiments.
That shows the existing deficiencies on the portion
of the data set and is then evaluated.
The DoS attack data set is divided into five
segments too, where the observations which I
perform a set of experiments to show the existing
deficiencies on the portion of the data set and is then
The consequential deficiency in the KDD data
set is the vast number of redundant records, which
causes the learning algorithms to be biased towards
the frequent records, and thus prevent them from
learning unfrequented records which are usually
more harmful to networks such as U2R and R2L
attacks. In addition, the existence of these repeated
records in the test set will cause the evaluation
results to be biased by the methods which have
better classification rates on the frequent records.
The typical approach for performing anomaly
discovery using the KDD data set is to employ a
customized SVM machine learning algorithm to
learn the general behavior of the data set in order to
be able to differentiate between normal and
malicious activities and randomly shuffles the order
of all instances passed through it.
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Dataset Redundancy.
Class Redundant Invalids Unique Ratio %
Normal 159967 2 812814 83,56
DoS 3636103 0 247267 6,37
U2R 0 0 52 100,00
R2L 127 0 999 88,72
Probe 27242 0 13860 33,72
However, detailed classification are not of much
interest in this paper since most of the anomaly
detection systems work with binary labels, i.e.,
anomalous and normal, rather than identifying the
detailed information of the attacks.
Table 2: Dataset subsampling.
Class Inst. Count Taken Ratio %
Normal 812814 67943 8,36
U2R 52 52 100,00
R2L 999 999 100,00
Probe 13860 13860 100,00
DoS-Back 968 968 100,00
DoS-Land 19 19 100,00
DoS-Neptune 242149 13626 5,63
DoS-Pod 206 206 100,00
DoS-Smurf 3007 3007 100,00
DoS-TearDrop 918 918 100,00
4.2 Feature Selection
There are several inciting influences behind limiting
the feature set of the intrusion data for the SVM. A
smaller feature set may result in considerably
improved training and classification timing. Hanging
on the anomaly discovery application, timing may
be critical. Supplementally, some features may not
truly relate to the intrusion classification results and
should be excluded.
There are also more methodical approaches.
From a theoretical perspective, it can be shown that
optimal feature selection for supervised learning
problems requires an exhaustive search of all
possible subsets of features of the chosen
cardinality. If large numbers of features are
available, this is impractical. For practical
supervised learning algorithms, the search is for a
satisfactory set of features instead of an optimal set.
Most methods for attribute selection involve
searching the space of attributes for the subset that is
most likely to predict the class best. For optimal set
choosing, I combine three satisfactory methods
which normalize the attribute ranking. One way to
accelerate the search process is to stop evaluating a
subset of attributes as soon as it becomes apparent
that it is unlikely to lead to higher accuracy than
another candidate subset. This is a job for a paired
statistical significance test, performed between the
classifier based on this subset and all the other
candidate classifiers based on other subsets.
Gain Ratio Attribute, evaluates the worth of an
attribute by measuring the gain ratio with respect to
the class, ranks attributes by their individual
Info Gain Attribute, evaluates the worth of an
attribute by measuring the information gain with
respect to the class, ranks attributes by their
individual evaluations.
CFS (Boser, Guyon and Vapnik, 1992), is a
simple filter algorithm that ranks feature subsets
according to a correlation based heuristic evaluation
function. Irrelevant features should be ignored
because they will have low correlation with the
class. Redundant features should be screened out as
they will be highly correlated with one or more of
the remaining features. The acceptance of a feature
will depend on the extent to which it predicts classes
in areas of the instance space not already predicted
by other features. M
is the heuristic “merit” of a
feature subset S containing.
C is the class attributes and the indices j range
over all attributes in the set. U is the gain value
when gain ratios when selection done.
Table 3: Feature Selection Result.
Ga.Ra.A Inf.Ga.A Selection Result CFS
Gn. A. Gn. A. Tot. Att. Att. Name
0,69 3 0,26 3 0,95 service service
0,74 5 0,19 5 0,93 src_bytes dst_bytes
0,44 12 0,45 12 0,88
logged_in wrong_fr.
0,62 6 0,23 6 0,84
dst_bytes logged_in
0,35 30 0,28 30 0,64
diff_srv_rt srv_ser_rt
0,36 29 0,27 29 0,64
same_s._rt same_s._rt
0,35 4 0,29 4 0,64 flag
0,23 26 0,36 26 0,59
0,26 25 0,31 25 0,57 serror_rate
0,42 33 0,14 33 0,56 dst_h._s.c.
0,41 23 0,12 23 0,53 count
Selected feature set is “service, src, bytes, logged_in,
dst_bytes, diff_srv_rate, same_srv_rate,
4.3 Kernel Selection
Another crucial issue for support vector machines is
choosing the kernel function. Kernels introduce
different nonlinearities into the SVM problem by
mapping input data X implicitly into hypothesis
space via a function Ф where it may then be hyper
plane separable.
However, searching for different kernels either
via trial-and-error or other exhaustive means can be
a computationally higher one.
Weka (Waikato environment for knowledge
analysis) provides several different SVM
implementations along with multiple kernels via
standard parameters. I examine two things, the
relative importance of features in training the dataset
and the choice of kernel algorithm. By
understanding what features are most relevant, the
dataset can be trimmed to include only the most
useful data.
Random sub-sampling, validation method
randomly splits 66% of dataset into training and
%33 for validation data. For each such split, the
model is fit to the training data, and predictive
accuracy is assessed using the validation data.
Table 4: Kernel Accuracies.
Kernels Accuracy (%)
with selected attributes
Linear 86.77 73.35
Polynomial 58.57 33.23
RBF 99.67 97.71
Sigmoid 66.76 78.25
4.4 Parameter Selection
The first issue is deciding how to evaluate the
parameter’s effectiveness, which is just the standard
problem of evaluating machine learning method
performance. Methods require that the machine
learning engine be trained multiple times in order to
obtain a single performance number for a single
parameter setting.
The most common and reliable approach to
parameter selection is to decide on parameter ranges,
and to then do an exhaustive grid search over the
parameter space to find the best setting.
Unfortunately, even moderately high resolution
searches can result in a large number of evaluations
and unacceptably long run times.
Approach is to start with a very coarse grid
covering the whole search space and keeping the
number of samples at every iteration, constant. I
compare the performance of the proposed search
method by changing SVM type and gamma value
for selected Kernel using LIBSVM and the RBF
kernel, both in terms of the quality of the final result
and the work required to obtain that result.
By storing the search parameter bounds in a list,
the searching itself is independent of the number of
parameters in the increasing space. This allows us to
re-use the same parameters and code for all four
For both search methods, the parameter ranges are:
Results of search are:
Figure 1: C-SVC Distribution of Parameter Search.
Table 5: C-SVC Parameter Selection Results.
C Gamma Accuracy (%)
1000000 5,00E-05 99,867
10000 5,00E-05 99,801
50000 5,00E-05 99,801
Figure 2: nu-SVC Distribution of Parameter Search.
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 6: nu-SVC Parameter Selection Results.
nu gamma Accuracy(%)
0,11 0,001 98,740
0,11 5,00E-04 98,740
0,11 9,00E-04 98,740
0,11 1,00E-04 98,277
Firstly, final data set has the following advantages
over the original KDD data set. It does not include
redundant records in the train set, so the classifiers
will not be biased towards more frequent records.
There are no duplicate records in the proposed test
sets; therefore, the performances of the learners are
not biased by the methods which have better
classification rates on the frequent records. The
numbers of records in the training and test sets are
reasonable, which makes it affordable to run the
experiments on the complete set without the need to
randomly select a small portion. Consequently,
evaluation results of different research works will be
consistent and comparable.
Table 7: RBF overall accuracy.
SVM Type Accuracy (%)
With selected params.
C-SVC 99.66 34594/34711
nu-SVC 99.00 34365/34711
Similarly, the best subset features to be trained on
can be successfully identified using the parametric
methods described above. By combining the kernel,
feature and parameter selection, I arrive at an
improved version of the algorithm. This more
quickly and more accurately predicts the safety of
network traffic.
Table 8: Performance measures after selections.
SVM Type Running time of
algorithm (sec.)
Running time of algorithm
after improvements. (sec.)
C-SVC 12.631 1.203
nu-SVC 11.402 0.8902
After the finding ratios in these tables, I decided the
way to faster detection for network intrusions while
protecting a computer network from unauthorized
users, including perhaps insiders etc. The learning
task about classification is to build a predictive
model (a categorizer) capable of distinguishing
between bad connections, called intrusions or
attacks, and good normal connections.
Through the use of correct kernel choice and feature
selection, I think that I have shown that it is possible
to improve the accuracy and efficiency of a Support
Vector Machine applied to an Intrusion categorizing
scenario. The choice of kernel should be made for
correct the superior results. Similarly, the best subset
features to be trained on can be successfully
identified using the parametric methods. By
combining the kernel, feature and parameter
selection, I arrived at an improved version of the
algorithm. This is more quickly and more accurately
predict the safety of network traffic.
There are some critiques of attack taxonomies
and performance measures. However, attack
taxonomies are not of much interest in this paper
since most of the anomaly categorizing systems
work with binary labels, i.e., anomalous and normal,
rather than identifying the detailed information of
the attacks.
The number of records in the train and test sets is
reasonable, which makes it affordable to run the
experiments on the complete set. Consequently,
evaluation results of different research on different
subsets works are consistent and comparable. Based
on my approach, I gained performance results that
indicate that our approximation of using SVM to
represent and detect computer intrusions is
workable. Intrusion detection systems have gained
not popular acceptance, mainly because of their
space requirements and the performance impact that
is suffered while running them with regular system
activity. I have displayed that it is workable to run
an intrusion detection system based on improved
SVM method, concurrently with other user activities
on multi-user networks, without superfluous
degradation in performance.
The proposed methods can be applied to
encrypted network traffic, since it does not rely on
the application payload for classification.
Furthermore, as all the feature parameters are
computable without the storage of multiple packets,
the method lends itself well for real-time traffic
Currently this work is being extended to work
across each of the SVM kernels supported by
LIBSVM, but some care must be taken to ensure
that the search is robust in the face of infeasible
solutions which are more likely with some of the
other kernels. In addition, a kernel-searching is
being added on top of the per-kernel parameter
search so the system can automatically identify the
best kernel and its parameter settings.
McHugh, J., 2000. Testing intrusion detection systems: a
critique of the 1998 and 1999 darpa intrusion
detection system evaluations as performed by lincoln
laboratory. ACM Transactions on Information and
System Security, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 262–294
Yao, J. T., Zhao, S., Fan, L., 2006. Advanced Support
Vector Machine Model for Intrusion Detection.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Berlin.
Mahoney, M., Chan, P., 2003. An Analysis of the 1999
DARPA/Lincoln Laboratory Evaluation Data for
Network Anomaly Detection. LECTURE NOTES IN
Boser, E., Guyon I., Vapnik, V., 1992. A training
algorithm for optimal margin classifiers. In
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Workshop on
Computational Learning Theory. ACM Press. 144-152
Attack Hierarchy.
back dos perl u2r
buffer_overflow u2r phf r2l
ftp_write r2l pod dos
guess_passwd r2l portsweep probe
imap r2l rootkit u2r
ipsweep probe satan probe
land dos smurf dos
loadmodule u2r spy r2l
multihop r2l teardrop dos
neptune dos warezclient r2l
Nmap probe warezmaster r2l
Traffic features of individual TCP connection.
feature name description type
length (number of seconds) of
the connection
type of the protocol, e.g. tcp,
udp, etc.
network service on the
destination, e.g., http, telnet,
number of data bytes from
source to destination
number of data bytes from
destination to source
normal or error status of the
1 if connection is from/to the
same host/port; 0 otherwise
number of ``wrong''
urgent number of urgent packets continuous
number of connections to the
same host as the current
connection in the past two
% of connections that have
``SYN'' errors
% of connections that have
``REJ'' errors
% of connections to the same
% of connections to different
number of connections to the
same service as the current
connection in the past two
% of connections that have
``SYN'' errors
% of connections that have
``REJ'' errors
% of connections to different
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval