Table 1: Benchmark Data and Proposed Method Results
for SVM (Sivakumari, Praveena & Amudha 2009).
The aim of the proposed method is revealing the
patterns in the event data by enabling magnitude
independent event comparisons according to the
event rms values, time and duration shifts in order to
detect type similarities. The current focus on the PQ
mining is restricted on small parameters and lack of
cause and effect analysis view. The methods are
based on just examining limited PQ parameter
values for a limited time period and describe the
overall view at that period. By means of the
proposed method, long period event data
examination is made possible. The method focuses
on the magnitude independent patterns in the data by
combining the appropriate instance-based learning
algorithm results, expert knowledge and SVM
modeling. Chunk-based application of the
algorithms makes system able to handle big amount
of data, however the chunk-based structure makes
the methodology not deterministic compared to the
original versions of the selected clustering and
classification algorithms.
Although the PQ event data is time series,
throughout this paper the time component of the
events are just considered as the occurring time.
However, a complete analysis of the system should
reveal the time series based characteristics and
behavior of the system together with examining the
spatial characteristics of the system.
This research and technology development work is
carried out as a subproject of the National Power
Quality Project of Turkey. Authors would like to
thank the Public Research Support Group
(KAMAG) of the TÜBİTAK for full financial
support of the project.
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