A Cognitive Approach to Modelling Semantic Sensor
Web Solutions
Agnes Korotij and Judit Kiss-Gulyas
University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
Abstract. Semantic sensor solutions are characterized by a lack of consensus
on what features make sensor networks semantic, and what services a semantic
layer should provide. Although authors emphasize the fact that humans
outperform software in managing inconsistent knowledge and unreliable sensor
data, no attempt has been made so far to construct a model of semantic sensor
networks inspired by human cognition. The aim of the present paper is to
investigate whether the structure and organisation of concepts and meaning in
the human mind (as proposed by cognitive linguists and psycholinguists) can
serve as a model for constructing ontologies and knowledge representations for
the semantic sensor web (hereafter SSW). We also aim to show how
multimodal sensory data can be integrated with these representations based on
contemporary findings in human perception. We suggest that SSW solutions
based on cognitive mechanisms and psychologically plausible knowledge
representations overcome the challenges that handling of fuzzy data and
inconsistent information generates at present.
1 Introduction
The Semantic Sensor Web (SSW) initiative targets the integration of unstructured
sensor data (e.g. GPS, timestamps, temperature, visual and auditory data) with
artificial knowledge repositories. Despite the growing interest in SSW solutions, there
seems to be no consensus on what features make a sensor network or web solution
semantic; such confusion has measurable effects on the performance of the system
and make interoperability of these networks difficult. For the most part, semantics
boils down to the use of semantic web representation techniques, specifically RDF
and OWL
(e.g. [18]). On other occasions, semantics is abused as a synonym for the
tagging or annotation of raw data. A. Seth, for example, talks about the SSW in the
context of annotating sensor data with spatial (where), temporal (when) and thematic
(what) metadata, which together constitute the semantic metadata [24]. In a later
work, Seth’s mention of semantics implies ‘anticipating when to gather and apply
relevant knowledge and intelligence’, ‘minimal explicit concern or effort on the
human’s part’, and ‘the meaningful representation and sharing of hypotheses and
background knowledge’ [26]. Although authors emphasize the fact that humans
outperform software in managing inconsistent knowledge and unreliable sensor data
Resource Description Framework (RDF). Available from: http://www.w3.org/RDF/
Web Ontology Language (OWL). Available from: http://www.w3.org/2004/OWL/
Korotij A. and Kiss-Gulyas J..
A Cognitive Approach to Modelling Semantic Sensor Web Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0003118500850094
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Web (SSW-2010), pages 85-94
ISBN: 978-989-8425-33-1
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
[25], no attempt has been made so far to construct a cognitively inspired model of
semantic sensor networks. (For one notable exception see [7].)
The aim of the present paper is to investigate whether the structure and
organisation of concepts and meaning in the human mind can serve as a model for
constructing knowledge representations (KRs) for the SSW, which at the same time
support the processing of sensor data. The paper explores the following questions:
i. What constitutes knowledge in the human mind? What are the basic
cognitive processes that underlie the organization of concepts?
ii. Do semantic web technologies (e.g. RDF and OWL) provide a plausible
model of human knowledge organization?
iii. How does the human mind integrate sensory data with conceptual
knowledge? Can the same principles of organization hold in different
iv. What are the implications of a cognitive approach to modelling sensor
We suggest that SSW solutions built on cognitive mechanisms and psychologically
plausible KRs overcome the challenges that fuzzy and inconsistent data present.
2 Concepts in the Mind
In the context of the semantic web, knowledge is organized in ontologies, formal
representations of conceptualization. In this section, we examine the question of how
the human conceptual structure is organized. By conceptual structure we mean the
organization of concepts, and conceptual space refers to the representation level
where concepts are stored. We assume that knowledge constitutes conceptual
structure and information stored in the declarative memory.
2.1 The Representation of Concepts in the Mind
Understanding how language processing works sheds light on the mechanisms that
interact with conceptual structure. Processing language is supposed to take place at
different stages and involve three levels of representation [11]:
1. Subsymbolic level: information is directly related to sensor data;
2. Linguistic level: information is expressed by a symbolic language;
3. Conceptual level: prelinguistic, information is represented in a metric space
defined by a number of cognitive dimensions.
The linguistic level appears to be too specific given the assumption that mental
representations are not necessarily propositional in nature (see [21]). In order to cover
the representation of non-linguistic constructs, we propose that the linguistic layer
should be complemented with a more general, symbolic rule-based level, whose role
is to capture regularities of any form, linguistic or non-linguistic. Psycholinguistic
evidence has shown that an ad hoc, primary analysis of form measurably precedes
semantic interpretation [22], which supports Gärdenfors’ three-layer model: the
linguistic input discerned while reading (visual stimuli) or listening (auditory stimuli)
is processed by the rule-based system (syntax), and then mapped onto the conceptual
dimension. The order of the phases is not strongly sequential, non-sensible semantic
interpretations may feed back to the rule-based module for an alternative syntactic
analysis [10].
Semantic and conceptual information is stored in the mental lexicon [3]. Concepts
corresponding to word meanings are represented in the brain by cell assemblies
distributed over different areas depending on the semantic properties of the word.
These properties include sensory and motor attributes, which determine whether a
word represents an easily visualizable object, or stands for a performable action [6].
While motor regions are important in processing and naming movement related words
[27] and imagining movement [12], other areas seem to be specialized for categories
in which visual form is primary [27]. The representation of abstract words has only
recently gained attention in psycholinguistic circles [29]. Research results imply that
knowledge of abstract concepts is secondary to knowledge of concepts directly rooted
in perception (see [17]).
2.2 General Cognitive Processes in the Organization of Conceptual Space
Cognitive scientists assume that human cognition is composed of basic mechanisms
which underlie the various aspects of intelligent behaviour, including language
processing, spatial orientation, or the organization of concepts. Croft and Cruse
(2004) identify four cognitive abilities as primary in conceptualization: (1) attention,
(2) comparison, (3) perspective, and (4) constitution.
Attention is the focus of consciousness; it comprises the selection of relevant parts,
the granularity of the observed phenomena, and scanning. Attention is sensitive to the
statistical properties of the input irrelevant of its modality [13].
Comparing entities is basic to establishing relationships like hyponymy, synonymy
and antonymy. Categorization, metaphor and the figure-ground alignment are special
cases of comparison. Although both cognitive scientists and semantic web activists
make considerable efforts to uncover how categorization works, there is a major
discrepancy between the two approaches in the treatment of category membership.
For cognitive scientists, humans manage fuzzy categories which exhibit graded
membership [23]; for example, CHAIR is a more prototypical instance of
FURNITURE than LAMP. For the semantic web activist, category membership is
strictly defined, and members have equal status within the category (see Section 2).
Perspective captures the individual’s spatial and temporal location. As Table 1
shows, perspective is not central in the organization of content words; this process is
more salient in visual perception and the organization of function words.
Constitution unravels the composition of the entities perceived and thus plays a
role in identifying parts and wholes. It helps determine whether a group of
perceivably different entities form a coherent whole, and is also responsible for
breaking up large objects into smaller chunks.
Redundancy of cognitive mechanisms is crucial in human cognition, i.e. multiple
processes may be involved in a task at the same time [27]. An example of redundant
cognitive mechanisms at work has been observed in adult foreign language learning
[30]. When adults learn a second language, initial weaknesses in the grammatical
system can lead to compensatory storage of long phrases in the memory.
General cognitive processes organize conceptual space along various types of
relationships (see Table 1). Association is the primary means of organizing concepts.
Association is a weighted relationship between any two items, irrelevant of the
modality the items belong to (associations may exists between pictures and words, for
instance). The strength of associative links is heavily influenced by previous
experience: for example, co-occurrence of words, words and visual stimuli, visual
stimuli and other sensory input establish new or strengthen existing associations.
In an overview of lexical relationships, Cruse outlines the relationships that may
possibly exist between word meanings, including hyponymy, meronymy, synonymy
and antonymy [5]. These relationships may all be considered as special cases of
association. In hyponymy, one item is superordinate over another. Meronymy
corresponds to part-whole relations; however, meronymy is constrained to words
whose representation involves visual modality. Synonymy is the phenomenon when
words map onto similar concepts in the mind. Antonymy, i.e. oppositeness of meaning
is not fundamental to the structuring of the mental lexicon.
Table 1. An overview of semantic relations and their cognitive basis.
Name Description Example Cognitive basis
Arbitrary relationship between
two items of any modality.
“news” – “coffee”;
smell of cinnamon –
One item is superordinate over
another; graded membership
“vehicle” – “car”
Meronymy Part-whole relation. “hand” – “finger” Constitution
Words map onto similar
“nice” – “handsome” Comparison
Words map onto concepts with
opposite attributes.
“nice” – “ugly” Comparison
3 On Psychologically Plausible Knowledge Representations
Based on the structure and organization of human conceptualization presented in
Section 1, we suggest that a psychologically plausible KR should:
(a) be able to represent weighted associations;
(b) be able to represent fuzzy categories;
(c) be able to represent part-whole relationships in the case of concepts that
correspond to visually perceivable objects;
(d) support direct links to items from other modalities, i.e. allow for
associating concepts directly with sensor data representations (e.g. images);
(e) be sensitive to co-occurrence of items in its environment and support the
update of association weights;
(f) be context-dependent, in the sense that information stored in knowledge
representations may vary in different applications.
As to the representation of semantic sensor data in SSW solutions, the two
prevailing trends are (1) OGC syntactic standards defined for the management of
sensory data [20], and (2) W3C semantic web standards [1]. Since OGC standards
lack semantic description, we limit our discussion to semantic web standards as the
only candidates for a cognitively inspired model of KR.
Ontology languages provide a means for representing terms and establishing
relationships among the entries. Compared against our criteria, none of the current
semantic web technologies (e.g. RDF, OWL) prove to be psychologically plausible.
Although these languages are able to represent categorization-based (“is-a”,
“generalization” or “inheritance”) relationships, they cannot model prototype effects,
and as a consequence, have problems in dealing with fuzzy categories. These
technologies do not make use of probability information in modelling relationships,
and do not allow for the distributed or overlapping representation of concepts either.
As to the representation of comparison-based relations, it is possible to define
structures (e.g. predicates) for the modelling of such special-purpose relationships.
Semantic web representation techniques also provide a means for attaching various
sensory data to concepts in the form of resources, which is a definite advantage.
Conceptual structure at the lowest level is best represented by vector space models
(VSM) or neural networks. Both representations provide a natural way for modelling
comparison (as the extent to which activated neurons overlap in a neural network, or
the distance of vectors corresponding to the concept feature combinations in VSMs).
These representations have the further advantage of providing a solution to the
symbol grounding problem [14].
Should semantic web technologies be discarded then, and be replaced by
distributed representations? In our view, formal ontologies are not incompatible with
low-level distributed representations. Despite their lack of psychological plausibility,
ontologies are nevertheless valid symbolic systems in the intermediate layer of
Gärdenfors’ model. Formal ontologies could exploit the advantages of neural
networks or VSMs with indices that point to these lower level structures.
4 Integrating Human Perception with Conceptual Knowledge
Semantic sensor networks need to make intelligent use of their knowledge stores
when processing sensor data. While human interaction with the environment involves
the processing of sensor data from five different modalities, artificial sensors capture
only a small proportion of all the possible environmental data, specifically spatial
location, time and physical details like humidity and temperature. Semantic sensor
networks should also provide a means for extracting information from pictures,
videos or voice recordings. In this section, we examine the way in which human
cognition integrates sensor data from multiple modalities with conceptual knowledge.
4.1 Cognitive Processes Involved in Human Perception
It has been assumed that ‘the cognitive abilities that we apply to speaking and
understanding language are not significantly different from those applied to other
cognitive tasks, such as visual perception, reasoning or motor activity’ [4]. In Marr’s
model of visual perception [19], the processing of visual stimuli is considered to be a
mechanism in which information and knowledge are represented and processed at
different levels of abstraction, ranging from sensory stimuli to symbolic encoding.
Although Marr intended his model to describe visual modality exclusively, it appears
to be compatible with Gärdenfors’ three levels of representation.
Attention as a cognitive mechanism plays an important role in processing sensory
data. Visual perception, for instance, has a pre-attentive and an attentive phase. At the
pre-attentive level, no distinctions are made between important and irrelevant parts
[8]. The focus of attention can be guided by the inherent characteristics of the visual
stimulus (e.g. a lonely building on the horizon), or free association (e.g. seeing a
flower may send the perceiver looking for a butterfly). Evidence from early cognitive
literature on vision suggest that viewer centred and object centred representations of
images coexist in human memory (e.g. [9]), which proves that perspective is also
fundamental in human vision.
4.2 Integrating Sensor Data with Conceptual Structure
The integration of sensor data with conceptual knowledge raises two fundamental
questions. First, how does the brain integrate data received from different senses?
And second, how are these data mapped onto conceptual space?
In the case of conflicting parallel inputs from different sensory domains, one
modality will tend to dominate the final perception depending on the type of the task
and the relative reliability of the source of the sensation [28]. Experiments show that
integrating multimodal sensory data is so fundamental to cognition that separate brain
regions are dedicated to this task [2]. Fig. 1 shows a cognitive architecture of sensory
Fig. 1. The cognitive architecture of sensory integration based on Verhagen and Engelen
As we have shown in Section 1, the organization of concepts in the human mind is
influenced by sensori-motor attributes. One account for this phenomenon is the
semantic hypothesis, which claims that the dissociations reflect differences in the
conceptual semantics of the words [27]. This implies that conceptualization is deeply
rooted in perception, and strong associations exist between the representations of
words and mental footprints of sensory experience.
5 A Cognitive Architecture for Semantic Sensor Web Solutions
In this section, we wish to bring together into a coherent model the suggestions
introduced in previous sections. The rationale of the layered approach to the system
has been presented in Section 1, in Section 2 we have described the principles that
make knowledge representations psychologically plausible, and Section 3 has focused
on the interaction of sensory data and knowledge representations.
Architectures proposed by the SSW community are either limited in focus (see [16]
on pattern recognition, and [24] on metadata extraction for the SSW), or fail to define
the interconnections of the architectural components. Seth, for instance, proposes that
among others, computing for human experience should provide solutions for pattern
recognition, image analysis, casual text processing, sentiment and intent detection
[26]. Seth, however, does not explain how these components should be related to each
other or what their exact roles are.
Based on evidence from cognitive neuroscience and psycholinguistics presented in
earlier parts of this paper, we propose that the following architectural components be
included in a SSW solution (see Fig. 2.):
At the sensory level, SSW solutions should support the integration of
multiple sensor data with a separate integration module that helps decide
which data are more relevant and of better quality in the given situation.
SSW solutions should provide redundant mechanisms for the solution of
various tasks, and use the best approach depending on the type of the task,
the context and background knowledge. A separate Selector module should
be responsible for deciding which mechanism should be preferred.
SSW solutions should have rule-based modules to capture rules which may
apply to the operation of the system, and a declarative knowledge base which
subsumes the conceptual structure and caches solutions for frequently
occurring problems. (Note that Fig. 2. does not aim to illustrate all the
possible symbolic modules, it only shows examples of such components.) It
is preferable that the Selector first checks the availability of cached solutions,
and delegates the task to rule-based modules only in the case of a negative
response from the knowledge stores. The division between online
computation and the retrieval of complete solutions to recurring tasks is the
cornerstone of an efficient SSW solution.
Knowledge representation technologies should combine symbolic ontologies
with low-level representations based on the principles outlined in Section 2.
SSW solutions will benefit from automated learning based on the principles
of human concept acquisition. Learning should be sensitive to statistical
information inherent in the environment.
The architecture we propose is limited in its granularity: lower level
implementation details are out of the scope of the present paper and are subject to
future research. However, if future implementations were to be tested and validated
Fig. 2. A cognitive architecture for SSW solutions. The sensory level delegates the integrated
cross-modal input to symbolic processing. The Selector decides which method suits best the
given task, and chooses either a rule-based solution (represented as rectangles), or retrieves the
answer from the knowledge store, which comprises common sense knowledge and domain-
specific ontologies (represented as ellipses). Both rule-based methods and the knowledge store
rely on the conceptual level, which integrates conceptual, visual and other representations.
Cognitive processes underlie the workings of the system.
according to standard measures, we expect that systems built on the cognitive
architecture presented in this paper will be as efficient as solutions based on other
types of architectural patterns, and will perform better with fuzzy input than non-
cognitive systems. For most tasks, the separation of layers and the redundancy of
processes are not likely to cause significant performance overhead, since the system
operates with cached or—in the case of novel tasks—best-fit procedures. We expect
experimental findings to support our claim that a cognitively inspired SSW solution
will outperform traditional sensor systems when faced with conflicting, fuzzy or
Symbolic level
Conceptual level
sensory dat
Sensory level
Input from
SN 1
Input from
SN 2 …
formal KR
deficient environmental data, because it will include the necessary strategies that
humans employ in their day-to-day interactions with the environment.
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we have explored the characteristics of the mechanisms that the human
mind employs to organize and structure conceptual knowledge. We have shown that
human knowledge representation subsumes three levels of abstraction, (1) the sensory
(subsymbolic), (2) the rule-based symbolic and (3) the conceptual level. At the
conceptual level, word meanings are distributed across several brain regions, which
overlap with areas activated during the processing of sensori-motor stimuli. These
evidence suggest that concepts are grounded in perception, and associations exist
across the mental representations of input from different modalities.
While RDF, OWL and other semantic web technologies fail to live up to the
criteria of a psychologically plausible knowledge representation, they are nevertheless
valid components of the symbolic layer of SSW solutions. In order to approximate
human conceptualization, KRs similar to neural networks or vector space models
should be positioned at the lowest level of the knowledge base architecture.
The same cognitive processes (attention, comparison, perspective and constitution)
underlie language processing, the organization of visual, auditory and other sensory
stimuli, and the construal of concept relations. The integration of sensory data from
multiple modalities involves the activation of dedicated brain regions and processes,
which entails that any SSW solution inspired by human cognition should provide
adequate sensor integration modules or processes.
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